Northern democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1844-1848, May 13, 1847, Image 2

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    them placed in
in—as flues, et
"tacked roomy -4
rying from sixty
The first story
be occupied by
room, and the p 1
by the ' =mew
lecture nelli . w'
_ gallery of art ►
curiosities may '
range. The ciu
a like grey colt
banks of the Cli
-- lime . di'ereek, ani
t ' I t' is „” ' '
t' is tifY lit t
..14 4 -thP e4t" p'
4icl, and. fill;
by, Congresses:
Hew ltetkto
tier in prop.
null views to
gri - .'•ss }in : either
should be, and'
he. Zppareut z in
. cspetuded , - The'. '4'
n.ccqosua.yr and' of ', -.were,
,:-. . - 1,e,1 WHOM- point,. great diversitiek of sentimt
... ; 4nel : construction, as there_ bad lion during 1
.. i -,..utasterly debates which
_palmed the. pa
„of...the thew..--. -What -cionctitnted. -`kal' •
;....,- ;in the sense of Sini4son's heipiest ? , ; In w
....,,,witinner shall: its ,fliacrease” -.lit:provided f
- Ti*,l3y. What - - methods.;shall- ~ its -I,lllilission t !
- sought? - Should the developinorits of the
ratory be more engrossing tharA ; the stored' ,
sources Of the library / Will egai exposit' i
or printtd tnistiso be preferibile.? Are !, be spikiest . . ,1
.: telo,o* ey teachers to be enFcted? . . a i - i
- si--1 1 4 1 14:Ahould -be the -instruments and be o 1
icof.Mt;M*listunent whence the
~.light of kno
4:Adze was requfred constantly teßradiateam ,
~,i neli ' ' ;' ' ,
. - -whey to w h om was confident t h e solut
of those problems into practicalneasures, h
_ . felt the weight and delicacy of gtheir mini
- Theyqbegan by profoundly stuting the •
• jest i n its .several aspects. They theris 1
witleindor, ~and discussed with? ! freedom t
refleitive projects. The coeficOe of upri
'nfindqi• however, rarely . fail to Ond -in mut
- eoneenion and tompromise • and that scare
.. -a singlomeasure yeas adopted egeept by -ur
lynous concurrence. The reeds have s
nutted their labors and conekasions to
muntry—thereport of their Oti
-oinly amide . for legislative suPernsion .1.
.'.rely they not confidently hope - for (what t e
know nothing of their's can suened witho t
the co-operation and sympathr:ef the Am ri
•., can people ?-
, , There are some resultsto L • tiothieo
-from the success of the institution - wli et,
-though-not as obvious as others are invert e,.
-. less snek.ts no sound American heart ean.w oi
ly disregard; and which it mayenot be oils la
_ - cad to glance ett: . That - we shill fulfil, in he
presence of watchful civilizatiem an admit
- obligation. and i that the commie§ Mind of ur
. -country; on which the permanency of its fiber
- .ties a 4. closely depends, will be exiltedandlin
*ignite' d, are conseriationsabindaetly strOng
- ~ 1 0 tally us all to did:Manly elf t. No great- 1
...t., er shame,nrid noloss can readily -be
incurred than irOU I d be conseqiient on ignoblb ,
' failure.. But, nay it: not be Potty said ; that 1
Abe mild and genial influence nf this establlsii-'
- . merit Will strengthen and tighten 'the honlei of
,_ our Unieu, and give to the capft,al of at "In.:,
~ ..-4011 a new- charm, with greater #ability ? •
r.. -• The Smithsonian design is, e I have alma
`dy =Rented, a peculiar one. At, cannot, t a
'. seene:tifeduntional trainink hive any. pre en
' . sionsenr ; provoke any jealousies ii It is ,no "val
.- • of-the many aohnirato' le schools pia 'the
-,:respeetive Stites, ands= in nonannei intrude I
upon their spheres of sictioni .'et it will fie a
,factory and a istiwe,hovuse of_ lgtowledge sense.
sibletif all ; the agents of this 'nit inured cy :
-its 'eznitive,legislatite,Judicifi3, , tick nu 'll--
ty; foreign, and _domestic wets.. •It 19 be;
the reeipient,:too,-,of suet'. fruits of the I b e{
„1--and such , acquisitions of thegenterprize and
:travels of these agents as may t o ' it -'
I lrstrate, and explain, and facilifitethUP . 1
•.--service, or to give precision anhiger to ' op
erations of every kind. As, -resource d n
. sanctuary forintelleet, the institution can -
,-ly fail to become an object- of,_ patrietie ' e
l c
4 , 4 attactunent, a.ndmust bettltas . -.
-inducement to preserve inviolite the co i. ~” 1-'
~. tion, with-whose fate it'iown iii identiledi ~. '
:-. 1 „Lroill not dwell-upon itet.si4eis.l - clidni r the'
fost e ring kindness ind hospWity of t ...... Me- ,
tripoli,- Her citizens doubtless app . .. late
theit justly. By . designatingFy -... for
pit .-load habitation, the genernwi testator has'
tenni:untied the intelligenee, the courtesy,' s and'
tbeieOlolnithropy-of tier inhale:lents as sumilia;'
. rieeinthis: beneficent project. a Already-it has
'added Cohn social scene a- tied star whose
beams pervade the seientifie; and. ere
lent i .„-this , iisitig temple; colipecrated td: the
• highest Of bomb pursuits; tiwawtstne will
gielt fresh ettrectionas to her .d.-
tmkia io .4The intri- this sear I
isei' ti)- 0 - id• - 4 - e in 'oeseje • trom an o
ititeient leipiiilnit :tile wibei ref i!
-grants arri i;4l itill4 'eniniti-P, betiioen J
ry Ist an d !nil 24ttiiili.„ 1 attl*ing '
field tam a nts,
- '' - -
Steerae Pnesengers 27 ..
, ,
.. 1 . ..,,,
• Cabin assen g ers ' I .
Oftliese, '17,656 have Fri `since _
of Alit the,b.rge . ,aiajority tip
and Irish—and at a ltiodertie estiarate
number of imptigrants tor tl4 year 'will
:150 : 4160 P°-
‘ . -V l SOtefilata - fgetapriA paper says
the ?ptaViithgkiii . 'America Win full abtivi
that E~sl ci ty on there next •th
. tesisl4 foi
V261:44e10$ , 5 and I seili'ddid(
impatient *iaitfir
i0.4 . 144rVi0„ 4-1.046 4 1 . 4 61 . 1 .1_ 1 1 1
I ,,' . Zre*Ofitil,S4o l Ps4 ol - 41 1 is * /11 4 44°. "
port 46:01)0 'peraotactar
Ar9ugk-Rogtertlaie: Ri*Al44terPSOn it
tiMiii s dirtfai; C c "'
hiAgiTeriiebilie 01 ; 04' trio
noe-iii4ciiiiitii **Xs:o
. ;
AlfsD4 $50,000;4140144
0414140kitrtiA 51 114; ,J •
: .
