* YUNT JOY STAR AND NEWS THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST OF THIS PAPER NOW INCLUDES THAT OF THE LANDISVILLE VIGIL AND THE FLORIN NEWS ME XLVY. NO. 12 ER FROM A MT. JOY SOLDIER! MR. FRANK "FUN IN THE SER- VICE OF UN({LE SAM, IS NOW STATIONED AT We are in receipt of the following | very interesting Jetthr from J. Frank Funk, a son of Mr. Bamuel Funk on North Barbara streef: Fort Thomas, Ky.! Jan. 29, 1918. Mr. J. E. Schroll, Dear Sir—Just thy .e few lines to, remind the Mount J!* people that I, am still alive, well anti happy. I am, now stationed at Fort Thomas, Ken- tuckey, but expect to change places in the near future. Before I left home to work for Uncle Sam, one of our Mount Joy boys wrote home to a friend of his | and told Mm that he was a K. P. and never explained what that was. So for the benefit of the people in the old home town, I will try to explain. The duty of the K." P., which is Kitchen Police, is do all the work around the kitchen that the cooks don’t like to do; such as wash dishes, pots, pans, kettles, wait on tables in (J. W. FREED , DISTRIBUTES | INCOME TAX NOTICES | Postmaster J. Willis Freed is dis- | fe the following notices rela- tive to income tax returns. Every family in the town will receive the! | following: 2: { ‘““All married persons living with | wife or husband, who had incomes of | $2,000 or more; and all single per- sons or married persons not living | i with wife or husband, who had in- | comes of $1,000 or more during the {year 1917, must make a return of same to the Collector of Internal | Revenue, B. F. Davis, Lancaster, Pa., on or before March 1, 1918. { There will be a deputy revenue col- | lector at Mount Joy Post Office from ‘Feb. 4th to 9th, who will assist any lone desiring his services in making said return. He will make no charge for this service.” MARIETTA ASSOCIATION ELECTS ITS OFFICERS At the annual election of directors and officers of the Home Building and Loan Association of Marietta on Saturday evening the following di-/! rectors were elected for the ensuing year: John A. Shillow, James Duffy, Charles J. O’Connor, John P. Orth, John F. O’Brien, A. (. Libhart, MOUNT JOY, PA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1918 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4th 1918, has been designated as SNOW SHOVELING DAY. On that day we expect every property owner in Mount Joy to throw all accumulation of snow at curb and gutter into the middle of the street. We feel that this is important be- cause of the danger of flooding cellars when the Spring thaw comes. The Borough will take care of street intersections, public $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE H. S. NEWCOMER BUYS | FORMER DELONG PROPERTIES A local real estate transaction of | considerable importance was con- ' summated Monday by J. E. Schroll, [local real estate broker, when he sold all the properties formerly owned by | George H. Delong, for the present | owner B. F. Davis, Esq., of Lancas- | ter, to Mr. H. S. Newcomer, the ex- | tensive hardware and implement dealer of this boro. The purchase includes the three-story brick ware- ihouse, the two: and-a-half story | frame dwelling, ete. on North Mar- i ket street. The new owner will take | immediate possession and will use the | warehouse for storage purposes, | while he will convert the dwelling iinto a modern residence in the | Spring. The terms of the sale were ! private. | NE... io po»opphp.n.nn | They're All Right Yet [, We frequently learn of people hav- {ing wearing apparel that was bought | years ago and an incident of that | kind occurred here Tuesday. Mr. {H. E. Klugh, the East Main street | confectioner, is wearing a pair of rubber boots that he purchased from | John A. DeHoff at Mgytown, nine- [teen years ago. They look like new and “Pap” says ‘they don’t leak NEGRO EMPLOYE CRUSHED BY A CAR WILLIAM JACKSON WAS GATH. ERING COAL WHEN LOCO- MOTIVE COUPLED WITH CAR—BODY NEARLY CUT IN TWO Unaware of the approach of a lo- comotive for the coupling of a series of coal cars, under which he was gathering coal, William Jackson, colored, an employe at the J. E. Baker Company quarries, at Bill myer, was crushed to death beneath the wheels