Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 24, 1909, Image 4

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A Condition for Which tli Autom.
blls Industry ) Largely Responsible.
When the scarcity of hides and
Bkin Is referred to It la hardly under
stood by the layman, who perhaps
doe? not know that the world la being
coined in all corners far all avail
able skins and hides. Moro races are
constantly becoming civilized and the
Increase of our hiilo and skin supply
Is tot In proportion to that of the
hu-imn race.
The amount of IpMIit need In the
jnnGu'ncturg of novelties of all kinds
bar. Increased to a prent extent with
in a ew years, says the Stioe Retailer,
but in no line has the ii:-.e of leather
broadened so extensively as in auto
mobile manufacture.
Any one who is nt all familiar with
an automobile knows that there Is a
cons'dernble amount of leather used
In Its construction, in upholstery and
otl erwlse. This means a large
dn . gl.t on tho leather mnrket, which
is per'Hps more noticeable In the high
pri.-e of spre;dy steers, the hides of
which are extensively used for that
Phosphorescent Forests.
The rhosplioresoence of certain
ag' rles of Borneo has more than once
de: -oralized the superstitious uatlves
aid astonished whites. Some years
ag i a party of EDglish engineers
foi nd It necessary to Biirvey a tract
of low lying country, which waa al
most Impenetrable, and to blaze the
trfil entires were employed to work
tt n rht, others during the day. The
o er came into camp one night
og that they could not go through
trtion of the bush or forest,
E ! 3e "spirits" on the trees telling
t :..
i that evil would befall them If
continued. The "spirits" proved
o a magnificent display of phos
escence emanating from agaries
r.g upon the dead limbs of the
. Thece vegetable Are bodies were
. : for a considerable distance,
c!ng a most remarkable exhibl-
"ic light in some places being so
.? that it was difficult to believe
? forest was not afire. To test
uuincy the men held papers
u most brilliant portions and
y the light.
Yiry Hsrrlman as a -Country Girl
Vary Harriman has as keen an in
ct for guarding the cents as her
"'er demonstrated In his business
'--mr. As the manager of the 30,
i ere farm iu Arden, N. Y., she
:s with an eye lo profit. The re-
islblllty of the farm, Is not new, to
I. For several years she practical
lv held control, her father seldom In-
tr(ering, and then doing little more
li.an offering a suggestion. Harriman
wo proud of bis daughter's talent for
tr.t -.-leement. They were a familiar
alt t driving together over the farm,
I! i 'man, as a rule, holding the reins
n ' r one of his fast trotters. - Miss
It.. '.T.an cares more for her farm
th. : for society. She Is a keen Judge
o r jorre, and seldom gets the worst
cf a trade.
To Breaking One Neck, $2.
e 4'l!ne-up" man was a facetious
The woman for whom be was
rg up a pulley clothes-liue was
;:ng. She ordered' It put in a cer-
1lace, which it was nlmost ira-
Me for him to reach. He hesitat-
"If I have to put It there, lady,'
r.!d, "I'll break my neck." Still
ll c
lid not relent "All right, lady,'
consented, with a cheerful grin,
: It'll cost yer i ex try If X break
tsi-iy Was Not Allowed Even One
Day of Grace.
' canua get over It," a Scotch farm
er m arked to bis wife. "I put a two
:.K ilt piece in ta plate at kirk this
:. i. i instead o' ma usual penny."
'. is beadle hr.d noticed the mis
I.'' i, and also thevfrlghtened face of
hio , d friend, who had not tbe cour
afe to retake the coin as the old
tr. ;oned ladle-like spoon was care
f passed over the bead to the next
l-i ,.aiJ one penny after another was
diti. oed into the bowl.
T'.,e old farmer sat In silence and
rii '. nothing. The old beadle allowed
. blr to mlsa the plate for twenty-four
cci ecutive Sundays.