Trim tiiit-Anun'stas wisitl_.
tw e. ~.0 , .., .. J.i t_-.l l , e ,l i aviAi like::
yrcoo,-.,,.„-„,...,. -
t,..A.4,,,,,,,T..„ ormfa Want;
n - , , pty Attlaiiitalnigliiich4lB4lT;
live - the heti' or * repok try
tn4ou e mice
-lii of
_the array uMler.( iiiy om,thso since
kit Apia *rte ; A 4 - :.- 0
Oillitiiwinini ofthe ftltof.kitibrenis, 1847, 1
a, the 4 l. 9 witef EiTaiio*el l'iiirte*Ortinf
, iiefietrant ttdn of timiviiii Of. about - 810
WagiWus:forXhe inty of t thiliisalmjii. (Our force
)14.sted of 924414ve ilia ; 4,l7,ollicers and
kit tes - ofilie'4itillorn fOlt , ofJ - Lieiiteol.
*hell's escort; and the remainder the Ist re
mt Missouri volunteers. We progressed
le direetkm of this place until the 25th,
in we were informed by our spies that the
_to the m* , tint, of 1,500 men, were at
&mum, iliCiientitry sent of Gov. Tries, about
' ..: ti - in idvanit; '
- - 'ijelirtikiedi Ein the evening of the 26th
- that: • - • - •"t'lnefound that the force' had
.1 1441 1 1 • :direetion of this city. On the
inn*: oft*:li We arrived at Sans, and
27t fo ,
C.-mined from oar tt 'je ii that' he enemy, in great
3; had feilifcid-th pasts' of the Sacra onto
lifer, ilibeutiteriilles in c ane, and about the
=in distance from this eit)N„, We were also
(ormed that there *as no wa between the
it we were at and thit weep% by the'ene
'we therefore determined to it Until
morning. At intirisit on the 28th, the t day
of February, we, took up the line of mare and
forined - the whiliki train, consisting of 313 Beaty
' traders' wagon.,. adour commissary -and.Com
litany warns,. witii fotir columns, thus shorten
`mg our line SQ in4olmake it more_ easily' pro=
tested: We thus fully concealed our force and
its•position by *skin& our force with the car - -
When we tink l ed 'within three miles of the
.enemy,- we made reconnoissance of his posi
ition and the arrangement of his forces. 'this
we could (Niftily aHthe road leading through
an openiiraine iitiley between the steril moun
tains. ' t. - Irani:of the Sacramento is formed
by n point of the Mountnins on our right; thefr
left extending into the valley or plain-so as to
'narrow the valley' to' about 1 1-2 miles. On
our left was a deep, dry sandy channel of a
creek, and betWii these points this lain rises
to sixty feet abruptly. This rise is in the
form of cresent, the - convex part being t'
the north ofour t ort e s. -On the right, from I , • ..
the point.of -mountans, a narrow part of the,
-plain' eitende nititit W 1-2 miles farther on the
`left. The main road pines dotin the centre
of the valley and 'across the - ereseent, near the
left or dry , brunei I The Sacramento rises in
the 'mount:tine MI f the right, and . the road
falls en to it abbrit. M il e below the battle field
or entreacment of t C. -e nemy . -We ascertained
that the enemy hit I battery of 4 guns, 2 nine
and 6 pounders, On the point of,the mountain
on our right (their left.,) at a good elevation
to sweep the plain and at the point where the
mountains extended furthest into the plain.—
On our left (their right,) they had another
battery on an elevation commanding the road
and three entrenchments of two six pounders,
and on the broir of the crescent near the cen
tre another of two six and two four and six
enlverins, or rampart pieces, mounted on ear:
riages ; and on the crest of the hill 'Or ascent
between the batteries; and ,the right and left,
they' bait 27 redouts dug and thrown up ex
tending at short , intervals . across the whole
ground. In these their infantry were placed
and were entirely protected. Their eavalr . %
was draWn up in front of the redoubts in the
intervals 4 deep, and inTront of the redoubts 2
deep, -so as to mask them as far as practicable.
When we hadarrived within 1- 1-2 miles of
the entrenchments - along the niain read, we ad-
Vanced the cavalry still further, and snddok
diverged ivith the cohnuns_to the, right so as to
gitin the'narrew part of the ascent ou our t ight,
which .the enemy discovering, endeavored to
prevent, by moving forward with 1,000 cavalry I
i and - 4 pieces - of cannon in their rear masked by
them. Our-movements were so rapid that we
l ' •
gained t li . e - e e yation with our forces and
,the I
I nf
advanceair wagons in time to form before
tint- arrived within reach of our guns. The
ericiny balied:and,we advanced the head of oari
Oldpiin Irithitil,2oo yards of them, so as to let
Otirifingens attain the high lands and form as
.z , Ve nOrttellimix!eed . the action by a brisk
faiiiiiini oni.littjari and the enemy unmask
'ea and commenced also;, our fires proved ef
fective at thin Wince; 'PM% 15 Men, 'Wound
ing and disabling one of the enemy's guns. 7-0
We had two; men; .. htlyiwounded and several
horses and ' m u les - '4,1 • The enemy " then
' slowly . tetreated behind ' . . <ills in some
confusion, and we resumed •210 march in our,
former order, still diverging op • the right
to avoid ihitir battery on our left, (t ..r right, ).
• and their strongest redoubts, Which w on
the left neki where the road passes.. A
marching is . fit; as iii safely could, without
Caniiig- within ran of their heavy battery on
Our. right, Captalu Welghtmari, of the artillery,
was 006;14 to charge the two 12-pound
hoWitairi,le .beittuppyted by the &rally, im
der Capts. Roidi;Parsoa, anti Eidson. The
hoWltieriehargeB akspeed, and were gallant
ly 810434 'hy,. - iCapt , Reid; but, misunder-I
standing, 11l oraei.'was not given to the oth e r
tiro eimmoes;:copt. Hudson, anticipating my
order; charged . in time to
_give _ample support
to the howltzere,. Capt. Parsons, at the same
moment, came " t o me andaiked permission for
hit eempany to,nharga the redoubts, immedi
ately to the left ' i :of* Capt. Weightman, which
le`did very gallantly. The remainder of the
ilF 0 : - .bottOliOna -iif: the Ist regiment were / 7
Im - 4 1 / 4 14f:if iimingth - e cavalry charge, and_" fol
lowiug ripidly. tiii,htk, And Major Clarke ad
vancing as faikOpructicible with the remain
- dif of battery, irnetarixl their redoati from
rit . to left . with a brisk and: deadly fire of ri
t n;While .11,44 - Clarke " opened apapid and
3,w Alirectid;•llie`oti,e::'eelunin of tavalry at
_ teraliting ,ta..*a. roi - Or left: so as attack-the
one !ind`lieiii: , was soNeliiii.
