mmwElEgmEmi ' ttg pcopik's Here shall Me Press, e .Pimpie's rights maintain, Haswell bytialliteiieeduni unl4-ibed by gain." 110811410SEISEP . 11. 1846 Delooorati4 No FOR CANAL COMM SSIONER; WM. B. RIOS R,..JR. OF DRADVEIRD COUNTY Y rOR REPIESENTATIVES DA.VID; 7 I THOMAS, F of glin'a do. EASSET, of Wiontingi co. FOR CIMISSIONER, NATHAN ELj WEST, of thontsOn. FintAUDIT9R, FRANCIS . QUINN, of 4hOconitt. . Wtkig leomtkikitions. FOR REPIESENI,ATIVES, DANIEL SEARLE, of .Pusq'a 'co,. S. D. PHELPS, of Wyoming co. s • „: FOR cotmissoNEß, JOEL LAMB, of honzsim., POit! , AUDITOR, THOMAS ,I.N.ICHOLSON, of Siningville. Libprty Sominatfons. For Congress, GEO. F. HOOON, of Bradford co. For RelpresentOtives, JOHN M'KINNEY, of Great Bend. IRA KINNEY 4 i of. AVoming co. For Co?tnniissioner, THOMPSON PACKEN,S,ofHridgewater. Fort AuditOr, . ABEL HOLIES, of Rush. . r For Cana Commtssioner, Wm. ELDER,, sq. o Philadelphia. NOTICE. \ The Stockholders of " TAH PEOPLE'S ADVOCATE AlsocrAnos" will convene at the Office of F. Lusk, Esq., in Montrose, on Taegday the te2d inst., at 3 o'clock P. M. By 4quest of the Committee Montrose, Sept. 1531846. IMP In conseq4nce of the difficulty, at this, season of the; ear, for subscribers liv ing at a distance ti 4 pay. in advance for the Advoeate, we have concluded to extend the ' time for advance iiayment until the Ist of October next. • After that time, let it be un 'tleistood, we will exact one dollar and fifty cents per year frogs those subscribers who have taken from the first number. • - Congressicipal Conference. We understand flat the Tariff-Democrat ic 'Conferees 'front Tior, Bradford, and Susquehanna con ities met yesterday, at To wanda, for the pu(pose of putting in nomin ation a genuine, tfull-fledged, Democratic Pennsylvania candidate for congress, in op. position to Ron. David Wilmot, of Bradford co. The procee4ngs of their Conference will appear in ouitnext. We anticipate the announcement of o candidate from old Wilk ; ga of the true Dgmocratie stamp: If our expectations are rialized the Democracy of the moray can 411 y to 'the support of a Democrat „pre-enfinently i entitled to their suffrages. •We aWait the sequel. 4 SUICIDE OF A fil/EMBEIL OF CONGRESS.- The lion. Feli*i McCAmnell, member of Congress from Alltbama,, committed suicide on Thursday aOrnoon last, the 10th inst. about half-Past 2 tj'elock; at the St.. Charles HOtel, Washing+. The weapon used was a ,pistol, the halt from which entered his brain; and caused almost wawa. death." CHANGES IN 'SHE CABINET.—The 11HHOTS that'Me. Illane,rafe was to leave the Cabinet bave,beep confirted by 4/ his appointment, to be Envoy Extraoidinary Find Minister Plen ipoientiai7 of the:Woke& States for the uni ted kingdoins . 44reat Britain and Ireland, vice Laois MuL6 . .6e, recallled at his own , :, ii re guest. John Y. lilasori,,of Virginiacis ap pointed Seoretaryiafthe 'avy of the United , States, vice of lity. •Ila croft. Judie - Ma san - will-net tis Attorney' eneral adrinterim uniilliii n Slicce'ssoi in ilia office shall be ap iedlnd a` Pow _ l4 „ lit d•e • I • , . • Peavp with !Mexico... ~: ' :Sne days si ,ke we received information ,I,, , *rough . the city papers, that terins of peace 7 4ad , lbeep arranied hetweezt the , , United States and Me4co, w lett / although" tie t iiiiii s viinot,yetieen a! *ltire'etniiradio-' On it, ' i s in nll 0 " t " - 0 '" g' - - Fii.,,Pl. l!ab/YWI azure. 1.111.45!.e-a# , e•-• arrangement: between 4 -IbetiroOttinrie 'as follows •a 'Mexican I iffkral govefft - . t 0f1412 tole're=eifffib tia * H d I , ndeli..#4l.jia:f gu aran ty of . the United ' ' '', l t,ate s, be ' iki:4 itt_#t:: sfuOlii '_pionii*? i sittatos the, uniir I s: . .-,wlll hare ' a light" loirtterfcre - irritOpoot,i :;t he Constitutiona! -10 - rerment Tide `R io to 'be: the -•*. _ 6 4.7 l iie;i4f4le l 1 " 41-4i : be l O r r i , ..... , Y%-.. •.. •.