La the -twenty-fifth Sunday the
farcer again ignored the collection
pl."'e, but the old beadle steadied the
lac. i in front of him, and in a loud,
trsi ic whisper, said hoarsely, "Your
Ul's up noo, Sandy!" ,
Msud (angrily) So you told Ethel
that there was something cheap look
lag about my face, did you?
, Jack I admit it. I referred, of
o :ree. to your nostrils two for a
cent Washington Star.
Very Likely.
Tho denot of Moridian. Texas, Is
sl-n it a mile from the b-isiuesn part
of its town. One nisht a sleepy.
wia.- tiavrilns man said to the durky
Tno was urirmg him to the hotel:
"C'd uiaii. why In the name
Hekitn jij (hey put this d.-pot
far from town?
Ti -a darky scratched his head In
tho.-'it. aud replied:
"Waal. boss. I s fn'ced to adsilt dat
! h ."a t give da matter s'llrlent coxl
t.'.i'n. t ut J 3' Jumred up f.-r a ritngr
l:ki I d'1-use dt-y done di:t so aa
to I - v e de depot aa Bear as posstbl
to it lailioad."
Suggestion of Firs AM t Everybody
en All Occasion.
When man rushes Into your ofBee
hurriedly and (ays:
"By Jingo. Dawson, I hate to peak
of It, but I need $500 Ilk the vsry old
dickens to-day!"
Answer What a singular coinci
dence. Blinks; I do, tool"
When the lovely young maiden at
the seaside to whom you have been
paying court all summer s-hakea bet
bend violently and says:
No, Mr. Blithers; I cannot Imagine
any circumstances under wnicn i
could be Induced to marry yoa.
Answer Thanks. Mlsa Jonea. This
la a great relief. I was afraid yoa bad
misconstrued my attentions, and, of
course, desired to live up to my Im
plied obligations.
When you run race to race witn
your tailor upon the street, and be
urns a cold, beady y trpon you ana
Excuse me. Mr. Bump, but what
have you to say about my little blllt"
Answer I dont thins: I have met
rour little Bill, Mr. Bnlpperton. ln
Jeed, I dMnt know you bad any chll-
Iren at all."
While be Is recovering from this.
lumn into a taxi cab and proceed in
break the speed law. Carlyl Smith.
Harper's Weekly.
Wonderful Human Tongue.
Some re ru arable facts regarding the
onaue have been recently presented
Sv the eminent aurseon. ur. k. sou-
:hon of New Orleans, tb uocror.
sfter stating that tbe tongue, the nose
and the skin are the only organs of
iineclal sense which perform other
functions, remarks that the tongue is
the only organ except the heart which
presents a base, body and aa apex
md that no other organ ran assume
such a variety of shape fcr I mova
ble, says Leslie's Weekly. Its papil
lae! though similar to thoa of other
mucous membrsne. are larger and
more specially developed. The tongue
presenta a dual structure in accora
ance with Its dual function motor
nnd sensory, varle fn color more than
any other organ, and ta more solid
than any other vlacua. It la the only
organ presenting the three kind of
nerves, namely, nerve of specie!
sense, one of ordinary sensation and
one of motion.
Whr Emeralds Came from.
Colombia, Sooth. America, controls
the world' market, for emerald as
completely aa the South. African Syn
dicate does for diamonds. It Is from
the mlnea high xtp In the Colombian
Andes that most of the emeralds
come. The Colombian Government
has leased It most valuable , mine
n an Enallah. eradicate, with the un
derstanding that It I to ell at least
$1,250,000 In emeralds a year for
twenty years, giving th Government
n nerrentaaa. The larcest and moat
valuable emerald In th world be-
innir in the Duke of Devonshire.
Is a perfect slx-slded crystal' and
weighs nearly nine ounce.
Too Feinted.
Mr. Howard waa a man of exceed
ingly few word. Ha positively die
iked to talk, aa an Indian dislike to
-mil. One day be went Into music
itore to buy th mualo of an opera
for hia alater. The clerk cam np, and
.o him Mr. Howard Mid la hi quiet
"Mikado1 libretto."
