The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, October 01, 1846, Image 2

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    iiilliiiii7ritrili:e illa: ~rtij— u tinciol'il inOhile.ii-:
dal sysinK . -LAier 4 priSteetion of dinnestie ini.
dustry has not inOlie language of the gentle=
maw from Indian*, -"drawn het within her
own' Shell;". in *manner of the Chinese
empire- 7 1ms notitestricted her intercourse
nt both of nation il, hut the, reverse. ~It , has,
• ialspite of, -the irlOmornlizing influences and
paralyzing' effect of her feudal polidy,',Tade
, her a great and 'pwerful nation., It ivus,
sir, the industry af her people that created
her etports freirited her ships, built her
'soul, Intigilifiedgier 'Ootver; wittltipled het
resources, andelteit4e s d her:cotritnerce'and
to tiince to the fur Corners ortfic37enlir
lie' rensoninnf, the !Seerleiiiiy of ' the
' 'n itiiy,
eki, in fits' kt;,e;asli'diitiei appears to
'be' Conclitsi'Ve ' a 'd''inliiii`stierahle. "As be
' 'jtistly'ininailiii:'ile;C,t&liigiicd to AhO lin
yortnr opeint!s pili a liinn. 4 ' - It; therefOre ne
censaiily incrensg tile 'di'seitse, (the 'Plethora
of initiOrtlitiblii,'Ohiclils has been shone,
'Mk * " 114.41' 'tlii 4Y!'of distress',' nlmOst of
ties air, EMbi a'fl parts of the couttire,' The
title pOlie'y'Bc - thil G•o4ernment 'requires' the l'
i-e4e.tion` It. iinpiattatiOni to , tlie . standiii,d in
''dicAted bY the Aim la or (lpOrtatiotis . fur , i;
iiislied OAF' itiduary, is a sk,illtill illy,il'iqn
: I ciAthil' hili:lfiniicil by the 'removal OP thpofi
„iliiiil-catise of tli,? disease. !Ile ,rod reason
gin be assigned l iwlif We shpuid' he iubjeetsd
liithe expenses f collection' under the,credit
' - liiitem, will& tiCe Secretary says are "•enoi
'itioiis .” nor to lie loss 'of mi4loiriz.; by the
hap,k;aptcy of rite importers i their pure
iihs ; an evil Vilit4ll would be greatly iiicreas
'etilly the opepititin of our late hankrtrpt liii - .
We*desire to lit§re a free list, comprising
'tea; Sugar, (iinlls the sugar grpwer of the
SoOtti desires pmteetion ; on which point
asset, they kal
not . condescended us en
ligtercus,) dye_ oods, nitre, quicksilver, va
' 'thins drugs and friedicines, and other articles
coaling within ie rule indicated of general
nonsittuptionositecessariesamong the poor
'er classes of con)inunity, and not the growth
and pioduci of ur own country.
'' It would detain the committee too king to
gointo the congideration of the items of the
'bill reported by 'llie Committee of Ways and
lifians. It is d‘ective in its details. Some
articles are too;'4high, some too low ; and
• . -
many which slO:nild be free arc charged
with duties. A fy y views with respect to the
details of the lip wilt sufficiently appear
by die amendnants I shall offer, and the
votes I shall girt when the proper time
CO pc :oes abuotatc.
" Here shall the , the People's rights maiut*,
Unuwetl by iuflalaue, and unbried by gain." •
NOTh : TI/01:f.. OCT. 1. !SUL
- -
Election, Tesday Oct. 13, 1816.
ofV"ioga county.
.iSus q 'a to:
of - M7yoming co. • .
tOR AU137011,
Chocontit. 4
Whig Nollinations.
i Susg'a • co.
ofiWyonting co.c
if Thomson..
1 of; sp r in g vilk. ' „
Liberty Nomination*
ilor Congress, •
GEO - . F. HORTON, of Bradford co.
JOHN BFRINNEY, of Great Bend.
IRA KINNtY, of Wyoming co. •
THCIHPSONt ECKENS,ofßridgewater
tor ikuditOr,
ABEL BO4ES, of Ruth.
• For Cii)mi Commissioner,
Wm. ELDER, Esq. of Philadelphia.
()lit Patronage.
For the 4val cation of pur.friends, we
impart the <chairing intellienee, that we
ibis week circiAate among actual ssubscii
terato "'the Advocate!' snore than
- - ,0*, - .oousand t 'is' se' Our legitimate cir
lodation (iticlud;ing a limited exchange List,)
'is now not leff.:Wirr ten hundred' and fifty
cOpits. We bate, in addition to Our regular
i r,
ssue,.ounec a few hanaren extra-sheets
for, perusal: . by ; leose who dO uatfeel able to abd tr+ agreeably to our eetablith
erms. :ThOgh' no.credicta
ourselves, thisOdra ordinary etteot of pat- ,
nonage' of the deterritipa
tiou ''PeOple; to sustain'
litase ;who lab i a dwir,riglits. •
14coritc;—!.patron szd to 4,‘
tO4a . y, "..if it J:.eOlWitt,4 . 4l4'zitinv , water
_xnuidy #/1411 , tra.ifizel, , Ilo -No4ern.