- the • , • Onlind as .a diatAttettcrlt meoder: pro-, tictioll iifik.94:l4 *alio, but not to be i '-'l l ".lowki ller4 % " 61 OO inhabitants shall ,'..iiiitUikaseivibea.tieSia, - (O':.favai*kiick ituiixiiiiiiii sou iiii VW lie iilowed toirtlii- IMIEM ry on a fee tritle iviih 110th epublics, and admit colOnists frOnif . all Ouniriei:and of air! religioultie,reeds, WC givn!the rumor as received thOghKitithini of t6' kind was known in Washington at our latest dates. Negotiations for peaCA in which Santa An-' na entered as a component part, may have been on foot six months ago—indeed, there has beeniucb a rumor, and many have be lieved it,:beth in this; country and Europe-Li but .wqoubt..,3vhethur_tlic-.. arrangement, if. agreeOpon, can .be carried .out, now. ; that " honeitt John Davis' has cut the President off front his two millions, demanded for that purpose.: It is posiible 'that Santa Anna may liCteaceably diSposid, but nothing de finite can be known, in the premises until eiter thonextumeeting of the Mexican Con- buocttic. nations. Inst and Equal Protection. 'lt isl often asserted, by the advocates of k 'Say's' British tariff bill, that "it affords equal ketection, to all, the farmer, the me chaniC.and the manufacturer;" and to in- duce people to believe the assertion, portions of the bill are qupted,. showing how evenly duties ere impos4d. ' The raw material and the manufactured article are placed in the same schedule, when the v,alueof the article arises from the cost 4f manufacturing it. Is this equal protection? Who does not see, at a glance, thatit ie discriminating in favor of the pauper labor of Europe? An emin neat statesman has "laid, "When a tariff is . protective, alike, to all classes, it is the most unequal tariff which can be framed ;". and so it-evidently is, Laberi; under they operation of 31? Kay's tariff hill, must either be reduced within 30 per cem,, of a level with that of Europe, or capital sink its profits in proportion, in order to preVent an inundation of articles of a for eign ma turacture, *hich, would create di's tress among labore,rs, bankruptcy among manufacturers, and ruin- among .our mining inte.resti. This is no fiction, or wild asser tion for the sake of Making political capital, but a sober reality. Already do we find in the foreign news, thet "several.of the En glish markets have experienced the effect of the pent! Tariff which goes into opera tion, in the United , States, on the first of Deeeteker. Iron has already advanced in price, arid the woolen Manufactures orYork shiremx4itnProfing." - Wren"; our revenue laws are so arranged that fli4 give impe s tuS to British manatee turinintere,sts, and increase the value of theirtnthies,. -by affording them a profitable ntarlim for their surplus, and at . the same timef i Prriduce a rt4rograde motion 'to our heretofore ; Prosperous internal mining and manufacting interests, we can see no equal- - ity in their protection, if protection it can be called. - Truly such laws may be termed British, and in no nther light with the facts 1 . before us, can we vrew the Tariff of '46. • Honesty rawaritied by liberality. A week ago on Ftiday, as we are credi bly in(orkned, Geo. F. Knapp, Esq. of Car bondale, lost a pocket-book while on the road between Carbtindale and Wilkesbarre, which'. contained 4255,00 in money, and prorMnisSory notes to the amount of $2159, 00. .After his arrival at Wilkesbarre, the loss was, discovered, / Mr. Knapp immedi ately offered a rewtird of $lOO,OO, and re turned to Carbondale. Hearing nothing from the lost property, he again went to Wilkesbarre, from ttbich point after a thor ough search, he retired to' his home in the said valley of Corbin]. On Monday of last week itn recovered( l said pocket-book and contents, A young man by the name of [ Avery • son of 1114 Miles• Avery, of Falls township, Wyomin' co. accidentally came across' said pocketihook, picked it up and carried it home. IE.1; examining its contents he dico'vered they:twere of importance to the owner, and weal directly to a-Justice of the Fence, (of coutie an able expounder of intricate questionsqn law about those dig gings 4 who advisa him to consult an At torney tit'' tunkhanimck, Where surely jus tice would be evenki meted out. He did so ; and some honest Istityer of that place (cer tainlyt there can no other kind thtire,) advised' barn to got directly to Mr. Geo. F. KnaPta,loi Cathon4ple, and deliver to him the paz i e. lie ,ditkiso; when much to his surprihe, Mr. Kna'pp handed Ito him in re turn $lOO,OO, and ',insisted upon hii receiv ing it ;nit the wierited reward or his honesty. tery enintnendable l lthis, in Mr.linapri .I!Eidependelit Candidate. lei* F . . Loan,P44.; offlon4dale,Nrayne in. has annouced "; to the independent elect , ./ra oft*ityne and! ! Pike. counties," that he will he la. candidate! for Representative in the ~.State: Legialat#re at the approaching eleetioi. In., his 4trd, he, says : " I am a Demcidrat, and an, advocate of the leading meast4esiof 'the Oneral.iind state aininis tiatinaii:f 'la deckled: friend 'of :the Tariff of we;4clinnnon - . i , itli a large portion Otihe t i demottriny of thelntitte; and I. do lie*hy a l diS:4lf. ~y and urfeinii*ldii pledge tTYO9If to mo o :jr beat A lOrtinua for. any ,reasmable add' 7 1 idlegiOatkui l that4thes:. New York it Elie ftn.droad' i Cio,44pntlyand'the citizen of ' 'thetfitfiict l ii‘a l io44re,!ittli iiii - lare* •is 411 :. 6 44, 1 i e,IgnSU in-nOO pay :niOktlein egOt -them W . 0 f O m . 11 16 *-'- - faa -Per- annum, impouid_on sad cotia l iauy„! r f --t •;.f .r ,lr 4-8 d' ' Fai=—Gciv,Ailatio t - of:lian a',Elool ii44siiiii; n*if e. *:!hat '4,• - * - ikL:Ole ', o.4ifttY? .' 4.-. , c i y x ,;° f themi r ep yea; .: lleni, Kearney -nrrhealliatjte . wilkr , return tot. , :thaL Mike!' Stateil - tunil • tiiiii 2 * ', : iiieliailinontlis.-;' , i' -•- '.. $ .' ~ . NEI 1° •A ' Anitallo 1 : , - f • The mi i lansid 4qVoltheirn Democrat s " sidling the" LimernC Democrat" sensi4rhig, 004iiided ria. I,Vho,are, the founders; patrons, • cpnductori; Ilr,C. of - that Luzerne Print, which the sapient editors of our doirn town 4 Depoerat" so audaciously presume M lecture' They are gentlemen of emir lit • taleriti moral worth, political conse- it'ence, and uniformly sound; Democratic _ riticiple4wthout the shadow of 'Who ale the presiding geniuses of the Norther Demacrat" office ...By what . , • flames m 4 they be distinguished from oth ors of thei s f staturel- Well, we have never Yet put tlitir names in • print, and perhaps that is thj reason why dm) , are so crusty with us—lo, we will venture out, and give them a difect notice: They are called G. Fuller an:o 0. G. Hempsted. We know them both, for we have seen them. The former, - I:4t a few years since, edited and publishe4 (with transcendent ability, of ..Zairse,) the '.lndependent Volunteer . "—a ederal newspaper, founded by the lion. 'lsaac Post, a very respectable Federalist of iliat day, ind issued it weekly from this vil lage. When` Muhlenberg , Wolf and Ritner !came into don the "1 aith" in which he had been burn he field , he was induced to aban don and bred,lso made a sunimerset and went • over to \ c h e Muhlenberg party. This he considerefi an impurtatit , acquisition to the strength 'Of his adopted party, and insisted lupon being remunerated. Thankful for =titan favOrs, he accepted the appointment of Comnjissioner's Clerk. From this, he could noteeap sufficient benefits. Well, at his urge(it request, he was made County Treasure!. This office did not fully com pensate tfje craving of his insatiable appe tite for official pap, so with the assurance that he 4uld ever after desist from like im portunitit3, he was permitted to act as Pro thonotars or Clerk of the. County. At the close of lijs clerical term, his successor and adherenq thought (as their practice proved,) that the one term principle" possessed merits which might -be applied with pecul- iar'aptit* to his case; so he was ousted, and comielled to return to the arduous bus iness of ills trade. Ere long, the death of Hon. A. H. Read, while Representative in Congtesik presented another opportunity for adventurii in his favorite occupation of of fice.seekiiig. Off he started, and . by dint of exertion la electioneering, he entered the conventi4u for nominating a successor with twelbe voie s out forty-four; but, through the untiring exertions and extraordiaary op erations of Wm. Hartley and Asa. Himeck, nialiciouif and indignant foes. of two other candidat6, and especially of F. Lusk, Esq. who had'' plurality of -votes on' first and second balloting, he was accidentally nom._ inated Wild finally elected. Since his re turn, aftqr a three months tour at Washing ton, his riiirsuit is of a mixed character, he being patly a farmer, and partly a printer. On his [advent to -old— Susquehanna, like Cincinni4tiis of yore, lie " retired to the plough"-but, as the project of publishing " The Advocate" was being gen erally r4eived with favor,, the tocsin 'of alarm was sounded from the Eire-proof.