of one of the cars, on Tuesday afternoon, at the quarries. The coal cars were located on a siding, and as was his duty, he was gathering coal from beneath the car. At about 4:30 o'clock, a locomotive shunted onto the siding for the: pur- pose of coupling the cars. Jackson was not warned of the approach of the locomotive, and with the impact of the engine and the cars, Jackson was struck and thrown across the rails, the wheels of the car passing over his body, and dragging him for a distance of sixty feet. His half- mangled body was then discovered, and released by several fellow work- No Reunion This Year men. The Sixteeners, former members Dr. Stever, of Bainbridge, was We trust every property owner iof the Ran Joy Sorters Orphan summoned, and it was found that his : : who have been holding their Jeg had been completely severed and will do his share. Fin aon Bors on 3 ashinglen's the stomach badly crushed, almost as the boys call them when they see licitor; auditors, B. G. Hipple, John . vo» j birthday for a number ol years, have cutting his body in two. A coroner’s thera . in their grand Y a Shillow. Jr , Chester W. Rudisill. Let us be public spirited and {decided not to meet this year on ac- investigation was held at the under- suits which are overalls and jumpers. err mf rere do our part to avoid flood dam- | count of railroad difficulties and taking parlors of H. J. Hawthorne, at a a Ove an Jumpers LOCAL AND PERSONAL { P : : {other reasons. The next reunion will Bainbridge, and it was decided that not by a mother Sho. would call her aor t ages to our property if possible jew be held in Mount Joy Feb. 22, it was accidental death. son about a dozen times before he Mrs. John Sillers spent Wednesday Em Ui Jackson was aged about twenty- gets up but by something altogether at Lancaster. By order of the o Bitiay Nich . Ping ysars. os body was Iarredan different. If a person don’t get up Mrs. Kate Bowmaster of Lancas- yerstown Friday Night 7 oliel § 7 lei hitial gronnds at sam. on the jump, he gets more than a ter, formerly of this place, had a bad STREET COMMITTEE The strong High school team from brides from the undertaking es- light talking too. From that time fall and the result was a broken rib. Myerstown, (and they have some tablishment of Mr. Hawthorne. Th team says our old friend “Heiney” H——— Sh until 4:30 P. M. we have our duties Mrs. Paul Sload of West Philadel- Get 1} bouid 1 \ 1 ol t rform for our Uncle Sam. But phia, spent some time here with her : . retz and he should know) will play oe poe shia, Shen BOT Ar.e [ore Yup Ou N. B.---This notice does not the local team in the High school ! RAY ELERS FROM after thpt is. oe are left to our- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Heisey : ¥ > gym on Friday evening Feb. 1 Myers- A ks apply to trolley streets. town had an even break with Pal- A COLUMN 1 KEEP YOU IN the special mess halls, keep up the George P. Resch, John P. Mueller, fires, carry in coal and kindling wood, George G. Lindsay. The officers are: mop up the floors and a lot of other John A. Shillow, president; James odd and end jobs. Take this for Duffy, vice president; A. L. Resch, granted because I know, having been secretary; Henry S. Rich, treasurer; one of those Knights of the Kitchen, Bernard J. Myers, Lancaster, so- | | | nt Gp moss | ) | property and church property. which sure is no joke. There they Lafayette College, is visiting his 3 . : aE Discontint S == IT RIN Mount J« f.o N 2927. Inde doing the boys a good turn; they guest in the family her brother, 1 bit’? by saving fuel for the Mow Joy Hall Association. This ver: selves until 45 P. M., unless we Miss Mame Ludwig of Pottsville, have a pass Fo the Company Com- has returned home after spending a ( mander. If we don’t have a pass and week here with Mrs. J. M. Backen myra, wk ich team valloped the locals are not in our bunk at the given stoe. 52 to 22 Saturday night time, we are sent to the guard house Mr. Arthur Moyer, attending - ts Beem : Di : ed Meet ting are put to work and have a gun parents, Mr. and Mrs Gabriel : ; ! od Do at them all the time. Moyer. pendent Ord of 0dd- Fellows, at TOUCH WITH THOSE WHO We havea Y. M. C. A. and a K. Miss Sarah Backenstoe