Detnacrai and annex' marl, base the
adsdpiate tkPtit• plis'ilA4votateis • 1
;sylvan a Democraric Ta rr
ERT AVISItIV g 844,,
cheirinn-io obicirve the gn
with which the nomination of this
t gentleman is hailed by the Democ
f f old Susquehanna. Sin the;•ptibit=
of our lust, which contained the pro
gs tifAlie different Congressional Con-t
: ilicipposition to David Wilmot, ouil
~. lialcv..l4lm4„cousage • .-imul-uredwpa-'-
i ,Lpraiting,tike l oppor,turiity to cosi, their
ii.favor of one,whom they recognize
:• - Inflexible•.advocato of Pennsylvania
l. ... ' The-People of this - county, true
t i iSclves, Will roll 'up . tliCir ,liiiidreds , of
. '
rorAy ro,r, 4r.,.White, which will fully
'against any majority Ar. IV-ill:not may
,e in Bradford.
racy s'
6.l eK
riot' i
SAS ~h
to dii
re eel
news from tot', is of a most
Thsi; . Alt. NVkite
gect.ed fnj . home, and, that he. is the
Af the: county in .wh t Ahhi resides,
-.told by the flattering Militirh which
4, 'gh t en -" to,hirn ' at the Nallot:boi;
' which I.UI riot ' opty cU'n!‘plitpen
, ~ •
q Itiwniqtt Which will gladdea,,tlte,pat
bdart ofevery true, d'ettuttylvanin
•u 9; thdn, eridouragedly rally around
audi►rd'of Perinsylvaitia rights, regaid
f southern influence or home dictation.
the BS
_ natation in Office,
11. i s ever lieen considered a cardinal princi
ple ofiDetnoeFtcy. We elect Congressmen for
,the teilin of two years, and Can elect for no
-less e, except incase of a vacancy. - Da
vid Wilmot' has been our Representative in
Congress one year, for which he has receiv
ed mpure than two thousand dollars—;-he has
the next :winter. Session before him, (th,e last
of hiX.presecnt term,) when he will receive
not 10s than one 'thousand 'dollars, most
probably. If Mr, White is elected, he will
not tike his seat before one year from De-
cenilfer next. •
Suppose Mr. Wihnot should bete-elected,
how I:long before WC would have a Repre
sent4ve In Congress , from Susquehanna
Coutiv? Ay even years from next Decem
bell! I. ; • Suppose Mr. White is elected?. We
shakbe entitled to ti Congressman from this
Goitlt , y,' to be elected two years from this
fall,:nd who Would take his. seat • the fall
If ithe honor and emoluments of thatoffice
are worth having, pass them around! pass
them 'around ! So teL us all say--we will
all ibic accordingly. All, did we say Yes,
we Venture to say all, who have not sworn
allegfaince to a few desperate . " rule or ruin"
dernitgognes; who 'assume to farm out the
the Minor offices to their
,liege subjects and
secure to themseg-es those ,)vhinit aro attend
ed with most profit. The rotation principle
is sound and democratic. It was recom
mended by Jefferson, by Jackson, and its
approved by Polk. Let is adopt it, and all
will be, well.
A•Tenipest in a Tea-pot.
Since Hobert G. White, Esq., has been
brought into the - 11(.1d in opposition to Hon.
Day'dWilmot, the Fire-proof has been in a
perfect storm—clouds gather, dark and
angq, which ever and anon emit thunder
bolts,: forged for purposes of politicalslaugh
ter, which, without-exception, fall harm
lessly' at the feet of intended victims. Some
of the ; CliqUe avow, that the current of oppo
sition to Wilmot, is now irresistible--otheri
encouragingly assert that some leading men
who last yall eschewed dictation and sup
ported the "People's Ticket," acted dis
honestly and selfishly—that convinced of
their error, these once contemners of Fire
proof dictation, have confessed, and promised
to return to their masters' fold. The more
Sensible among them, however, and - who
make some pretentions to political integrity,
admit that their Candidate is in imminent
danger of defeat—they fear tbat'the better
sense. of the petTlewill ; and that
they will'
Thew Welts
Unroxekliy - influeneC;.o uribribed by ,min."
The aspect of our affairs with
In our anticipation of e speedy determin
ationhf hostilities with that hapless country,
1 late • adv - ices would seem to intimate ou r
iinipt*e. Gen. Santa Anna, has not yet
even entered the City of Mexico, but lingers
at hid old country residence in Jalapa. It
is also runiomd, that it might be quite un
safe for him to enter the seat Of Government;
as a lingering regard for Paredes still oh
tainai4anionethe people there. All offers of
reconciliation are disdainfully rejected by that
Government, or by somebody, while it isdif
ficultito ascertain who, constitutes the real
head: f' of the teition. The rumor is also cur-
•,, i ,
rent, and .inpu4.bly correct ; that some who
rebelied, anil struck for Santa Anna, have
returned'to file support of Paredes. That
byjioCtiticalp hero, Gen. Santa Anna, may
find'irnectspary, in . Order to personal safety
and,quiet, t 4 return to the beautiful isle of
Cubit}, wheio •he may with impunity and
nane,liseff.4loia e' ht, 1-'0
-engage' in his favorite
• ti
anusrnient ' f Cock-fighting.