-- With viVid hopes of still further promotion in' future dancing before his eager imagine , ation, hp hastened to the Conned room of the endangered clique, when in secret con clave, it fivas arranged, that lie!should speed ily assure the imposing and responsible po sition of Vsenior editor of the junto's most veritable!' organ, where, by the chaste pro duction4f a ready writer's pen, he jvould `leave a good example of worth and mor als," forikhe admiration of future genera tions. . . . • Who Is 0. G. Hempsted ? Echo an swers, titio? We will not use his own lan guage at c 1 respond, a restlesii spirit, too in ; significam for our attention"-=-no; for tho' afflicted!! with a deplorable cqnstbpation of ideas, lie certainly has a remarkable flow of words, I, l liichi well spiced with a low order of ribaldy and billingsgate, may gratify the deprav tastes of his venal Masters. t e ly + Gite credit where it is doe. _ Some say that the " Northern Democrat" is mater ially improved since we resolved to publish the People's Advocate. So far as regards ippearatice, this may' be true ; but who arelentitled to the credit,;if any is due? Our efforts to publish a cheap and valuable paper helve been voluntary: 'lf the proprie tors of 0e " Northern Democrat" (as their 4 ` semi-If i hig" paper is' entitled,). have en -Iprged, Otey were coerced by us to do But thti , must reduce their,_price propor tionablAwith the reduction of the Tariff'of 1846, w4lich they profess so ' fl intickto love-L -i expend something for valuable periodicals, and, though most importantly, ; adhere to the fir principles of Democracy.: never forgenta i g, that Pentisylvattia' citizens, as such, hve rights which should and must be FcsPPeti • 1 4.1 1 r 11 ,1 x ,, STE I BOAT 'F;xii.ostos.-Vire learn by the:Plg ~York ''ribune, that the steamboat ?faxed 4 , plyinf, , between N. Y. City and :some otihe North River towns, burst one of 'her boiLis'ini; the 10th inst. and was burnt a ? the late,r!lk edge.: There were, some for ._ ti!;ar on .board at ; the-time of the ex ipkwaio ' - Daniel Slausofi, a passenger, and bac atii %a' firemen, were killed; initant ly,'And!'s:eierai. och6ii badly spaded .i and maitre . RZM Dv `Fi ictue Poih.Td Disi.43l.—it jai wiiap, pjantii*, j''( l she : 111 4;cf?!r,tt Wig) _dry . *l'ep it Will ae,rtaialy, prevent any thing Amuse., Another lie c,orneredol Chiy free4adeigeatryiin their earnest eti deivois bolster uith: "Tariff of 1846, are' driven,jby.fstUbliorn fa6s, to seed' aid in their time of 'need froni,the father of lies ; and we are fiat surwited that the advoCrttes of a - ,South Citrolind doetrine, falsei in theo ry and in fact, should betake thetriselves to a refuge so dongenial to a ,sinking cause. Last webk,we trailed une . falseliOod to the counter, and .to-dity we Itiote the direct and s- • positive dental u 1 another, that itt 4111 di. glory of capital letters liespoWn the:. admira tion of all office-seeking and 44igh-fact Democrats. The free Soil of Pennsylvania is no place for such men who manufacture falsehoods td. sustain h 1 measure subversive of her interests and her l welfare : CRANE lami - Worta_ i s Sept. 5, 1846. To the Editor of the; Democrat `& Argus Eathon, Pa, . Sirt--Yourl paper o the 27th ultimo, which was shown me ttis morning, contains in ati editorial, under the head of " The Iron humbug," the following • assertion Mr. David Thomas, Manager o. the Le high Crane Iron Works, says that he man ufactares iron at $l4 per ton." .. The assertion .1 unqualifiedly deny—nev er haVe made it, and, at the same time,, de ,clare that it is void of truth as. to fact ; Iron never . saving beep made at these Works, or any others in this country, as far as my in formation extends, at .any thing : like that price. . I knoW of no other. plan to maimfacture Iron in this dountry at. $l4 per toil, than to . reduce everthing, raw material mid labor, (90 per cent of the iron, or the cost of ma king iron, is.labor) to the lowest standard of prices for labor ip England. As to prospects before us, the only thin , " that will save the Iron business in Pennsyl vania, is h reduction of raw material and labor full 30 per ceut. I ask the favor of an insertiot ooF his com munication in your next paper, and remain yours, respectfully, DAVID THOMAS. • 717r7wPeeple's Advocate. 1 To THE Eorron or ENN CO. AYSE kIERALD: Sir—We, the ; dersigued, citizens and Democrats of the County of Wayne; and firm friends of tbe Tariff of IB42,lwhen put in competition with the Tariff ofl 846; friends Of truth, and of having The voice of Wayne County fairly and truly, represented-were present at the-Democratic County Meeting, held in the Court-house on Tuesday evening last; and we do assert and affirm, without fear of contradiction, that the resolution in favor oftbe Tariff .of 1846,- which in the re port of the proceedings of said ateetiog,„ as published in the "Herald,'.' is reported to have been adopted, was not adOpied or even laid before the meeting to be voted upon.— And further : we believe it would have been triumphantly rejected, had its friends, if it had any, dared to have presented it to the people. 1 R. Lancaster,. t.!Dinimick, Lucius Collins, . A u guigus . M. Sachet, Horace Tracy, J. L. Ket•li, A. M. Norton, John Mclntosh, C. C.Viraves, - John Kelley, Wareham. Day, Win. IL Dinirnivli, Ch I's K. Rubinson, Horace 8in..,!;-.lln I, Michael O'Neal, lieu!) Paiitz, Almetrini Ficl 1, John F. Lord, Phineas Arnold, Jarn• s Hither. Honesdale, Sept. 111, Ij-Iti. We, the undersigtt:•d, who wel;e appoint ed oa the Committee to ,draft Residutions exppressive of a sense of the Democratic meeting, held }4llbe Court-house on Tues day evening last, would here state to tht. Democracy of Wayne County; that thy. Resolution in favor of the Tariff of 1846, Which is reported to, have :been adopted by said meeting, was not adopted by, the meet ing; and we would further state; the above mentioned Resolution had oily i/ne vote in its favor in the' Committee. . AN •INSANE MAN TO BE HANGED.-Dr. Brigham, Superintendent of the New York State Lunatic . Atiylum ; Dr. VanKpps, Dr„ Fosgate, DA. Briggs, Dr. McNatkgbton, Dr. Hun, Dr. McCall, and Dr.. CiWentry, all concur in pronouncing Freemait i the negro murderer, insane, and consider hini a fit-sub ject for the Lunatic Asylum. The man is to be (ranged on 18th of this ;month, and so great is the excitement against him at Auburn, it is probable he will be executed, notwitstanding the testimony of the ablest medical men - in the State. GOING to RESIGN.—The New Orleans Delta states that the ptivate business of General Houston, and the delicate state of the health of his lady, will render his ap ,pearaticc at Washington during the early mitt of the coming session of Congress al most impracticable. • DABIAtGE EY RAINS IN TUE Suern.—The Opelousas Gazette of Louisiana t notice! i the lateraini3 which prevailed in that region .a bout the middle_of last month. I Grtat structhin had been done on the , plantations to the exfup of cotton,-corn,- and m the cattle ; and some of "thesmall proprietors had lost every thing, and were reduced 'to abilolute want, The Low Prairie, which is eight or, ten Milos in.xtent,. was an tu!iititerrupted placer of water, and amid only he, palisFd by hoats. The greater number of bridgeS had been swept away, including that at Wash: ingtoit, 'which was' (tine hnadred fili - Cf in length, and the bridge of Cameo. 10 LABORF.RS 'WANTEn.—The contras' ra at litirtlari, for the Atlantic 'and. St. . Lnw 'renee" Railroad, ad,vertb3e for: five ' lii o n4reti loicipra,, with .iiprospect of steady work for one or two years, at one dollar per dai. i ;..i .. 