: -,-- ,
.is toliii4ibeni foal be& : and our
.''._. 0; iiiiktlic eitaliianahoiiiticrs,cleiy
ea af ter pi:jibiCkiditik-,r4orhtilicit; Our forces
ad '`•' liiii
• • iii:Yeii=brialt of their
an iitialiiii;:thiat,witli
their : tibia. When
th "inkoithttinikiiiiied. - -Ina.the.liatteries in
iiio.o4a*:4lCalf*-13010004 the; main
li teprOri dirigig)4, All 'O - oi*iiMed .t 9 pour in
a: - ti'-'04 4. *iir1,44 f*/00 -' d9ne 4o
• g the 14 at a t tain >' but 'as - the
the te'l‘ul4iiiid**ebjit,iery,, this, one
- ' -tittiliktbf iiishiaiinalisOkiii iPalbe *B•
Yilid' 4'idliaitliiiirliiiilitnalrel 2atkiiii.:, , '
*:l 4 : ol s 4 4*ls r4 liiiiitaVi#o s4o i e nt- e : a
-- Ore ' 1 . 1 0. 1 0 . iiiiilii Ciikir4t44.
1 1 ,
- - 4 " 441-4 e'lli s iti - ii* *tali*
4 k .ii
w '°/4.44-011.146"ationotob14.1,lie*_liiit
' , . , -. olifth i l SO* ,
• " POi r ibie'd : bitil!*;,/ '01.,1°4 rip,:: the
l ' c' lit asoilit r tftte-SYmutaii 'ou Vie,,oppoilte
• •f t - -, ~ _ .
, n.
i ea
ty ID
: Ill'
a _
P. 111114
1 v 4" ,
I -
, .
Bide. The ireeeteto2.4eg,,,WlS. _St9.•:effecATP „9.4r3 1 .2"0.4M 40 . 114 „not 1 1 17(14t141k...4 o. l e.
ritrinirik.teliellfre s theirk'ainf this rapid tion ; linc corn Mete the front at: the c ose m
leeteeie,(),ter _ tpliiniral c. Aliffillq.o sight overlit, befertfittiWereeHturnet3, - tioafi i il4'ii 7 - 41
the ili s oulitai i'S *gO t coltsusiont I being ftrefif-Upef ) bi the `tetreaang a reiye: bil
;,;:• 1 I . ..
I! Copt
i... ; inSOOni: " :4 theist: dragoons, acted j two mlealbef elle of Vino it ot,,i ruediirnal
14 . 0 1 o ld * kaieillo on the field during the !freeingt„theniseveslrom-Oeir &Wet* ,lean o4l
liiibolketiga: went; and wiiisof the most, essen-land attenil the Mieiny and walf''tliiisileali tit.;
.- ;.•-:. ,-; Li
. Oil **ice •;:'-me;:. .(4950 leent.flirociater, of us- e! v 1: • ! •••,! ......
e' 2, , ::" 3 :, A $-
ti.) trpited: - t44 . tiily, AO) actilid very coolly The enemy proied to be a ptifty , a . bont 460,
IlllajorVata. i iktif", ringfild, lin., , also acte3 ,Califortiiniis under Andreas piß , ,brotter t i of
*4 a,..vnlllti s '' r aid duffing pert '.o(Pie time, but ; the late:governor ; 'the ttimbeii of • th eir oNsed
• left mkandi oitied: (apt . Ititid,.. ire his g t allant ;and woeMled imnet s , have I.ceii ::etiiiisideridele;
• ehargei T' is ended the I#ttle Othe Sacra -Ithough4 s have nit; njeans;; : of ascertaining hovi
p . siento.-q! l iT,..efok*„ 14( "•-•,oe tlAtalii:, , , , !!ps '1,200 .many, cilfinetl s ite s itiorta ••,te„theitefinia-ive
cavalry - fib ; ' Dunufgo and Chilinidnia With the they carried off all excepting six.
Vera Cruz ; ragoonie 1,200 infantry from Chi- The great number •of our killed' nd *round
huahua, 30 t artillerists, and 1,420 tancheros ;ed proves that ettii: officers and men have fully
badly stile i withldilsos, lances, aini'machetetes, i snatained'the high character andieputation of;
or corn kni es, ten Pieces 43f artillery, :2 nine, our troops; and the victory thus gained over
2 eight,=4's and 'T.. four-pound:WC - ilia - id: More than defibleaur force, may iiisiat ill foini: /
eulveirines, or rampart' pieces. Their tones , ing the.wreath of our national glory. I ' 1
were comm ;ded bit Major Genillendea, gen- 1 have to return my thanks to many fbr their )
era' of Der; go, ClilltHuahua, Sonora, and New gallantry.and good conduct on the! . field, and
Mexiee:;__, B ig. Gie. dastimani, Brig. Gen. particularly to Capt . Turner, Ist:dragoons, (as-
Gareia'Uoti; e, forinSerlY Minister of war for the sigtant acting adjutant general) Mid tolLient.
re p u bli c of lexico . ,firho is a scientific man, and; Emory, topographical engineers, who were act.
planned tlii wholetlield of defence; Gen. U- Live in the performance of their dillies, and in
guerte, and Governer Trio, who acted as Brig- conveying orders from me to the command.'
adier gene 1 onstbll,lield, and colonels and ode. ' On the morning of the 7th, having made am
er officers w thonteMmber. • balances for our. wounded; and 'interred ,the
. Our fore was 024 effective men; at least dead, we proceeded 'on our marciii when the
one hundrel ofbehain were engaged in holding enemy showed himself, occupying the hills. ii
horses and i 'ving teen*. . - ' our front, but which they left as We approach-
The loss of the enemy was his entire artil- ed ; till, reaching San &made; a • party -of
feu, 10 wa ins, Oases of beans and pinta, them4ook possession of a hill near' to it, and 1
and Other 11 exit.= provisions, about l'AlO.hilled maintnined their position until attacked 'by our.
gi l d
El about he•samei number •wortnded, many advance, who quickly drove them from it, kill
.of cm h vegineidied, and forty prisonerst;• Mg and wounding fire of their nuniber, with no
• - The el was literally. covered with the dead loss on our part.
and worm froml,Oue artillery and the uner - On account oroue wounded men, and upo n !
ring - fire of o n : rifle Mete Night put a stop to i the report of the surgeon that relit was neees- 1
the earns the battle having commenced a- !sary for them; we remained at this place till
bout 3 o'cl k. Ohr loss was one killed, on e . the mominpof the 11th, when Lieut Gray, of
mortally w unded, and seven so wounded as tolthe Navy, in command of a party of sailors;
recover wit out ant' lotis,Cf limbs. I. eannotland marines; sent out from San Diego by Coin'.l
speak too ighly of coolness, gallantry, and' Stockton, joined us. We proceeded at 'lO A.
of he offiefrs and men under my coin- 'M., the enemy no longer showing"himself; and I
mend. 1 i'' , N. on the 12th (yesterday) we reached this place; !
I was ably sesta:Med by the field o ffi cers . and I have now to offer my thanks to Corn.;
Limit. Colti. -Mitchell' and Jackson, Ofhe letlStockton, and all ‘rtf his gallant command, for ;
battallion, land I)lnkir Gilpin, of the 2d : ttal- I the very many kind attentions we 'have teeeiv-1
A iNt
ion; and / njor Ch
lfrke and his artillery ac ed' ed and continue to receive from them.
nobly, and id the. ost effective service in ev-I,Very respeetfullY, vier obedienCservant, I.
ery part of the field:. 'lt is abundantly shown,, J. W. KEARNEY, Brig Gen. U. S. A.
"li; Te
in the eha inagby Capt. Weightman withlßrig. Gen. It
_JON . KS, Adjittant . Gen. U. S. A.
the section of heei4xers, that they can be iised
in any elle ge of cavalry with' great effect.—FßOM EC ROPE,
Much has een saidi and justly said, of the gal- '
'lantry of our artillery, unlimbering within 2501
The Cal e denia arrived at Besten on T:, '
yards of tale enemy:4 at Palo Alto; but he w de-, last with Liverpool advice& to the 20th I
much more daring teas the charge of Captain; ult.
Weightmari, when be unlimbered within fifty ; The further rise in breadstidis is among the'
yards of th redou4s of the enemy. ,
nest important intelligence she: briegS. On
°lithe ,lll' March we took formal the 12th. wheat advaiwed from 2 to 3,l
possession f the e*Pital of Chihuahua in tie pia qua'-ter. aid corn 1 shillii.g. • ;
name of on goverqinent.• We were ordered, The lt‘e-hesier, Tr.ena 11, it mLi vertical !..; r.
by Gen. Kearny tllirepert to Gen Wee] a t New 'Vide er.' ti:.• re Tel; ;- ;',. the lt-tli ult.
this placeti since elitr arrival, no hear he is a: 1- 1 •11 DA un ;;;; I.•;rt'; ;•1;l ••1 .! Itfleicewateri
Salt' 10, sii ronndok by tile enemy. Oa pre?. ,ledid..: bet w; ;1, :Debbi, ;;,;•I Wexford. !wit hie j
ent purpos is eitlitr to force cur way to him,, I .',4
t 1 .
lat. tc
; ‘1,1•1,•i... •a IA _ inmiriliaLel ,
or return l y BexttF, t as our tcrin ; it ;service ex _ ti:!:' -1 11 is !eared she i• ill i.e a to; al 1;;ss.
plies on te last da y } o' May next. ,
,The pr,a,.• , i i, l , : P
~ ll' atli.ilitiTt , iri...i• 11,f:
1 have tie honotito be your 'bedient servant,• saline! of d e . I, ;i t -i; ;neer ,•;',e , .. s•i iiiii , i inter
!! .',, A. W. DONIIII.AN, ' l est bush •-. will 1; e c.:l ,le as se oil.
Brigadier Gen.-p. JtMes, Adjutant Gm: L,'- ; as pus:tilde, in ••r-ter te ere e are i'e t ti,' 4 , 5• All
act! States Arm* , !tied which is to • - ctilier ie JIM!? .ir JiIIVA next.
. .IPerl aps the. history of England 't r a ttotitury
11, ARMF OF 'ins WEST, , and a hal does not present a time whet' less
, party ettline preva il e d .
San Dieg p
Diego, Uper? , ,California, Dec. 13, lt--111..
'frames ePertugal are.a• f'rearliine a elimax.
Sin :' In my e•:;*nunieation t ; you, of '.es- I •
terday's date, I *ought the reports of the' The tedious, nosetisfact :Ty struggle bet weeit
of lthe Insurgents and the Queen's forces i.draw
movementS of my guard up to the miirning
to a close. The Queen 's
troops scam un-
the sth instant, hveamp near a rancho rat Mr. ' ' ll
nide to meet the emergency, and the protee-1
Stokes, (Santa .Itlfia,) about 40 miler. from':
San Die.. ,s. tine of Great Britain has been solicited;
Haring'learnedkXom Capt. Gillispie, of the
Fears are entertained ti at the person? of the
: Quhen is not safe in the Capital.. A rising is!
volunteers; that thire was an armed party of
CaliforniMils, - with 4 number of extra horses at ,
San Pastill thre*hleasues distant, on a road' The Prussian General Pictwas opened byl
leading td' this pia*, fsent Lieut. Hanimond,la Speech from the King at Berlin on' the 11th.'
The King made an extraordinary Speech,:
Ist drage;ns, witlot, few men, to make a rec.!
2 as lengthy as it was novel.
onnoisanc of the*. He returned at two in the ; and
The Ti. S.. ship of war Jamestown, Capt. A.
morning ef the ftth. inst., reporting that he
Y. Forbes, laden with breadstuffi and provis- ,
found thel'party.i6fthe place mentioned, and :
that he lied been 'been, though not pursued by . ions for the relief of the distresied Trish; arrie
;ed at Cork on the .12th inst., on her Mission
rthen determined that. I would march
for and atiack thiiin by break of day. Ar-lof mercy.
The lady of Mr. •Banernft had the honor of
rangements were accordingly made fur the {fur-'
pose. M aid-d4eamp Capt. Johnson, dra _idining with the Queen- at Buckingham 'since, I
goons, wa s assigngd to the '
command of the ad- on the 15th inst. , • i. • ,
vanced gllard 01. Oelve dragoons, mounted on - The . West India roval Mail steamepa - eket!
the best gorses w i bad ; 'then followed about i company, have purchased. the Great Western;
fifty dragoons under Capt. Moore, mounted, !for £25,000. 1
; Our accounts from Paris are to tl e 17t11,1
with but few exceptions, on the tired mules'
(New Mexico, ' b Y
they had ridden ftem Santa Fe, which we learn that the contemplated ex- 1
1,05 Q milo,) thetf about twenty volunteers ef .l tension of the present system of free trade to
Captain Gibson's ti'ompany under his command {the 31st of July, 18.48,-is now ,all but certain.
and that bf Capiin Gillespie ; the followed! Peathsand its Concomitants ; discontent and
disorder, are hourly increasing in France.
our two Mountanifhowitzers with dragoons to' Letters from Bagados mention the ifailurel
manage them, ank under the Charge of Lieu- I '
tenant D,evidson,l'ifof the regiment. . - The m “ . to an attempt made on the 15th, to indifee the the &Ivens, volunteers, an& citi- , • inhabitants of the Portuguese fortified town off
lloyed bititiv ;llficers of the staff;'' Yelvea, to pronounce in favor of the inSurree- '
• .
in froitlrernaint* iantouched ; . for five minutes
'the x beg the grF(und troin us, when out. teen
eaoung ill, we lain drove them, and t6.s fled
freerth4 field, tint to return to it; which we
occupied and ren4' mped upon.
•A_ heist duty now remains for
me; it ,;'s to rep,rt the death .of iny a1.z.1-cle
,eamp; linPt. - Joknson,' who' was shot ;lead at
thie , emMee6eimptit of the• actien,. or Captain
Moore h 6 Wat4aneed just piivious oklie fi
mil it - n
nii,mt.' ',laifeild, and who survived:64 a feW
hoitr*' i We had; tip 'sergeants:lwo
s e
t o r o-: ; sad tim'irivites of trio Ist dragoons;
opals Of 44 . 3 volunteer s, ati.d oite rfe4, au
engage. i thii r t4pOgraptii* department :: i/i;,
ate Ems t:e Wont' , are myself, (in two pies,);
Ca ' .00!ei . and" pilnonftir t he vOun- ,
'teeei.l te , f: , 11 . 3 ; three PiOe. l 4) oile.ser
t, , ' ' aft,"iiiii *tie:mates; Of 40 1
.. ' :,'.' - ; :`man Of these soiviyog fro* 2 to
lb' '; '.. won`' ' 'Oa* of tibtiot'whin tiegs*ed•
'0 1 0: 1 1 1 '. ; 14W . ° 411 / s tinee-:
~. -,., .., .: i , .',"-"Yt •-' .
'- I' --.,-- 61'' . •
st'ly--one of
the Ca., _asp. s-city to the
army by, the President, has been walla4 and
massacred. .(This comes-as a new rep,hrt,Nhut I
it may be the' revival of the cild one, which i g •],
been'coUtradipted.) • • .
The Massachusetts regiment was on to
move frian Matamoros to Monterey. , --
There was considerable sickness prtivailing
annitg the troops: : quartered along Rte.
• Ip ithe, interior- upo the highlands,
the, l satibiitylof the, clinkate is evident Trom
in%kgorating ffeets upon the-Aroops. -
BROkE JAiL,-Thre - c prigoners hicks jail
at Orwigsbufg, Da., on Turisday' eyairiag:—
They iw *pry
,Love, confined foy i paglinz
counterfeitJphn lar, cpay, -
,Tairiert Aigior, under - sentence of tleitth, ; for .
murdari The two first got off:but Rim rig
44.444344 e citizens of die rpleep Li with the
aid of the _
ail oTtos, Caledonik briiught out 'about ,
• • '
006;000 ifi'spocio.
.., , ...."... , . , .tt:...r55,.._,......... 3 14.
~,1 hun. .,...4 , ..,i „ ,.._„? .ei05t5,
ra ,. t
T .
stoo ,
r. .
~.'') , ;/ , , ....,4• r" . "
''''' . 4ll - - 7 ,i--- .: 4, i ,
~,., ,
..,...„.,,,,ck, : i :.., tii Li! 4.,
, 1 1 / 4 , ai l ... ,tak ,: e :g r
4. ' ia i •i- tr , PL".._ . iE,, ~-ki lay a i e n n ,g c lie be for t e our
$ ' ~ ,,-', l -,-' IK ' :'.l . _., i --g, .4.
,s tap., wo,owm ti fierrespon
~ 1 Noel/
4 .:.- ' 1
- .:l ii 4 '77' I.'.i . i i qw . .1. 'll' . _; l'•' .s . *Omar
.SiteLtE,the ghief,Magistrat of Pear;'''' ' 1`;• . • ti • ' til itylittll . cruet
and GerieliilletterietaT TaTLort, the
t'lAlO ER-4 :111 b; : • iv ~. - S'l' : • - • •
',l - •. , la
5 . tj' al . .'
• • ' 1 . ha . 1 . .I teld honor - f 11'
4.7; -0•41 vq,Xletoll,r7,..o . 3-.-pp e ,., .too , , o Lie
wa r • -, .
f,.: ; TA A . ...,-- mils .. ti m intry in i many battll fig 149":...• I
l i r
,- • , .'.--y,- , • •
'''' °"tr a lirat i " a "t a r ) a a -
iri ..L' 1•; ' ol ' '.:•'li..'li - t • ' v. ! '
''-4• iytErnrAICICIpPI._ • LP- s',.4 :,- ill , A AR sung, .. ,
_rt. __th e 447.
Pat. Jti
On thelafternoiti of tjuill h 1 :••=0 ' 7
... ''. kg., I a ; ie the ,lpitnor to transmit, kierc..•
4nee un 2,, (reneklil i'T7if . lggs' . ' u ll e t i i l l •- • 1". " . " . - :—.
