Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, July 29, 1847, Image 2

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The Was
1 . üblishee the
• of State,
of Foreign Af
which appeal
of the 2. 1 301 A
*mister ackm
plied that ex
been submitted.
action. , Om
but up to the
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ter, an tbi
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„ . .,,,.1 4 „. 5 . , ....w0l
..- 4 Sid ".4-41:1, jge - the
• Lr.-000114:1,0401 f 2241
- 4Pribtuqy
4 inia4tih.Y Paresi
tndelit le Vichw ttely to
~... ...,,
-,,,, a !..,
..vos•*„b7l pa;: ea
'llit'llhittean one Or
. .
i -
:izens, is
1 •44nnitiirsioners, ~.._ - con,
4 . chide Utreaty ofpeace wibu ..
._-.4 .430111111113-
- inottereTen the - part of- Mexico, ii soon as he.
' 'shill lie,officially iufenaed 'thae, the' Maxima
'-everarnent willappoinfswah eimmissioners."-
. -''The President deeplY regretsiibe . refusal: of
'Alia Mexican aiiieede to " this
-'`friendly - overture s "unless the fai ri ng of .the
! , blockade of our (the M xican) pots, and. the
"':Coniplete evacuation of . e territry of the pub
'-lie by the invading for s, shall ~ 4e . previously
r '-'tiecepted, us Uprelimina condition.'
i'•_'Thii-President has inlitructediine to inform
• yoitithat this "preliminary condition" - is whol 7
Irtnidadasible. Such la etaillition is neither
'jfttiiied by the honor, jeer stai4tioned by the
-practiCeOf nations. If At Wet*, this would
- tlind to prolong wars . peciak.betweeri Con,
i t
' tirininous countries, u 41 the line or the other
i' . .titieterUsa entirely sub usek z 10 nation which,
- titibe-expenditure of .I? one Midi treasure; his
IhMided its :enemy's ce utty; iial acquired pos;.
c'eessien - of any conside bleporAen of his terri
-6 tory,lconli ever consent to ujtlidraw its forces,
- NOV,* preliminary conditio - to the Opening of
- negotiations for peace. 1 This Woul be at once
to abandon all the advantages It had obtained
- . in the prosecution of the war, Alithout may mi...
Witty that peace worg a result from the 114211.-
Cie. , Nay, more: s d gaol): a negOtiation
prove unsuccessful, the nation : id:deli had time
imprudently witbdra' its forges fromMte en= emy's territory, might not be dhle to recover,
without a cost of bloc and treltasnre equal to
'that first expended ; t e advantageous positioti
ihieh ikhad voluntarily abandoned.
!'.•: , Fortunitely for the cause of peace & human
ity; the history of nations at 7 .4 War !affords no
unction to such a preliminary eandition.. L The
United States 'are as jealous of their national
honer as any power on the faeo of the earth;
and yet it never entered into Oil contemplation
of the great statesman who administered our
government during the period i,f the last war
. with Great Britain, to insist that the latt
should reihrquish that part of cur territory-of
whit h she was in actual possestiien, before they
would consent to open negotiations for peace.
On..tho contrary, they took this initiative, and
aplinnited commissioners tojAreat for peace
• whilst portions of our conetrifFern held by the
enemy; audit is a reniarkablk lact,., that the
treaty of Ghent Was coneltide4ll4 the plenipo
tentiaries, of-the ttro .. weis whilst the war, was
raging on both sides; and thi,:nost memorable
...of.the.conflicti tii,which ik po lige 14*iie
oven own . soil .tiler . $ e nea'Vrn . , l o4.ll l V.Pt"'
ly terminated their 0re...? - cry is : WI of
"eb €114144* -14 4 , t .l 4:**.iliCiilidei . :,
Aignedlit-aware,.t ; bni -I* nOt , .;;#lAiiiSntinar.*:
least in =Ann,. , _ Usingl4 : 4o4o..V4enlitilk
t. 4.
~,,.in is f lieett 40(iidefid * - . 4 e::
' : '7 ikOieth4ri :Ait - ilk:, fOqi.l.4';:tirmY-1
. ,_ . . :io '.*stialOiwi')ipto*-* iesefrostioel , ',fee.•
- peitt -- eliaill'ioninience I)4* thUtwojirirtitni •
. A 9, tbe Far. i - :-. 1 / 4 . • '' -. ' .;''.
~.1 1 1.**14, rasa; be' &le nit to - find kiii - eoc, ,
dent . foi,the course pursued lot The . Mexican ,
-r ...1r*e14,14 another ikiiti .4iltri-7;:Ttiik'greg
ident, anxiOns to avoid the!. tit. - *W . ijiisting,.
e nenkn : lninister'ef peace te,4steo for thut'prir
pose. . 'After the Wile an forces bid attacked
Ale OM. of - Gen. Taylor at thus side-Of the Rio.
41Titide, and . thus Comment:oi tho'irtiri" the.
~Preirident., actuated by the - Sine'.o4ific i- .4444
r .24 1 09`..701 0 .ated, o ' 'tit the goVernment:-At.
' - itiaiiicilo negotiate for it4ermitnition; fro:, ,
v* .. , .
.. ; idtliiiiignibe. has, - theliegifiniio.l*nii
dint . '.iwed 'before the iiiia' that lie desired- no
terms hut iinct as ere jest and luinoribli for
laitlifiarties, yet t Mexicatt goiernment,; by
'' . l4Warag to reeelie - - miialiterld -
plum, and afterwa . by is4ine ceding - to, or .