11111111 E A. W. NCIRTON . Lucius CimAiris, K. LANCASTER, PHINEAS itILN'OL D A TARIFF trytTnie L 'Ditea. - 44t said that the railroad companies,, nin,east have se solved to raise tiie' fare o 4 - very. lady wear ing more than twenty iticoats. , The ex citement in reife4ince to ithis !patter is 'be„ coming very trcing, and there is some of public indignation +eetings in conse quence. AN OPULENT iHoteriCiuurulitse, s —Mr. N. I.. , rigwordi, of Oncinaati, hfis ahOut oiie t hundred acresl under idturdllor grapes, strawberries, raspherries„ i peac hes, itc-: 'Fit"- ty acres are devpted exOlusively to . grapes: and strawbiirrief, the reinainder to periches' .ind oilier fruits.l Of pe4ehes, ihe has 00 trees that will come intilibearing in 1847-B,il besides 20,040 lounger frees that •are nowt I , being budded. 4 WHEN SICK ET THE ADVICE OP A DOC-1 TOR.-Mr. Jas. pchuyll4, of gondola, N.l Y., came to hiqdeath a Yew days since by; taking by the t)vice of friend, too target doses of colchicum, as a:lcure for the rheuri, mattsm SENSIBLE W i Tana have adopt, ,ulti ne,_ , marry a man who owes On editor] more than a year'4 siibscriptiom Whey ouilit to adopt another,?' never to marrnan editor or publisher who)! • 4 .I permits his owe him . . . 11 I A Nice EitstlNcTioNll.-- The reason Gov 3 .4 •? . 4 Ford 'gives for liking 4 initiative,in they present'affairs lit Nauvilo; is that hithertoi the contest had'ibeen bet' een Mormons and Anti-Mormons ;r nowi between citizens' and i t t citizens. And z:pray, Mr. GoVernor, what, were the 3lorm6s ' and ! Anti-Mormons, if not citizens 1 hoes it inilit reflect more disl grace, upon thetState iluthiriiibs that the j; permit individuids . not•clitizens to commit! such acts of violence as have made Nauvcxl a pandemonium. , ' I ;1 ,_ . . CASTING JR4E CANNON. HT THE GALVANIC PROCESS.—Th late ex'periments made ni Berlin of eastitt iron by the galvanie-elastiq proass were sd successfhl that it has beeil determined to apply it td all the guns in th 4 Prusian fortreses. A sued of 100,000 thaler4 ( 37r N 000 fr.) his alr9adi been appropriated towards the execution of; the plan. • ; THE WILL i ;OF Lours BoNAPARTE, CX-i King of Hollatd, who Qiied lately at Fl4l .1 rence, .is an interesting lliocurnent. It im.-1 plies that he wits enornilously rich. Lou Napoleon, the ex-prisoner of Ham, inheriN enough to equip another expedition for th 4 ' I imperial crowd of Fratnie.,. . I , TEXAS.—Oti the queslion diyiding Term l , • into two State, the Austin Democrat oppO4 .1 ses it, on the kroutid tlat Texas as it 11 would in a ferry years he. the - New York a - the So uth. 1 ; I Nos. Gno.. , AstimuNt,l M. C., from Ma+ .:, . .1 1 saeliusets, wilt.not only'd e cline a re. eltettop l lto Can 're:- liar re '' , l . ' )1 ' seat fOrthWith; c , ~.., _ 3f,, . 3 . S gErNo'r,Th I.:: , l:New Orlear& letter stys :--'i . t'u_t I, , nositt la and Alabiroii v , )!ltAteer- 1)14 ii,or tieirly all reached t6il , •ity, a 11 litjealregtilarlyliutistered out a 41 ; - ",, . 11. iv,„ o ~,,,,e4lwiii a large: it wilt bef or l thetu, itjul have t yet come in colii- I I 'Liet wi th a sii4le one ,ii s: -n llto haot frallkh • it .lc knonlediect they were glad to get out Of , . I the scrape and conic hole upon any terult. Their con - moil, andl tinty add, universal, ' Lha)ye seen - thl' Elephant, and au pc rfi dig sat isfi" ed .' " L •:, I ; I ' CAUGHT AT i tT.—A large quantity. of spy-; , riot's Mexicat4 coin ii c irculated rivet' ilk Ijuited States.l -About tiro weeks ago, kiln Hartivell,.inasier of the 4inerican schooling, belonging to Lynn, Mash., at New Orleaq, from :GalvestOn, Texas} was arrested •f' bringing into tie State ai,quantity of cot 44. terfeir Mei:it:al dollars with the intention :4 . . passing them.,l When taken into custody:, four packages.iwere found on him contai- ing $200,, all false. $ll3 more weii found : in hiS +in. i 11 _ - PERQUISITESOF gOYitLITY.—.-The annual 4 413 income of Queen Victoria is £500,000, nr neatly $2, 50,000 ! ' 'rliere are over all million of Itar4-working find hottest men 141 Griat Britainf not oneiof whom. receilils the tett . thottsaitth part Of the amount of Ole • ;: .r • Queen's inco e ! _ . . . Voice of thki People) One; Term V The Demoiratie Coe kill Ountylp4sed the fi -;.--4- ... I .. t ytrtnf .. ig. Resolved, That we i ieeoguize the fore and soundpess of the' ONE TERM tPRIN CIPLE, ¶h her.. applied ; Pa! National r State ofiteer . and th t. in the,opittion Of this qorive9tiotn, in its ri id enforeetnenntilie Democratib ft.tty will nd the surest g u sir. autc4 of harutony and ' nion. t. -At; the !peeling Of tli Del I I ; gate of Ly4orning colinty, iesol tion 1 / 4 vai! adoPtedJ ' _ _l R;solved, Whatwe oft') ONE TERM P plicable to qxecuOve 1 'wherie great powers'an sessekl—iliaintneli as', whole offiee . Is delirabl tbret or ((Jur earn is,` servi?.es, aUd where, a'' shun d be for ed hitt) i a lortger peripd. We 11 term's, is the test itiifeg tion.l , '. • i. i i The Milo tug result) • 1 ~. . ~... the meeting 'I wel • ueni .I)auphip-Oo nty r , - ( .1 ', Rsolved; Thqt the - TERlit iiiD trioerutie i 'iy Pi praPti ' . ?resit the! tk r t.'uteri i ty tif ItilOiri' avtitrtnithis: eterifatnal we reconititelid it:l4W' 1 - syisanip.hmixAttip to the select ion of, a GOiernor. -i ,.. ' At ri.meotifig of 'the Democrats of Wayne, at the Borou - of Monsedale, on tl4 evening s of the Sth iii ; tha' folloWing•resol4tion leas li adopted: 1 ,, :. , 11, Resolved, - That' Rotation in Office and the ONE TERM. r j'RBNCIPLE,IIis sound and Democratic - ;:and. i 4 • its app'cation to where abbe patronage is d ispensed, the Dernocra yixiff;the state will insure the ° success of its en ;On4principles. v The Rairishurg Argus says: ' The-one term principle is a c e;jiiiietl-to ' go abead:' Its , salutary intluencekont,the pure administra tion of the afruirsof- government are begin ning to be ippreeiated. The people are 4 , moving. - , " A meeting of the DemocrAtic Delegates from the several.districts of Mifilin cotmty was held at Lewiitoivn, onthe'3d tilt., fortbe purpose of rnomit,Mting a coutiti i ticket._ The folleiving resiilution, adopting the one • - term principle, was unanimously fussed:" Resolved, ThaC the established usage in this county has fixed upon . the on TERM PRINCIPLE as l •binding in reterome to certain county efficers ; that thei last regu larly constituted et?tifity cotivetiqii in this, county adopted the one terinprinmple ; that' the same principle was adopted qy the last) Congressional Ccinferees in. filial- Cougres-1 sionul district; . that we believe tho principle to he sound and democratic, and best cal; culated to securelsood and faithfal officers, and we therefore . i.leclare it to be', The settled principle of Mifflin County, in relation to all future elective officers from GOvernor to Auditor, inclusive: . .n in Louis-i A VOICE Ino4 WARREN.—Narrefl has given a noble response to the, Principle of one term, "so far ; as it relates nil all offices wherepatronage :can be dispenSed by the incumbent." - The following 'resolution was adopted by the Convention ft-' Resolved, That:, rotation in ',office is d democratic doctrine; itiTid that: i the demo erotic party ~of this l ,county in the pol icy of the "ONE'," I P.R.3I" piin4iple, so far as it relates! to all offices where patronage can be ilispensed ;hy the incutn4nt. • , . ~.. In publishing`these proceediois, the War ren AdKocati • renaarks :—" It *ill be seen by reference to the proceedings of our coun ty convention, that a resolution was unani , monsly adopted by it, in favor o .thei" ONE TERM PRINCIP,LE," so fa as relates to officers having patronage t bestow.