PAGE 6 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, October 6, 2013 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE Times LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 - 570-675-5211 Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 Diane McGee Advertising 970-7153 Downloadable hooks now available at library The time has arrived! Downloadable e-books are now available directly through the Back Mountain Memorial Library’s website. If you own an I-Pad, Kindle Fire or Simple Nook, simply visit: and click on the purple box, “eBooks are Here!” (The older basic Nooks or Kindles are not compatible with this program.) Have your Luzerne County Library Card nearby as the site directs you to the “Magic Wall.” From this page, you can apply for a free Blio account (app) which will be necessary to download books to your device. You may also visit www.blio. com to create your free account. The Magic Wall shows dozens of featured titles available for downloading, including fiction/non-fiction, children’s books and young adult titles. Click on a book cover to get a synopsis or reader reviews. You can begin downloading your choice immediately by clicking on “Checkout Now.” If you have any questions, you may call the library at 675-1182 for assistance. HOPING FOR HOLIDAY DECORATIONS It’s never too early to start thinking about the upcoming holidays and ... just a reminder that the library is currently hoping for any vintage Christmas decorations, i.e., Shiny Brite ornaments, strings of bulb lights, older type ornaments and trains and train display items to be donated. I-PAD CLASS Also, keep in mind, if you currently own an I-Pad and want to learn some tips on how to use it, the Back Mountain Memorial Library is offering a free I-Pad classat 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Pre-registration is required and participants must bring their own I-Pad to the class, which will be taught by Bill Gartrell, computer/technology instructor at Dallas High School, along with several of his students. Now that you will be checking out even more books, some in person and some on your electronic device, the library is offering you an exciting opportunity to come and discuss what you're reading. BOOK DISCUSSION CLUB A new Book Discussion Club is forming at the library beginning at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24. Call the library to register for this formational meeting where you will join with the facilitator to discuss upcoming book titles. REMINDER TO PARENTS 2013 Fall Story Times Registration: Wednesday, Oct. 9 Call the library after 9:30 am. at 570-675-1182) Story Times will begin the week of Oct. 20 and end the week of Dec. 1. STORY TIMES: Toddlers (12 months to 2 years of age) Tuesdays - 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. (Toddler Time, formerly the Parent/Child Workshop. Participate in a story time then relax and interact with your toddler and meet and talk with other parents.) Toddlers (2 years of age) Tuesdays — 11 to 11:45 a.m. (Mother Goose on the Loose is an interactive session with your child incorporating stories, rhymes, fingerplays, music and more for concept learning and fun.) Three to five year olds: Wednesdays — 10 to 11 a.m. (Share a traditional story hour with your child listening to stories, learning fingerplays and songs and making a craft.) Thursdays — 10 to 11 a.m. (Last chance for your child to take part in this special story hour sponsored by PNC Bank: “For Me, For You, For Later: First Steps to Spending, Sharing, and Saving.”) STRANGE BUT TRUE By Samantha Weaver * It was Albert Einstein who made the following sage observation: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” * Many people believe that one should never remove one’s wedding ring. However, one superstition holds that doing so is perfectly acceptable — as long as the ring is being used to ward off a witch. * There's nothing surprising about the fact that upon the death of British novelist, poet and essayist D.H. Lawrence, the author’s body was cremated. What is unusual is that, at Lawrence's request, his ashes were mixed into the plaster used to build the D.H. Lawrence Ranch in Questa, N.M. * As Halloween approaches, if you live in New Jersey, Pennsylvania or Iowa, you might want to keep in mind your state’s tax policy. If you're buying a pumpkin to carve into a jack-o™-lantern, youll need to pay tax on the gourd. Pumpkins used for food purposes, however, are subject to no such tax. * In 2009, a Saudi couple who had spent their honeymoon in Malaysia encountered difficulty on the return flight home. It seems that the groom felt the bride was taking too long in the airport restroom, so he boarded the flight back to Saudi Arabia before she did. When he allowed the plane to leave without her, she insisted on an immediate divorce. * The next time you've enjoyed YOUR SPACE Dallas Post photographer Bill Tarutis shot this on Route 29 on his way to a football game in Tunkhannock. Bill thought the photo was indicative of the end of summer. “YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photographs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to, by, fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submitting person's name, address and telephone number in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned should include a self-addressed/stamped envelope. Items will be published in the order in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserve the right to reject any items submitted for publication. INLY YESTERDAY 20 YEARS AGO - 1993 Kevin P. Young won a first place ribbon at the Luzerne County fair Dog Show as an obedience handler of Tulgy, a Portuguese water spaniel. Kevin attends the 4-H K-99 Kennel Club on Tuesday evenings at Pet Care Association in Dallas. Jennifer Dombroski, of Upper Demunds Road, Dallas, captured first place in the 10-12 year division of modeling at the Talent Olympic Competition, held recently at the Pocono Mountains. Jennifer scored highest in the sportswear category. Jennifer is the 11-yer-old daughter of Michael and Betsy Dombroski of Dallas. 