11 , 2 HILLS, McLEAN ,& HASKINS. Spry Spring Silks and Dress Goods • New. Wash. Goods and White .Goods• THE NEU' SUITS, AND COSTUMES. In the Suits for Spring th! Dirceto;re influence is still apparent; the I on bipleas effect prevails and the sleeves are tight fitting ' and slashed at. the Cuff iri most instances. They' are cut on long straight lines and present an exceeding ly, smart appearance.' The new style tendencies for Spring are vividly apparent in these new models which will be disloyed to-day. ' THE FIRST GLIMPSE OF THE SPRING HATS • As beautiful and fresh as the first Spring-flowers are the new hats which will be a leading feature of this opening. Cor. Court and C;herrango Strk _ BINGHAMTON . Opposite the Court Home. _ . 0 .........a.,3 , 5a......5.% ox . - t 30 ' DAYS'- LE - SA V - • . iii lik -,4? ----CIN- , * -- a Wall Pat)