PAGE 6 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, November 24, 2013 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE Times LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 - 570-675-5211 Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 Diane McGee Advertising 970-7153 + 3 Shown here with a flagpole at Tri nity Presbyterian Church in Dallas in memory of Senator Lisa Baker's parents, Martha C. and Edward W. Jones lI are, from left, Carson Baker, Senator Baker and Gary Baker. Church flagpole remembers Martha and Edward Jones Members and friends at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Dallas, joined State Senator Lisa Baker and her family on Oct. 27 in a flagpole dedication in memory of Senator Baker's par ents, Martha C. and Edward W. Jones II. The ceremony began with the presentation of the colors by the NEPA Coast Guard Veterans Association. The flag was raised MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel * On ‘Dec. 8 1542, in Linlithgow Palace in Scotland, a daughter is born to James V, the dying king of Scotland. Named Mary, she was the only surviving child of her father and ascended to the Scottish throne when the king died just six days after her birth. * On Dec. 2, 1777, legend has it that Philadelphia house- wife and nurse Lydia Darragh single-handedly saves the lives of Gen. George Washington and his Continental Army. She made notes when she over- heard the British planning a surprise attack and got them to Washington. * On Dec. 6, 1921, The Irish Free State, comprising four- fifths of Ireland, is declared, end- ing a five-year Irish struggle for independence from Britain. The Irish Free State was renamed Eire, and is now called the Republic of Ireland. * On Dec. 5, 1933, the 21st Amendment to the US. Constitution is ratified, bringing an end to the prohibition of alco- hol. Prohibition did little more than slow the flow of booze, and bootleggers like Al Capone built by three of the Eeders of the church, Art Peoples, Al Brown and Clarence Givens. The project was funded by memorial donations received e- recent DOTY “th passing of Martha Jones. Those in assembly recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the National Anthem. A reception on the lawn followed the cer emony. criminal empires out of illegal distribution. * On Dec. 4, 1945, the US. Senate approves U.S. partici- pation in the United Nations. The U.N. allowed world leaders to observe each other as never before, as in the 1961 incident when Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev presented a spec- tacle by pounding his table with his shoe for emphasis during a U.N. debate. | * On Dec. 3, 1979, the last Pacer rolls off the assembly line at the American Motors Corp. (AMC) factory. In 1975, the ads said, “When you buy any other car, all you end up with is today’s car. When you get a Pacer, you get a piece of tomorrow.” Today polls and experts agree: The Pacer was one of the worst cars of all time. * On Dec. 7, 1982, the first execution by lethal injection takes place at the state peni- tentiary in Huntsville, Texas. Charles Brooks, Jr., convicted of murdering an auto mechanic, received an intravenous injec- tion of sodium pentothal, the barbiturate that is known as a “truth serum” when adminis- tered in lesser doses. YOUR SPACE This seal was photographed in Bradley Beach, N.J. by Pat Giordano, of Harveys Lake. What Pat thought was a big dog turned out to be a large seal, waddling his way to shore. “YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photographs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to, by, fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submitting person's name, address and telephone number in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned should include a self-addressed/stamped envelope. Items will be published in the order in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserve the right to reject any ite submitted for publication. @ LY YESTER 20 YEARS AGO - 1993 Dallas High School seniors were ecstatic after collecting more than 1,400 cans of food on the first day of their drive to fill the Back Mountain Food Pantry. With a goal of 4,000 cans of food, it was 1,461 down and 2,539 to go. Members of the steer- ing committee for the drive are: Abby Russin, Becki Roan, Drew Bishop and Lynn Hill Beth Hartshorne, 13 year old daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Don Hartshorne of Orange Road, Dallas, will play the part of the Sugar Plum Fairy in Northeastern Pennsylvania Academy of Dancing’s Nutcracker Ballet, to be presented at Irem Temple n Wilkes-Barre. Beth is an eighth grade student at Dallas Middle School and is presently studying pointe, classical ballet, lyrical, tap and jazz under renowned chore- ographer and former Rockette Barbara Woronko-Anzalone, who lives in the Back Mountain. Showcase Theater next will present the delightful, whimsical fairy tale musical for young peo- ple “Nobody Loves a Dragon” for two weekends following Thanksgiving. Local children playing flowers in the production are: Alison Taroli, Dallas, and Victoria Tomassetti, Trucksville. 