. oreituiee to open n goilatidAs for peace ; `'-bas
~ever afforded to t goverOielit - Oveo thelp- --
pi :msurk - :4i . of . : - known.the terms on-which
,.. Wti tll* d - be vigil; to settV all questions iSI
' 'diignitebetv - reen the two republics...-. The irar
.4tan never end whilst, Mexico refuses eren,,4o
- 'heir tbo.posals Whifik we. have ilwayitteen,
- itiadvie *Ai for . == 11 ~ - - ", . -
The - Pima/mit llwot -again renew the
'to itegabiteat t untilflie ehill:liase..res
_ewto.believe that ' wouldOe aesetited.hythe:
. ;Itettiean .govern nt. , - DeSted,-- - liowever, to_
‘inriblet - peace; -. isdetelf*ed thattliewsila
oNieifat shall - -- ' 'pi ftseted °bodily ka r -,
7 . tie iliiiii'ltha li be' r red iihselptely. neeents;.
"ti , iiirelii Mexican inpaliUM 44 , For the pup**
.141 &ming this determination into effeetArith
the least possible elay, heNrillforthuithinniA
n) the head-' , , =of ther.ormy, iii3felieet.' -
',l4tiehelati P. '.. . Esq,, th4olfbeefurattitionk
- 416 the , seders' I- , , , weer PiepartmentJif eta
*417 1 - Affairs; ass ~ m , ,-, , erjnve vs
full powers tai Judea , efinitirsi,tre4
;;Iwnieii - Arith the't ! :44 3 141e5ii Stat Mt.- 4
gentleman pos.:-.. -. .,the-_.diitirel„,,coufi4iii
the President, a .., is endittOrWorOi et:itiail
of thetldexittan .. , ernme*.,,„, - .4, . - 12L1
The4l4.** * : , xefr*i ,4 . liii - 4. l 4 9 ulekii
. „ pon.tbii.4o ' g P ara - . 11
---s' *:44-11"4*"
other' portionaot..onr,
cause .60449* • : , ; • w h i ch-lie :es4eirtabis . of
theleinjita* . .oo.., ' fla th__Oriited;;Stlit4coula
rift l?' :rittl'.4l' 1 4 ) J. ' .l. .00* ( . 1 41 tone, : which: be.
(lakes **:--,:„:
....,*the•_, a 4ir..„seut ..eronotood
tion. . Ile 'Fmk I 1! ',tli...
.... ..therOfnit't to 4,4
' . 7.-as tedemt ;.til*'. - , 1 0 1444 0 1 10) - 0 1 . 0 1 1 #9,0: -:4 45' 6 "
the sentiment :,',, 'Q )ItiOirptii. O. et ofihi.
same note, where tii*,3400...„,40 3 1' - e.r..iiA
_eat er= 7
presseslow.paia . - 441!.. 4 S.'.*:Akuited the-
sincere frieedel4plegeV4o,llo Ye*
[ur] relMbli..W 0 0 . e.::*.0 1 : - MOOS lt.bee
- always admired, '' a iii46o - 440401i* have
nerved it as a, A'i , el" ' . 11; - :. ,--
_,,-.:;.;,..; . - '
TOR. feeiin* , ;.ostet : te4: l 4 . -
st 1
the President, ose eattisok, " i'lit - ";lt' : *.hat!
the United Me ' • ' , - Ste* . undeeteir .
- -'- " d -e the
.: _ , 4:0 - •.1, 911 !MUT ,
shiair t o own,,mt!Y r -- - 1, -z....,L an dera
liiscrt. ofethkii fieolkiina till!* 51 1. 1-, earth.
5 ' - ' , '-' tiOMI of the
tea Acidic* ilmont th° ." , hi a - iu.t4i
. i
ed , ' ' o we s t ocel!s!c? bi
Vhe 1411dOin . 4 ), - 4,, - e , o f h
offer:t,4o42!:;%4`iinol3eY- t ill li 1
m e i t , —digi*lehet *),,,.. liside.,l ucluatia.
~ 2 CI
Lena.-;- •-', is oi 4;110114:"' ilk. '%; ...,
fro, .""71. - . 2 t i • e a ~..'
= ._,.., hAte . i . f ib ,* I f fan --;
The ifillfomuu .. , 4,- '-:. A i 1.1:
t..:ti' .- ' ,t, , I Gone., -.
...,,,, ve d by biip ,, ... , ..ferw; • A., . ,,,, , ii d
...: tr 4,,,, e—
-- -:--•.:, it mix be...regartiau IS!
'll:&miKlLlia aki - ~;-
1 the main correct: • ‘, ,
re i k
Nwro z
id n*:
tild 4
*Ott h
• mo
it time
Ito the
- - - • - , , • ... i
Cirr-01 , ltiaxzeo, 4 4,nne 26, 1847.
Pear Sir- 7 4 lim• very sores W I halt it not
in mirnverlte Advil' l' e you, Of mzrrelear *eat
bondage ~- t his: Cie
laticin of tt*itekreirthics and a' sioleina en
gageteet*Onte*l-finte"irltbll Gen. 'Taylor the
:day .0&.:i ito. Inittl4ifl Buelial , 'Vii ? ,, 'still de
mitirvut tiff 104000 ofivar.4. 1 ' ' . : • . - .
,-. :Orilliti.`a-iniit:4l:reenived•is dote from the
teviiihnient476 prigniit myself at the castle of
Fatitiago,Tintr lateirbioni nnittherereeeive the
final determination.: of
,the , finthoritiei' hi Our
case,-'. . At le Castle:we Were inforMed that
lievere ex° langedi and that' we ShOuld depart
the next day, for Tampico -t-the officers only,
without the iniii,4and were !directed to go to
the palace, reeeivtgonr. instructions, expense
money, &c., preparatory tO our departure. At
tholialace we werotold to call the next day, &
on the next day* .. tiere itifeKined that they
were without meanfi,46,Sendlua, and that we
could not go. Thiia were oiler hopes blasted,
after buying made . !air necessary preparations
on our part for thii;trip:' !This disappointment
was: the moregallbig, be4use the reason as
signed was known to be a Mere subterfuge,
=lit turned out that fliur4 ..days afterwards
our men, one hundred andifiyenty in number,
were sent off to the 'same place without our
knelled - go, =tvhielitequirell a much larger sum
than it would have reqiiired to send the 'officers.