.4 i crti toti,. oder the onseided, condition .of
dint cpuntryii, Rea do no...triore ,or less. th an
Ii T. osdpute thie war in which t it. is embarked,
- With itereniifted vigiiir.' This made 'of Main
, . i
taitiitig onr honor O'rr i nti l aiiiing,oUr'riglii.h, is
il t us
:1.- 1 - vt 2 4 ,•• . , l'''' .- ''' '"
I .Yi att, P I NCU fit g:g r W eAP9DSPi which
cirnu *co renders , pt _highly afaportaut
,that,'-`e cautiously thusband , our re
giren AND AGUE it vet,- prevalent plOng
thelgli , squelannah ( " r
c* of
4. tmporary
und:emisequerlisuinide otilS.urred about
miles funn thittiVigige Ili the Towditup yf
-Pitrioc4,',2On WedkisdnipfAjast
Mr. 'dines Sherman,
.who moved into this
section of country la mg; froni Orange
'eniintY/ and fo ) iitioti
farm which he pureAsted of Mr. AltenUp
son, Wpm ownship reTerredlo, went, on the
day inintiOncci, Ilelihetateli Abut the, field
(4,1Y0T409-11iii hot Prcr
cured a razor, i tuid,repaired to a swanw
about Three-fourths. of a. mile distant when
he appiirently, first -inflicted two lir • three
incisiotis upon his nrin, with a view tO blood
letting sperCil 'the jugular vein' 'oe . l ids
neck, nihich resulted, iii i death.: His circittpH
stancei l iulifc were such,' as .reasons hl to
repel tile suspicion that !pecuniary ,einbat
rassmebt impelled him to'n eotnriliSSitni of
the &till adt. wire
nild thlee, chtldre,u, to4ll9llqt his 'loss,. retidgis
tlAtt evOtsxceetlingly.daplornlale„, !.,„ N ,;1
.t ), .1,
SrOar=tork )k - 167i0441 . 11,04) . a4,
'Witt feelings t o? t tO'iiitle . intrpr'i gad im
patiende do,we obscoeitite,,Pgretoonhle, rest
less anil ire politic . conthact of , :a few: selfish
spirits,;in the "Southern .4i1,4 . Counties,"'
eet/pet . iiig the introduCtie - ti Of this' Road' ititp
P.cnns'lvania, at points, wliere it is inexpe
dient to continue north of the State linei—
Their :Course is of "the dog in the manger"
kind--ithey would disregard the great inter
ests which the public are to derive from a
completion of this work, : and even "set theta
'at naught," unless the Road should,pass
through their farms. Such disposition iris
clearly eviticed at a late meeting in the village
of Optimia, where they threatened to apply
to a Chancellor for an injunction to prevent
the Ciimpiiny from proceeding to erect their
Road ivithin our . borders. Their opposition
must be a failure.
lion. A. AK. limalit's,Speech.
WO this day publish, at' the. request of
hundrads of our subscribers,.the able SPeoch
of ou& late townsman,' Hon. A. H. Read,
decea4d. We do this, because we lin'?
that till; sentiments by. him avowed on ow
floor of Congress in I SO, not only coincided
with oin• views on that subject then, but bt!i
cause e believe the opinions Of the derriOcra
. •
cy in this ColigressiimalDistric . t have undeir
gene go change since that time, in -respect
to the i t i,4ortant topics upon: which he so
ably d4coursed. His reasoning in advocacy
of the Protective policy, and in favor of raising,
ample .. revenue for governmental purposes,
by anj imposition of • discriminating duties
upon foreign fabrics, &c.. was approved by
his constituents in that year of general peace,
184:iliow much more strongly applicable
to the present emergency are his nrguinents,
while :Our national debt is daily increasing,
with dl rapid growth, in consequence of ati
experitve war with a Foreign Nation.:- His
conclusions are sound—adequate prdectihn
to Amirican labor entitles thew to our sane
tion--,—let us, then, follow the honest convie
tions Of enlightened judgment, despite the
rroakftg of dough-faced sticklers for 'South
ern dajnination.
The, Responsibility.
The:" rule or ruin" Faction of this county !
seem ~!;- -t o be resolved upon a destruction of
the democratic party. The outs, ins,
and e4pectants of office, in their determina
tion by intrigue, manatigement and dicta
tii select candidaids:for the pebple to I
suppoit, in place of letting (Firm say upon
whore the mantle of office shall fall, have
unquOtionably endangered the success of
the Dimocratic Candidates upon our ticket. I
At wlibse door, then, lies the fault? Why,
at theidooe of the Fire-proof, wheriee
. 41
edictsiand commands to the people emanate.
. g
The tenth is, John Blanding, R. J. Niven, •
Geor6 Fuller, Wm. Hartley, F. B. Streeter
and °pier lesser liihts; evidently act under
,an inqwesiii9 that our party is so, strong, in
:this county„ and under i so good .disrilifinr,
that, if by 1:121:411s fair or foul, they-succeed
in having 'Men ! notninatd favorable tb their
selfislilpurpnses and intetested'sCiieme§ i they
must ix eleckd,'ofeoursi—a"• ' cui this , , aithouith
they nominate men .kown ro, he oppos
ed to the best interestsdf all Northern Penn-
sylvatta. This is eitnphatically • the' case
with David Thomas arid Schuiler'Friset
:.. .
Though we have no objcctionto these gentle- '
men *rsonally or politically; yet we know
they should not have been nominated, and
so wotild say a large majority of Democrats
in this county. We triad Ahem Mice, and
they kited against our 'interests. 'Why the
necesility, then, of placing them where they
can a ;
gain injure us.; especially : while • we
have hundreds in the district equally corn
petenc.;to represent 'nol If they 43940 I
not b elected by
, rt I reipectuhle majoe
ity, Pie responsibility must . rep, upon:!
the desperate Faction, who,eby mast tepee
hensilile means procured their notnitiation.
Theat"gentlemen are di)titled to oui•siii t port
from dine consideration,
foundgd in pribeiple-,-they .are, the, ,only de
ritocra(ic candidates in the flea fur the dffier.,
of Re' resentative. ' ''' ',.' ",
:, :', i I
No ' 1
so with ' CO'Xli4gB , W
' e 'call
Robert ..
r 1
i ! i
ntp lV i p l
pqre i
pp ,
i ; t j s i i
colisistency--we•skqUoli.,rpp, ipzithOe,ar- .
dor ofirtruapatrietism. lililiiiis-pre-Eminendy,
1 ivnithyia receive the voici Of evetly electitk - iir
this, angressional iiiiiiict;..4iik in 'ihe'lltiii
'fort which he will retigive,rin ex sltepl dest;-
ny avfititti,hina- .Ataric,fh'e prOilacOil 2 l ~
.„ . , f,, f• I.j,
the N-Petkiae,,mich -efilffialo
As 4ve are thankfui,Eor small-favors, io•een
II •
lationl4tO matters of encouragementrtoitching
the pei)iipeet 'Or kl etimpietion 'of 'this imp* ,
: ! - II • ' , 4i i', , ...'•i• j', Jul,. il t. : t(t ..!. it i
lent tarn nisra w — oili iiiili4 a rinsein-
ZOciime, ii. 4rnifielt iFtileilizi lffa ii
f t* I 'hi oillreilli4ll o. l4 trigiifr h ig h ' l o
no. A t italli i interleAccOin P.'ittif 04ess afil
fidti tiizitiein r 4iin'iit, by it. i;iit . n tte
pl. e . , c 0 ..
13th inst., does not give sandtion to that
1 " Bill of abdminations," the British Tariff
idw of Aid, -4 6'stini a. tn '444' bi v , ,i' es'
for Congress' in favor of David Wilmot, the
stitak of !h4I Conipaoyf 1011 be speedily' ta-
Li ups end , 4he lodletkee` of Ilvork t Pee, at
_oneevunderact..-- - -- •-----.3 - ,, ----1- --- -,'
.Yquit•eaylycpu, fellow„oleetors I shall, we
more care , farctir own interests! or for .those
oP a little Fsietitm' *he deelarethat they- can
and' wilecwitiordiii ''rotesl' ' itobert . Cl.
iTliii, 9 ;i t l i p l ,oAti , ..T ' 4'il! 4 1 ;9 11, ti ' l e fr '' F :l ') 9 '
.cif.Pennsylvlitiia,righls,itit4 ttlli cAP,did4C . 0f
the , . People,44.shalb be not icceive our.rotes
for Coiigirtiss I .Aut:iver; it,. bine s 1 'of Demo-,
efiiiie, thimiter , lit th'e' Polls oii 'tueßlay• the
iiJkbaqiul iteaCe'tile batteries' of fees to , our
r destre§t,,iptgeFo r , J,Our t chtitatAt. *lends are
hatiuurmishe4, Allstlie these parts,,the.People,
itU stilid filtalaktut 'are .thovinr, in • the •Order t%f
- ite!fliroti;ciihn! '' ' ' ''',''
't • ~Ts rauFNl.4lllllii• - •
gentleman, a residentofSilver Lake,
; 1.41 the. ' Democratic . ..candidate for Auditor,
' l nPriti the' tieket, fbitned on I‘fe,itidtiy•cvenitic
'of last Conit4iveek: It %Vitt not b'efforgetten
that he was eulogized, on that occasion, by
Dr. Leet, for hiving last fall declined.heing
a candidate ear the "People's Ticket," for
the , same office—and this, after 'he had con
senied 'that4iis name Should . by 'Placed there.
Thc t.,taut-Sheet, down -town,. reiterates this
note of praise. Will our fellow 'Democrats
who voted the "People's Ticket" be thus
insolently taunted? If, under the impolitic
courr, adopted' bi the clique, 'Thomas _ti ich
°lsou,. of Springville, should be elected to
that office, no blame can be attributed to us—
ithe fault will rest' with the disorganizers of
1, the 'Tire-proof' 'Faction, and 'not with the
r'et4Cle, who have endured the arrogance of
pelitical dictators until forbearance. ceases to
be 'a virtue..
_."F We' notice, in looking over the for :
l eign news„.tlint. England is all One holiday 1
of rejoicing turd rghiditessl at the passage of I
.111'Kny's bill. rCan it be that we are legis-
lriting for ,a ' foreign land ? True, we I
:have had Mach god advice from across the'.
sivater, and British nabobs •• have seat us i
thousands Of free trade •papers and pampb
letsy hut the old keystone state has ever met I
them, as ill revolutionary days, 'in the fore
front of : battle. She has ever cherished her.
coal, to ni*e pleasant the hearthstones of I
her friendSorad 'her iron to. glitter cold in I
Ithelace.oft her enemies. Her sons have
' ever stood } " side 'py side, in 'solid phalanx,
until l y the last session a Congress, David
Wilniat,, like another AmOld, went " solita- I
, .
t ry unitolone" to sit among the " gentlemen!
front , South Carolina." Woe to the man,
tvho,'in her tithe if need; forgets the coun
i try that, Ore ltint birth, and loves another
better than, his Owit—it is a bloody love.