- - 1 This is no : new doctrine, lio4er, in ' this county. After the nomination o Mr. Muh= lenberg for : i Governor, it was ' ssunaed ea certain 114 he Would be ,allowed to serve' hut one term, whether he should administer the governntent Will. or ill; and , none con tended for it More pertinacious!. ~thansthose • opposed to his nomination." , • From the Ilarrisiurg Argus. , . THE QNK Thai! PanicieLE,H-President POLK has borne his' testimony in. flior of the adoption of this principle. Ilminediately on being notified' of his nomintition,, to the distinguished offi:te which he n w holds, he declared hisdeteratinatioa not to fir i be a tandi- _ ti date r re-electiOn, and be has $ nce author { ized she ofticit4aPer sat Wiiihingion to I state that he. adheres to that determination. , In his letter of acceptance of the nomina tion of the altiinore Conventicib,` he says; I deem the,present to he- a .Proper.occii sion to declare, that if the imminent:at made by the ConVention shall be confirmed_by ; the people, and result in my election,Tshall env openthe- discharge of .the high 'and solemnsolen dutii s of:'',. the office with the settled purposeofn , t beingat candidate fhr re-elecion In the even t of; my election, itOhall be my constant aiM, by it strict, adhe'ence-to the old republican landmarks; to maintain and preserve the public prosperity and at the end of four ,years,l am resolved to retire to' private life. I in 'assuming du's position, I feel that iot only impose on myself .a salutary reS m 44 int, but that I thentosi effective me ns its my 2 powir, gflenabling the . i Democraticipar . make a free selection of a successor t o maybe best . . give effect to .their urill,:anii giiard all the interests oftir . biloved country' . .'The latter paft of the last sentence is a triumphant i vinditation of.. the principle for -which we i. now L contend. .. Mr. Polk had long'heen in puhliclife,. He had, therefore ample oppOrtunity:of estimating the -evil .1 tendencies !of :the practice of Ire-electing;re-electing-n' Chief -Magistrate,' and •-his.patriotisni over coming ai ry desire. he might pave had for a continuance ini,so distinguished a post be yond the limiten( 4 single terM,l,indueed him at the otitset to, impose upon.hiniself " a sal utary restranit,7 . , hy declarin his intention' a not to be candidate for a se cond term, thus. leaving thernotrittic party '‘ free" . and un-. trammelled by ialficialToweil. and, patronage in: the seleetion of a success r-i' -. The dectrine.that "o ffi ceSwfre establish ed to:giVesnpporito.particular men ovule public 'expense," may suit , the meridian of a, Monarchical .geiVernment, built eau never find (O'er, among freemen. Yet this doc trine is,, Anleffcct, aftemptedte be sustained by the, okinente, of .the one term teniiie— anti diet,: too, Tandy by men who are, di rectly or .indirectly i the recipiefits of the sal aries or em umems o .o e ..• E ' .- '" ir •-r it e • But we look 14 the. mese of• the people: to:tlie'rneetvhO depend.upon.the hard earn ings- ef.thei*,,oww,hilior for th 'h., daily sup-• port,. fepliiitilliesonlX,Aheir :lamita tor). upon a_ileetrine..tio,unti r reptiblican in all its aspects:: '44:llflicers ; (says Grin, -Jacksfm) were, crept A :i01,0 3 to r „ t ha' +de of ;the ti 9 n l l l o 6 il a g r ' i nl ' '' l: 4 l *, ; l l- 79,itil, 1 !"$ 41 ta rl' tio l i l i as tlt!a li n Y a r!l ii;t re her. i . . n ? ". The op . poOoti. ii(.ole one term principle think otherwise:. ,-.. ir :1 • .. - . 1 . . In favor of tile duct:Ole. voodoo of scbuy .l l: Ilowing resofutio: ocratie Dele ho "follOwitig t ,- ... liert,',in the polliy INCPIE, as tii)- nil W t I:other nfficits, Rdtio ntigO are pis *e cons i der. ,thtt ~ •,, tt...,sinee lorm ~ f # ample - reward 4r desitnble, no nnin eitintilie service,ihr Iso . hilliey thitt s h ort littrlainit eori4- tiMMlas ', / "Pt e4 i ll : oe . rati Delegates f " i Tn - DielkiocAT . lC Ciwatr.a ,F.To OW? . AavoOirV:t/k titk of ,a Ftapet priOted &!"H :c! .. , Ciiiiii, -at Johostooln, 2,Capbria Pounty;i!iit:.si_ifituntber of wloeb,is 00 our table. ItipaVii,.4 - 1 0O'd appeatanOe, aid, i 3 . fornishe'd:4lll,,;to.,,por a noutii, in 1 a.,4 4 ace" Tbe tit%.4the'ab4t "fully iiidi4atett Its 4aT- LaPlOrAiii);: e.talil - ijt;*ith itOlt a 4 o ,n tt i , e I ) 4 Nycir4i__ didtoool6o4he ', TePelt l PI , .UP .. : ,: . ..„K, , ,oi, , t i li. - triiimi - ,o4',ltablisinuehlo,t9aP 7. 1 " 11 6 1. 1 . 111 P 440. 'tj tilt' infoi ft. of relm -4_3)4'4'l* r . Pk?: r. , iiii'? 40 ". eqmPe#93- siiecese to t. -7 ~ —. 1 - - i doetcthe 'of o r i 8n 4f. ent;Polk has - 9116`,.n `by distincily, • , oikia. to favoit - a4d of Pei i~ 111 II El
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