of Harris- their regular meeting last ening HAVE AND WERE VISIT- 0. F. C. hall here and they sure are burg, spent few days here as a decided not to meet again for the ED LAST next few month in order to “do th furnish paper, envelopes, pens and Mr. J. M. Backenst ink free for the boys in uniform. It ———. - = - don’t get verv cold here rn: ' Anthony C. Libhart HY 1 1] § y n ITER eood move and we would suggest very much, Mercury only gets as The death of Anthony C. Libhart, §y NDI F RFUL Be BRIEF Id i iS N Siher lodge > low as 20 degrees below Zero ana we of Marietta, occurred at his home, : . dich . - ’ have Snow about four times a week the e ause be ing a comp lca ton of dis 3 We 1h Known E ye Spec ialist Here care what you say, but having one of paceased was a son of the late Johr Now that is not half bad if you don’t ses after an illness of three years v CUES SY Y FOR THIS SECTION BI eh Uncle Sam’s uniforms and overcoats J I Anna Libhart. ar ) x Dros tore, M : on you don’t mind it very much. sociated with his brother in the drug THE GOVERNMENT PURCHASES HAPPENINGS THRUOUT THE EN- hursday, : 1g of Dr. anf Mr: We just returned from a 14 mile pyginess. He also was the manufac MANY ACRES OF LAND AND os h AND BRL AD Your eyes examined ¢ danger of Dr, aNd Mu hike which some of the boys could or of. several medicines The an Ep INI RE LEN( 3 - iD Asis ead oloass thot are R 1s Berwy is ill is 1 ar fell 3 before a ture: Ol several medicines. 1 N¢ WILL ERECT 65 BUILD- TL r "UNCLE SAM’S 1 : ( rops u by 4 1 Lar writing. not stand and fell out before we wijow, who was formerly Miss Eliza INGS NEAR MIDDLE IH I 3 M’S roperly fitted at reasonable prices, I eniamin. FG hiked 6 miles. 1 told my pal that I peth Zink, and the following children i al ARDEN SPOT ne dollar and up. tora onda oo would stick to it if they had to EY survive: Lewis, John. Sarah, Pauline TOWN it ended church at Elizabetht me back to the Fort on a board ut Anthony and Mary, wife of Leo Ret it was not necessary. Well, as it is tew, all of Marietta. Several grand A almost time for mess, I will close. children: also survive. Fanerzal ser y 3 « oc] y me inecaster’s Grand Jury opposes re- my Saturday. . contract vecuted betwee wal of the county pand hos! i. Wee Out Teo on u Mr. Aaron Baker of Lanca the United States government and pitals from city to cour Di in war time Shs rade io Jom iy Shen) Monday here with his I remain as ever vi OT Y } the Keystone Industrial Corporation + Schroeder, of Dallas, Texas, $€h00!S enjoyed a S leigh ride to Eliza- E. F. Baker. ni; ” : ices were hel 1 Thursday ; : ; YS) y Nas, 1 ' hothow ir itor o es Ee J. Frank Funk. ges Sparsan rn for the lease of 400 acres of land » to Reinhold’s, Pa., on a visit and hathoy Sy hn sday of harnoo Mis Fanon; Kraybill nt > Ee k near Middletown, and contiguous to fell in love with the village black- iia 22 TN th Fe of 2 h a yb: Quarryy ille, spent Sunday with Rovally E ined ~~ Who Does The Fighting the aviation depot recently con- smith. Dariel 4 Showalter and 28 & pils who enjoye the ride and they family of Jacob Brunner oye ly Np Diertame The experience of almost every crue : : ace. The consider: 3 : 4 ) ; were chaperoned by Misses Martin Miss Helen Templar of Phil adel The Ladies’ Bible Class of the U : £ Y structed at that place. The considera- sequel decided to stay, and they were 4 : Miss F pl lel- see daadiost Biple Class of tne Nation hes been that the greatest fof way not hiencileated Dy either oo rreind : 2 and LeFevre. phia, visited Mr. S. F. Eshleman and E. Church held their monthly meet- .,hysiasm for fighting and willing- (of SE iPtich inna. en Slip Liat fh . TT tw family over the week-end i Thursd: >vening at the home ig oy He © HINg- of the parties concerned. Probably the chief fife sufferer in a yo ¢ eek-end. : Ion uray. Svenmng. at the nome jess for military service were found 3 iti t Eli i n Nurse Ill Mr. Fred Farmer spent several f Mrs. G ve Mvers New Haven L&> are ce Several cities throughout the coun- the county is David W. Jackson, when “lizabethtown Nurse Mr. ¢ i 1e pent era of Mrs. Gzeorge Myers on New Haven j,, ap; ypder twenty-five years of to} : To » 7 Treichler. of Elizabeth- days the City of Brotherly Lox Street A pood attendance was ne 8 y=! years try had solicited the selection of a his home burned, two young children Dr. Vere Treich er, of Elizabeth- days in the ity of Brotherly Love Sort 2 308 Ot Was age. oy : government site for their respective being rescued in burning clothes. town, received word Saturday after- the fore part of this week nt d > busines s at- J : ; i g : ly lie : q : ¢ present and some business was a In our Civil War, out of the more Ciniris: e Ne : 3 2 : f the serious illness of his sis Miss Catherine Morton of Harris tended t After the business ses- S25 : vicinities, but preference was shown Jackson’s mill was burned a short noon of the serious illness is sis- Miss Cs 1 f Haz he: er the business Ses- than two and one-half millions of yj y ) 5 its Kimity ti is | i or, Mi Amy Treichler, a trained burg, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs i the Class was rovall nter- E ) Bre hy A Middletown, because of its proximity time ago, his barn burned twice and | ter, Miss Amy eichler, a tr: 2, was gues Mr. and M sion e ass was royally ente men who served in the Union Armies, t, several important railroads In anothe home was barned nurse in the service of Uncle Sam at H. H. Morton on Sunday. tained by Mrs. Myers. Games were 0 than two millions were under tt ie tor oF Foc of the ACNer ONS y % Charlest S C. He left immediate- Mrs. Brandt Hester and indulged in and Vietrol sic was NHaon: fact, it is the center of two of the After visits to many of the schools Charleston, 5. eft im ‘ Mrs. z es an indulged in anc ictrola Music was twenty-one years of age, and-less i : ir ii . x : :1!1v for that point of Lancaster, are spending a ial fe: » of the evening A : i ft Ho SS most important railroads in the coun- in this county Superintendent Daniel (ly for that point. ANCA hy Sp Ing LL Tg than a hundred thousand over gv The Pennsylvania Railroad is Fleisher declared that it is imperative NWN Ye days here with relatives. delightful luncheon was served. {waniv five. The vast majority en- pg w v IY any ; hi Qishe] declared that Xi BM mpornives . : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hershe) Those present weve: Mrs. A. M. ited in the Uni oe ba OW completing arrangements for that teachers in rural schools reach Returns Come in Slowly 1, Paul visited th Ie s riother Sweigert, president; Mrs. Dowhower, oo cH In ns Injen : rmies were be- the construction of new yards and their class rooms much earlier during| Unless the Commissioner of Inter- Sony. aul visits She jane S mother treasurer; Sara Kramer, secretary; ‘neem SIX och and avenuy one. sidings near the proposed lant. severe weather in order to have them | nal Revenue ds the time all in- 21 ante r Poa unday. M A Mrs. Joseph Weber, Mrs. Charles The project thus inaugurated by thoroughly heated when the pupils ar-| come tax repo nust be in hand by Po VTA, roy PN TS 32 Morton, Mrs. John Way, Mrs. Harry ALL AMUSEMENTS the government will constitute the rive, March 1. But few have reached the etter yizibes the lormier’s : Kaylor, Mrs. Alex Kramer, Mrs OPEN MONDAY erection of sixty-five steel and con- For the first time in many years! office here vet, and an unprecedented at sandigville ay Saturday. Charles Sheaffer, Misses Mary Eshle- A TRL erote, ings, each 5 orien high bummers’ hall at the county prison, rush is likely at the last minute Pa. 4 pu Ne CONEY & S oN The following announcement was and 350 feet in length. WO ma- has been without .cupants the past el © ee a., was here on a visit man, Esther Weber, Mabel Kramer e 10.¢ g ems ¢ : E as been without occupants the pas er PlotoRoe Barto, Anna Weber, Mil. made on Wednesday by William Pot- | chine shops will also be constructed week or two, this being occasioned Early Easter This Year the var part of ne Wee dred Way, Mary Kramer, Dorothy ter, State Fuel Administrator: (to serve an auxiliary purpose, and by the shortage of coal. Those who Thor ay Fo atl: Ok Gruahee rs ( ristian é Kaylor, Mrs. George Myers and Mas- , "Dr. Harry A. Garfield has ruled their dimensions will be 200x250 would have occupied the place were | . 4) a a as rer, Pe ro ie > ter Earl Myers. : that ALL amusement places may be feet. The total cost attendant upon placed in cells in the county jail itself ante rine 1 > 5 } the Rr Es iy ut By lO opened on fuelless Mondays. This in-|the erection of these buildings will Miss Mary Warfel, renowned Amer (oy toll Fal On neDrY rik Yoo dna: , Miss Lydia Carpenter arrive Why N Monday ? cludes theatres, motion picture be approximately $15,000,000. For jean harpist, has returned to her day ie g wil e a i Foils Senda Siter spending a mot T y Not on Mon Rye houses, dance halls, billiard and pool constructive purposes probably 10,- home in Lancaster, from a series of | Lay. E tare? , oe toed pidaY Philade ghia, Visiting her mother. ; he oReye, Traction gompany rooms, boxing clubs, skating rinks, 000 men will be employed and these, concert appearances in Massachusetts | 20, aster will fait on Lazy Bes, : ypu Zeller attended las been asked to remove the SUI ot. They must close on Tuesdays.” together with an operative force of She was acclai ; : r fine | Ff March. funeral of her sister-in-law, 3 Si ; : : § ge « esdays. / >I She was acclaimed an unusually fine : ier AH ce De é Diu} Snow on all Sgreols mn town ih — Tse — {5,000 additional men, will necessitate artist by the critics in Boston and hore; Morton gt Yor! on Sur Ww 6 car acke ag x al- . . . : oe . o » ‘ 'S arles W eh OFS ope ag " a Ia Coal Situation Better the construction of a special town for holds an enviable position among wo- Were Home on Sunday oar, yan Ti Charles _ Sheaffer Ros IMDOSSILe fo. Dasha a h many Evervbod ua Jon } Saati the living accommodation of these men harpists of the world. The following young men from this Spent the week-end with her parents, aces oc > de > very y aroun thiss sec y : : : : : : ; ’ A anc rs. Ei rs at rh- D acey nL, ofthe depth e ou ie Ion Yo rou or ] lv 5 10% ‘men. The proposed town will com The Susquehanna river is covered ; place, were fron p Meade Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Souders at High Sno. © ifhetion copany says it drew & Ng ms Pox y. “20D pare in size with Steelton when com- ith thicker ice at the present time, |on Sunday: Mess: Clarence New- SPIre. will pay for the work if we get the Hershey at Florin, received three | a present Lime, ; i Mrs Malind Sheaftor men Sl we would suggest giving carloads, F. M. Baker received sev. | Pieted- i than at any time since 1880, accord- | comer, George Heiserman, Milroy . ‘0 ~ %ink Mrs AG o o S arloads, . M. baker rece sev- | re ————— : ¢ : : Sa \ g Clarence Nathan Zink, Mrs. Amos Garber ar i 2 i . 2 ing to the facts given by the river-: Brown, Alhert Myers, Clarence . . our idle factory employes work and ope) pe Sid also Clarence Schock and Sha. tad Moi aS y the fae 8 ili he i sr Br wn ba ra wi] deughter Frances spent Seana cleaning all that snow away on Mon- these dealers are sharing out coal in | e Had no Mother or NE Tg ade oe i i! Elizabethtown day. That would require no fuel to a manner that all consumers are be-| When Ida Blake, a colored woman, 5 piper Sh Jory, the Tie! Aosed Mr. and Mrs. 1 Kilgore do this work, which is permissible ing cared for. | who formerly lived in Florida, ap- ag : Re 2% A fines, rom They ill Wed .ancaster, are visiti the 1 under the new order and it would mel Ao | plied at the Court House at Harris- 14 0 oF fo A( Oe Jn Ty Mr. Paul Wiser of this place, and parents, I rs. Lewis certainly be a help te the unemployed Will Red he Bond { burg, last Friday with Lee McQuage 1 0 “ Poi RES o all 1s heimg Lut IN | Miss Alms: n of Harrisburg, ek.en that day. By direct! e Sem e Jorus | for a marriage license, she was asked SOM¢ At Te and all ice houses are(g,.y,erly of town, were granted a Mr. and Mr “rank M. Young TO - sione Ee © wie on w Somais |to give her mother’s maiden name, now filled. em | license to wed at Harrisburg last and daughter, Kathryn of Lancaster S 2 J ollie OW “PD. an? % 1 Sy? . reer tll eee 3 B " i Ls : a i “Deed an’ I don’t know sir,” she re- week. spent several days with Squire Jacob 0 Soll the Hotel April 1 will reduce Lancaster coun- prog” “she died for I was born.” . i H. Zeller and family k as Mr. M. Donaven, of this place, ty’s indebtedness by retiring bonc is | State Agricultural Notes Mo P 1a_tamily. . . o » reat MIs. : . rr - . SS & > acK > 0 € Tasoni i: purchased the Mechanics’ to the value of $87.200 comprising | It is estimated that there are 577,- Granted in a Jiffy q M s iis Jae r f th Mas nie iL Hotel at Columbia and on Wed- the entire 1398 issue. All owners of | Total Eclipse of Sun 877 horses on the farms of the State It required only 10 minutes for the Homes, Elisabet tow , Yisited . . . mare ”” = 7 NO y - by OC vO . ome ) 4. . » ze & 1 Syening Sold el Me. Fred Tess bonds vit produce them at that | A total eclipse of the sun will be as compared with 590,987 horses a York Cour ns Courts Fues- jome ( entzel anc 1s ime for rede i ;isible = ) i acific ail. year ago. dav to renew all liquor licenses for 3 ; » y mption. | visible along the Union Pacific Rail Ae voll. _einrod a: Teanse for ay to re OF al € Mr. H. E. Metzgar, representing c 3 s g se | which application was made, . White Sewi s . your dog? The new State dog law i f ili li he 3 hite s swing Machine ( ompany to be rigidly enforced in all counties of eveland, Ohio, was the guest of Mr. Clayton Metzler, who reensly 3 1 , ; dful E. F. Baker on Monday burchnSed ihe dwells the late J. land Washington. There will be a A campaign to have Pennsyl- This is Drea fu , : ! g y awelling o € ld vanians rchase " ry OOS 1 Harvey Kelchner of Elizabethtown, Mr. Fred Sweicert of Philadelphia anians purchase hatching eg in v red Sv ert of Philadelph R. Missemer, decided not to take it | partial eclipse visible throughout the Y: bu £ g €ggs CY % Ee Fred g of ladelphia 3 United States and a considerable Pennsylvania has been launched by ' working at Leb: 1 his feet so|and Miss Esther Sweigert of Byers- the Department of Agriculture. badly frozen that atation of both town, visited their parents, Rev. and ortion of Canada. a > p iit Miles was found neces to save his life. Mrs. A. M. Sweigert over the week- end. Saturday and Sunday. BE ay ok Jr ee | gays vig pouis on Jaze 8 Rex h Will Sell at Public Sale { The path of totality will cross Colo- xchange hotel here. , gt hy rado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon Extended License Time Because the county officials ran and the property will now be sold at t of dog license tags the time for public sale by the administrator, Mr. | { ring these has be n extended to H. N. Nissly. = Bw Two Plurals C. S. Frank & Bros.’ Sale Mr. Harry H. Grosh left Friday No Wonder Its Cold | “What is the plural of man, Wil- Messrs. C. S. Frank & Bro. will Received One Carload > y seli > > According to accurate records, the | lie?” asked the teacher of a small hold their next sale of Lykens Valley Mr. J. N. Hershey, the dealer at) Sjoning for Wheeling, West Virginia, snow fall for January was four feet, | pupil. and Lancaster County cows, fat and | Florin, received a carload of anthra- |} parents, Mr. and Yr H : A Substitue acher "which surpasses all records since the | “Men,” answered Willie. bologna cows, stock bulls, home- | cite coal Saturday, for which there is | Cros 8, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miss Mary E. Nowpheyr is substitu-' blizzard in 1898. | “And the plural ef child?” raised shoats and farm implements at | quite a demand. M Belle SRB. Gs g for Miss Elizzbeth ¥ishleman as GY “Twins,” was the unexpected re- the stock yardy at Hotel McGinnis, in ———————— | Ohio, wife ® k, Gaple of Dagon, her of the Sisth abies of our! Livestock reports show a splendid | ply. r——— i ————— fie plate, ol riday, Feb. 8th. Dog's BIRTHS Gable, former Church: Erection Sec- = ar Blizabethto increase in the number of sheep in | : —————e : Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hoffman, of retary and pastor of the United er the State and the rejuvenation of this| There are now 46,216 mules in use | Schenectady, N. Y., formerly of this | Brethren Church of this place, is industry promises to take great on the farms compared with 46,396 Subscribe for the Star and News. |place, announce the birth of a son spending a few weeks here visiting News. |strides during the present year. | mules last year. Subscribe for the Star and News. place, William. |among her many friends. | Rich 1. Over 7,57 J licenses have | n granted and tF re are 3, 000 ap-! ants on file. >, |
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