30 YEARS AGO -1983 Members of the Trucksville United Methodist Chancel Choir will present a concert this week in the church sanctuary. Choir members are: Priscilla Williams, Vivian Jayne, Blanche Atherholt, Helen Gaylor, Jan Martinchak, Lorelle Naylis, Judy Roushey, Sheri Hinkle, Janet Decker, Tillie Croom, Ruth Reynolds, Bert Lohman, Linda Clemow, Donn Trebilcox, Bob Gardner, Clarence E By Samantha Weaver * It was lexicographer Samuel Johnson who made the follow- ing sage observation: “Always, set a high value on spontaneous kindness. He whose inclination prompts him to cultivate your friendship of his own accord, will love you more than one whom you have been at pains to attach to you.” * On Jan. 31, 2013, it officially became legal for women to wear pants in Paris. Before that, a law on the books only allowed women Michaels, Harry Trebilcox, Tom Clemow, Dorothy Glidden, Rose Burleigh, Hune Bennett and Ruth Pichert. The Harvey's Lake Women’s Service Club recently held a “Tables of the Year” Fashion Show at the Lake-Noxen ele-. mentary School. Featured were fashions from the New York Connection in Dallas. Models for the show were: Linda Bennett, M a r Brucceleri, ONLY June Arnone, YESTERDAY Marion Debalko and Martha Scocozzo. Commentator was Pat Giordano, proprietor of New York Connection. ye 40 YEARS AGO -1973 Dallas Senior High School. students recently organized a group called the Smarteens Club. Slogan of the club is SOS, mean- ing “Stamp Out Stupidity,” or the senseless use of drugs, not just in the Dallas High School, but throughout the community. Members of the club are Bonnie Porter, Dave Morgan, Mabel Jenkins, Mary Ann Mariani, Mary Lu Roman, Debbie Gosart, Rosalie Danna, Tina Eppley, Carol Muscavage, Ostrum, Terri Roman, Kathy Skammer, Carrie Roberts, Elaine Ward and Debbie Lozier. Ben Kaufman’s comedy-dra- ma, “Up the Down Staircase,” will be presented by the Dallas Senior High School, Friday and Saturday, in the school audito- rium. The play relates the many problems, frustrations and joys of a first year teacher in a pub- to wear pants if they were “hold- ing a bicycle handlebar or the reins of a horse,” or if they had requested special permission from the police to dress like men. * Japanese consumers are now able to buy a smartphone attach- ment that emits the odors of short ribs, beef tongue and buttered potatoes. Other attachments are also available, with scents such as the ylang-ylang flower, cinnamon rolls, coffee, corn soup, mint, strawberries, jasmine and curry. * It’s well known that famed pram Debbie lic school in a large city. Donald Hopkins, drama teacher at the school, will direct then produc- tion. 50 YEARS AGO - 1963 Charles H. Mannear, Overbrook Avenue, will head the Christmas sale of seals, accord- ing to announcement of Atty. S. Keene Mitchell, president of Wyoming Valley Tuberculosis and Health Society. Mr. Mannear, president of Luzerne County School Board, is active in the Back Mountain commu- nity and in larger business circles of Wyoming Valley and Scranton. Life Scout John C. Bozek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bozek, Sr. of Harveys Lake received the “Ad Altare Dei” award on Sunday at Saint Peter’s Cathedral, Scranton, from Rev. Andrewsd: McGowan, Scranton ~ Diocesan Chaplain of Scouting. He is the first member of his troop to receive this award, one of the most difficult to earn. 60 YEARS AGO - 1953 Ten year old Andrew Denmon Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Denmon, of Trucksville, will be featured in the Hilda Mann Hertz all star Revusical to be held at Irem Temple later this month. Andrew, a member of the fifth grade at Dallas Borough School, belongs to the Jubilee Gang and has done both vocal numbers and specialty dances on radio and television. Mrs. William H. young, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Shepherd, Goss Manor, won first prize among 2,500 competi- tors in a recent contest staged by Fowler and Williams Freight Lines. The winning slogan was “You'll Never Find a Faster Friend for Freight.” It is already printed children’s book author Dr. Seuss had no children of his own, but you might be surprised to learn that he created an imaginary daughter, Chrysanthemum Pearl. He dedicated his book “The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins” to her: “To Chrysanthemum Pearl, aged 89 months, going on 90.” * If you're like 6 percent of Americans, when you vacuum you do it in your underwear — or naked. * Before the invention of the on the firm’s business cards and is on the air five nights a week at 11 p.m. over a Scranton station. 70 YEARS AGO - 1943 The current issue of American Photography, nationally known magazine and leader in its field, contains an interesting article on “Photographing in a Coal Mine” by Labert Williams Jr., of Trucksville. It is profusely illus- trated with nine photographs taken by the author. Five Senior Girl Scouts from the Alderson Troop and five from Idetown Troop have joined to form a Senior Service Club. The girls are relieving nurses at Nesbitt Hospital from small duties on Saturdays, making gifts for adult patients and toys for youngsters for Christmas and collecting fats and papers for Uncle Sam. Members of the new club are: Mary Delaney, Elaine Avery, Wilma Zischak, Dorothy Jones, Doris Rossman, Helen Welsch, Ann Husted, Hazel Garinger, Ethel Ide and Irma S. Twelve new members were welcomed at the 11th Birthday Anniversary of Dallas Woman's Club, held at Lundy's last Wednesday evening. They are: Mrs. John Nicholson, Mrs. Paul Warriner, Mrs. J. Harold Hauck, Mrs. John Murphy, Miss Lois Heitsman, Mrs. Howard Conrad, Mrs. Kenneth Krocher, Mrs. Mertin Coolbaugh, Mrs. William Sarley, Mrs. Elwood Hudson, Mrs. John Wagg and Mrs. George frank. The Dallas Post has ) in existence for 124 ve Information for “Only Yesterday” 1s taken from back issues of the newspaper and is reprinted here exactly as it first appeared. electric light, people slept, on average, nine hours a night. Since then, it’s been about 7.5. Sleep researchers say that in a lab set- ting, people deprived of electric light go back to sleeping nine hours a night. Thought for the day: “If you don’t go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you're always in the same place.” — Nora Roberts “FORMY HEALTHY AND HAPPY FAMILY: Chrissy Popielarz Dallas “HEALTH AND FAMILY" Bob Cole Duryea Ba FOR THOMAS’ MARKET. THEY GIVE ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOUP KITCHEN THE LEFT-OVERS. WE USED TO SERVE 100 MEALS; NOW, WE SERVE 400 MEALS DAILY” Carol Rhines Tunkhannock “EAMILYAND LET'S JUST SAY-AGOD | CAN LOVE” Evelyn Osborn Dallas “MYFAMLYANDTHISGUY WITHWHO | HAVE FOUR CHILDREN” Brandy Wolfe Dallas “HEALTH - AND HOPING FOR THEHEALTH OF MY FAMILY” Brian Anderson Dallas
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers