iiilliiiii7ritrili:e illa: ~rtij— u tinciol'il inOhile.ii-: dal sysinK . -LAier 4 priSteetion of dinnestie ini. dustry has not inOlie language of the gentle= maw from Indian*, -"drawn het within her own' Shell;". in *manner of the Chinese empire- 7 1ms notitestricted her intercourse nt both of nation il, hut the, reverse. ~It , has, • ialspite of, -the irlOmornlizing influences and paralyzing' effect of her feudal polidy,',Tade , her a great and 'pwerful nation., It ivus, sir, the industry af her people that created her etports freirited her ships, built her 'soul, Intigilifiedgier 'Ootver; wittltipled het resources, andelteit4e s d her:cotritnerce'and to tiince to the fur Corners ortfic37enlir lie' rensoninnf, the !Seerleiiiiy of ' the ' 'n itiiy, eki, in fits' kt;,e;asli'diitiei appears to f 'be' Conclitsi'Ve ' a 'd''inliiii`stierahle. "As be ' 'jtistly'ininailiii:'ile;C,t&liigiicd to AhO lin yortnr opeint!s pili a liinn. 4 ' - It; therefOre ne censaiily incrensg tile 'di'seitse, (the 'Plethora of initiOrtlitiblii,'Ohiclils has been shone, 'Mk * " 114.41' 'tlii 4Y!'of distress',' nlmOst of ties air, EMbi a'fl parts of the couttire,' The title pOlie'y'Bc - thil G•o4ernment 'requires' the l' i-e4e.tion` It. iinpiattatiOni to , tlie . standiii,d in ''dicAted bY the Aim la or (lpOrtatiotis . fur , i; iiislied OAF' itiduary, is a sk,illtill illy,il'iqn : I ciAthil' hili:lfiniicil by the 'removal OP thpofi „iliiiil-catise of tli,? disease. !Ile ,rod reason gin be assigned l iwlif We shpuid' he iubjeetsd liithe expenses f collection' under the,credit ' - liiitem, will& tiCe Secretary says are "•enoi 'itioiis .” nor to lie loss 'of mi4loiriz.; by the hap,k;aptcy of rite importers i their pure iihs ; an evil Vilit4ll would be greatly iiicreas 'etilly the opepititin of our late hankrtrpt liii - . We*desire to lit§re a free list, comprising 'tea; Sugar, (iinlls the sugar grpwer of the SoOtti desires pmteetion ; on which point asset, they kal not . condescended us en ligtercus,) dye_ oods, nitre, quicksilver, va ' 'thins drugs and friedicines, and other articles coaling within ie rule indicated of general nonsittuptionositecessariesamong the poor 'er classes of con)inunity, and not the growth and pioduci of ur own country. '' It would detain the committee too king to gointo the congideration of the items of the 'bill reported by 'llie Committee of Ways and lifians. It is d‘ective in its details. Some articles are too;'4high, some too low ; and • . - many which slO:nild be free arc charged f with duties. A fy y views with respect to the details of the lip wilt sufficiently appear by die amendnants I shall offer, and the votes I shall girt when the proper time EEO lel CO pc :oes abuotatc. • " Here shall the , the People's rights maiut*, Unuwetl by iuflalaue, and unbried by gain." • NOTh : TI/01:f.. OCT. 1. !SUL - - Election, Tesday Oct. 13, 1816. Dentociiiitic*Nominations. TOR C!LOAt COMIHIPPiIIONER, WM. B FOSTER, JR. OF TRADFORD COUNTY • comgEss. ROBE T G. WHITE, ofV"ioga county. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, DAVID THOMAS, .iSus q 'a to: SCHUV, ER FASSET, of - M7yoming co. • . FOF NATHANIEL WEST, Thomson. s') tOR AU137011, FRASCI - S QUINT , Chocontit. 