The Montrose democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1879-1926, February 18, 1909, Image 15
11 , 2 HILLS, McLEAN ,& HASKINS. Spry Spring Silks and Dress Goods • New. Wash. Goods and White .Goods• THE NEU' SUITS, AND COSTUMES. In the Suits for Spring th! Dirceto;re influence is still apparent; the I on bipleas effect prevails and the sleeves are tight fitting ' and slashed at. the Cuff iri most instances. They' are cut on long straight lines and present an exceeding ly, smart appearance.' The new style tendencies for Spring are vividly apparent in these new models which will be disloyed to-day. ' THE FIRST GLIMPSE OF THE SPRING HATS • As beautiful and fresh as the first Spring-flowers are the new hats which will be a leading feature of this opening. Cor. Court and C;herrango Strk _ BINGHAMTON . Opposite the Court Home. _ . 0 .........a.,3 , 5a......5.% ox . - t 30 ' DAYS'- LE - SA V - • . iii lik -,4? ----CIN- , * -- a Wall Pat) <D• - ' •L , _ 0.11! to make room for New Stock - T • 75c. will pay for $1.410 worth. - - iii ifp Come early and get4li - 8 . gogg.Combinations. iii A. _ A . S f PAYNE, - - fp. • I P MONTROSE' - -.- PA. 4 * _ - gs*******EifillifieVeieeet - lien'teg 3 / 4 ' t -- Clearing PS' . have to offer-50 Per Cent cut Great Bargains we . in m i en ' s, boy's and children's cloth— ing; gent's furnishing goods &-c: and ladies' coats and skirts and men's and women's shoes and.rtibber goods. _ COHEN, DI El CLEANLINESS , •( - • ikaaseentalty to perfect Health ';' and lin iessiinfiaLe . ,• - 4 TUPOSIV -.--: `-'-' t-. 11 :Tto previtit:sitimarsa and etc 7 iht lit 1 OMife - tsLlnfmtt, , . you Amid eanip. our • 1 ..':.-4,,,i,,,,,i,,A.4:.!"1"1-tairi.- - - . ..iiiith a ' sri O liv . y . witt e,Thrte-piece -! ode Porcelain Enameled Lava tory and have- -: rmining hot and cold wiTef 'as desired at your touch. . We have I:amples in our showroom an 4 will gladly, quote you prices. . J. J. RYAN & GO., Montrose, Pa. i stoOle:aiittFOCy . -CrocertBs'i. Try our Teas and Coffees. S. G. FANCHER - Montrose, Pa. Filine_ FOrnittliro ~ You will find - oar FUL.NITUFCE — st , ck very complete Our new warerooms just above the New Pw-t()tliCe b.,ilding are spacious and 11- lighted, and it will b a pleasnre show Sou any piece or pieces of furnituro in :which you may heinterestet). Every article is up to the inimitcl in 'style and the . qualitie are all . dependahle, • . • . You will also find a line, of ' • • Baby Carriages and' Go-Carts, Springs, Mattresses, Afi r c. Carpets, Rugs:- and - Mattings.,- UNDERTAKG,in alljts branches. F. W. FIART If . 74:77airit, - ..ltp • S ave ::Money is Your Chance _. On SOCOUIIS of the lateness of the(fall. I find tuy .tore fi lled up with wintc stock which I will have to close out to make room fdr the spring stock. - ^ ' Below I will give you an idea of What a cut pr!ce sale mears: • -. .SCo Flannel Lined Underwear BSc 7150 . Natural Wool , •• 480 It.oo Woolen - _ • 800 • . - - ' .41.25 - " Fred or grey) " ' W.° • $1650 Ladies' Coate , - 14.25' $575 _ .:-. -. .' 11150 • $8.50 . . • Elso' $10.50 • '' I also have a-line of Children's Coats which 1 will close out at the maim rate. ~.,i -: ••11dY line. of Men's and Boys' hulta and Overcoats I will sell at the same cut . p rice „ rata. - • . -Hurry •up and be the first to get the benefit of the Sale. .If you are the firs you can get the first choice.' 9 • - - A-Smuckler s----ts the Place 7 We sell goods . by Mail, -e t q. A T 1/54'2- S• GOHEN ME DU IZI At the. old Post Office Building ✓ERYTHING South Main St., Montrose, Pi. Sale Montrose, C IN Harford University. • Its' Early Days...J. B. McCollum as a:Play Wr. Editors Democrat:—You ask me to write some -thing for theforthcoming special edition of your excellent- paper, and suggest Some reminiscences of Uncle Lyman Richardson's Harford school. Originally it was called Franklin Acad emy, but later this-'name was dropped for the • more, pretentious: one named above. - . . Commencing with the fall term of tssl I spent some three years there, which were among the most pleasant years of my life: Uncle Lyman, as the student: attectionatelv called hiM, ; was a faithful instructor, looking after the mom: a . well as the intellectual, tultMe of s pupils. His occasional evening l''ectu:es opened wide avenues of thoUght aid Atirred in us ambitions, which undoubt, edly did much. in shaping many a future career. His course of lectures on the '--Crusaders was,: : peculiarly instructive. While describing those terrible 3 - ears, Which lengthened into centuries, a .d learnedly-explaining - the motives of t er the Hermit and other leaders wt.