Indeed, it Wotild beve taken iii very small addi
tional sum teliavo3,sent IM with them, and that
we would . cheerfolVhavmpaid ourselves. By 1,
sending offithainen wit h out our knowledge, 1
they werecsubjectid . to
,; t sufferingand in
convenieriei on along to Tampico, with
ont..the:PreparatieZVn Oary •in the way of
1 clothing, -alioeS;l44'Whieli Were then in fact i
being - furniiffiedAheiti. ' .The true reason why 1
the . ..officers Were 'not alloWed to areompany_
them remains to'be seen ' 4.. ,
' Since that tine.` the 4th) I haieheard noth-.
ing from this infernal Government, ifGovern- -
went it may be called, bit to-day I ' have re
ecived an assurance from Gen. Scott, !that im
niediatett upon - his arrival :in . the vicinity of
the city, which :01 surely , be within
. twelve
days,- he will maki. a; peremptory demand for
lus. It will biveringliedwith as I thiiilc. ' Yon
! may thereforelook . for me early in August.
Gen. Scott; wetsre assured, has made every
possible efforatilproCure our eillargereent, but
to no purpose. :. 1 111 istapproach to thin city will i
certainly take piii6 in a very few days. His
measures preparatory to 'meting are till taken, 1
and preparations nearly complete. lIIe tames 1
with a fOrce enfrceient touecomplish his object
effectually'. '. ' . • 1 • ,
I have received no-letteti from the States I
except one from A. $., since my captivity, so
that the ' iikeld, us to me; May be said to be
hermetically sealed up.- [gore follow! passages
of a nature altogether private and 'domestic,
and the letter concludes as follows : . 1 - !`
I have now the most positive infortnation of
Gen: Scott's - te.Mliness to move on this capital
'Within the next three or . four d ays . ' lie will
an easy conquest. , •
-lily 'intercourse with Geo. Worth isfrequent.
By his generous conduct towards me he has
enclearedlhitruielf to me. for life.
irintr ►nraffeetionate brother,
Important 'from eels.-Scott's' Army.
chjerturcs, for Peace nit Rejected t---ASpeedy
Movement on the dieFi4an :Capital, 4-c. 4-c. l •
- i - *isrunsires,Zuly '2?,
.1847. I
-'''' 17* - ..ternaWiesille;l3th,. Tampico to the
ltjth, and tiiihtilith, have been re Neii . .. Aierialbjr the arrival of the,
Oec i mpliti .Qi4e#Ol-",'The New OrlMont pa=
pers de Inut".4tetitiatihe overtures for ; peace
hid lieeri.rejectektitiellleziapreongress. ,
The.dates .fronzit*capital are mileter. .1
El .124u64704 . 0_4the' 2Ftb;- - stuies that a
council V' iraiiiidlbion lied by Gefi. - Scott, at]
ehlri - '6 . on`, - discuss pr ,n, the . 24 t h, to the question 1
Whithei7o 2 e;.in*tiYAb° 46l advanc e on the enpi- f
to iir : of,- 1 Geliolut whose narfic is net giv
'eni_cti haroiniien that it would be im-
Prideatile:ra ' '_44rrith less thati'2o,ooo . men.
Gen. Worth' ftlitereiA from these -viewii." Geo. ,
'Stott si'id War:it of the'efficers agreed with
!Gen. Worth 4 Crieirs, and it was fortlrivith re-;
*aced 'in take! ni ;die Ifni of march for the'cap
-I:tra Mr.:the:2*k .but would halt at RIO Frio a
feer:days,lo give time to thc Mexican Govern-,
moatto determine its answer to the prcrp4-
aition firrliegetiations of peaeo. The Amen=
`fan foroc - m eitimeted at 8,500 men.
The comm ercial Timis has authentic intol-'
ligence of thew details,..almoit literally cermet.
The . ./Ifiku e b it li6airo remarks upon this estimation
it ' lievesithe Ame ricans Lave comprio-1
taiS4. I " situation bey ond measures, and -e-...
reirif thei . wou tiiimphe upon trinrophs, thete 1
yerY-vir,rerresilirillicinse thew ruin.
• ThelßepFigai trio 6 gm, publishes 14-1
- ter inijimplCiiiig :Itie : de barkation of - troops atl
ti*a, 91 74 that" hsoer4 Seat bad ordered to;
edit**. with 1500 :4* v , with ten Alms and
ii . merOr, towird*: thtl , capital, but learning]
Ihet;the train :wai'dairined this • side of-Pne-
NA, lad: - imun ,t , iriattilitid ilie: order: -- mid der
Pdatt 4 assistance to the- I rillt it ilisiiiiitles-
that Jott had i probahly, poitpri;i4., liliCiatia. 1
*on ettrosehing the etpital to khototh4 - Ju- 1
iy. 73e setae ; paper thinks it prob4if . that
len. Taylor 'Wilt abanden.lWei
'. - zawsit I n t o ~,, - vat
g_tf tis.arniosz:PieixestueT
11 : 4'216 -, c,Af -- mdr‘s. - i - ftsr. 0 •
41,acpedi*Ig*I"wesiO4. #e
. - 3 FsW* l cir4.**' 41 44 1847 '
- f
_.„,„..,.....- - ' iv- itovrived at , It-Pr•
Tho iutrauwv-- Wr ,dfitie to. the 9th 'hist..
ie:104;;/aKT E LCV ni f v , r .. 64, , & cotes
llceiv won ,
rof-,..„,', .4rj 3 :47, 6 ',„ 4i , .b via ITi nra or , Cad-
_. r.. — t-,..t - ~- -, -
. ~ 7 ,1 i,.,,,,,z-,_: Q.t.: . 1.7; ri i 2L . '"
'15474-eri-)0"41:14'° amittiLlisa'''
EID 646 of, , P 4 m#P[ l :7-1,--- -- - idi -i iiir .