Never had ; our State presented
.a sight
`mOre grateful and cheering to the patriot
statesman,; than She did under the benefi :
1 cent action of the tariff of 1842. Under its
induenee she was.dcstiued to have become
' the " garden and workshop of the Union.".
ISinee its passage our population and wealth
bad increased at .a rate that soon would I
I have made us the empire state of the eon-
! federacy. The farmer was beginning to
Isee'a better time in the sure reward of his
I labor.. Theool-grower kenew that he had I
a certain Market for his burdened tieeees, ;
and far down in the bowels of the r arth was;
heard the plieerfut song of the miner, and I
the forge and furnace and workshop was I
thronging, like a hive of 'bees. Then why
not let: Well enough alone? Ave, the busy I
hum of Northern industry wos no better than
" one dread horrid grind" to 'southern ears,
,aud David Wilinot, to gain a, bad notroriety
we fear, united with the enemies of his na
l-the State, th'wreck'her prosperity, and force
her iiiitCe more l in M . repadiati 'ri poverty and
1 . • ,
dein. . Had he r thrust' from his memory the
reiterated Idcico- of Washington, and :Jeffer
son, and , the unequivocal talk of hi'ekson,
-that he Should "do this thing?" Had he
no care flir.. die councils arid' wisdom of the
fathers of the old keystone state ? - Had he
forgotten that the Secretary of the Treasury
of every Democratic Administration since:
the forniation of our government until 'the
Otesent, hail recommended the :protection of
our home industry ? But enough—self-pro
mental is au instinct of our nature, and once
more we tan fight the battles of our inde
pendence. I We had free, trade with a yen
geance, When but 'the stripplingsolonies of
Great' 13 ritain, and now, hardened as we are
. 4 the bone and muscle of, a demooratic
manhood, tshall: we place , ourselves in-the
isame category With Canada and other Brit
ish 'Why, lie Who' runneth can
'read a•lesson of dread experience, in die
couchnots.,of poor, bleeding,; Ireland..-God
Mess ber--4-thatle may beware of trusting
his eon ntry is she tender Inereicifof the iron
and tit ti - and matidltettirftis of Englund.
The, pitilteeiive i iirineiple as it gave he
.e ad 4re4Ai,to,th,o tariff!o '42, is go9a, Pen -'
sylvanias;thaetrinee; Wei! Wherever others
mayv, niaiwsnititithy-qiefOioiplesd'pf our
f4thelis. ; t ire:, 'Willi' till - dae irdierettiir
Oir fir§t 11? we.
Aultae the idetnoerntie heart: [sound ,av th e
core, So i t }glad. pulsations may 'not always
tie` C for Man','Who, eradled!inijong the frob
14'4 Nhip,'Would Sall his birthright
for. a.‘ess pr pottne• Thoo)iwiq' !kg oCa
southern> fr#o trttOq dentagequeiste, I let Min
die the' death n '''' '; II • tr . •
.1a I
. ;- '
Let -- itTtn -' II :131US. ' alto Vrrstan I T
our ells' tiz,:io t#4l** : tieltittic cause. ' q
soy, th 4 I, yi4„ , iii scaly O' duties, the pco :
tection fgo ' qiiniAstrytO called for by the
public\goildi that:4e flied discriminati n
i i
for protectici , and-;not forreveuue alon ;.
we assert, with Thoii, Jefferson , that forei i
iiiodne4rii li, ye the; power and. the, wily°
- prevent the s eady'it'owth - of our OWli Wills
try, but p' otectioh and evn pr tilt
they must 1 t be iiermitted 1 40 dello; ire
-maintao,,wi hAnd]tew4etdrion,-that a liir
izont4444: atet g judicipm Oriff.; wp ite-
Heve r with' S mon ganteren, , that the, t.airiff
bill. of 'tB4o ' - blig,being, deadly,' Mid rdifio -
to the befit i terestsliif Pent r ikithiniii=e,
Ceitedlitt tie'',),iot a -bpd of, nid,lificti4on, 4
beneficial, t &nglead. a100t....:14 1 hpu,,1ti
1 1 heart Lindh pa, wei say,' let repeal. be , c
1 1, watchw.ordir—writel it , upon every vote
'shout it til4og 0 4'r rtiiil-- hn'd Valley's
tell it in el:4y wont shop, of thc'l_Tiiion..-
t4e Miner, , 0 01 0 3 '9 AnakulACTll-Itilere'
; She hunt of 4 tistrranti , contented labor
'heard; that ',Kayii Teti" frill - Mist iii
icaltd! - . ' . 4: ' ' 1 - '
,I, / • He .•tl't
. 'Quit6'.4llmul4ing:' -
' Twd extatirditHitq'pePkiiiiiieii'llo itss
+loan' 0. ill tic,not,. 'sled- :a'"O '4. -42,:ai."(Pli
"jam!, qj iltio,f4l"idiscpurogcd t witli Oteprps- ,
,pects at loon*, yeiterday.'i pulled ma i l' aid r
went over to) East ISinithfield: in iflradf rd
County to mil. up alb people:in" sup Poi o f
a man who lilisproved himself; unworthyi of
their sutfrag . is by 10s,auti-Pentosylvania• Fo-
A i ~,g- at; the vitst session , of Congress-I Pyle
,bly these woirdy yoking men expect the p
rt , 4 F .i 1 i
TiOunity_ot , :; maki ng speeches to 'the g ol
people of East Omith,field, in “..P.urf 's
long Dail') of mdmorable notoriety—(be
' di n iug roomi[of a set en by Ripe tavern houie.)
Well, Dr. 4alisbutly shooildlbe compensated
for this getting up of a mass meeting, thy
being elected Serglant-at-amts for the nisi
1 P. S. Setuit4 ; andi those twin valiarits him
1 Sustea, sloodld,'togther, be. made a • futiire
' Congressm4 4
T . , Mr. !Wilmot. -
Since the Intelligent, sterling democr4cy
of old Tiogaliave droPped,litr.,Wilmot, ,Ind
proclaimed iii nu erous Conventions wth
the enligliteiied . au hority of sovereign pro
ple, welioi// iave nO-more .of him, he is Stiid
to appeareitremely chop-fallen. We litri
ilerstand be shas applied his powers at 1 -
deavoring tcilreco4ile the electors of Tic
to his anti-ltennsylvanin course, but it v
no go—his 'efforts; convinced them that
was unsotmti. W 4 now advise him to tc
'about, comb into is county
. and do li,
wise. We - Awill tlen warrant him to
4andsontelyi4efeated in -the district.
"ittradfOr4k Settler."
We havejeceivild a prospectus for he
publication ot a nliv 'weeaty paper at —rig
wanda, in Oradford county. It promiies,
under the title of • Bindforf Settler,' in poli
tics, to be 4emocrinic and to 'support siell
measures ad. will Ilest‘‘sustain i the interestlif
the people of Penosylvania, and,in doing
so, necessaily to oppose the. Tariff of 1446.
Terms one pUlliir and fifiy cents, or one iitol
lar, if paid iVithin three months after rectipt
of the first iiumbr.
We knob t not what extent of patrOna a
paper 'of titis de+ription may receive 3in
those diggings, but that its •existence woield
the really favorable to the continued aseibn
daiieY of pOrely democratic 'principles' in
that county; we arc fully aware, ,Though
unaquaintifd with, the firm of J. G. Paton
& co. who "Ire to be the publishers, were
cognize in !the nOtne of e Patton; literally a
host—and it this pew; paper is to be
ducted tindir the riusPices of,,Gr'en.,Patton's
,high and merited popularity, in Rite
ranks of geeing democracy, ir• has a *re
:guaranty for, its success. . 1
The Tariif of 11842.-com Pitied w!th
.1 that" of 4846.
I !
. It has beln faisqly, , und everf•robidi:Oles
sered by spine q,but -half- jiiiigeibTliiff
orators ; thitthe farming , iuwrests are i lnat
'prejudiced lb the,
.aiiffect,,of lust,wieler.
A li'
Are they .rood l most, every • iatereit Inithe
United. S+ is .i,ifijurioasly • affected - 0Y
that execraOle bill.l,` Tiie.follfSeing iabletits
been careftity made,' by, all and accuilite
com pare rs, Iv hick Icleanly
• Ambeaps that Idie
Tariff of 112, is decidedly more favortible
to the prOdticer than the bißoif 1846. Wend
1 ,
and judge :y, '' 1;
-By the' tariff 0t,1842, the dedes epon'the
arficie4 behr, areas follows:
..: :i •
- • •
Beef & pork 2cti per poun4
Hams &1113.con i l . " Ic
Butter 1 . 5, :" dt
Wilda( - I 1 25
4•‘A ' bustler'
,( ,„:
, A .." , , ft
Rye ~1
~ . , in
Oats' I.- 1 10 '".' , " 1 . 1
`Ailhhint (Rini
," 1 ' 70 "" 'll2 14
Indian intar ,-,''' ''' .20 ,' ' ' " '34
Potatoes t- ' "ii '' ' 'lO -, : It ' ' - f
Corn ~1
By the *Aft o 18.16; the idtitie'S' on ihe
same tirtielks igi7 0 emidiv4::--; ,
~li .
Reef:4 PoOE - .p"r , dt: ad val. tilikitit i'C.Ont
Hams' & , p4e4n ' !?, . ` t' • tqolitiieis',lb.
Butter. ' ' i. - .' '' f ' ',,' .2 .. 1,, iv(
Wheat' , ' " I " i '' ' 1 'itetg t)r bWI
; Rye , ,,1 ', ~ ~., ~ 6 . . 4 ' fl
~ ,
~ .. ~ , a , , 1 ci t 1-, , ,,, ,I , '
Oats - •, ,
'Whtat .flone , ' 1 '''', ''._ 12et4i)141illb.
Indititi , m6tit . , ri 1 i . l , , i'licql:
,' , l liir i ,. l .! 01 i qv f ! +7
Iketatti4T -ii •sl . '.;." ~''' '' s',tdii 4sh
voth -," , 4: , • 1 1 ' 0 4i Ltlii. 01++ +' ' .4 4 7 ,
~ 1 . , 4 r. 4: .11:1•1' , 1.,1 13it , ` l , k F ( il - i
. . ,
"1 / 4 1lar ;WriCiihdol4'nliv,iiiiie ili;iin'ealt :for
IntierkltbiitWetileAtit 'tlie liseii not., iiiihlkd
ih." ' Rtimog , ' ildyfa;' the-riiiiiits' %Ain •liulisti
lb'd for ihNti or fo4t'hiiiiiiteit'Opid, Of" 11 e
11 , 416},titerii Viiiidce t l fdr:' iidp'ibeiks; . tki ch at
'tiir iititof thil;ad6 - nisi 4 lii , fkifinitaii g
114,:dii , e6lattoti"or . litiqatiel'="(D4fie li' t*
1 4
ili't 'coititietit ii tiiiiiiiined !) '
jkit "iititrqgilipilii Ohiiiikji t ilPkilAye l I. !'"' ":S4
r thi r lb u i9tWiti e efilihrairr i l , 4 - ": 1 I ', ..
1"''11 '
Lt'' ' ' r: 4 " , . , k '. .:. 1 4.1 i): r.' .1 ,
Fl ip / ,
Y ,
At r ani
~ inenSe iliAbting of tiil,kemw. rat .,
ic . krtY. ~ ( • •?-t.'qii'FiiiiPlY , :oPPwked I te,ilie
Tarif.of, . ti, V held,etfilie, C rt-house is
Nell b o ' . , on I Rhtrsday eveni g the 24th
inst., the' Illiti.,'Thiniet*l-a• Sh TOW, was
elm nrpsiden.t,--Tosottl Ailte ',, of 'Tioga,
Oliv r Edliott.oftßiehmond, Ja es Lowrey,
of ellsborter-lismir4Drake- llans fi elk .
E cis 'Wetheibee•of iCuvin n.',4 Samuel
11 1
Dick, 11E9 , pC,p4jrni,,l:klifin. yet ; of Cov
ington, a d William . Rexford of Gaines,.
Vibe Pres deliiii,' , atiet. Hem an Tent le
of K noxv IleAliatfiet flolidSy C Middlebu
Ty, 'rid J F. Dtmaldson Of W ~Isboro' ~.Se---
eret riefi. ' ' '''P'''
,' '. •• '' • ''' ''• ' •.!'
Tie Ineftinghviis elOguently` preeied hi
R. : IVliite• lRAci: , Of Tio'cia l. Only; GOit.
Will am Patton" Of Ifradfilid ). othity; (ma
the on. Daniel 'L. Sheiiv.,' d • '6'f, Tibia
eon ty,-s ttinglbrili the defect
, r of 'die Ta.
riff f 18 . fi,. Mid' iti injurious ' Eli iiki l
the genii g - andlitlier itherbitS' l OP' ennsit
13 1
Vainifi,' WI -- wer,,e reVpOn'ded to:' th J eliihiNi--
a sii e tip' nug,l'aflei . . 04dt: i 1 *fiillOwitig
re's'olution ' wbf4 - feiiirtiiiii-adop c4i *"-
Where 4. the MA% VriiiciPle)" f Deiridera
,cf e n` n ref he ' i neob'slite ni" t th' the' 4n i e
i tit fists . thepeiSiild; anii thk• °Neel Ituridi
l e 'alio heiiio6`yr•Ortuite dilie iiitelbt.
Tile ' efoi '" ' ' ''' ~ '- 1 ‘,, ,•--1, . if .1 r
~ }illy tf,' Tlikliloe it . olifa s lin fikpliAl
Mid Ate ditigi' eipilbnlent* . fo a' dOnt'Oie,htle
twe n the `hoinititithg poWbe, a d tlie noiiii
nee bf th • party, for' legistapv ' iitDees, that
the 4ioini ee: sabintily oblige s himself to
' :inst. in tit iniefeit4 of con tituerits,,iina
That beim the 6iViideraticiii of ucli inipheil
coot act, f he !Violates his obl fration'to.the
peo le, ili etiniideration has 41ed,'11'nirwe
holt that, in politics, as in law; a failure 'of
idera '913 VititOS liltt contracts, and releti
' he p&ciPle irliii are one of ihe•Contiet
,arti -; Irani all Obligatio to fulfil On
Part tind.that,too, at an time, iihn
they May itm Mid failure f - eonsidera.
ei to, theii satisfaction,
deli tittep
F ~
. Ic4csoiry
ecnntse pu
tire lin el
we haft:
be *age',
gral porti
has dud
samb con'
.4tSOlt 4
tre an h.
of Tioga
haring be:
cratic - co fereqS,' representin,
counties o this Congressional
herebY pledge ourselves tol4
less of de anciailon from freel
gogues Cif, 'rty' VartY.
Resolve ,-Thaftlie dentnici tion ;of Gen.
Patton, o n of ilia 'petriarelifo Dernecritcy,
in Bradfo county, ' end knife Hetnoeritts,
comes wit a had grace from the' Hoe. Da
rid Wilmo Orhoirits once the eviler of that
noblest a d .gfiaitest . of ' Her and 'States
men, Gmt.'Aticirew'Jacksein.' ''' t '''
Resolve Vbzit ' whatever IntOr be the
views of iitheits 'respecting' e one 'term
principle, Ir. Wilmot ought . n
. td complain
itts apt ictitioni, to:him, will he remem
bers the ttem ma
pts de -by tint ' throtigh
means, b no' means creditable to him to•
reduce tw of thii predecessor; in Congress,
the Hon. Sam eel . W. Morris o' Tioga'coun
ty, and the Hon. Almon I . *Cad of Sus
quehanna 'comity, down to &oat term, end
that if he 's,lionld be opera d upon 'by the
same thedicthe Ite" , attempted, to administer
to others, he bas nothing to complain cif,'but
retributive , justice.
Resolved, That the Cd'urseTu
tion to the' Tariff . by our 'Jen
tors the 116h.''Sinen Cameron - ,
Daniel Siurgeon and all ,tht
members etion,gress from I
except DaVid Wilmot, meets c
probation.' "'
Resolved, iiißt . n'e regard the
ecanity irl a,ait'4,supportiug tilt,
46, as fraicirs . to the best .in i
c °nun ow 7 th inid.,a,s enem i. el
democrat' party of the siate-.4
Resuivecl, That the fact o4tl
rid Wilts t not being,nble to
services f §nch men as,. 1', 7
Eplimitn,[V„Daird,,Payid f.
(I*Fes, , A4 Gen,' Pummit ••Dec
own borot t ig,b,A4.M. their. et
. . -
the I nict of, speakers frpin,Nw
interests . it klOelpen our;
speaks N4aton t 9s l ]! t lixttisPhiA 4 1 : 1
ietrPsis of N0,1.:9.„9311..iti1ient.:
Reso/vrd„Vittt, werecoom dto tille r*
renege °t i the friends, 0.13c0n biatia inter
ests in t h is . deingessional dilistr ct, aird , tothe
sett/ rs, wltoseAinterestsit i pro,p sea to mho- ,
eate he tiewpaper °hoot° be
To% mla,to,bc'efilled the Bra ftird Settler
/?..r, sokffti, , ,%" haulm •prucee hop of •this
i pablislied in With . democratic
papers in oisxoniressioal a .40t. ,, -
PANiEL!Iii ,§HERWOOIi, Past/kat.
- • .:,; Vice Presides/ i •
Joseph Ailiert3', .• Oliver. E iot, • ''''
Jawes Lowry, ) • Isaac D . ke,
FrancisWetharbee, &angel , I
Edwin-Dyer, 1 . : 1 William
, I
Herman ,1f
eriple,.. • , Daniel
'4.: F. Donaldson
-_One ittiiirfrife4s .
ttild-ir , ciwitiktriii'Allehil
'GEiritOei:44len.are o
i , ~, • i ; , c si o ~
sek.t l :l 4 TA •,/?aMfss.,Prm,i ,
liaie repOn,,tO ,4uspeett i were 1
politic Otheriteg ht. East Smii
ing:the(pcosPeets OflOr. WiIITI
hitting. ei4fhtf, ll ':llre air tigt,
ii'thiisrls4'qiiiii4i?'in rank 1
P49:iaßibt cir f ,c w idwzne f
have 40111111)3Sicitiqd tinissiriesii
the < /iC,ltotuivaiery, , llii
deelarati alliiii - Wilmbi kill' r
'VI 1 ' ' ll - 'it'
~ „.9 ere. 1:' 'E§
,r4,oC,Aiksiluoufi n a 4 I
ati4ctioui to,isuch
: hok-4LUtvtl i fr• 'V°
401 541iffciidfitik
~,, , , . _ ,!]
jority OVO I !
"r 4 Ofs :4 l
tha . I
in this_co
. - ,',..2: , .
.7. •,t, :
I . .
ii, Vhit oil 'exotnitiing. into the
:_neilliy Oar prit6lent" frepiesenta
niit'ssthe flian'.'D'ayid WilniOt,
la builient
s regteldi ;covered it ta .
to otir'hOlit interes i',as an itfte
i'ri of`' Pennsylvania , nnd alai he
Cd• tii - iitetitititia pursue the
- ‘b if ''YC6CleCtecf. '''' II
' Mints ii iidor' 'tich,'4 i
re a instances
longtijrceogniit'tlie'Poti. David
s'tlie leaifitnate Catidiclate 'Orthe
id'iitiiViiii. eiiiiee.s . ' .- ' "
i,That'Rob'ert 'G. White, viii.,
a stiiind 'rat. If Idetiuki*,
'ilace'd in tioniinatilin.4'beizio-
the several
Dlstriet, ive
:uppoii; fear-,
rsued in rein
ociatie Sena
ands thejlun.
ur he / arty ap-
Tang 94 8-
e;gsts, ,or our
y;4 tilt peat
w Hoeg'. Pa
mound the.,
Hata Ehse.ll l l
I t aptokii, FA"
oetats. of his
ad ,soholiting .
iJ 'grft,.‘ficgm,
lit}; tom*
' exkird.
trpOlgapt a 5
s, which We
made at the
i , n:tu . y scj
to 4 circtilate
unfOit i lleded
i‘'/t1 I
‘ CelVe rah'
e t. a , 4cP iVW.
, . tissertiotvat
plidtky, Jtr.