30 YEARS AGO - 1983 The Dallas Senior High School Band was awarded First Place, Class II in the “Music in Motion” competition sponsored by the Whitehall Marching Zephyr Band, Whitehall, Pa. The Dallas Band, under the direction of David C. Benn, has been awarded 23 first place awards and three second place awards in T.O.B. competition. This weeks “Soccer team of the Week,” is The Strikers of Division I in the Back Mountain Soccer Association. Members of the team are: John Lincoski, Kathy Bigus, George Manzoni, Ryan Walp, Jennifer Steuben, Mike Williams, P.J. Goodwin, Keith Porasky, John Baronowski, Tom Shone, Jennifer Spear, Laura Lehman, Al Manzoni and Greg Steuben. 40 YEARS AGO - 1973 Mrs. Jack Kloeber and Mrs. Ronald Maturi, cochairmen of the Shavertown United Methodist Church annual roast beef dinner have appointed the following to serve on committees: Hostesses, Mr s Malcolm Borthwick; hosts, Frank Paczewski and Joel Crabtree; ONLY publicity, Mrs. Donald Rome; dining room, Mrs. Jay Niskey, Mrs. Fred Ruggles and Mrs. Frank Paczewski; tickets, Mrs. Stephen Johnson and Mrs. Paul Eckert; pies, Mrs. George Jacobs and Mrs. Charles Beech; and dishwashing, Mrs. Richard Griffith. The Forty Fort Dairy Bar, a landmark in the Back Mountain for more than a generation, closed its doors Sept. 30 and re-opened Monday morning as a Mark II restaurant. Installation of Charles James Memorial Assembly No. 144, International Order of Rainbow for Girls, was recently held at the O.E.S. Building, Dallas. Deborah Werts, daughter of David and Lillian Werts, Carverton, was installed as Worthy Advisor. Debbie is a senior at Dallas High School. 50 YEARS AGO - 1963 Peggy Jordan and Dee Dee Pope, Dallas High School, and Bonny Gennetts and Susan Fielding, Lake-Lehman High School, were selected as princesses by friends and fellow students and will ride in the opening parade of the Dallas Rotary “Fall Fair” Saturday. At 9 p.m., following the Boston Store fashion show, a “fair queen” will be chosen. Plans for the Roast Beef Dinner to be served by the Women’s Society of Shavertown Methodist Church were completed when Mrs. Ellen Kimball entertained committee chairmen at her home in Beaumont. Attending were Mesdames Al Torr, John Rogers, Percy Hart, Warren Daubert, Raymond Parsons, Oliver Troup, Victor Piccone, George Jacobs, Ted Meixell, Robert Walk, Gordon Edwards, William Banks and James McFarland. Bruno Maraschio was installed as president and Thomas Balutis as first vice president at the fall meeting of Gate of Heaven PTA. 60 YEARS AGO - 1953 Ten Back Mountain students representing four high schools are among the freshman class at Wilkes College this fall. They are: Robert M. Gregory, Shavertown; Janet Hooper, Shickshinny; William Davis, Harveys Lake; Lena Misson, Dallas; James R. Ide, Dallas; Edward A. Thompson, Marcytown; Frank Fischer, Dallas; Robert Hontz, Shavertown; Samuel Dilcer, Trucksville, and Anthony Greener, Trucksville. Catholic = Daughters of America are laying plans for the annual party, proceeds going to charitable projects, among them Gate of Heaven parochial school. Mrs. Clinton Johnson, general chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Willard Garey. Committee heads are: Jessica Thomas, ticket chairman; Mrs. Fred Houlihan, chance books; Mrs. Henry Mastalski and Mrs. Michael Chalowick, games; Mrs. Frank McGarry and Mrs. Robert J. Williams, prizes; Mrs. Edward Sidorek, refreshments; Mrs. John Stenger Jr. and Mrs. John Cannon, door; Mrs. Edwin Raub and Mrs. Joseph Lavelle, reception; Mrs. George Z. Keller Jr., publicity. 70 YEARS AGO - 1943 Miss Anna Richards entertained at a potato digging party at her home on Pioneer Avenue Saturday afternoon. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Evoy Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and Master Paul and Barbara, Miss Ida Davis, Miss Edith Tucker, Miss Kirschner and Miss Guenivere Chapin. Mrs. Fred Harlos and Miss Charlotte Hawk, of Lehman, entertained at a variety shower honoring Mrs. Kenneth hawk, Saturday afternoon. Present were: Mrs. William Parks, Mrs. Emma Ide, Mrs. Mable Stolarick, Mrs. Alex Tough, Mrs. James Simpson, Mrs. Fay Brown, Mrs. Lydia Cease, Mrs. Herbert Miers, Mrs. Retta Miers and Mrs. Ruggles and daughter, Ann. Trucksville FiremN§y Auxiliary will hold their third annual Halloween dance in the Kingston Township High School, Friday evening, October 29. Grand March will start at 9 o'clock and prizes will be given to young and old. Mrs. Neuel Kester is chairman assisted by Mrs. John Kennan, Mrs. Sam Davis, Mrs. Vincent McGuire, Mrs. William Robbins, Mrs. Dale Zimmerman, Mrs. Franklin Hawke. The Dallas Post has been in existence for 124 vears. Information for “Only Yesterday” is taken from back issues of the newspaper and is reprinted here exactly as it first appeared. “THERE ISATREE NEAR THE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS THAT ALWAYS TURNS COLOR FIRST AND MAKES ME SMILE” Tara Sears, Kingston Township "ALOT OF WATER GOING OVER THE HUNTSVILLE DAM! Jane Molina Shavertown “WHAT IS SOMETHIN "AYOUNG BOY OPENING THE DOOR FORAN ADULT - CHIVALRY." Julie Frederick Sweet Valley | L ull MY DOG, DUKE. HE'S A BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG.” Ashlee Barker Hunlock Creek "BABIES AND PETS MAKE ME SMILE” Joe Ngison “THE CLOUDS BECAUSE THEY REMIND ME OF MY DAD” Aprile Covert Sweet Valley
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers