Sunday, December 1, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 13 MU grad is external affairs coordinator for Cabot Gas & Oil To a certain degree, William desRosiers is an explorer. As an adolescent, he close- examined Mother Earth at his family’s aggregate min- ing business and became keenly aware of her bounties and fragilities. In college, the Highland Falls, NY., native learned about the inner workings of state govern ment during an internship, and investigated the role of entrepreneurship in Skopje, Macedonia, and as a con- testant in the annual Great Valley Technology Alliance Business Plan Competition. Today, the enterprising spirit he displayed as an ado- lescent and collegian is ben- efitting the emerging natural gas industry in the Marcellus Shale’s Susquehanna County region, about a one-hour drive from the Misericordia University campus he called home for six years. Since 2012, desRosiers has been the external affairs coordinator for Houston, based Cabot Oil & Corp., serving as the William desRosiers, on a site. go-to person for educational, charitable, public and gov- ernment relations and work- force and economic develop- ment issues. “My heart was always in natural resource develop- ment,” says desRosiers, who received his under- graduate degree in busi- ness management and his- tory/pre-law in 2009 from MU. “I love working in an industry where every day natural gas is pro- duced from the Marcellus Shale, the United States is one step closer to energy security. That is some- thing I am very proud of.” ST. JOSEPH'S CENTER we JULY 26, 2013 $§30.500 THIRTY THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED & °%/100 weno GO JOE 16 DUNKIN' DON AUTHORIZED Sonat URE Dunkin’ Donuts supports St. Joe's Through a regional in-store fun- draiser and contributions from local franchisees, Dunkin’ Donuts of Northeastern PA announced it has donated $30,500 to support St. Joseph’s Center in Scranton. It is Dunkin’ Donuts’ fourth con- secutive year working with St. Joseph’s Center, donating more than $95,000 in total since their initial fundraising program in 2010. Participating from the Dallas location of Dunkin’ Donuts are, from left, Holly Carron, franchiser; Sister Mary Alice Jacquinot, president, St. Joe's; and Jessica Weissman, field mar- keting manager. JAY B WANT PARTS 688 Memorial Hwy. Dallas,. PA 18612 Elum : 675-2143 Uy AUTO Bed Liner Kit SIEERI=TcR | (olal=TaR =p elo [=] [IaTo 81g I-15 ttle CER RITEEY Knights of Columbus donate to families from left, Jerry Schmid, treasurer; Jack Cacozza, Grand Knight; Father Daniel Toomey, pastor; Tom Cesarini, deacon; and Bill Roberts, advocate. Church to provide help The Council donated $200 to needy families during each to the following: the Thanksgiving holi- Gate of Heaven Church, day. Pictured making the Our Lady of Victory presentation to the Gate Church and St. Theresa’s of Heaven Church are, DOOOO® BAR AND GRILL, INC. Continuing with tradi- Mountain organizations. tion, the Dallas Council of the Knights of Columbus again this year made its annual Thanksgiving donations to Back ve Over 100 75 0 1 rt eo, rn $6 Dat eo —— R One Meal Jones WRT SEw Working with homeowners & contractors Homeowners: design, sales, installation & project management services. Contractors: design & sales services HOLIDAY SAVINGS Visit our local showroom! Hundreds of colors & styles, semi & fully custom cabinets; Corian, laminate, granite, quartz countertops; flooring; tile & so much more! M « SAT & SUN. NOON «2 AM | All Cabinetry & Tustallation on gir {Rr of oar J 0.674. YOO DO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM | 934 WYOMING AVE | Forty Fort & (570) 704-3180 M TWF: Qamto 5pm, TH: 9 am to 8 pm, SAT: 8 am to 12 pm :BRATING 30 YEAR 1 Week Kitchens is a kitchen design & remodeling company. in as little as 1 Week, our installers will give you the kitchen of your dreams. We want your kitchen remodel to be stress free from the beginning. Schedule your free in- home estimate today and see the 1 Week Kitchen difference. es or ol 5 | AND MANY MORE TO C Of ML ATT ; AI——-— 1 Week K Kite hens ¢ Bearifid New Kichen es 30 Foster Street, Dallas PA Jacross from CVS) re 570.675.4321 © Mast kitchens fully remodeled 5-10 days. Larger ramodels may take longer. 20% off cannot be combined with any other offer. See store for details Must present coupon at estimate. Expires 12/31/13 PAT01011 £
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