MOUNT JOY STAR AND NEWS THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST OF THIS PAPER NOW INCLUDES THAT OF THE LANDISVILLE VIGIL AND THE FLORIN NEWS | VOLUME XLV. NO. 16 MOUNT JOY, PA. SATURDAY, MARCH 1st, 1918 $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE TRAVELERS FROM | scucvcre fom cave means eousma oangue aveerence {LETTERS FROM | ROHRERSTOWN {DEATH RECORD | County Seat Eighty-Nine Stalwarts Mrs. Jno. Weidman 1s on the FAR AND NEAR on Tuesday A rousing banquet followed by ol OUR SO list { — veneral mass meeting, the feature of LDIER BOYS 7 | The following were sent to Camp fern Ja tapes i AE \ Harry Blottenberger is on the sicl { ( | : which was an illustrated lecture by Seams | sage Tom County District No. 1 P. G. Orwig, of Philadelphia, marked Hoe Erva Herr Grel » Br A COLUMN TO KEEP YOU 1°" William H Smith, Mount Hope Be ri of ne Cineaster fd INFORMATION WHICH WILL IN-| has Yok 1 Panadenin "4 LIST OF THOSE WHO HAVE RE. d , 233 ope lider boys and 11ris’ conterence/ - om 1 : iii : ~ - TOUCH WITH THOSE WHO Brandt Earhart, Elizabetht’n R. 2. Thursday in St. Paul's Reformed | TEREST ALL—OUR BOYS | Mr. and Mrs. Harper Krow left on CEIVED THEIR FINAL SUM. HAVE AND WERE VISIT- i Paul R. Frey, Elizabethtown. _ church in Lancaster. It was the first | LIKE THE LIFE AND Monday for their home at Lewistown, MONS TO THE GREAT ED LAST WEEK ig 0. Marquette, Mt. Joy R.3 conference for young people of the WRITE US ABOUT IT A iss Mell . £ ‘or BEYOND. larry M. Miller, Elizabethtown “teen” age ever held in this section, | Miss Me Ingres from York, was the Edgar Eshleman of Camp Meade, | Clement % Showers, Janhein ind was a decided success. The con S————————— {guest of Mr. and Mrs Willis Mel wai homo Sundae y shia ddd arry L. Newcomer, Lanc. R. ] erence was held under the auspices y oN mW ier of Strasbur Robert R. Keller, Elizabethtow: of the. Lancaster Sunday Rt at Fi 3 Fed fronts emer of ; Erase, Paul A. Plasterer, Manheim ociation. R. A. Waits, of Chicago Ne Ral h M: S7e : unaay. V | Harry C. Welcomer, Lance. R d Mr. Orwig, who are iter eaten] o Jory ei is BE a Can Meade, | Irvin L. Bishop, Florin n the work atnong. the bovs and | ; Feb. 25, 1918.| Harry Gamber of Norristown Hos- | very suddenly at her home south of iy Pa en her Henry O , O'Neil, Mt. Joy . girls of Pennsylvania were the prin j De: r Editor: ; pital, vas the” guest of his mother | Elizabetitown : o'clock Wednes. father at Lancaster. Sundav } her: Geo. W. 3arnhart, Elizabetht cipal speakers. The conference was|. . Just a few lines to over Sunday. 1 say morning from heart trouble. “M * 1 Mra. Dost Rile od Albert S. Walters, Mt. Joy rimful of the war Dirt and | Inform you that I am still among the | Stanley Gerth, who was drafted! Deceased who was 38 years of age, faen, Lu a Feston Rilgore of Amos H. Nissley, Lancaster R. 1 Christian patriotism” was an out { living hay been transferred | has been promoted. Mr. Gerth has|was a member of the Mennonite nas er, visried her parents, on Harry W. Bippus, Colum i: ia Ye feature of the session. {from Camp M to Camp |been in the service before. chureh She is survived by her hus- Biss Mory Eicherly of Lancaster Andrew M Eshleman, Landisvil Fhe delegates from this place, | | Miss Mar) Irene MeMulle: re band n« win daughters who are spent soveral davs here with vola. Tillman S. Smith, Elizabethtow attended were: Misses Fannic = : ceived a number of beautiful presents | just a week old Spe G8 al days €é With ‘a-1 Paul Smith, Bainbridge : tor Ruth Bri . Mabel | i on Monday, it being her sixth birth tee Lives. : 4 John C. Heilman, Eliz: \ Kramor. Mary Leshloman ba lo nar ? ) day Mrs. B. F. Hollenk h Mr. Allen Morton of Quantico, Vir-| oy B rar. ; mer, ry Eshleman 2) 3e o eh haus The following letter was received | linger. Mrs. Annie Ebersole by the editor, from Mr. Clyde W The local school room remained| Mrs. Annie Ebersole, wife of Eph- Fenstermacher, who is stationed at closed on Friday on account of coal 'raim Ebersole, a well known resident Camp Greene, N. C., | shortage. of the upper part of the county, died | | | | nrren Benthel and Poul Alevander | David Keiser has procured a nurse| Mrs. B. F. Hollenbaugh, a former EE Wp ps a oo for his mother, who is not well esident of st Donegal township, {that he can wor yn the railroad | this county, died at New Bloomfield, BH risited relatives here on S . ginia, visited relative aere on + Abner H. Zerphy wh who urday. John A. Kili lor : h o : . . / Kiine, Florin ] % Mrs. I F. Gerber and Miss 7 : Miz abathi WEDDING BELLS oe | ain. 1 Tuesda from a paralytic stroke. Edna Hershey spent Saturday at drt i ‘ ne eraireataries : L 3 RT. 1 y ba 4 ig . 1 p ! Many Weil Known Young People ! BE ; brook, wa » gp f nd ife ember 1e Reformed Miss Florence Gainor of Joined Heart and Hand NL ; rs. riday ‘he ht She urvived by a daugh- mn Sunday. i % port Tassdax Hoc 4 n :y hy thers, William K. Swartz, New Mr. Clarence ampl ( Her- | hrosent : Vr W 3 p, 0 | ! \ y the pastor t the | Bloomfield; les Swartz, Carroll: ( 1 } I hre ( Alice yllenbaugh, his parents. Mr. Charles Brady Kentucky; Mrs lelphia. G. Pennell. and Mrs Edwai 2a 1 r . Benj. Daniel W $3 Mrs . 3 {re e wa bout 45 ye: f age, and Lancaster town, visited at Emory Warfel, Sr., ore rs A Hk th i » 3 | ( 1 as le ? 16 \ 1 ter | Reigel, at home: two Landvater—Stump Ii i ? shey, spent the week-en here vith ; ii tn 7 : D3 ge, Aa u t rriage | Po b i . ) 10 irerst 1 | th I 1ighter \ to ! \ Y and 7 | Lancaster unt Mrs. Lottie Me spent Sunday with Mr sited h Jacob Frymyer ; e Alu ’ caster er, died at the home ill Mere Ey t tl ff R F. W on, Jerry on North Market e, on Wednesday ng of the arter mnths taman 3uch Lutheran | be held ; place, brother, J. Harve The Time Leng Charles Ma Sundav here the Mr Valter Krai Clara Campbell k-end at past vear h Swengel, vill preside A ITTLE OF EVERYTHING y : y Shepherd Hon 1e,”’ i i : , a 1 I ag companied b Mr. and Mrs. N Donald of Maytown, were i ¢ 1 1 ; 1 ruests of Mrs. Sabina Arntz gss:ons of - = : place and. William 5 ; : . . 3 1 er of ( 1 lace and William, Mr. C. S. Good attended the P $ vee News in General Condensed for Very | ¢ 1 I i tio isited 1} othe r f near East shure; also on > ee at 4 t , D1 t 1 Visi l S er, ¢ ) : a ! SD gs a's ne R. Agents’ meeting at Hotel Brun Quick Readir that in the | Nissley, se 1d ast wee » | brot col »f Milton Grove and wick, Lancaster, on Saturday A Birthday Surprise - - is looking we his condit or ster. A ys Hiestand. of Flor Mr. and Mrs. HL. M. Seaman and _ The home of Mr. and Mrs. one half mile [siderably improved 1d he re in. Funeral vice i held Sat- laughter, Catherine spent Sunday Rollman w a scene of gayety S ir several day from ( rlotte C., where we a lar attendant vt th ‘Jefferson |urday at 1 o’clock : 1 house and with Mr. and Mrs. Adam ard. iturday vening when a ; yr ; ewpher u le be | allowed to go frequently, but as the | Schools” in Allentown He enijove > o’cloc t Mennonite church on Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzkee and Mis Barbara Rollman’s nds |a t on account of vere cold city nn uarantined we are not per-!the trip home very much, but x West Donegal street, in this place two children of Lancaster, visited gathered at her home. The affair was Ir . J. Neal was taken the | mitted to enter the ¢ quite anxious to turn. which surely (Continued ] her mother, Mrs. Abram Rhinehart. kept a secret and Miss Rollman wa I al at Lancast n Saturday. A very severe thun torm passe speal well for the stitution and A v - 1 Sa y . - 1c - , A Y F i Y L s ? & t Mrs. Edward Myers and children greatly surprised, the occasion being . A vy expects to move his | over thi place a may seem | t} h a h ta} oto. | : : ) ; 2 y C . h a) X Lo mov 1 ace. t a 1 | those who have the supervision there Quarterly Meet of Salunga, spent Sunday here with her fourteenth birthday. Those in at och the near fu- | strange to the fol 1p north, but isi of, as he likes the place very much Quarterly Hos el of’Genersl parens, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bortz- tendance were: Misses Lura 1 , ; a very common occurrance here. and reports the best of treatment in The Quarterly hb tin f the Cit o > 1 1 » . £ : . 3 il hikes 1 3 ual meeting ot e ITY field Beatrice Newcomer, Elenora Gable, Mr. 0, ate was confined to e had been 1 the rifle range | every wav A ] tad v y r 4 * Mar Mov n 4 : . . Y 1 y : * y ay. | Auxiliary o the Lancaster General H. W. Keller, superintendent of Mary Moyer, Frances Musser, Jean the house for several days on ac-| last Wednesday | returned on te Hospital, will be held on Thursd SG mm 3 ‘ 1 : . Y . . S V be ld on S( the Salunga Rotary, spent Monday Thome, Eva Strickler, Martha Zer- count of sickness. Sunday His welve mile hike, | - . : . eh 7 aad ; T y $ : lowine cher. Euni > 7 m™ ‘i 5 “ . ) : ari Entertained Bible Class March 7th, at in the Nurses along the Susquehanna river viewing cher, Eunice Herr W »r Thome, Mr. Charles H. Dillinger has been | both ways and belie me. 1 certainly Mrs. John Was n New Haven |Home. All 1s well as officer : "ne 1 iH 3 ‘ . 3 S. «© ay 0 J rave ) >. I 3 2) S 3 as «( ers the ice gorge. Myron Good, Gillmore Smeltzley, confined to the house the past week was tired and foot sore till I got back 8 ' Rible | of A ili : r y : Mili. > ) EI Ar 3 L : : SV! street entertained the Ladies’ Bible [of the Mount Joy Auxiliary are re- Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Way and chil- Ellis Fellenbaum, Robert Keller, on account of sickness. to my tent. We fired at stationary | Class of the Trinity U. E. Church on ted to attend if possible Tt . 1 C 1 1 1 \ : v y s ass of ¢ "INnity iy. ‘ch on jquestea a SS . 3 iren of Salunga, spent Sunday here Charles Habecker, John McGann, Frank K. Becker is the administra- | targets, some four feet square; then Thursda ver Wy As Mrs. Way |presence of county m he rs is gre - : 2 Ye a ] ) : g : | sday evening / iy Way esence ou e Ts is great- with their son, Allen and wife on Bigler Mumma and John Rollman. tor of Aaron M. Becker, late of |we fired at head targets, which are! ey yn in OO kal] 2 3 T x Miss Rollm: 2 ih a WE : , ’ ! 3 8 Hes a contemplates moving to Glen Lock in]ly appreciated as it encourages the New Haven Street. Miss Rollman was at the Basket B: Rapho township. W. M. Hollowbush, | the size of an ordinary stiff hat; then {the near futur nd this 1 g | workers and also gives distant mem : iz FT > 2 . . : . ¢ nea future anc 1s b vorkers and als y S ste mem- Mr. and Mrs. Hartman and child game and on her return found her! Esq, of this place, is the attorney. at head and shoulder targets, they fast ola Rich botor bers a change to know more of or e : : vt X . 5 z > : m . > : » 4 J rie class 1eeting yetore g ail § ange {Nov 2 0 e of Philadelphia, spent the week-end friends gathered at her home. Sh I'he legal notice may be found in our !are supposed to represent a quarter ot lez = in hospital work and needs. Remember : : : A: ; a Y ; ’ 3 : 3 verv wasant evening Ww ant A | hospit: { an eds. »member here with her mother, Mrs. Martin was the recipient of many beautiful advertising columns of a man calculating from the chest short De in : i 1s hel that the woman who helps 3 hospital 3 : : : ! Y nest | o siness session was held, at|that the wom: Ips ¢ spital Jowman on Donegal Street. gifts. A dainty luncheon was se Ft) fem ma— |to the head, i. « including half of | - This . ye tans Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Drace of and games were indulged : | the chest Arad. Fonony. Tr which time the various commit {is deing one of the greatest things ir SAT ILS. al 4 mali gl LAL hls Local Violinist Assists | the chest. fired ranging irom reported. Games were played : an |the world Maytown and Mrs. Jacob Roath of A Concert was given at the Mas-|°n¢ two and three hundred yards, | oycellont luncheon was Sor ’ Enola, visited in the families of H. Glee Club Entertainment onic Homes on Tuesday evening, |2and should it keeps you working | present were: Mrs. Joseph Weher a A t bv Mrs. 1 H. Morton and George Myers on The Glee Clutl f the Lebano sh. 28 j ar varied: >I to fire ten shots a minute at rapid | ) A Concert by rs. Lawson : A [ lee lub of the Lebanon Feb. 26th to a large audience by !U ; ! 1 daughter Anna, Mrs. A. M. Swei yi The second number of the Local Sunday. Valley College will give an enter usical talent of Elizabethtown in |!1re: We worke in the target pit] yp, Harts Be: wsderf rs. | Y Cr Societ : St C i ” 1 Corporal’ Omar Kramer, Sargeant tainment in the Mount Joy Hall honor of the Old Folks of the Homes, | ©n¢ day while on the range and to Charles Sheaffer, Mr er, ihe held Marc 4 T6ih ToT gly Mt. Albert Myers, George Heiserman and under the auspices of the Shining M Dorothy ticker, a reader of hear the bullets sing right over Misses Esther W :, Sa nd Mar Hall It vil ba ) iy George Zeller of Camp Meade, spent St; Class of the United Brethren Elizabethtown and Mr. R. F. Eshle- |Your head makes one think of things |g. ner Mildrec v, Dorothy Kay Y Nits Troncest. : K a I, Don the week-end here with their re- Sunday School, on Satu: vening 1 violinist of th [ one wouldn't think of at a circus. i lor, Mx . H r . M I ) ” : FW } Eta mn . 3 i, L nt y nist p . ior, Mrs. arvey oY, Y A Drar f rtor ) spective parents. March 3 ckav’s namber I'here has been rumor of moving | gare Mr Ao to fd Wicse ano on asamplon, _D. { Miss Elizabeth Heisey and nieces pe 25 cents 1 t xt for sp : avs od his Camp to Gettysbur at ns 43 : ’ ; sted by Miss Caroline Manning 2 Bie ' : i en 1 ( vi ; and she re nia Tet yShure . Maude Souder and Su hay nl She has ’ ‘ and Dorothy Sload of West , d ats. This } 1 hr: Yeni ae Sore i My Baile I hope you and the rest of the |yy. ; OO She L.anh Sd Sh has who were spending Wer: ippearanc } nd 1% dnlantin a A wend people in Mount Joy are i 2 Tr Ne yer, oe ity and fle orton ana Mrs. . every and | in Ver V 3) A —-O- A New Team WwW 1 to he Mount Jo B > t Had a Pleasant Time lance as ace as The ad sted Miss Ri some time here wit the former's re man) parents, Mr. and Mrs. returned home LV. — wich. # sr +} a vay The Misses Alice DeMiller and E " ort r : ed 8 Ya ‘e 1 | f drilling to tella Utrich. of Lebanon, Mr. 1 S > *ason . ‘ of - ; oo EN 5 but 30 ( become accustome Mrs. Fr ! ! { : t, u € hone ; i i A I considerable and Miss Ruth Pennypack 2 : to go througl Rohre 1, spent Sunday with r. Ofhice, wa 1151 1 k na dah atl }5 cents wiriee eel fll do, ! rancis Bennawit F Lancaster 3s ng tf ¥ . vn WW t also ha a their first vit! | vintance Club met and | Jno. Pennypacker £0} StL amou! nen = A lle mes The following guests were el . m t \ the onder } : tained in the home of Mrs. Da . | Bares, mi r adverts t Lhe largest KC e casne PERSONAL MENTION Joy Miller on Sunday: Mr. and Mr il- otner 1 ter, ma t he In ank sin he a —— line-up Game calle ton Miller and dau y . an ON dS of ‘Lhe wer t ( "e creamerie nis n( J : Talay 3 Come and see th ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Paul 8: : y ; : . , Appoint dren, Mr. and Mrs Tw SON or} 4 by lhe me rey : ye Dr. BR. F. Ro) daughter, Mrs. Jacob harles rs. Getting Ready to 1 Christian Snyder, Mr. 1 } Stor baker and daughter, der. Mrs. Amos Stauffer : ‘hil +2 i RY Carine i : » < at her % sli ! un ere, iS In ; : . mm ed Health ( ery Company for $528.00 A A re men Entertained on Sunday x : ——-——— ™ ~ +} v } 5 ( and Mrs. John'Sill d ; a Fe oper : QENTOAYy Srarch of x ‘ber ae DALE _Entertained Wednesday Clul ¥ i ric A X arel AT h I ; Lanca Easter Musicale 1a Ww The choir of the T ty 1 a afterward. slical Church of 3 place w me : A : render a musicale on ter night ir New T : rev. H Boars a¢ Rector 1 . New > bress Car Re Speakmar ill the church. It will be rem 7 that this choir rendered the 848,51 iit ou now tv . is b e Or 7. an . : “Rose of Sharon,” with success, re- i for th L) Pe S a ] . au : n XU « A 1 1S a I re ran ; I S We . ort J y 2 . ani . 15ed he extensive ty I an ts of > > . ind Ae 1eth nt 1 # % . y r re———— - cently and a musicale treat is as- [= Herr co iI ndisvili The ithe. tres : | Tha A ¢ Chris Sis 2 es 3 sured. Partie rs later. tween er ¥ ana Landis A Ei 14 te % TE y . 3 Br 3 uml avenue Quite an Honor fiien zie car is sixty feet in length and wil X A 7 aun numbered 25. The car is expected —-—-5 du vis wd : er, ' who spent. i¥ his entive tonsoria irlor outfit | place, who is a Soph ) her sister, Mrs.|_ 3 ii 7 C ¥ ; rr re G1 T} ler Went Back to Duty to be placed in service about March 1 Is Substituting Here « ¢ ] an aundry route to Joseph B. Her- {1 } . was “lead 2 Mr. D. W. Kramer, who was quite --8a On account of the illness of Miss |! ! fer returned to her| f this place, who will at once | the Sophomore play giv recently at ill for some time, has recovered con- A Fair Price Elizabeth Eshleman of Elizabeth-|home in Highst SAR riday. |add two extra chairs and other fix-| Gettysburg. The Sophomore play siderable »nd resided hs duties ati Local trolley stock brought $62 al!town, who teaches the Sixth Grade | | tures. Mr. Heilig will assist Mr. Her- {the most important annual Sopho- the P. R depot ‘as baggage agent share at a sale of stocks and bonds at here, Miss Gonnager of Millersville,| Subscribe for the Star and News. |shey in the evenings and on Satur- {more function and was especially well on Frida i Lancaster Monday. is substituting. | Advertise in the Star and News. |days. | attended this year. ;
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