" n1,44rha5ing,,L1140024140- 4
• - -fj - l ig * has fawn
~ rs
P r i l 441 ' '` ri`embri.say4oo4eAß, 461
444 V
s l o i: 0* - 3 1g.14 1 i g e roil ait!si i : o+e a All"
Vi5b 1 040 0 4..,'1.:p ,_,L -.-,- 5 ., ,
Gift P A i l le - 114 1‘44- .1 ,4 7
4 16 "
the P#o****,
,er'hyi,bie! *rival
iiiht:Ortii iiiiini.s irboeseapedli:oni the
Bleliticiali t WO= ',lrt
,from Wzmi : O" t 4 i : Tam
pieriptsidirtited at Ne v
. e Orleans, and - repo
thatillkit . ":4 SOtherii who hid escaped with
theia'iuilieekeeaptired. an three shot du
?webs pitiatt:, [ltivill be:seeolleited that
thesi sPßieri 'Niue: . :part gri Borland's and
Gaines' euimpands.l , . it til* stipposed that
l een
.C01: , ,8e *11139 '!) i ezpation against :',the Mexi
can/Oche had. : pied our s Odieri,lail failed
in eatehi4 t ei'acti,ri enemy.,
tip! Asfi.,,con'es
iondeit Okto Paiesman, rebiteiftbe fol,
lowing admirable and, characteristic incident : -1
" I heard tin anceiote about
. Filas, Wright,
whioh occurrisl recently in.. our city, Wli%tah II
cannot resistitelling.k A young man who is a l
'Saar, was bings etimined as a witness in one
of our magistrate's darts, and upon being ask
ed-by lawybr whei he tired, replied :" In
Canton, Bt. tawrende county, New York."
Some ono reinarked,ll . ;" what, in Canton, that is ,
where Silas Wright tesides, is it not? "Yes I
sir-ee," saidlthe sal*, 'and I know him well ;
the last time I saw ijim, he had a pick-axe on
his shoulder` oingitf dig a -ditch." Perhaps,'
said a whig,twho wn present, 'he
, : was go mg
to dig the gram of Rothe loco foeas." More
laoly,'.responded t19:1 ho was ,going to
preparc.for the intolpent of the whig party in
'4B ; for be Would Make a first rate sexton for
them on . that oectision." You know Mr.
Wright, thee ?' esk4il some one who was pres
lent. • Yes, l wtr, again responded the sailor,
' he's the man who, :*-hen he comes from Con-
dress, puts on his big stogy boots one_ to w
trowsers, an! goes (Ott to work op 'the roads
with the bop, r vo, hem scraper with him ma
ny a time, aed a mighty good-hand he is too.
Ile takes h n ld of a lii . .raper, or plow handle, or
an axe, and4makes 4verything fly about, just
as he , does When he talks about the tariff, the
big bank, a4d•themOher great political affairs.
He's a man all ovetfii any way you can, fix him,
and just the kind o,:ebap that I like.'
As Eat*ouAN4..—The Glens Falls, N. Y.,
RepublicanimentioUS that an earthquake visit
ed the several towis in that county on the
morning of the 9th inst., about 4 o clock;
There weretwo'shikes at an interval of near
ly 15 seconds, ands, the rep produced was
represented( as louder than the most terrific
thunder,ev4r heard: Buildings were shaken
to their fo ndationeks were so agitated
' that they e mrneneldleating a reveille with
out regard to the }Our, and alarm and coaster
nation beat i tne genhral. The shock appeared
to move Selithivesttsrly, and its effects were felt
for a distance of some fifty miles.
A GOOli . Jonz.4.-:One of the best jokes con
nected with the P4sident's - viiit here, came off,
we learn, at the Maior's room, and was "perpe
trated" by Mr. B4thanan. The President in
quired of the Mayer the latitude of Portland,
and on beiiig inforMed, he turned to Mr: Bu
chanan and said-4A This is farther north than
we have . eier been before." " Yes," replied
Mr. B. ; lint with z smile on his broad 'face,
added—" hardlyfthink we shall get to 54 40
this time."--Poranad Advertiser.
I stated by liutliority in the House of Commons,
that the privilege litely conceded by the proc
lamaoon 4f the Gliyernor General of Canada,
relaxing the laws ,hiffeeting the navigation of
the St. L4wrence,tby which American vessels.
small rivet craft, oiire permitted to bring their
Ifinur and Oirn into this country, is bnt tempo
rary, and would ei.:ase, as a matter of course,
when the navimatibn laws cease to be suspend
A 1 'i - ' •
• CIIOKEE g',X viz A23ll%—it is not
,generally —nowit (0 the public, says the New.
Orleans elta, that R. P. Ross, Adjutant of
the Arkansas regiment, who fought with such
distingtu * ed braiery at 'Buena Vista, and was
afterwar s t
rewarded for his meritorious behav
ior, by p motiouifrom the ranks to the adju
tancy of that..regtineut, is a Cherokee, and has
numerous relatiOs in the Cherokee nation,
although ` be has dot-lived there for
,many years,
having allopted 4rkansas as his lu.rae.
r. _ _
, .
Presbyte s iian, 33';.; Presbyterian Associate, 3 ;
Presbyterian Asociate Reformed,2l Presby.
teriantterartng, 13; Episcopalian, 41 ;
'.4lethodi t, an aliases, 32 ; Baptist, all classes,
126 ; Roman Catlzip' lies, 17 ; ' Dutch Reformed,
; Jcagish Sy ogees, 9 ; Congregational.
ists, 7 ; Unitar* 4; thriversaliits, 4; Welsh
Independents, 21, Sundry others, 12. Total
church funding% q. 27.
.POLSO,NED BiPAmts.—The Danbury (Con
necticut Pint* says that a child of . Mr.
ChaileaChapmap, of that town, (King street
&reek) as pifoned on the 6th.instant, by
putting vistting card In its mouth, which its
mother had - girein it to pky with. It died in
48 bomb after. i An, anali.sis of the card by
Dr. E. P. Benin/ft, showed that the enamel it•
coatinglwas mini:posed of carbonate of 10d.