Th salesman frowned.
"What" that?" be asked. '
Mikado' libretto," repeated th
"Me no apeake Italtano," aald th
clerk, shaking hla head Washington
Star. ,
Th almullfied SMlUn board, which
began Ha reforms three, year' '
with an unassuming list of $00 words,
now publishes an Index V $.$ VoMs
t. ..,.. At rkviuirm finitaA Of the BOW
comers are. lied be and, almjbir-
ly, apred, helth, ate.; woras naing
In "1 Ana- fironnunced "IS SS lu-
-nnts rornia: llelV f Or" delve. CATV
for. carve, and many other that makil
the unfamiliar ay squint '
HI. Unklwii
"Wl&'es," Uii fh fcoJ5HW.' 4l
you know what motive tb dsoasst
had In committing "suicide?
"Yes, Judge, your Hooo. gafi th
witness pompously. "Harassed told
me his motive, tr."
The coroner, tb ' court ofacsrs.
sverybody, was Interested.
wnat waa, - then. cims'i mo
tive?" aaked the coroner.
"Why, your Honor, he Mid h want
ed to kill himself," waa th reply.
Th Inquisitive Colonel. . .
At a certain military post thfb
as a gruff old colonel, on of whose
duties waa to occasionally teat tbe
ood of the Midlers. On day he saw
wo private carrying soup-kettle.
md called out sharply: "Here, let
ne taste -of tSat" Th obeyed, fun
ling &L-$S tdfi kjijnti reat
bunder!" he exclaimed, "you dont
-all that Mup, do you?" "No, air,
-eplled 6u, ir.neVly. "TxS the dish
rater: suuel Alio rratt.
The flrwt Qui :-!'.
A young eoatrt had r.i.'&e to words
or the nrat Oine. Th Woman st
eady had her but on cd she stopped
o say the last word: "1 am going
ack to my parents."
After a .few. min'ttfn "te'd ThU!jig
:eard her ram mat? s'boj tbeVrtcn
in. Opening th 'i x r "half way, h
laid: "I thought yuo . gli back
lo your p areata." I am," she Said.
Then what are Jtu 'looking fbrt"
for the house-key," waa har reply,
On Dslnhlo.
Tb teacher waa-giio "g goograpn-
leal lesson, aad the cltts, having trav
eled from London to Labrador, and
from Thessaiy to Tlmbuctoo,
thoroughly wor -elH.' ' -&d now,
said the teacher, w com to Ger
many, that Important, country gov-
,.i i. . 1 'V- i . .. .
what la a Kaleer?"
"Yea'm," yawned Tosamy Joae.
stream o' water Jnici' an a' dl-
wwt W "
Notes and
Of Interest to Women Reader
Majority of Visiters at the Alaska-
Yukon Fair Vott Her the Pret
tleet Young Woman In
the Contest.
The arise awarded the most beautl-
foj woman by the Judges at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
exposition at Seattle
waa given to an Eskimo girl named
Columbia, from the southern coast of
All the visitors to the fair were al
lowed to compete In the "beauty con
test" All they had to do waa to visit
the exposition In their best bib and
tucker, where they might be aeen by
the unknown Judges mingling In the
Tbe prise waa a valuable piece of
Seattle property, a lot In the reslden-
Columbia, the Eskimo Girl.
tlal section. Tbe deed to this proper
ty Columbia now exhibits with great
pride and her mother never lets
friend go by until be or she has seen
the document.
Columbia's mother was one of the
Eskimos brought from Labrador to
be exhibited at the World's Columbian
exposition In Chicago In 1893. Colum
bia was born soon after so that now,
while shy of telling her exact age, we
ar certain ah la In her teens.
After th exposition Columbia's
mother traveled throughout the Unit
ed States with a circus. Later tbe
baby went back to Labrador wltb her
grandfather nnd grandmother, to live
n Eskimo land. Some Urn after this
Colombia's mother went to Labrador
a th agent of company to get Eski
mo for th Parla exposition. Colum
bia with bar mother and grandparents
crossed tbe ocean. They also traveled
la Africa and throughout Spain.
Cereal, Baked Sweet Apples,
Corned Beef Hash
Eggs Cooked In the Shell
Rye Meal Muffins. Coffee. Cocoa
Vaal Cutlets, Breaded and Fried
Tomato Sauc
French Fried Potatoes
Boiled Cauliflower
Baked Indian Pudding with
wt Apples.
Hslf Cups of Coffe
Sardine, Lemon Quarters
Pickled Bests. Buttered Toaat
ZwIebMk. Nut Wafer. Tea.
BpMdieet of Typewriter.
Congratulations were showered
upon Mlu Ross U Frits after ah had
mad new typewriting record, writ
ing 1,415 words In 15 minutes from
dictation, with no errors, at th bust
na show la Madison Square Garden,
New Tork. She wrote at th rat of
95 worda a minute for 15 consecutive
ulnutes. H. O. Blaladell wrote ! words
4 minute, and F. H. Coomb followed
with 87 1-4 words.
Msgneal for Lace.
Magnesia In tbe form of either pow
der or cake ta the beat dry cleanser
'-ir laces. It should be sifted oa th
-arts to b cleaned and the garment
-en laid away In a drawer for cou
' of daya, after which it may be
haken out Tb earn treatment
geaerafly effective la removing Ic
cream stains from delicate fabric.
Australian Fish.
Ther ar maay varietie of Aus
tralia Hah which ar entirely un
known on this aide of th world.
Bom of them ar tb snapper, th
klugflsh, th trumpeter, the blue ood.
the giant skats, and th yello
bream. The Sydney prawns ar th
bluest, nnest and pinkest (whea
rooked) In tb world; they rua to
leagta of tea Inch., aad ar prcper-
eja,tiy lay
Church Member Get Ready to Dodge
That the members of the Brltlgevll'e
ethodlst Church do not believe In
toe old saying that lightning never
strikes twice In tbe same place was
demonstrated last night, when they
deserted tbe church at the approach
of an electric storm. Th church
rtneple hsd been struck by lightning
three times this summer and It was
only on Saturday that workmen fin
ished repairing damage caused by the
last bolt
A song service was In progress
when th storm broke last night and
by two and threes the people In the
church began to make their way to
the door. Finally the pastor found
he was almost alone and stopping tbe
singing he said: "In view of the fact
that halt of the congregation has left
tbe church and that a storm Is Im
pending we will close the services
without further delay." That ended
the exercises and within another min
ute the church had been completely
vacated Rrldgevllle MDel.l Corres
pondence Chicago Inter-Ocean. -
The Diamond Remains a Mystery.
As a substance, the diamond Is one
of the mysteries of nature, one of the
despalra of science. Nobody knows
whence It came, nor how whether It
Is a spark from a comet's tail, or a
crystallized drop squeezed In some
horrible Intensity of fiery convulsion
from the white-hot Insurgent heart of
the earth. Nobody knowa much about
It at all, except that It doesn't "be
long" to this world.
Some known black diamonds literal
ly were from the skies. They came
Imbedded In ' meteorites cast upon
Arizona and Chill by an unidentified
atar. One doe not prospect for chips
of stars. . As well search for the end
of the rainbow. Neither is It practi
cal to hammer all aorta of eruptive
rock and conglomerate wherever
com upon. Earthquake or volcanic
upheaval districts, are not necessary.
the most promising, for often dia
monds that seem to have had volcanic
origin-occur thousands of miles from
the probable plac of extrusion car
ried thence, It Is assumed, by glacial
drift In some far back geological time.
Franklin Clarkln's "The Trail of the
Diamond." Everybody's.
Savage Eagle Hawk.
Perhaps tbe deadliest foe of tbe
Australian sheep farmer Is the eagle
hawk, and many and wonderful are
the contrivance Invented for it de
struction or capture. A correspond
ent at Singleton aaya It is no uncom
mon thing for a farmer with a run of
quite average extent to lose a hundred
sheep la a season through the depre
dation of these carnivorous birds.
"Their strength," he writes, "is so ab
normal that It la practically lmpoasl
bla for th sheep on which on
pounces to resist tbe attaok, and their
appetite for live mutton appears to be
Insatiable. They are occasionally
caught by means of a trap attached
to the carcass of a sheep and some
times poisoned. But their numbers
ar nevertheless continually Increas
ing. London Standard.
Got Better All the Time.'.
A party of tourist were doing Bos
ton and Cambridge. Said one, "So
this I tb cemetery where they say
James Russell Lowell, as a small boy,
went out on Halloween night to look
for ghost. I wonder which ston h
waa hiding behind, and If he really,
did see a ghost?" "I can't tell you.
Ma'am," answered th guide, "but
over bar He a man who had three
wive. On the ston of th first on
he had Inscribed. 'My Wife'; on the
(tone of tbe second. 'My Dear Wife.'
and on that of the third. 'My Beloved
Wife.' If any ghost tries walking
aro'ind her It ought to be that first
. Worn on th Scaffold.
' Tb corporation of Shrewsbury
have Just had presented to them by
tbe Walcot family, of Bitterly Court
Shropshire, for their museum, th
scarlet cloak worn by Charlea 1. on
the scaffold erected In front of White
hall Palace, where he was beheaded
In January, 1C4D. Th cloak waa se
cured by William Walcot, who was
psge to the King and attended Charlea
la that capacity on th wcaffold. It
ha been In the possession of the
Walcott family for 260 year. Home
Pet Doge of Ancient Egypt,
Thar I nothing new under the
un, and th grave of old Egypt
mak thla fact very clear to us.
Subscribers to the Egypt Explora
tion Fund have Just been told that
th ancient Egyptians kept her pet
dogs, whose bodies have been found
with the leather dog lead still attach
ed to th collar. And these dogs were
pampered animals, dogs whose decay
ed teeth mark the drawing room (et,
fed on all aorta of unwholesome dain
ties. Home Notes.
Large 8um Worthily Spsnt.
Tb total amount expended by the
state of thla country for education
during ISM was 1307,765.653,
Testing Her.
"How would you feel, Clarissa, II
you and I were sailing down the
stream of life together, far away
from hereT"
"How far, George?"
"Oh, far. far away!"
"I'd b so terribly homesick for
And from that nlgbt this young man
hla visit.
Every Reason.
"Why doe your new baby cry so
"Bay, If all your teeth were out
your balr off, and your legs so weak
that you couldn't stand on them, I
rather fancy you'd feel Ilk crying
A WaiGam Here.
Th Ctrl (ecstatically) Just think,
father I When th color-sergeant
tripped and fell, George grabbed th
Bag aad charged th battery, although
theoretically riddled with bullets!
'-- "
Maid's Surprise on Receiving Money
f rem Mistress' Guests.
A country where- there are no tips
and where small services are rendered
to the stranger without hope of reward
would seem hurd to find yet such a
country is Finland.
So far the tourist has not appeared
in any great numbers, and conse
quently the commercial spirit which
his advent always marks has been ab
sent. As an example of this, Mme.
Alno Malmberg, a Plnnlah lady, who
Is paying a visit to this country, tells
an amusing story. Two English
friendfl whom she hud met while over
here had been staying with ber at
her boune In Helsingfors, and on leav
ing gave the maid a tip.
She was very much astonished and
did not know what It meant Seeing
Mme, Maluiberg's son coming down
stairs, she ran to him and aald, "They
gave me money. Did they give you
any?" Hearing lat they had not
done so, she waa much mystified. "I
cannot understand why" they should
give It to me and not to you,, when
they know you much better than me, '
was her" perplexed comment on the
Osawatomle and Pottawatomie.
Tbe spelling of the two words
Osawatomle and Pottawatomie causes
considerable confusion to this day;
but that Is the way maps have them
now, and that of course makes them
Osawatomle, famed In Kansas his
tory. Is ! located between the Osage
River and the Pottawatomie. It Is
hamed. from these streams. In the
early days two "6's" were frequently
used In Its spelling, but U.e improprie
ty of their une was shown and pointed
out by the school teachers by simply
explaining the word's derivation.
The name of Pottawatomie, though,
had about ten different spellings, ac
cording to an old settler of that com
munity. "The tribe of Indians," he
said, "left the State and did not leave
us the correct spelling of the word. So
we people along the creek finally got
together and decided to spell the word
the shortest WRy possible Pot-a-wat-o-n-le.
Now they tie using two 't's' on
the maps, and I gueps that Is the way
to Fpell It no-v. We spelled It the
shortest way, and I have often thouK'.it
that we were the original simplified
S cllers." Kansas City Journal.
Sermons In Ancient Times.
St. Augustine's Bermons lasted
about 18 minutes, but In that ancient
diiv It was no uncommon thing to
have several at the same service.
When two or mere bishops were pres
ent it wns usual for them and the
pre;bytcrs to preach one after the
other, reserving the last jilaee for the
highest dign-ary. Some conaolation.
however, Was to be found in the fact
that applause was permitted and
mi.ny of St Chrysostom s sermons
were hailed with the "tossing of gar
ments and waving of handkerchiefs."
A Psrsonsl Matter.
Clarence was usually so restless
and fidgety in church that his mother
was obliged to reprove him from time
to time. One Sunday -he was so quiet
and well-behaved that his mother no
ticed It, and spoke approvingly.
' "What a good little boy Clarence
was In church to-day," she said
"Mamma was so proud of him."
"Well." said Clarence. "I had to be
The choir looked right at me, and
sang over and over again, 'Please be
still, please be still!" Youth's Com
panion. Says the Philosopher. '
"Ev'ry man to his trade even 'o
bosses." Boston Herald.
Capital Punishment.
Capital punjuhment prevails In a'
the States and Territories of th
Union except Michigan, Wlsco;::i
Rhode Island, Kansas and M-.ine. I
waa abolished in Iowa In 1872, and re
stored in 1878. It was al o abolished
In Colorado, .but was restored in U01
In New York and Ohio execution is by
' One Thing Yet to Learn.
We have leaiaed how to telegraph
without wires srd fly without fas
bags, but the auiidote tor a common
ordinary coid sti.l mocks the foiled
aearchipga 'of tie human race. - St
Louis Republic.
Can't r..lmlnats Him.
This coin.;y has fciven up shirt
sleeve dilo:..acy a: d q t tleetins
presidents uho Ki-re bora' In log cab
ins, but the man who picks hl.i teeth
In public coutinues to be visible.
Do Pretty Well Yet.
"This motoring game isn't what It
used to be." "Speed ordinance too
carefully enforced?" "No; but pedes
trians are getting so careful."
Berlin's Linen Factories.
Berlin has about a hundred factor
rles for linen goods ior more than
the kingdom of Saxony. -
Ths Truth, in Most Cases.
A man tries to control hla children
before he has learned to control him
elf. New York Press.
Good Advice.
Whatever you do, do wisely and
think of the consequences. Gesta it
1 1 V-
Td a rsr sYA a EMI
ken l'iUui4
nf ikbtfiito.
31 A La. neCWeTPr
(aarruai tw(i4, wit hutii, Cii
rkti, LO liiU
Scientific mttlm.
tiuicnomelT llln"trmtd weekly. I-arrest dtv
iiUuu I ny K tont iHr y-.urnaJ. Terms, 9
vtuu , four HuuiuL. t)L fioMltjrU nrtlr.
aw- . r-- i a
is t lie most tliov
:ngliy jnactical.
helpful, useful inl
national, illustrat
ed agricultural fc
family, weekly 'in
the Vnitcd States.
Send your name for
free sample copy to
New York Tribune Farmer
Now York - ty, N. Y.
,$l.50 A YEAR
Letter Heads, Cards
Posters, Statements
CilVH sads, Envelopes
Circulars, Etc., Etc.
ia rvU TRADt-MAHKS rxii.-iy ilf..:.-. in Q
3 nil count) it-, ur no In-. e ol-t.in PUT rT3
!i THAT FA V, Tenethn moroUtfUv, oui t
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; j Pi nd moiK-1. jihotoor nkiti-h for FREE rr,rl '
m jn pui-rHi!tT. so y.-nr' prarii", SOPt
1 BO3S03 5? svonth Street,
Cave:, ina Trnde-M.t-n3 cbtair.ori aid all Pm.-'
jent tuaiacso-ntliicirt (or M odcrs-tc Kers. lj
iaii'l we cincrcire pti n. u ic mac Luai u ush,
Jretrote from We hiii'it.'a.
J &eod model, dr.wmjf or tiVto., ith d?rijv
Jtioo. Ve uMs, il pattr.LjLiis or D.t, Ir-e 01
iihargix. Our (ce roi due ullvncnt is vi ur .J.
5 . aiuuui r-r ii.-vT to Obiasin J'.iteuti-" th
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sr-nt free. Ai'ilrc.
J pmuT orncc, wBmiifi ron.
'?eV?eK axfawe'?!? a) f )--
rhysicians have long beon lookinp
for a harmless headache cure, li
Iibs been produced by nn emiiiHnl
nheuiist of the National i Capital. Ii
is kno-Ti as Bromo-Fkimin. Bosilies
curing ivery form of hpndHclip
instantly, BroniO Pepsin la equtilly
and aa promptly eHlcacion In
chronio and acute i.idicostion and
(lie nervous disorders incident there
o. It Is effereacent and pleasnnl
o take and may be lied of all np r
late druggists at tun cents a bottle.
It come as a boon to tnnnkind aiu
womankind. For sale at C O.
Aruiftrocg, Drucist.
mtrm -)?)-. Ki)',gi'.'- &) (-
The Coiiiiiiisaonerri cf I'lke County
will hereafter hold Regular Mi'etni
the flrst Monday of each iiiovtK-tweei)
I he hours of 9 a . in anil -1 p. ip. exeepl
inir lu the uionlm v.hen Court imiy
lie in aetHion,. airl then during Courl
Ciiinii'!'isi -ners Clerk
Aiisolulely Harmless. Cures en ha Spol
"Note the Word Prp.lu"
CURES inoi
All Uruggllts, lOo, 2So a SOo.
for sale by C. O. A kmstiidku, DriiuiUi
Kyou want iioi IkmiIh. bill licmN, leu
heatU, tMUincnu show carus, in;:r'i :n
largi. pD-itcri, snli bit Ih, tlndL'-'r; e:iVLiiipcd
t.itiH buinca cmb ur j 'b prhitintc
ev.-rj litcriptUiu, d'nie no in tin- l.'.-.t nij l
tat ynu In an u.-to-il'tt:c -iul artistic iuu
ntr calnd si us. i'rie nt
J. C. CKAfnlDERLAff.
Real Estate Agent.
House and Lull aud Ut without Hoiitf
Dcauur In al) kloda of Property,
Notary Public
Office at Residence on
Winter Street.
Milford. Pa
-iKaarM!t;ai3---- '-' ;ji
; f-v,'
I J I' L if -i- V,
Doth U
these jt3
papers T
one RJ
for A
only p
I G5 h
if '
you p
send K
your jk
order W
money j'
Pike V
County, s
Time Table
fi T
toliil Pnlliunn tralm to Buffalo, Nlng
srs Fnlk, ChnutHiiqiia Lak. Clevrlnixl
'hic.-iiru and Clnr.innAtt.
Tickets on salo At Port ,Te nit
points In the West and Snnthwcstat lowrt
rateu than via any othor flrat-olass line.
In rffoot June aith. Urns.
ri;AiNsNow Lkavi Port JaRVie tt
" 48, Dully 4 10
" 6 Dully F.iproes 6 40 "
:W, Iiooal Rxoept Sunday., a 10 "
41 Holidays only 6 80 ,,
b, Duliy Kxiirens 0 54 s. M.
'I. 70S, Way Sundny Only 7.21 "
' 4--. Locnl except- Sun a Hul 7 85 "
' 80. Ixical Kiiept buuday.. 10 SO ;
' i. Dally Kipn- 184 p.m.
' 704, Sunday Only ' 8 80 ','
' S4, Wity dnily eic't Sund'y gPO
1 3. Dlly Eiprss 4 5U ."
' 8, WayMaily eso't Sund'y 8 85 '
" T08, LocM Sundny Only.... 7.16'"
Ho 7, Oally Express IS 88 A. M
" 4i, Dnlly 8 o
17 Dully Mlik Tralu 8.10 A
' 1 Dully K.iprcss 11 84
" 116, Kot HoMiiU-K'pl Sun . 13 15 p.
" 8, EipressCblrsKoliindal 6 83 '
' 8U, Dally Except Suudny.. 0 00 1
" 6. Lliuired Dally Exuruss 10 05
Trains lnavs ('liaiubers street, New
Vork, for Port Jervis on week days at
I HO, 7.15, 0 15, 10 30 A. at., I 'M
8 JO, 4 80, 8.16, 7 15, 16 D) 46 r. U.
On Sumlm, 7 SO, A. u
13 U). 1 If. r 80.g.l6 P.. M.
H. L. 8LAUSON. Ticket Agi, Tt.JervU.
H. W. Haw ley,'
Ttl U...,, A k
I'll u x (anttatr. Aajciisi.
Cliambera St SI ill Ion New Yo'k
William B. KenwtUhey M. 0
' Physician an I Sareon .
O.Ujti an 1 re-ilJ,tiio; Hrotd Strm.t
irxt Court House. MILtW.r).
For Bent
Furnished ntiriis to rent. Enqaira
of Mrs E'.a Pnillnn, Corner Broad
u Ann Htreoln, Milford, Ph.
irew Urc tcr a Dana,
To ttie leader of a band in 0:naha,
Jo: ul:u ;y Froken of in that locwlity as
"l!.e worst iu seven different Slates,"
t:v.e. on,e cane a man with a re
qv:e4t that the band play at a cousiu'-i
'ls it a military funeral?" asked tho
! . :e. .
""Siit at ail." was the reply. My
mrin was no milttnry nif..i in f:. t,
!.e wjs never cv.u intc-rcstcd in mat
'its military. Never bclers. It was
his express wish that your band
. I ',' -J play at Vis funeral."
1 iio lender was surprised and flat
I'ro'l. "in th:it bo?" he anked.
" Ve3," re ponded the other. I!a
b;id he wanted everyNidy in Oiiiaha
fo be ferry that he died."
Zones and Genders.
V'hile Inspecting examination pa
ers letently, a U-LU-Ler found various
hun:orou8 aiisvc;ti to questions. A
claps of boys, avon-.r nr; about twelve
yeiro of age, bud bt-.n eramltied In
gfosr.ipliy. the provLoua day havinj
been devoted to grammar. Aaior.g
the geographical questions was tha
following: ".Same the ones.' (in-j
proniUiiig youth of eleven years, wiiu
bpd mixed the tvo aubjtv'U, wrote:
"There are two zones. riu.ituiie d
ft mi u ine. Tbe macculiue is tit- er
tt-miierate or intexierate; the faii