Sunday, October 13, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 7 | HERITAGE DAY Frances Slocum Heritage Day will be ‘held from noon to 5 p.m. ‘today, Oct. 13 at the park, 585 Mount Olivet Road, - Wyoming. There will be old-time Dr. Bill Loftus will pres- ent a travelogue about the African country of Malawi. Lake Malawi is the third largest and sec- ond deepest lake in Africa and is reportedly the hab- itat of more species of fish and behaviors of the fish- es that live there. For information, call Craig Yarrish at 570-479- 0400. BINGO PLANNED ingo will be held on Monday, Oct. 21 at the erages will be available. For more information, call Jim at 570-333-4906. CANDIDATES FORUM The Downtown Residents Association is sponsoring a Luzerne Barre. Candidates seeking Luzerne County Council and Controller positions will speak. Admission is free and parking is available on site. Council candidates Richard “Kick” Heffron, Eugene Kelleher, Linda McCloskey Houck, Sue Rossi, Eileen Sorokas and Rick Williams. Controller candidates expected to participate are Carolee Medico Olengiski A roast beef supper will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at the Northmoreland Twp. Fire Hall in Centermoreland. Tickets, at $8 for adults and $4 for children under and Michelle Bednar. For more information, call 570-826-0410. ROAST SUPPPER 12 years of age, are avail- able at the door. Takeouts will be available. For more information, call Jim at 570-333-4906. expected to participate are Renee Ciaruffoli Taffera, Paul Defabo, Kathy Dobash, Michael Giamber, Harry Haas, County Candidates Forum from 7 to 9 p.m. on Oct. 21 at Wilkes University Henry Center. Ballroom, 84 W. South St., Wilkes- Northmoreland Twp. Fire Hall in Centermoreland. Doors open at 5 p.m. and early birds start at 6:30 p.m. Food and bev- than any other body of fresh water. Learn about this amazing lake, the people who depend on it and the incredible colors ‘demonstrations, music, live animals and crafts ®: children. The event is \ ree. BEEF Call 570-696-9105 for more information. ALL DAY BINGO All day Bingo will be ‘held today, Oct. 13 at the Northmoreland Fire Hall in Centermoreland. Doors open at noon and early birds start at 1:30 p.m. A dinner will be served ‘at approximately 4:30 ‘p.m. for all Bingo players. . For reservations, call Jim or Carol at 570-333- 74906. CRAFT FAIR SET The Dallas High School Boys Soccer Booster Club is sponsoring a Fall Craft Show from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. today, Oct. 13 at the Dallas High School. There will be 50 plus vendors with various crafts for sale. There will also be a bake sale and lunch available for every- one. Free admission and @- parking in the high school parking lot. BOBACK STAFF AVAILABLE ] A member of Rep. Karen Boback’s staff will be available from 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at the Benton Senior Center located in the Northern Columbia Community and Cultural Center, 42 Community Drive, Benton. CARD PARTY SET Irem Women’s Auxiliary will host a card party from noon to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 17 at the Irem Country Club. Tickets are $12 and may be purchased from Hope Beisel at 570-675-1652, Marie Miskel at 570-288- 6341, Suanne Moses at 570-822-4976, from any member or at the door. There will be lunch and prizes. Handicapped parking is available. For those who don’t play cards, there is Pokeno (played like Bingo) or participants can bring a game of their choice. CEMETERY ASSN. MEETS The Kocher Cemetery Association will hold its semi-annual meeting at 7 p.m. on Oct. 18. All lot owners are urged to First Keystone Community Bank 35 Month Bump-Up CD Celebrate our newest branch in Dallas with a 35 month Bump-Up CD. You can increase your rate once if our rates go up any time during your CD's term. Bump-Up CD Rates at: 1002 Must be opened at our Dallas Branch attend. AUDITIONS SLATED Auditions for “A Christmas Carol - The Musical” will be held on Saturday, Oct. 19 and Sunday, Oct. 20 at the. Music Box Dinner @: 196 Hughes | pst. Swoyersville. Children ages 7 to 13 will audition from 2 to 3 p.m. while adults will audition from 3 to 4 p.m. On Sunday, children between the ages of 7 and 13 will audition from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and adults will audition from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. All who audition will be asked to sing a song of choice. No karaoke tracks will be allowed. An accompanist will be pro- vided. Those interested in speaking roles will be asked to read from the script. All roles for the exception of Scrooge are open. Production dates are Dec. 5 to 8, 12 to 15 and 19 to 22. Rehearsals will begin Oct. 28. BREAKFAST BUFFET The Noxen Volunteer ire Company will hold ‘a breakfast buffet from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, ‘Oct. 20 at the fire hall, Stull Road. Ticket prices are $8 for adults and $4 for children under 12 years of age. PRESENTATION SLATED “Lake Malawi, Where Fishes Behave Like Birds” will be presented at 7° p.m. on Monday, Oct. 21 at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Irem Road, Dallas. We're proud to serve our heighbors in the Dallas area. Our staff are your neighbors and your friends and since we opened our doors 6 months ago we've built some great relationships. We invite you to visit at 2325 Memorial Highway in Dallas, meet the staff and see what we can do for you. 888-759-2266 | Meet Marty Leandri, Your Neighbor and Our Dallas Branch Manage V First A Keystone COMMUNITY BANK Yesterday's Traditions. Tomorrow's Vision. Contact Marty at 570-674-1030 and let him help you with all your financial needs *APY (Annual Percentage Yield) is accurate as of the date of publication and is based on quarterly compounding. Must be opened at the First Keysto Dallas Branch. Minimum deposit to open an account and obtain the advertised APY is $1,000. Maximum $50,000 per tax reported owner during this pr rate adjustment is permitted at any time during the original 35-month term. The interest rate and annual percentage yield for your account will | Bump-Up option is exercised. The Bump-Up Interest rate will be equal to the 36-month CD rate offered by First Keystone Community Bank at the maturity, this account will renew to a 36-month fixed rate certificate of deposit at the prevailing rate without the Bump-Up option. No new mol certificate at the time the Bump-Up option is exercised. You must have a First Keystone checking account to receive promotional CD rate. Penalty for be opened in person. Offer subject to change without notice. a eS
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