;Exalt]) owOatms..—The N. Y. Evening
' Post 44rns-froni the report of the Prison As
sociati, that to number of vagrants constant
ly in pr son in . at city during the past year,
was 10 ~ c:Ostihg $66,000, and that the whole
tom& arreste4 during the same time was 33,-
1 148. Ile nun)ider', arrested from the Ist of
IJuly:i 1p45, to the Ist of November, 1846, 16
t o
wont : 47,290: A fearful catalogue indeed !
" Siiss`Boy," bound for Nashville,
on the 6th tdti, blew up on the 'Cumberland
rivers ' ' 1 tkiinty of the crew and passengers,
and bdlyaft4ng others. , ..„
" The very fact that General TAYLOR should
be elaimod'as Oa whiff" by the oppositon, and
etreliakes th4rnenunatioass It party scheme'
and Irmo theireoMpany, is the best proof
'that;ever - trek inclined to federalism, 6o is
, yasha
,ed of it now.
• Plit , SPZ, bfrtAe M gr . Lours.—There were
ere $ tiniOity of St. Louis, during the
yet!, aiding ci c f the Ist idt.; - nine hundred ,and.
sbiy .1300 es:
• - .
.0 . - . :1f01ki.”91.--Me regret to leiirn- that
4 1 , i i a : - . - ,• ,- lied-etitetitniailis at thin timo*ery
kw:: . .•. ,i neiyous affection; and feari are en
. Joitlik , re,Tfry : - , -Post. . .
. 7 k. ,411 . 0 1 0 0- --, Theic4liirmhPiin
- 14,0 . . sitfi;*: lib OriASt! A hor s e that the;
- ' lie'Teligraph C - iii ipiny Into beg& hip
, .
-41:' , ;41..5.f.,....: . • - :.-, :-.:- •
'trai l..
.state than Gen.
4: 7 •-74bis --- I . '"-""(
~ . . lbe -
. vean:lo Initt- any more le
fain 1 ' 'FAO
... • k it;Th? doubt:
Morrammis ExpitnsB.- 7 -It ie sail
14kiti*oficers, hartsilter eaoured
, sge# Senf.to4,l4 countryr
,enhtt the Pcmytventaa•
' fri , r4o ll .: 6 o l 44 l tU f n i •
A fe • i.ieelfeirago, when the prices o(breact.
stuffs • ere high, .• . the.;-:Narilt , r.Xiiiei-iectri, in
proxy- m *yr:apathy; 'condoled wil,h the a+
ehanie-: and :ttierfltU.:torivtince ;diem that the
Tariff f 046 was' w orking ritin.,•‘. Then
that fa -6041 g jetkroatlad iiii.congratidatioo
to offe tUthe farmers;hin stoic . Of` things
gratify ng teats 11°341 in inotho
chann'' Orka,Ahel*ppy,agriitilttirist wan whol
ly forg. 'No*, when these pfl!,
ces h e gone'
are kii ed asideand - Orgotteti, and the stream-,
IZing e• • and piteous . of this ' Fedei*
put, re . turnetteoMpassiciruttety upon the flit
' triers. Ike i herikilf-knevimAistbrintr o who was
Franca •r and player by turns, it, is hard to say
m the personation of which o 4 these different
choral ters the - NorthArnericanis most succeo.
ful. • either BOL SAirru ors Jon (lowntit,;
could ay claim to a higher order ;of talent;,:in
these i ifficult departments of she drama,
Bu has this ihome-market teen destroyed,
as ye. predicted it would be, ;when the Tariff
of 18 6 was enacted? On the contrary, has
not t e home demand increased
. in an amazing
degre• ? Have not your prophecies. of the o
verthh ow of our domestic manufactures hO.n
falsi6 d too? Does not the whole country know
that t o' prices of manufactured- articles, of,lall
kinds are at least as, and: n many mes
ter th n they were nuder your boasted Tariff
of 1742 ? Is it not equally- notorious that
your ropheeies have been• falsified in : another
very i iportant particular, •by the erectittil of
hand eds pf new manufacturing establishments
in all i arts of the country, north and smith,
east ud west ? Have not thousands of-hands
been mph.yed in consequence, to - the 4tor
dem, ition of another of }out predictions
Bay they not been employed at bt4ter prices ,
too? And it these things are so, wherein: do
we r•-•
ler, so far as thehome-market-is conegrn
in the boasted state of tilings ender : { the
of 1542 ? It is easy t 4 see that. WC have
e advantages of a imme4narket, tehlet) to
e benefits consequent upon the opialitig
English ports to o'er doinestie produce,
ere never was a, more desperate ared . re.,t' k- '
ffort, than that now making by the Ved
)apers on this subject. ; Last Noven+er,
there was a certain prospect of a riie in '
I-stuffs, they ai-tempted; to create a panic
7 the holders -of grain, ; by ridienlingithe
e affair as the work of speculation, and by
eting that there was no scarcity :thread.
North American even :went so far as 'to
sh letters from Europe, the ebjeet of which
to induce the far to sell off at hat
then -the contr fling prices. And these
I rani
is succeeded o p too well—hundreds'of
ers came into market, and s , hl at pillsent
s, thereby losing thousands of dollars, Which
into the pockets of the Speculators. - fhis
one proof of the love of the North Aiiler
for the farmer. , We have ue doubt at all,
the same paper would now be rejoieCd; if
at went down'to fifty cents a bushel; es
ally if this result aided in its designs to re
e Federalism to power. : - •
he design of the North American,- hotrev . -
is evidently to show that the prices of
d-stuffs are lower under Democratiei and
ter under Federal admiinstrations. Such
i ttempt is sufficiently absurd and imprneti
e, without a word from Us! But if We re
to the history of the past, we shall find how
c cause we have to trust the oppositiOn on
subject, in the future. It is a singnlar,
not the less incontrovertible fart, that on
. the . three Federal adMiniArations with
1 ch this country has been aftlieted—thOse of
elder and younger At :ills, and that of
iteisox,---bread-stuffs wore much 1:-,wir
n during ony other adminiAration sit* the
b imeneeinent of the Government. 'rtie is
th full of significance, And it is also a
tit that the farmertr have never prospered so
111 as under Democratic admintaratiOtts.—!
• ttts giVaa.few figurettto prove these tixser
i es, taken from IlAzAnn's Re,irister, a well
: own and reliable journal, , with strong;'4,'Fed
-1 sympathies:— . . ,li
During the four years of the administration
1 JOHN QUINCY. ADAMS, the average price of
F ur per barrel, vas $5 14 1-:2.
f.' -
During the first-four years of General 4 ACK
g N's administration, the average price Was $5
- per barrel, and . during his ESCCOO teliTD, $6
1 3-4. al
, . - ..
'During Mr. VAN BaltEles four ' years, the
arerage price of Flour per !barrel, was $7 26.
We now comitm that blessed period ibegin-•
ning with General HAR IL Ig . ON!la administration,
and including the hest. portion of tit§ time
en the-Tariff of 1842 was covering thf coun
with 'benefits, according to Federal ;papers
the period when the Iloine Market' ilfeuriz,h-
We'take these authorities for the Krices of
wheat, rye, arid corn, front the books ot4i prac
tical miller in an adjaeent*unty in thiS State.
• To show how the prices ranged befixepe a
Democratic and Federal -hdrainistratioo, from
13836 to 1840, the average price per biishel of
Wheat was $1.72, rye $1,0(1, corn 9 np;,ts.—'
1 4 mm 1840 to 1844 (let the North AMerican,
' perve)whdat was $1,13 per bushel,Lrye 65
ents, corn 54 cents! 1 :
These are stubborn facts, null furnish a hit
r commentary upon the professioni, oldie
ederalists in their effortS to• excite the Carpi , -
rs against the'..Democratie,party. We leave i
ur cotemporary of the Nprilt Antericait to ex-
lain the causes which have produccd t theio- '
'ariable prosperity of the farmers, vihen , the'
inmerats werC in power.. -
,b ,
ed, f
all t
all t
of tit
I No • Rnm.--:lt is a gratifying fact (hat du
ring the journey of President Polk thrbugh the
,astern and Northern Slates, not a lord was
wird of that devastating " ruin,' the [hew tar
ff was to spread broad-east through,
very speaker,that addressed him, otall par
ties, took pride and ifleusure in alladig'to the
general and universal kosperity that u tIIIS wit
nessed in. every t qUarter c of our • natioff—never
!was, a country so rich--ItpeOpro `so bapiry,—
We wonder not' 11.14,Wlugs are asimmed to
allude toile these things.--Easton
-,: rrtig.. 1
Dtvortext,--Iri NorihtunberlaTl aim*,
°tort:tint° since, Mr. F4r.odiin E.litt'oottsio!
Mrs. Hitintirra. E. - BROoKs, of X4 - ;-.. j l
- ettintjr; Pa:, lato . lionrietta
The stis - giveir Ow! mutual. sen,
.tho Vartiei!riiver et ,
'their Isiittsge.; '
Si'n ';
tion;,fatia tboes
everylnird_of leg* oil
sooner. do yon get =tried than'
.• , ,
t 3
Som.--The T . Steataqr:Pri4cto)
the . Navy Yard Philittlelpliia; far
[ tonneau, on krulay t ;
air'Ask f fedarai paper-- villetber
`proses of. the, sentiments of . Toni' Car
ro ept . o 11- 4 ritS vditor wile faint. If 4
• 111.
~,.r:. =f y;.
T r
lifiD 6 . See an excelle t article 'on the .C\ Pike.
of Bread-stuffs," . in a" other collmn. J ' •
' ------ 7 -- -
bir By reference o another column it will
be seen that the Copy Standing Committee
have made their usua aPpointaients oftciwn,
ship Committees,. MI ~ we final aesured,..will
discharge their duty • th equal fidelity; as'.up- 1
on the action of net ,is at iiritnarT me - et- !
ings, depends much of ur. harniony di-strength.
Let there be no joke • aririness on ttfeTitt:t of
any one, hut let even Democrat
leetien house iu his di•triet yedee
in arranging. the prei inaries• of the
ing caDvaSs•
• •
The Harrisburg it , Ilieetccar,_ , 1 . .'. ' ' -
position paper, and on of thefirit te ,pronounce
the famous Irvin_ letti r which we - printed a . few
weeks-ago, a "forgery," has finallindmitteints l
genuineness. It now seeks to forestall the pub
' lie mind and nenfraliie its legitimate effect by
- ,
printing; a corrected ( cotaltprfait,not, the gep-
aim) copy, and by:asking "What ••oflt.3. 7 what
'fare the Locos going *i , make out
. 4 ;sr .We
answer : ,we wish to' ake nothitignut- Of it, for I
the very good reason that it makes entinghnut
of itself. Besides, the attempt to give it the
lgo-by as unimportan; comes with a bed:gracie
from a paper that made so much fuss about the
" infamous forgery"hicli it at first pronoun-I i
ced it. As the Fede lists have ttemselvesnt
,:f -
tached importance t it, we have again . couelii-
&led to submit it, tote reading publicv/Atim '
et literatim, for inspotion, with ,thismiple re
quest that our frien - not only examine it them-
selves, but that they exhibit it to their 'Whig'
neighbors, and ask hem whether the pigmy
a l .
that wrote it is it •til be Governor of rennsyl-;
vania : / I , i i
Milesbg.rg lioniTrarks,. Ar0v.16, - . 1839. 1
Respectd Sir. take the liberty of drop ;
ping you a few line respecting the:: : Blectien,l
requesting of you as a *personnel favor to exert!
