PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, November 17, 2013 Fino’s Pharmacy thanks customers for 50 years Members of the Fino family, past and current employ- ees of Fino’s Pharmacy welcomed customers and friends alike at Fino’s Pharmacy Customer Appreciation Day in honor of the pharmacy’s 50th anniversary. The event, held at the Gate of Heaven gymnasium in Dallas, offered food, refreshments, raffles and the opportunity to celebrate with the Fino family. Fino’s Customer Appreciation Day organizers Dominic Fino’s granddaughter and Misericordia student Sarah Brassington, left, of Boston, and six-year employee Brenda Miller, of Lehman Township. Above, Twin sisters Barbara Dymond, right, and Deb Dymond, both of Harding, look Eee over a photographic history of - : he Fino’s Pharmacy on display at wo Fino’s customer appreciation day. BILL TARUTIS | FOR THE DALLAS POST Dominic Fino, owner of Fino’s Pharmacy in Dallas, is congratulated by well-wishers for 50 years in business during Fino’s Customer Appreciation Day at Gate of Heaven School gymnasium. Fino's Pharmacy eight-year employee Mindy Wesley, of Harveys Lake, unpacks 50th anniversary T-shirts at the pharmacy’s cus- tomer appreciation day. A felt Wed- Sat 4- .6pm $1 Off All Drinks! Clam Night $4.95 dozen * $2 Ig Light Wing Night $19.% Lobster dinners 45¢ wings all night » $2 Lagers $4 Cosmo Martini’s £3 $19.% Prime Rib Dinners $3 Select Glass of Wine Daily Food Special $5 Select Dom. Pitcher Lauren Piontkowski, right, of Anthracite Cafe caterers in Wilkes- Barre, serves guests in the buffet line during Fino’s Pharmacy Customer Appreciation Day. Make reservations for our Thanksgiving Dinner Buffet Seating times 1 & 5 $19.95 per/person No party to big or small 31 Lakeside Drive, Harveys Lake 570- 319- 0008 PN ‘AL CARE BE SKILLEp Np v Providing Compassionate Care To Sig 1 You and Your Family : Call Today For A Tour At # Mercy Center 675-2131 i Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy | Holiday sale benefits library The Back Mountain memorial Library’s Second Hand Gift Shop will hold a special Holiday Sale from 1 to 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 22 and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 22. Shop early for the best selection of holiday decorations, gift items, floral arrange- ments, collectibles, train display items, glassware, wreaths, baskets and much more. All merchan- dise is priced to sell and all proceeds directly ben- efit the library. From left, are Laura Hadsall, library employee; and Martha Butler, library director. Gently-used musical instruments sought The instrumental music department of the Dallas School District is growing and needs help from the community. The department is peo- ple to donate their gently- used instruments to the Dallas School District music department for student use. Many people have instruments they no longer play and, at the same time, students who can benefit from these instruments. Any donated instru- ments will be properly cleaned, serviced and then made available to interest- ed students. Any family donating an instrument will receive appropriate documentation reflecting their donation with a tax deductible sheet. Those willing to donate their instruments will be able to drop off their instruments at the office of any Dallas School District school or at the central office during nor- mal school hours. Please include donor’s name, address, and contact information so a do ment acknowledging tax deductible gift can sent to the donor before the end of January for tax purposes. Anyone who has a dona- tion and would like to arrange a pickup is asked to call 570-674-7260 or email griley@dallassd. com. ‘Growing Greener’ program set for Nov. 21 The Dallas Township Comprehensive Plan Committee will host a public meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21 at Misericordia University’s Insalaco Hall (Rooms 218- 219) to present “Growing Greener: Conservation by Design.” Municipal and county officials, developers, home builders. and interested citizens will have the opportunity to learn how many communities across Pennsylvania are preserv- ing their special open Chef Huntzinger and staff welcome you to the historic Beaumont Inn in Dallas, offering outstanding cuisine for brunch, lunch and dinner. The Inn offers 10 elegantly appointed rooms for your overnight stay in the back mountain area. GEM-RIVERSIDE in Dallas Rebecca Yurko ver Physical Therapist with 16+ Years Experience & Back Mountain Native Join us Thanksgiving Day, 12:00-5:00pm, for a traditional feast with your family i friends. GEM~ ¥\ RIVERSIDE Also accepting reservations for Holiday and Corporate events, with our dining area seating up to 80 people. 27 Main St. Dallas, PA 18612 (570) 674-2659 spaces, greenways and natural resources, while achieving their develop- ment objectives. In the Back Mountain, Lehman Township is a Growing Greener community. The speaker will be Ann Hutchinson, AICP, Senior Director of Municipal Conservation Services at Natural Lands Trust, a regional land conser- vancy in Media, PA. She has assisted over 100 Pennsylvania municipali- ties with conservation- minded land use ordi- nances, plans and site plan reviews. Hutchinson is a con- tributing author, with nationally-recognized planner Randall Arendt, to the statewide Growing Greener: Conservation by Design program. Before joining the Trust in 1996, she was the Director of Planning and Community Development for Lower Merion Township, a suburb of Philadelphia. She ho a bachelor’s degree fr Northwestern University and a master’s degree in landscape architecture from the State University of New York, Syracuse. North Branch Land Trust will sponsor the event. Executive Director Paul Lumia will facili- tate the presentation. LV. W.UiLER Ee Highest Prices Paid for Junk Vehicles YL RIB IPL Visit us at or call 570-675-7100 For special events please contact Nancy Kaminski at Ne % . oo PAE A Only 4 miles from downtown Dallas. .. Route 309 Dallas, PA. « 570-675-7100 » JA, Dr. Duane Sprau 570.675.4321 30 Foster Street, ; Dalles PA {across Hom CVS)
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