'. '' . soltiO tenderiri' to
nu lla i . • re' '4 • ll '' ' ' ' ''' gopy.'7 •G 4 O e7:l Assembg of you li'
178, cite intered VaecetiniSt• A l! e. •,t', . ; • '-- • • ith, thanks ti ;the ,
MIR 'eaH••••, Aew , taq:'.. 4,4 ' r ' , t l Wittionwealt,li, ..for the prudence,
.4 ' ltil . I, and' is
t e aa de i teen
.. o'"'
`tinder sho.V4at , eneral Scott s intenuott,wati. h ,,,, , wi
ery withf i whichi,jeu..havn...coadnittek th e
1 to.give battlat i only on the 186, this atition.iva L a, , en ;', l n dgn
agaiioo/0404 . ; : atia; . d i li A ppront
brought on by, the Mexicans. The. main bat 7
tng the sense of the,SAdltifilf.4llAtiferings,
'tie oceurited on the 18th, and resulted in the
serviedi and bereisinfonhe oiPeerelaP4 Melt of
i 'uomplete triuMph of . the American arnis w ,7 tha Ji te d..s .t ii te ,eaktwmaN irl ite men,
Sants'Arina - Matietlis•eSeage'Oft6llieicitite of • rs 7 x ,T e l l
rnki,ro44 - 44. 7.7 .
trawk2-ittiStender if. 'hearty
the arniy. Gen. t,La A r eatt.Wafr ! ".ag'ain'",!eil thanks Ilielr ,„ galliffAtitieetlialh.
prisoner, avithifive other generals , a - long - nu, of ;
~i , o se rprintervirrii, _
, . w • .-::: . • .., , -;: e r his
colonels awl subordinate officer s: - -.-- e i--
,i the er nl, , .-. freemen lef Penn
P''' '''l'4 Igo . ilie
Infa New -Orleans paper'llindthe , following
, Fiyie n, nin ; anal 0, 1 - .. ,, ! , .. t . r ....... 7,
. ...y r •:.: I ~,-.0 , .6.60 i .c y, p . n .. ...1 , ..,
letter : I w , .
' PLATT DEL RIO, April V; 11 o'clatik•A. M e FP'_ a ,... t .. ,C .o l f u t e e e w- o ;% a l n J o li o l a 9 s 4 at e a 1 0.4,-f ies eo 4l .,,vAE .4tarty lBlt ,ife : 0 1
The division •of Gen.-.. Twiggit. started two " 1 :
.licititomediuntofeentimnieatingibeittiAto te
hoiirs Since, and a heavy eamiitaiding 'hart
,ah ,
~,,. 0
1 se patriotism, iikiranditrate ilaoiihly
ready commenced Orion bitilline frolie-artii 7 """
merit' thn•approVatintt . :4lhWeeflii.,..' „:' • :..,1 .
lery of the Mexican.foreese • At interials toe;
i t l' haii.' • the . kinifEt'Oel, ii,i4 . " 1 2',.:*,n
, 1:04* o f
the rattl ng o f s mall arms, s beard' distinctly f.liwi. ta - A , t, , ,'•44,a t i,041,01-M l 7 ..4,4rospe o li el o ors, , 1
frourthe dragodis. •' • ! . " ; -r ,a- Ls
- 7, :,,,i,E)Wite,:SIXOCK.
5 o'cl ,P. M.—l have just ' returned from
(I L
ZAtinallit.'Tawr.w.on,; - •fAtiMitltt,:liViiVaa tt .
the scene of conflict, and a hloodyrtme. it,..-... 1, t4t.
~ , ..., si irantl4,nctlx i .e. , ,,,,L;nlS4. : , , , ' , ;,,
boon on this aide the farthest M4xiean fort.-- , ,,
No one Was-seen in possession l Oflit last, eten- 1 nEAD _ Qt.4.iii , 4ll - (4o 4_'•
vF•trnet;LTloN, )
bag, but this morning it wait found t o be oceu i - , C o mp near -iiliikelt 2111411847, f
pied by the enemy's-light troop& ••artil•to 'fore I
it- at once was ;deemed. indispen , sable. : Tor this
./ I ,.... ! ..... 'lln L — _..,.,,lt av , ci ti li a j. d i F il t s. l4 •}l4 l l : t .::.; l , 444 reee a Le.
ft .P in tLr „
purpose . ,the Rifles under I‘fajor.. Sultrier.:,be - 217; y 7 .zit ..317, 0in ,,, iatiii i1 - o. v e z titiFins
sides a detachment of'artillert.and -infantry 1" "
lugged, ascent. ; G enerat'Aisertibif etrellifkilAiiii•;;...S. unable I
were, ordered to charge up !the
extracts 'ffieriillipie', treaOlutijms,,Jiave hdwn
This they did Igailantly,'driping. theiltlexi
comenniiitad,.lri.deieral.Ortlersitoahe treop B
eaus,after a desperate resittance..- They were
coati and, and Wilt he duly Mappreeiated•
obstinate in their defence, and greats numbers :c' my
by them, as Conveyinilltiett"Sentinients 'of a
of the eneiny were killed, while on our side the
t great and partridffi 5taW::",_.7.1.2:L.1,',.;
_ .
loss was:alio severe. • " 1. I beg leave tn,aliele,,' , T ; i4Ctfitiiiiii...A.Leellency,
Major Sumner, • of the Dragoons e , - . was•shot
for the unaNOidable,.delay,..pecatsionqd. by late.
in the head, with a t _ inn4lit. Lieutenants 1 41(.435...wit ierlit,e;:,..whiAt,bas,,4,,e, •in v.,
Maury Mtitl Gibbs, of the Rifles,. were wound- ' • ; -
iktowledgitig your tieMlitnitieatietli7: l l also tww
ed ; also Lieutenant Jarvis, "Of the 3d-Infan,
express m y personaltilialit']ffitlite i ,frery 'win
try. I ecaddnot.learn that any of our officers
I t teens terms in' WhiehVefd,:iiiiiiiiee l n. pleased
werekilied; the entire lois on 'ourside wat , ..! ._,,,
._,• : , ,: , ~,. ~„;,, „
to commiimeate:tue resoniLierts - ,,toi lee tiebera
estimated at one hundred! -
.a on " - on l Assembly.; ~., -., , i :ii.,,.: ,:.;c , ."5..: >.s:l , ji ~,
About 3 o'clock, thelenamy made ~.._til
' I am; , sir i Nery reapectruili•; , ymittivt-'geir't,
stration tupoma , fort on thetneighboringliei•ghtstr, - • '''-'*- • "•":'-'7,!;TATyttg,
the one our men had Captured,' as if 'with' the! • ; . • -•,.., 2 , - - ...,* . tt;G e tt l -- . 0 . :! , 5 :. A - Thly.,
intent i,.n or retaking it, but it all ended , in their! u: „, r _ ;‘ ,.,,i,, : _,- , . t „, . i .,,4 ,
marching down the hill, blowing a most terrific / "tilti; : ttlf r 'L'w) ....., 4l ll ." . 7-...