° were instrumental in throwing such e vast hordes into the Orient in wave after wave of slaughter, in order to rescue the, Holy sepulehre from the lilOslemi- he drew lessons of instruction from each event and showed the final outcome to on the whole, beneficial. - Mutual ac -quaintance and commercial intercourse softened asperities, - - and pointed, al though- feebly, to the . .final" outcome of all progress—human brotherhOod. • • Then, there were our secret societies— Amphictyon, alpha mathean—the latter composed entirely. of ladies; the two former ee..tirely of gents, for the sexes were not allowed to visit each - other except on•sp:cial occa sions; this rule was steadily enforced. The.Eps. and Attphics. were of course, in friendly nvalfy, each striving to ey eel the other, especially at the public e hibition. At 'tne close of each fall ai winter term these societies took the.: turns in these exhibitions; when origini songs,,speeches ancl — coloquies': wes publicy given. Then, at the close the summer term in early July, bot united ilia general exhibition, assistet by the Philomatheans. The late Justice - McCollum was always a leader in these public functions, writing songs ar "color - mice' for his society, the Amphics "The Enthusiast and Misanthrope' given. at one of his society's exhibitions was a play 'worthy .of preservation ar a wider audience. -Then, at a genes exhibition he gave - "The Maine.Liqw Laws" and -at another "The Kansa: Nebraska Bill." "Uncle Tom's -Cabin" was dramatis fe,ir us Amphics, by Julius Tyler, ata, other annual exhibititin, which gave • great prestige, and swelled our heads belieVe we were "it." In this "coloquy the Philomatheans were in full partner ship with us,of which we felt very prcud Those were halcyon days, for life was new and flowr:y fields stretched out fore us in limitless expanse. Alas! t.. frost soon nipped the flowerS, and stern realities swept away. the glamour and the golden glow. . . : In later years the Soldiers' 'Orphan school took the .pliee of Uncle Lyman': school, and later still, in passing these .Scenes of early joys, I Saw bay and straw protruding from glassless! wincOws, an sprea4ng Van& • :140!" . - , 7•' ' ' '; 1 ,- - .14.03* Pa 0:4 .I.tpdari •1 in . krlt 4 . S V ill 4 "y- *-*'i'-'** . it*:*** : :!* * l t ' i '7..•: : ' L, T ''_.'''*ilitai iitiiiiiiry -4 '' * * Would you notdike to have your * * name added to the Democrat's * * weekty subscription list and re- * * ceive the paper every Week? * Why not try it for a while, any * * way? Si .50 a year. As a special * *. introductory offer, we will send it * * -to new subscribers five months * !or socts Send us coots and try dt * the Democrat for ties months. * * Or perhaps you. would like to * * send it tO a friend. / * f * *,* * * * A puttblic school teacher was explain ing the meaning of the word: "glutton " ''Now, Tommy," she 'asked; "what would you c.. 411 a Mark who ic constantly overeating,i" "Ob." 'said Tommy, whose father wlc a sea captain, ."he's what you cal' stowaway, I guess.".—The •February. THE MONTROSJ± DEDIAPRAT, 'MONTROSE: PA. Febniary 18,1909. tier Wasted Efforts. Bos BINGHAMTON.N.X Buying by Mail . . , . •17..iu. run ho risk whm: you b4y by mail at. the Boston. . store, and you are assured of the lame .trustworthy rher-' (handle, the 57 l ine courteous 54.-ice, as. if you were here .personally. . • . ' ;! . . . . • A special' as though for p the goods Try our eon pl. to f at'ef BARGAINS! MANUFACTURERS CLEARING SALE OF ROCKERS AT CREATtY REDIJOED PRICES. It will pay yow to call beautiful of roeliers. Henry L. Kr Furniture EmporiUm on C SPECIMEN HANDSQ4E . • RESIDENCES IN . . your . :shopper takcl3' selects the goods !scnal'use ' and follow the transaction ,until the store for, your address. . . 5 I prompt mail order services -=you will enjoy c' ion. BEAUTIFUL .MONTP.QS. i . . WIISIDIINCE OF MISS GROESBECK LOCUST ‘STREET; * E. 12' CARDNiIk, STREET M ErrEfis..( ORE id see this I, ISS, ureh Street. pLus E STREET G 32 ~ ~~ .fLI J~~l%y ne•ann pson t , usi Tho ndale . OE a Districts Apo!aeon Ararat... A utown Bridgewater.. Brooklyn .Chrut....., Cli . Forest Lake_ Forest City.. Franklin .... Friendsville Gk Bend tw Gt. Bend .. 11111stesd„ Hirford FiSrmonyc.. HOrnek llopbottom Ileicsou .Tossup 14nesboro 4throp aberty Little Mead 'Mletown BEEI ,RErIDENCE OF DR. R. A:TORREY.,.I.:AKE ' APEXI: _ . • • , • • ••• • ' . •''' ' '''.; ;l ; 4 l`-'••,.4• • -; • - - Tt.EsIDENCE OF CHAS. S. G.IRNER, it) CHERRY itESIDINCE OF T. J DAVIES. SOVTII MAIN STREET, . , . ... . . _ . . . -- Rr-n )1.:4c.A, i,3r, G,kwu..7l . p, TpcK. LAKE .•%.'"?.:41:E ..... ..... . . .. .. • RESIDENCE,I , MRS' AIMI.TURRE ES t * '. ffilliM MAPLE & HIGH STREETS MEI REET. - r