4 Whig Nollinations. FOR titEPRESEIi:TATIVF.S, DANIEL - SEARLE, i Susg'a • co. S. D. PHELPS, ofiWyonting co.c Pou t ,- COMMISS/ONER; JO K, LAMB, if Thomson.. ,i' ITR AUDITOR, 'ono NICHOLSQN, 1 of; sp r in g vilk. ' „ Liberty Nomination* ilor Congress, • GEO - . F. HORTON, of Bradford co. For4tepresentatives, JOHN BFRINNEY, of Great Bend. IRA KINNtY, of Wyoming co. • FoiiiComtnissioner, THCIHPSONt ECKENS,ofßridgewater tor ikuditOr, ABEL BO4ES, of Ruth. • For Cii)mi Commissioner, Wm. ELDER, Esq. of Philadelphia. ()lit Patronage. For the 4val cation of pur.friends, we impart the fr#o trttOq dentagequeiste, I let Min die the' death n '''' '; II • tr . • .1a I . ;- ' Let -- itTtn -' II :131US. ' alto Vrrstan I T our ells' tiz,:io t#4l** : tieltittic cause. ' q soy, th 4 I, yi4„ , iii scaly O' duties, the pco : i tection fgo ' qiiniAstrytO called for by the public\goildi that:4e flied discriminati n i i for protectici , and-;not forreveuue alon ;. we assert, with Thoii, Jefferson , that forei i iiiodne4rii li, ye the; power and. the, wily° - prevent the s eady'it'owth - of our OWli Wills try, but p' otectioh and evn pr tilt they must 1 t be iiermitted 1 40 dello; ire -maintao,,wi hAnd]tew4etdrion,-that a liir izont4444: atet g judicipm Oriff.; wp ite- Heve r with' S mon ganteren, , that the, t.airiff bill. of 'tB4o ' - blig,being, deadly,' Mid rdifio - to the befit i terestsliif Pent r ikithiniii=e, Ceitedlitt tie'',),iot a -bpd of, nid,lificti4on, 4 beneficial, t &nglead. a100t....:14 1 hpu,,1ti 1 1 heart Lindh pa, wei say,' let repeal. be , c 1 1, watchw.ordir—writel it , upon every vote 'shout it til4og 0 4'r rtiiil-- hn'd Valley's tell it in el:4y wont shop, of thc'l_Tiiion..- t4e Miner, , 0 01 0 3 '9 AnakulACTll-Itilere' ; She hunt of 4 tistrranti , contented labor 'heard; that ',Kayii Teti" frill - Mist iii icaltd! - . ' . 4: ' ' 1 - ' ,I, / • He .•tl't . 'Quit6'.4llmul4ing:' - ' Twd extatirditHitq'pePkiiiiiieii'llo itss +loan' 0. ill tic,not,. 'sled- :a'"O '4. -42,:ai."(Pli "jam!, qj iltio,f4l"idiscpurogcd t witli Oteprps- , ,pects at loon*, yeiterday.'i pulled ma i l' aid r went over to) East ISinithfield: in iflradf rd County to mil. up alb people:in" sup Poi o f a man who lilisproved himself; unworthyi of their sutfrag . is by 10s,auti-Pentosylvania• Fo- A i ~,g- at; the vitst session , of Congress-I Pyle ,bly these woirdy yoking men expect the p rt , 4 F .i 1 i TiOunity_ot , :; maki ng speeches to 'the g ol people of East Omith,field, in “..P.urf 's long Dail') of mdmorable notoriety—(be ' di n iug roomi[of a set en by Ripe tavern houie.) Well, Dr. 4alisbutly shooildlbe compensated for this getting up of a mass meeting, thy being elected Serglant-at-amts for the nisi 1 P. S. Setuit4 ; andi those twin valiarits him 1 Sustea, sloodld,'togther, be. made a • futiire ' Congressm4 4 T . , Mr. !Wilmot. - • Since the Intelligent, sterling democr4cy of old Tiogaliave droPped,litr.,Wilmot, ,Ind proclaimed iii nu erous Conventions wth the enligliteiied . au hority of sovereign pro ple, welioi// iave nO-more .of him, he is Stiid to appeareitremely chop-fallen. We litri ilerstand be shas applied his powers at 1 - deavoring tcilreco4ile the electors of Tic to his anti-ltennsylvanin course, but it v no go—his 'efforts; convinced them that was unsotmti. W 4 now advise him to tc 'about, comb into is county . and do li, wise. We - Awill tlen warrant him to 4andsontelyi4efeated in -the district. "ittradfOr4k Settler." We havejeceivild a prospectus for he , publication ot a nliv 'weeaty paper at —rig wanda, in Oradford county. It promiies, under the title of • Bindforf Settler,' in poli tics, to be 4emocrinic and to 'support siell measures ad. will Ilest‘‘sustain i the interestlif the people of Penosylvania, and,in doing so, necessaily to oppose the. Tariff of 1446. Terms one pUlliir and fifiy cents, or one iitol lar, if paid iVithin three months after rectipt of the first iiumbr. We knob t not what extent of patrOna a paper 'of titis de+ription may receive 3in those diggings, but that its •existence woield the really favorable to the continued aseibn daiieY of pOrely democratic 'principles' in that county; we arc fully aware, ,Though unaquaintifd with, the firm of J. G. Paton & co. who "Ire to be the publishers, were cognize in !the nOtne of e Patton; literally a host—and it this pew; paper is to be ducted tindir the riusPices of,,Gr'en.,Patton's ,high and merited popularity, in Rite ranks of geeing democracy, ir• has a *re :guaranty for, its success. . 1 The Tariif of 11842.-com Pitied w!th .1 that" of 4846. I ! . It has beln faisqly, , und everf•robidi:Oles sered by spine q,but -half- jiiiigeibTliiff orators ; thitthe farming , iuwrests are i lnat 'prejudiced lb the, .aiiffect,,of lust,wieler. A li' Are they .rood l most, every • iatereit Inithe United. S+ is .i,ifijurioasly • affected - 0Y that execraOle bill.l,` Tiie.follfSeing iabletits been careftity made,' by, all and accuilite 1 com pare rs, Iv hick Icleanly • Ambeaps that Idie Tariff of 112, is decidedly more favortible to the prOdticer than the bißoif 1846. Wend 1 , .4 and judge :y, '' 1; -By the' tariff 0t,1842, the dedes epon'the arficie4 behr, areas follows: ..: :i • - • • Beef & pork 2cti per poun4 Hams &1113.con i l . " Ic Butter 1 . 5, :" dt Wilda( - I 1 25 4•‘A ' bustler' ,( ,„: , A .." , , ft . Rye ~1 ~ . , in Oats' I.- 1 10 '".' , " 1 . 1 `Ailhhint (Rini ," 1 ' 70 "" 'll2 14 Indian intar ,-,''' ''' .20 ,' ' ' " '34 Potatoes t- ' "ii '' ' 'lO -, : It ' ' - f tensli'ol Corn ~1 By the *Aft o 18.16; the idtitie'S' on ihe same tirtielks igi7 0 emidiv4::--; , ~li . Reef:4 PoOE - .p"r , dt: ad val. tilikitit i'C.Ont Hams' & , p4e4n ' !?, . ` t' • tqolitiieis',lb. Butter. ' ' i. - .' '' f ' ',,' .2 .. 1,, iv( Wheat' , ' " I " i '' ' 1 'itetg t)r bWI 1 ; Rye , ,,1 ', ~ ~., ~ 6 . . 4 ' fl ~ , ~ .. ~ , a , , 1 ci t 1-, , ,,, ,I , ' Oats - •, , 'Whtat .flone , ' 1 '''', ''._ 12et4i)141illb. Indititi , m6tit . , ri 1 i . l , , i'licql: ,' , l liir i ,. l .! 01 i qv f ! +7 Iketatti4T -ii •sl . '.;." ~''' '' s',tdii 4sh voth -," , 4: , • 1 1 ' 0 4i Ltlii. 01++ +' ' .4 4 7 , ~ 1 . , 4 r. 4: .11:1•1' , 1.,1 13it , ` l , k F ( il - i . . , "1 / 4 1lar ;WriCiihdol4'nliv,iiiiie ili;iin'ealt :for IntierkltbiitWetileAtit 'tlie liseii not., iiiihlkd ih." ' Rtimog , ' ildyfa;' the-riiiiiits' %Ain •liulisti lb'd for ihNti or fo4t'hiiiiiiteit'Opid, Of" 11 e 11 , 416},titerii Viiiidce t l fdr:' iidp'ibeiks; . tki ch at 'tiir iititof thil;ad6 - nisi 4 lii , fkifinitaii g 114,:dii , e6lattoti"or . litiqatiel'="(D4fie li' t* 1 4 flit ili't 'coititietit ii tiiiiiiiined !) ' jkit "iititrqgilipilii Ohiiiikji t ilPkilAye l I. !'"' ":S4 r thi r lb u i9tWiti e efilihrairr i l , 4 - ": 1 I ', .. 1"''11 ' Lt'' ' ' r: 4 " , . , k ....re '. .:. 1 4.1 i): r.' .1 , ,I = RE 111 Fl ip / , Y , At r ani ~ inenSe iliAbting of tiil,kemw. rat ., ic . krtY. ~ ( • •?-t.'qii'FiiiiPlY , :oPPwked I te,ilie Tarif.of, . ti, V held,etfilie, C rt-house is 1.8 Nell b o ' . , on I Rhtrsday eveni g the 24th inst., the' Illiti.,'Thiniet*l-a• Sh TOW, was y elm nrpsiden.t,--Tosottl Ailte ',, of 'Tioga, Oliv r Edliott.oftßiehmond, Ja es Lowrey, of ellsborter-lismir4Drake- llans fi elk . E cis 'Wetheibee•of iCuvin n.',4 Samuel 11 1 Dick, 11E9 , pC,p4jrni,,l:klifin. yet ; of Cov , ington, a d William . Rexford of Gaines,. Vibe Pres deliiii,' , atiet. Hem an Tent le of K noxv IleAliatfiet flolidSy C Middlebu scit, Ty, 'rid J F. Dtmaldson Of W ~Isboro' ~.Se--- eret riefi. ' ' '''P''' ,' '. •• '' • ''' ''• ' •.!' Tie Ineftinghviis elOguently` preeied hi R. : IVliite• lRAci: , Of Tio'cia l. Only; GOit. Will am Patton" Of Ifradfilid ). othity; (ma the on. Daniel 'L. Sheiiv.,' d • '6'f, Tibia eon ty,-s ttinglbrili the defect , r of 'die Ta. riff f 18 . fi,. Mid' iti injurious ' Eli iiki l the genii g - andlitlier itherbitS' l OP' ennsit 13 1 Vainifi,' WI -- wer,,e reVpOn'ded to:' th J eliihiNi-- a sii e tip' nug,l'aflei . . 04dt: i 1 *fiillOwitig re's'olution ' wbf4 - feiiirtiiiii-adop c4i *"- eir I Where 4. the MA% VriiiciPle)" f Deiridera ,cf e n` n ref he ' i neob'slite ni" t th' the' 4n i e i tit fists . thepeiSiild; anii thk• °Neel Ituridi l e 'alio heiiio6`yr•Ortuite dilie iiitelbt. Tile ' efoi '" ' ' ''' ~ '- 1 ‘,, ,•--1, . if .1 r ~ }illy tf,' Tlikliloe it . olifa s lin fikpliAl 1 Mid Ate ditigi' eipilbnlent* . fo a' dOnt'Oie,htle twe n the `hoinititithg poWbe, a d tlie noiiii nee bf th • party, for' legistapv ' iitDees, that the 4ioini ee: sabintily oblige s himself to ' :inst. in tit iniefeit4 of con tituerits,,iina That beim the 6iViideraticiii of ucli inipheil coot act, f he !Violates his obl fration'to.the peo le, ili etiniideration has 41ed,'11'nirwe holt that, in politics, as in law; a failure 'of eon.i idera '913 VititOS liltt contracts, and releti ' he p&ciPle irliii are one of ihe•Contiet ,arti -; Irani all Obligatio to fulfil On Part tind.that,too, at an time, iihn , they May itm Mid failure f - eonsidera. ei to, theii satisfaction, deli tittep F ~ ing thei eve sue tion . Ic4csoiry ecnntse pu tire lin el we haft: be *age', gral porti has dud samb con' .4tSOlt 4 tre an h. Wihnot Debiociat Resolic of Tioga haring be: cratic - co fereqS,' representin, counties o this Congressional herebY pledge ourselves tol4 less of de anciailon from freel gogues Cif, 'rty' VartY. Resolve ,-Thaftlie dentnici tion ;of Gen. Patton, o n of ilia 'petriarelifo Dernecritcy, in Bradfo county, ' end knife Hetnoeritts, comes wit a had grace from the' Hoe. Da t.,., rid Wilmo Orhoirits once the eviler of that noblest a d .gfiaitest . of ' Her and 'States men, Gmt.'Aticirew'Jacksein.' ''' t ''' Resolve Vbzit ' whatever IntOr be the views of iitheits 'respecting' e one 'term principle, Ir. Wilmot ought . n . td complain itts apt ictitioni, to:him, will he remem bers the ttem ma pts de -by tint ' throtigh means, b no' means creditable to him to• reduce tw of thii predecessor; in Congress, the Hon. Sam eel . W. Morris o' Tioga'coun ty, and the Hon. Almon I . *Cad of Sus quehanna 'comity, down to &oat term, end that if he 's,lionld be opera d upon 'by the same thedicthe Ite" , attempted, to administer to others, he bas nothing to complain cif,'but retributive , justice. Resolved, That the Cd'urseTu tion to the' Tariff . by our 'Jen tors the 116h.''Sinen Cameron - , Daniel Siurgeon and all ,tht members etion,gress from I except DaVid Wilmot, meets c probation.' "' Resolved, iiißt . n'e regard the ecanity irl a,ait'4,supportiug tilt, 46, as fraicirs . to the best .in i c °nun ow 7 th inid.,a,s enem i. el democrat' party of the siate-.4 Resuivecl, That the fact o4tl ,; rid Wilts t not being,nble to services f §nch men as,. 1', 7 Eplimitn,[V„Daird,,Payid f. (I*Fes, , A4 Gen,' Pummit ••Dec own borot t ig,b,A4.M. their. et . . - I. the I nict of, speakers frpin,Nw interests . it klOelpen our; speaks N4aton t 9s l ]! t lixttisPhiA 4 1 : 1 ietrPsis of N0,1.:9.„9311..iti1ient.: ti Reso/vrd„Vittt, werecoom dto tille r* renege °t i the friends, 0.13c0n biatia inter ests in t h is . deingessional dilistr ct, aird , tothe sett/ rs, wltoseAinterestsit i pro,p sea to mho- , eate he tiewpaper °hoot° be stablisbed.at To% mla,to,bc'efilled the Bra ftird Settler /?..r, sokffti, , ,%" haulm •prucee hop of •this meeting,lie i pablislied in With . democratic papers in oisxoniressioal a .40t. ,, - PANiEL!Iii ,§HERWOOIi, Past/kat. - • .:,; Vice Presides/ i • Joseph Ailiert3', .• Oliver. E iot, • '''' Jawes Lowry, ) • Isaac D . ke, FrancisWetharbee, &angel , I Edwin-Dyer, 1 . : 1 William , I Sccrettiries. Herman ,1f eriple,.. • , Daniel '4.: F. Donaldson -_One ittiiirfrife4s . ttild-ir , ciwitiktriii'Allehil 'GEiritOei:44len.are o i , ~, • i ; , c si o ~ sek.t l :l 4 TA •,/?aMfss.,Prm,i , liaie repOn,,tO ,4uspeett i were 1 politic Otheriteg ht. East Smii ing:the(pcosPeets OflOr. WiIITI hitting. ei4fhtf, ll ':llre air tigt, ii'thiisrls4'qiiiii4i?'in rank 1 P49:iaßibt cir f ,c w idwzne f have 40111111)3Sicitiqd tinissiriesii I the < /iC,ltotuivaiery, , llii deelarati alliiii - Wilmbi kill' r 'VI 1 ' ' ll - 'it' ~ „.9 ere. 1:' 'E§ ,r4,oC,Aiksiluoufi n a 4 I ati4ctioui to,isuch : hok-4LUtvtl i fr• 'V° t 401 541iffciidfitik ~,, , , . _ ,!] pt*ty::i,#.lll.k:tlittrui jority OVO I ! "r 4 Ofs :4 l never tha . I Odt in this_co MbeitAcia I , . - ,',..2: , . 4 .7. •,t, : I . . . ! 1, ME ii, Vhit oil 'exotnitiing. into the :_neilliy Oar prit6lent" frepiesenta niit'ssthe flian'.'D'ayid WilniOt, la builient s regteldi ;covered it ta . . to otir'hOlit interes i',as an itfte i'ri of`' Pennsylvania , nnd alai he Cd• tii - iitetitititia pursue the - ‘b if ''YC6CleCtecf. '''' II ' Mints ii iidor' 'tich,'4 i re a instances longtijrceogniit'tlie'Poti. David s'tlie leaifitnate Catidiclate 'Orthe I id'iitiiViiii. eiiiiee.s . ' .- ' " i,That'Rob'ert 'G. White, viii., a stiiind 'rat. If Idetiuki*, 'ilace'd in tioniinatilin.4'beizio- , the several Dlstriet, ive :uppoii; fear-, yadeNenia- rsued in rein ociatie Sena ands thejlun. Demme:rutin ennsylvania, ur he / arty ap- Fac-Pimpftbis Tang 94 8- e;gsts, ,or our y;4 tilt peat w Hoeg'. Pa mound the., Hata Ehse.ll l l I t aptokii, FA" oetats. of his ad ,soholiting . li,Ftfose iJ 'grft,.‘ficgm, lit}; tom* ickerisoN ' exkird. IMIP trpOlgapt a 5 s, which We made at the tield;touth-. ile ot i , n:tu . y scj arf lot* r..Congreee, to 4 circtilate unfOit i lleded i‘'/t1 I ‘ CelVe rah' e t. a , 4cP iVW. CouutfWill , . tissertiotvat =I plidtky, Jtr.