__•t-t:_li- g u .. - I ,!": ‘ , iz 'r' i. er/:"r (!!
charge on their trunipet& Ttring,a few shets.l ''''7 "1-Y i ".""" i'nU" lsll tir
and then retiring. 'their' appearanee• a s ;they, / • , i rh e pit like l l i, , „4d un t e gioV-,
came down the bill was certainly very impesi
, The St. ,Louis Revitile eentaiiia . olale t ieter
' es•tina" particula r slatiheMdeorable . - .. tentenat.
file cannon on rho hill mean While kept up it , l.-... , ,, ~ ~..,...„..,,.,,
wwwwwt info wits firing on Gen. Triggs' lines, lining! Price:Et! the Illitteisv .. aln'ate7t . ,...777Peumi!
little exectith , it hewever, ether than getting .;it the hattke.. of 'Otteri,a,. ragtta:....,,,,, i ;,, , , .t
down . trees and -brush. As we returned 'tel. 4 ,
. I .4,enioeisai l- , ..LiEn . -- 111-7 . i. t--; rit SIM fin
camp the fit intr, was still (Thnfioned: • The ene
tcall'ter t-ohniteers;,:i ce+panY'ef! . l,kitten it
my I acl evidently l , bt aiqed the -position of the raised .. i tt "I") , olaSki'OPinity.,
..illinoi&w4,der tl
road . , whi,i, has, just been cut-with accuracy, 1 , etnumatrd of Colonel I: eery L. Areit "It nun
h o t t0„, c .:1, 1 ;!.... principally went over.
„ 1 1 hens one bundler], rank Ond•file,-,/b it tuts ju
A L *; ' '''''" '''' U '''' '''''iri-4his‘ vas i ' illr P: L i. 1 , 1!1C fourth Of the number of Votersta•theayla,
w.. 0„,,, , rt (:„. :2 . 'r u yi !fg: :-.- with three regimonts of , renn . 3 ,. -
t The first tii4O .-- Wito' sigifepiis"na
v;:to , t, ,!..5...
...P. nee:, an t , ,
, CA:tre, PLATT ouL RIO
The Ami , liears have achieved another Virginia* seventy-three :years-of .tige..: Ta,
0 6 ' I : o f"bis sots who 'had .previously , sorted -in i)
mss ;and brilliabt vieta•ry against an . nut-111.1M- : mach Hank war , ;‘ t w el i cm ,e, d , hig„i,4lThrie,
herinc fwirce, and occupying a position:MAO:
;the comFlement teas SO4lrectliplelq!', l . - of the lx
looked as impregnable nit Gihralter One af
t•ounw, Men in' the eliut;ily:: 1) It:4(0e, roll r,
ter :mother e• ilicir taorks have been taken.- 7 - full. ' ( 7, 41:01 , 01 we ,-,
ua iptlalau'il.t4 . - Mr; Price tl
To-day.tiye t; end als, C .]erects enough to cora
ihe I Suppesed,headwsignedthe-.rell , enly for ti
eland ten such armies as ours, and other offi-
purpo l so , of-Setting ' tinit*O"aug'.lnelis‘a.,Palril
eers inntnnerable have beetitukeavrisonerS, to-;
exinrid. .
• t,
gettier with six thonsand .. ,men, and the rest•of 1 .I'oli arc ini5ta14,11,14,914,7-,APSdcaatim t a ,
the arm-,-, driven and routed with - the" loss of vii ;g iuiati ; ..Lsigtlealiuf,,name„tiietei sir f
ever' thing. ammunition;cannon, baggage and
. :.the,purilose,.ef showier hem an example‘n t
bagga ae trams, and nothing but the impossi- 4
field - ! ?' :t - , : tt , ' , ---- - -- ,,,,- -- - tt.; , •..---- , stsata ---•: tt'. , -: - e- ,
bility of finding the road, 'which prevented our; .4. .I - M ticraid; Alrf -! . 1"0,e;' ; ';114 the colon
dragoons from reaching their work , s, enabled '
that they nitiiiiitieeOtiO - ir : 111ill of your a
any of Santa Anna's grand 'army •,to escape,t , . - •
in-; vaticed age:" _ , ~.,1ti. ,; :i.,,,,, ww .• :, -
eluding his own illustrious person.
- ! . "It 'hatter* ttet i !AsittbeArynNei ,f_ild ma
Santa Anna's travelling coach with all
.Ins; ~tenti pay to i,
own 4 ases, and fight on w
papers, valuables, and even his wooden leg,
oWn• hook." ,:•
..,. It li , ~-.--. •-•-
has fallen into our hands, together with all, the
' Finding. remenstratt l ee ii:seless., te was
. belonging to the army. li4. - '
.. milted to accompany t.m,-,, , ,and at the rend•
No' one anticipated, when, aroused 'f i l m his
.eorlis, at Altom•lielvmteliftseit :a.,•.l.lexitenatt
bivouac till§ •morning, such it complete victory,
~ .tbe crwmpanY......On_thitOnEree ~.Nexico, t
Five hundred will cover the total loss of the !,, id man
was pe rm itted to *ricle, -- 1-Ina • age a
Americans in killed and wounded; had, it not; '"
feebleness ,not enabling:him:AO-in:l4dg° the w
, been for the cowardice of Santa Anna, who rat, !
Itignes-of afoot mareli.4 7 ..„llii a'...ei*e tsation wi
, before - the battle was half lost, it would haVe .... -
the officers he:said.,:tAlf.f",:;."-'; ' , .„:. , ...i... - •;; -- •• I
been ,ffir greater. No 'one can estimate the 1 ”It -is true wiayaild4ga ,refose e to carry me
loss of the Mexicans ; they arc seattefeil in ear now; as
.114 . :wo.uhie. t fpr,tar..;ye4s. ago;
huts by the road side andin every direction. ,
When' the fighting.FweoMes, z: geatlemen, I will
What disposition will be made of the prison
ers is not yet known ; they.may be all et' a there; and Isliall-,feetptvutl t tit la, t v- down t
' 8
t small remnant of my - A r iff i t:, in -notottly. setting
liberty en 'parole; on account Of- feedi ng th
'''' °Th 1 eNam,
.and in order to accelerate the advance mei ;- tt
rnes the to my .4Y§..o4gtfirAling.; 0' our 'er i l
iat ,therejs notAitait-ii,a..agetw-te a NaT
meht of the army.
• ',American's .figlitingalitiya...,7::.7.;', 1 - .
It was General Scott's intention to push on •
i , Eye,. officworbolonglag,two•,:tlio l e 'ulaski coo
towards the city of Mexico with all haste- 1 - ".•.
. pw M ry ..;. 7 rts kili k . ,. ,ol4tnimg..a h e o r the , b y ,
April I.9tlL—'rlip route of - the 11
!' , old .Lieutenant ; oft ,Price;. beo4,lis : rel
last evening was total and, conipleiet,lT°Votarlies.
41 , 4 , Ll3 - -S, at jeast .. fifty.4the moinitarty.t They f , .
mains of the army wore puisned to xvi
'thin " - •' r l ' 4 nied ail.pemtion,-;01Y,_;09 - noral`;:IVOtii ade
miles of Jalapa, by '!Gen. Twigga i • at - Whieli
gnard,-katlongin,g,totOkighthattalion; first
point they all dispersed_itatitat there Wasiione .
to follow. :Santa :Anna
„ffrieried,dr,eatdfullyi,-4,-..., 't
-:.'z t' :.t. i- - ' . •
himself escaped t,,, glig4(ll , lle:erient.Y!itt Bilenat'.V.isti, and of co
cutting a saddled mule from the harness, of Inbs
Col. ;,, 17 elm, en 0w .,,,,54 . 4., hi*, -4, , , , 0mpau
magnificent coach, monnting-him and itubse
banal, iefttheoctiainank histr:jannary#
fluently taking to' he ehapparal: A tieryie6;of .
deitp'atelies.,:fiendiftGeLteraUV*l.A 44 We
niassive-silver, all In
geap money, and every h ome in p u i tv ia cott o, y ; ,l o 4 o.o l -o, lt oi s of I
thing in ;the cania even • his dinner, as
IV— gre . at sea-erelong lit • liattkarrite. Awl. he
captured. The Mexican-loss:upon” there eight ' whorr . 4lre:aexiens . :nei g wern,:ro
:,, ri ,,, a , . /
was dreadful ; the ground in places tropic]
t . was . . erect iai his ligaliiii - :,..l4Aparli. ; velars
o f
the dead - and 'woundelt ' ; •
;Col. Palace was found there mortally;w9nnil- P. l ii . d: 411 -- in g-; ll e w _ s l'P f 4'.. hi .. a_ :- 1, . ; ' e:r.twife o f
_t wt
id Iwo now
fr. p'Con-
the Bra-
, ,actively
a 0 ma
upen San
in a very
ed. Their loss on the
was- terribly
severe; every by-path was .strewtt;with
ddad 11a1 our dragoons been ablej to.reitelt
them in season, All would have been.! killedtr
captured, Canta Anna among them. Canales i
with, his noted laneers, bad the'p i rudence to
t earl 7 t CzIA liZrl •••;ifY,'
Even Up to this time, it is,impossible to give
anything like .a • -coifttee-liat 'OM°
wininded 4eers". The' Mexican
bad • Vera ertti
priacmers arrive{ .
Shields Lis severely; arid. it is "feared "mortally
woUndect . ' Gen! Pillow' Was Wliglitly 3 renijiled .
•bilc st4l.rining tbe
La Vega. A-Tlilmbei of Other Arriairctin
4'w . :4(l'wounded: '
T , •
'hose terms
to return
yin' re-en-
• fiom the
1 A Co:is :NTIOCS fnitc--A -.young }JOY- 1
Ndas rubbed ire idly at al- bearding4ken4iin
. 4eiten, lof $l4, a bilif:do the_ ankepv, ofO r ,
0 ir6 h,....vitiist
0:1 . * d 4 .or ..two I tefiraidgA l trAbief re ,
e arn ed, : ittell bills, *hie Mild net be .inid4 401
vnilablei; and informed him, taiiteidheinerW
ey. he should only. .ke.ep it, Ik e a ,. a i i. 4.abi c h , ,,.l
would _return at some future dav,- ith h*teat
it,.. the 'fate ef .. five...,' per; col l e t !: „He: ' i 0414 .
ether r easo ns injustifieatient4 ihe .. ,. .fte , *lilt
.. 1
money; has been, very r aiardaY,--mid 'Ali!
0: 1 .11011arg* payment in!advanew . - eff:int(irp t ,
t ' ereot fors 0 next Sit' . lncintbs; - ,: -.. - :_ . .i- , A.;:.:_.4
, . :., *-°, Y: ; • .- 1, -
I-. 14110.1:,P091 ibuildinr'it'Wl4:ll',;llre
te: be bemitfidly iiithie . witli iI6A,*P, 0
rinter,l;lshiph:l4 eallad:"..the eidari-kiieb : .:..-J ,':',;
i ii
I t.
wsbandotia fatik,oll ,soit-- that bat.
the slut 104 s: thsTeittity- , ad: gliffeipd, and i
it* o 0.1 1 iti.he,lm+ AwaYltilth'kft• • I v
leavius t tliervillage4 0004o t ii at ib a ir a d •
) ei
'young.lllety ; gob,
._ ,iiiraull,llliii yi_be. culls it
If 0 .0 1 4 there h - 140 1 : 11 .4 .4 1 ‘ , :i- them :., 0
1 nlailti had 4 frore4•to.R.Lakupk;Oeady, 1 ~, i
ithat„,1)0,0110 400400 Iier!PPARY m° -d
giz z
itier-brave- _ na,inThwirtfoTin4,l* that
ty . 014111 ::tet4:! Ketattliks-i1t1 14 34..thr Pc'
;digs rai. tilg thprk-Kor -they wei*Laisliaited te•
1 7 ai n/at h"leoXPVlsriOlillgrow.thiik io IRO '',
1, teirsdimpoioiiiluta,*!laA4valy.fig 1
_h „g. ,
I #l4le, tbe;V:tter r e itt-hOtne metgi.o-14 Ii
I t() their deedit'etvtlet .,-:::
Tiri -- Eitile r iiiiii i \Slf!C-L ‘ AA 1 1:ente1 11 1 10
pys that ", one tho' most important dill. •
cries foe
is ihdliet r
andithr, ii#llfihe . **Vih'ilatiflatead 'oree
miles. an4o,s, tbnir4hwryliit 14aikaueetil
preaching tlpilmep• - •F..• r: r " .
We suppose Okiaregrowing I_.Et the reasopi why "it , hht
Ina thiliffere*a,!-lii;4r
iter UttAgigtkA l 9*Trie , 14 1 '
kOrful for any poidonto p 11*.ithe hi,
N `PkweweliAkl,,irf: , Pigev,:.* l4o4 Y ,
4 11 q una:4lA:ll4 l /P.lifairil o r
'41 5 1M 114, 0 ti•. 4 ) ( i'itat!L e
144. % ' • , , '' -
"! • I ', .4'4 . .r.i , , r!t 14' •
Attigt ,