yourselves as much 'Fs 'possible
_as' ei - vprything ;
, depends upon our activity. Our prospeets-ap-1
I pears gond, and if our friends only turn Out— j
;.we will give than ::ugh a hearing-as they never;
have met with bef6re in Centre County:. Ltrust I
;you will spend in:on - • ay unit tuesday In quietly
, eaking upon our fri ids and notifying them to
set aside alI busine and go to the Bleetion'on
wednesday, and slow it fie the world, that the
people of this distri t still paysonie'regard, to
'moral character &c. in the choice of their pull-;
lie o ffi cer—l prosni e youarc aware - that all-1
though lam not a ember of your society, that
I have friendly feel ngs towards it, and. at all
;times have when called, upon contriblitteiltO the
Breeden of meetinglionses,
.&c. ape riot- long
since unsolicited eflereil`ntr. h - ena - 4ts:riirii Lot of
ground 'near Wad les for tlil3'•-ereetioti ot- a
. f ! ‘..l4' , • i
;meeting house-Aitlibig that prop : earl- ao for.;
me me will be considei f ed ns a partieularlaVor'lly I
Your --; friend; . JAMB4:111;VIN.
, -,
' It may be weltagain to remarkthat thofore- ,
going epistle was ,peblished in the Centre coun 7
Ity Democrat in IS4O, land not denied. And in
proof of its genuinhneSg., (lest thisf-Paper . may /
fall under the eyeslof some who tlicfnot see our;
I last week's edition, wr offer, the following from I
I l a late number oft 10 '.shipc. , paper;
"We Should lik to L ltnelat the authority up
on I,
1 which the charge of fergery . isfoundedlines
!Mud) as we learn from a rellabk source- that
the missive above 'referred to is . gennine to the
i dotting of an•i midi' ti l te erossing• of at. That'
I source is the prlginalrltself, tunrlaying before
us. in Gen. Irvin'4 evil haridwiitieg.
' yin 'himself dare net 2levy it,.. If hisfriends re-
r allyihelieve it to be a • " Loco ;Foe's-forgery,"'
they hare theiz' rclntily, and jaiden,,te them-',
selves demands th, t they Should - pnesueit, Will /
they-be good eno i gli to try the experiment 'f"
" Gen. Tinier itlieceßt h is,, , *
To the caption of an artiele, origithited by the
N. I'. Tri&une, land generally Circulated by
the Yederal,prest.. ' Accepts - what? Why, a.,.
" Whig nomioatien,l' exclaim these quondami
friends of the old horn. • But from, what is this l
Piece of informs ion -derived? Why, froni n'
letter—:yes a ietter--written by him in answer
to one from "theSeteretarY of a "Whig meet
- d
ing", in N. J.„ in irbich he holds the follosibi4
language : - - • ' -
, 1 1
" I embrace t, is
b t f.
(occasion toitmark, 'anti if
thkenorLa oft ill. country'desire to place me
in the high office - Chiefllagistrney, Idy net
fectmyself at li 6 , to refuse" : : •Ii
'this is all th+,eiCll . qi4pte ' t s airtrilA Neil 4
; 110
conclusion l - - No ' wliat • dons it' say that .Cei
P 3l o lll .Y ll6 cos 4 7410,0 an, iiinceptanco ef 1
a Whig'nothinot ilir,'' or ' that-i1 the • least re 7
yokes01041: 11 'Os 4 1 ( 0 11 0 11 _t 10- ilealwati4
tout' N'tretild" " - f be , the c :eandfdate ofrill7S
party 'Pr; divic , " - q°r 'l44 abiniOlf -t9 "P a i
ach m av i r 'Truly die• Federalists omit-.
very much straightehed for mi l " f artilible,"-'
Poises% th'llordinlill' li elonbn4 o '-4iseoret t'tiii,
acceptance of i Wilet.licgi4llik!*-04eil 4 -:
gnage. :. The frith is, ftCasivaid dieym i & I
not disguise it -- ftlie , Gentliars ft Oignar, left 't I
Was .5 "de Orthcielf.‘ them o. l4 ;!Wet. blank '
to their itetkliisei
..ottibusiatan., 1' It" took thaln
completely oF thii t ihelt, .alO 1 4 1 1 1 eir Anx4y,
io regain.tero4rzna,-, they are found giviik,.
at even the inietatest straw that: they think will
cape theta dawn crsave them' from uttet a cs : ,
:f. '' - -,. -,..' ~.... • , i _:-
• •
silo. shawil Mie which we
along predicted; aita that is', they find
caught.a Tyler .(4,; man who will not
bee subeervie,nt to theif",parti schemes"
Xolhkstterifiae. of right andjastica) and they
iirniii4wresolved either to;Whip him into their
gear; lir " drop him like a kot potato!'
_Whi c h
wilt be, there can be IlitQ doubt.
P ,
1 :: ' What Do they)Trinnlaet
, • 4 ,
• 'Tliis is every-day .becoming a question of
itai4ihriportance. What dolhe Federalists
.proutise us as an. effect of AlMir, promotion ? II
' it ti .better gicie.Oment2l more Kosperons
time , 9 or a saunderearrenay 2 i' imAtity eves
-intimate that theso - :,:ate.;,t4le,tlie.. fruits—of a
redlral vikely . ..t.„'.l•lo,ol3iiio. as they nstt
ally Fe in their\promises, ; *hey• : #re.., not insult
the !credulity or notnraou4S'ensa 'Of the people
witl such false hidneeMent4. Well, what then?
Why ask the
_people:a eli - ii - ge their system of
' griviintoenr-!=folleVerSe %.e ! engine. of A : State,
propelled by'whieh she haalmoved, andis-mov--
1 lug, 'along so` prospe ro oslyi iso:beantifollx, when
they'f l can offer us.. nothing letter? . This is the
qttestiOn-=‘-andi t i ;is one NvhinhTit behooves every
main we care not of what 4 : party, to.i consider
'faithfully. What
.is .-to' : he'' gained ?' Not a
-,better government, for even lault-fioding 'and
traducing Fedisralism is vgerly unable to point
to slngle act in, the official . rareer °lour worthy
-. I EXCTItiVe r IOIig 4.4 ho" 1144 been in office," t o
wi4h they - dara; Offer .an • - Objeetion. ' :Even his
- vetOes .-of their darling'Brk and corporation
measures last winter, tt;e4(Vrs'e they refused to
make the stoek-Tolders' : o4yn ALLY as well as
JCVITLY liablefor their oots, are-passed over
by i th - era in sihlnce—a -let- that is big with
.significance. Nor :do ;they promise better
1 titets-. , Tile idea of ai ...,panic" to wheedle
1 tha people, is hopeless, aiiolMir giant lever,
!butnbug, which-hi '4orais*d . the cry of " two
I dollars and roast Benfll has lost. its subtle
I. eh:lnit. The times areini l ssing good, the state
credit is excellent, her. Fnidie Works and in
i stitutions highly prospciofis, her people unpre
..cedentedly contented andjrappy. Under such
I a state of things is it- Tifrarvel that they find
lard rowing " in advocliti.n,g a change ii A '
Ichange 'to what ? Weill tell you, as they
I dare not.: A change froni Democracy to Fed
ernlisa,--fronl a good ov:eminent, with which
every body but-a:ra iasatiate gang of Feder.'
°Tice-seekers, is well suited, to a bad one, fli
villph the refin of 11,itner & Co. is an exact
1 type)—Lfrom prosperous l times try" hard times"
—Yrotnia cernparatively : aou'nd currency to one
to' pated and vitiated by -. n . n•iultiplication of in.
refeonsible Banks—forachunge implies all of
tills. DO the peole desire this ? Do they
`want to see a Score or More Banks ; created,
without any xesponsiNkty, to rob amtplunder•
I tli‘em out of the earninris of their toil at any
j suit •
tithe when it shall suit ;t he purposes of their
managers ? We knouts better—the Pedeml-
IJ ; ..... . • i t i
Isis know better, and foil .; this reason s that
tilcy " • keep shady," and -dare not , gtapple in
( with these questions , .7en.urged upon then:
b e y the,Democratie,presk 4" of that we would
indiseriminately (leery; #trikstwhen established
-,,, -l i ~
• upon safe principles - ;
, '' , 1.1 , t: we •do forewarn th e
PPople , againit.4ol4 natant that. will ultimate
in the ereation, : offr.ay 'inert !uuleirs lt,heir - pa
-1 jOctors are willing, tetlaCcept_thein with the
•j:individual liability,o4." -
i ( keit a _FaileriJist 1,0. e-question, "for whit
allall'we change," and ois as dumb as a door
post. ' ' He eanitertlisitg4 fifty reason for it, ex-
nept it be to give l a . :lealiiareas horde of his an
i -Lart3r a stick - at tltengeternment pap. Pour
t'lli plunder l is, thesole i al ja eel • - of the chanrre fu
*ln A 1 . ,
*lnch they clamor:: Ail s to gratify a' gang
office-seekers:rirst ;,..aiil'lsecond, to les;islate
[for, and deifS.• cainitat;4(tite expense of Irnert
'Tabor and toil. Do yqn donbt it'? Then scii! 11
iitaitpromise; ;ushetteid 41.110 - and a healthi•r I;
' , kovernment -by ' a . 01'4 7: - cf ? - .1V hyr are the:. ii
ivherrinposter; eteraall'ilegislating the larrt
'lmmunities to eapiial' . aO:the shape of Banks
and corporations ? 'Snell questions will -admit
if but one answer; and- their relevancy is no.
mistakable. I ArialltiOeople may Oepentl iip ,
i • • " •
:on. - it; if the . yeddialiStsishoug - gettlie, rein= . i
of government,, to to -Li; 0 r ma 4: e for, and enbinee
capital in the ltand&t#'-the rich, at .the oxpOt ;
' , their
Vie poor; will be O l e Alpba and Omeo of
' , their nets, until driven out of the windows of f t ,
the' capital, as theil 'mere clarity" memorO g
:" Buck Shot.war."
• Mir Will the Ri6ister inform the pcorit
of this county iliethi* the "Whigs" are i6li
vor of, or apposed to,pnaking the stockhogko
of Banks and other ecirporath institutions, igs
vidually as wellike je btlyliable? And, if( iti•
dition to - this will' tit taro to say whethir, io
the event of the "rligs" getting into era
tht trWill charter nore o
of such instituli
without the "individnitt liability clause
le Register--}' is dumb as a log'
prt" about .tbat- $150.. it alleged Gov. Shual
rdeeived as a compensation for fire day t 1
vie as Clerk of, thelinttso, neither darir, or
having the henesty;', O come out and ackinvi
'die that it had i 1 , T iniiiinformed, or t4gisl ,
its readers the-,wl story as it is. Cal
neighbor; just , I'd ' `justly " lJy an oppool
once an say .. to' in l , r raiders that that col
hundred "land : fifty' diii ars was "voluntary ( 1, 1
nation'Tifthe ilens'es?jvcited for by ercryiTiil ai l
as-well t+ Democratic member, and that hal
ncit.;forfivo, lad innikthan- ten. days service. I
"Oar: l rwin t_.ll:j.i t itti, a- 'of the Union—ex ,
sad-West ,;_ittortV,- - auf south - -the reports of A
a ,. ,.. , 1111 " Undan t'll0:3111C1 Oalized and in - prospectit
"""7.1411i,_'1.01-iiii--.ls4lteiy ithero -the season))
'been • 'theprVitiOils,i biisba'tidrtian t unbitiou ,
and' tlS':,,ielytird- oilliia toil, profuse. In aW.
the otainttila onlidiat an unprecedented d
gree-114"Wrie),';-!+11 tho people aro °onto •
* 4 14 44 ,il'il'• -.. ','''-4 - : - ' • -
t 5.... ..,..• ~ 0...., _ .... ~ -
- '"
';‘A f rOnt; •
•Itiedli t AlW. appearance here '
tii6:447ina W9d*dairliumliap: