PAGE 2 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, September 22, 2013 sword duper LIOSSWOIU MOVIE g Crosswor ACROSS 45 Metropolis of 104 End ofthe ~~ 6 Woman's 47 Innocent 87 Skulk ACROSS FP 4 [5 [6 7 EF [Fo 1 Plot anew Japan riddle bedroom until — guilty. ~~ around 1 Wan y n - = 6 Huffed and 46 Funny 110 Trendily 7 Former 48 Deli staple ~~ 89 Subsequent Kenobi puffed Johnson dated Vegas star ~~ 49 Alternative to 92 They 4 Health 15 16 17 10 Droid rival 47 Biblical song 111 Woodcutting Falana digital precede ens resort 16 Letters after 50 One sparring tool 8 Terminus 51 Person 94 Narrow ship 7 Recording 18 19 20 21 C 52 Rio’s car 112 “So nasty!” 9 Passenger- jostling passages 11 Swimming 19 Puccini work maker 113 Pindaric transporting someone in 95 Lowy star venue ie 23 24 25 126 [27 20 Lady — 54 Actor Tony poem motorboat jest ene Chapin 57 Riddle, 114 Afire sign 10 Champagne 53 — -Z 96 Leads on i juramax 28 129 [eo 31 % 21 Actor Lon of part 3 115 Melodious bucket (thorough) 97 Firebug 15 Opposed to: 53 34 35 36 chillers 64 Suffix with ~~ 117 Actress Olin 11 Nobel Prize 55 Park place? 99 Org. issuing 16 d 22 Yale Bowl pay or play 119 Haloed Fr. category 56 “Well, — nine-digit uody. © 37 38 39 40 yeller 65 Bread buy woman 12 — Solo -di-dah!” IDs 17 Options list 23 Start of a 67 Shoulder of 120 Spurt 13 — scale of 1 58 Hear legally 100 Unruly patch 18 Rife with 4 42 43 riddle a road 121 Abbr. in co. to 10 59 Medical ins. of hair foliage - pr rl 26 Actor Affleck 68 Hooting names 14 Sci-fi mariner plans 102 Related 20 Tooth-paste 27 Work units, baby bird 122 Riddle’s 15 It has lashes 60 “So nasty!” element container 54 55 in 11-Down 69 Hollow answer 16 Participant in 61 Big London form 22 Hearing 28 BlackBerry between hills 127 Leisure shirt an arguing insurer 103 Quilt stuffing organ 56 58 device, e.g., 71 Riddle, 128 Bee or flea contest 62 Flood zone 105 Small, sticky 24 Shoe with- 5 5 m for short part 4 129 Axel or lutz 17 Posh structures note out laces 29 Floppy parts 76 Entwined 130 Word with 18 Savoir-faire 63 Unwavering 106 “If it — 28 Sleep-wear of a beagle 77 Behave city or circle 24 Voice a view 66 U.S. disaster broke ..." 32 Trap 53 To and — conflict 30 Tarzan’s wife 30 Youth's theatrically 131 Part of OS: 25 Rabbit kin relief org. 107 Like Swiss 33 Verve 55 Col. 7 Ontologists’ 31 Dine opposite 79 Feline cry Abbr. 31 TV “explorer” 70 Ordinal peaks 4 Wrinki Mustard’s CONCErnS 35 Leg, slangily 32 Partnerof ~~ 80 Kosovo 132 Capital of 33 Warm- number 108 Not 34 Wrinkly- hy 8 Dined 38 Goer neither resident Kansas blooded one ending optional faced dog 56 : Rd down. 6 Corea Deter eration 33 Puccini's “O 82 Vote for’ 133 — terrier 34 Consume, 72 Stitchup 109 High-rises 36 Faucet guicy gow ora Wa — babbino 83 Riddle, 134 Feats of skill Bible-style ~~ 73 Ratted out 116 “How awful!” problem 57 Legisla-tion 10 Flightless 42 Winchester caro” part 5 36 “Na Na” 74 Doctors 118 Jazz singer 37 Gives 58 Into the bird or Spring- 34 Miss the 88 Revised, as DOWN lead-in charge James temporarily sunrise 12 Vitally field mark text 1 lvanhoe’s 37 Chicken— 75 It has triceps 119 Totter 39 “The Big 59 Big party important 45 Salver 35 Adherent: 90 Dove noise ladylove - masala 78 List finisher: 120 Clearheaded Bang 60 Storm center 19 Sweet 47 Envelope Suffix 91 Unbusy bee 2 Screenwriter (Indian dish) Abbr. 123 Sci-fi talent Theory” 61 Next-to-last potato part 38 I's, in Athens 93 Sloppy Nora 40 Fuse 81 Mystify 124 Director star Jim Greek letter 21 Derek and 48 Commotion 39 Riddle, 94 Ladder part 3 Scant, toa 41 1997 sci-fi ~~ 84 Harbor inlet Spike or 41 Birdcage Diddley 49 Bigfoot's part 2 98 Explorer — Brit spoof, briefly 85 Lion sounds Ang gi attachment DOWN 23 Knock cousin y 44 Retired da Gama 4 Part of MA. 42 Projecting 86 Attendance- 125°l see mice! 43 Swab he 1 October 25 Gambling 50 Talk on an female 101 Hockey “—-Man window checking 126 Prefix with Aooe Girth-siorne game on professor great Mario Fever 43 Milk, in Metz routines life or size 44 Wey out 5 Skeletal 26 Ms. 51 Chickeh ~ jG CR © a ve 6. 17 18:19 10 [11 12 13 [14 |15 16 [17 [18 46 Stretchy component Brockovich king candy 3 Tiny amount 27 Agents, for 52 Our soldiers 19 20 21 re 50 Pop singer : Vigep 55 ren 54 Have bills Lady — ole iches 25 y 6 In a state of 29 Sheltered 111 123 117 |118 124 129 110 115 121 122 127 128 These light and fluffy kittens are just eight weeks old and are available for adop- tion. They are curi- ous, adventurous and playful. They would make a great addition to any home. You can visit these kittens and their friends at BLUE CHIP FARMS ANIMAL REFUGE 974 Lockville Road Dallas VISITING HOURS Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Fluffy kittens Coverage Area: The Dallas Post covers the Back Mountain community which includes the Dallas and Lake-Lehman School Districts. We try to get to as many events as possible, but staff and space limitations make it impossible to cover everything. If you have news about your family, town or organization please send it to us and we'll try to get it in. Photographs are welcome. Send them two ways, by mail to 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or by e-mail to E-mail is the best and most timely method for submis- sion. E-mailed photos should be in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 200 dpi. The deadline for all copy is Tuesday at noon. prior to publication. Corrections, clarifications? The Dallas Post will correct errors of fact or clarify any misunderstandings, call 675-5211. Have a story idea? Please call, we'd like to hear about it. Letters: The Dallas Post prints letters of local interest. Send letters to: Editor, The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. All letters must be signed and include a daytime phone number for verification. Noon to 5 p.m. hours Other appointment by Email: 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. All rights reserved. Call: 570-333-5265 © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. SENI Senior Citizens Centers sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging for Luzerne and Wyoming Counties offer hot noon meals Monday through Friday to people 60 years of age or older. Donations from participants are gratefully accepted and needed in order to expand this program. The following is the menu for the week of Sept. 23, 2013: The idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figures given at the bot- tom and right-hand columns of the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order they are given (that is, from left to right and top to bottom). Use only the numbers below the diagram to complete its blank squares and use each of the nine numbers only once. DIFFICULTY: * %x + Moderate * & Difficult 1 * * * GO FIGURE! GO FIGURE! bylLinda Thistle OR CENTER MENU MONDAY: Chicken parmesan, steamed gar- lic spinach, Italian bread, spaghetti, fresh melon chunks, margarine, milk and coffee. TUESDAY: Egg salad, minestrone soup, crack- ers, cucumber and beet salad, whole wheat bread, ice cream, margarine, milk and coffee. WEDNESDAY: Sauteed beef and brocco- li, noodles, whole wheat PROPERTY TRANSFERS The following Back Mountain real estate transactions have been recorded in the Luzerne County Office of Recorder of Deeds for the week of Sept. 8, 2013: Estate of Helen E. Perlis to Nichelle A. and Andrew G. Nicholson, 9 Cedar St., Lehman Township; $133,000 Andrew D. and Colette Check to Matthew and Susan Crowl, partial lots 21 and 22, Kingston questions@ Township; $285,645 Estate of Almora M. The Dallas Post A THE TIMES LEADER NEWSPAPER 15 NORTH MAIN STREET, WILKES-BARRE, PA 18711 570-675-5211 + FAX 570-675-3650 Display Advertising Deadline: Tuesdays at 12 noon Contact Diane McGee at 970-7153 The Dallas Post has a variety of advertising rates and programs. The Dallas Post satisfies most co-op ad programs and offers creative services at no charge. Combination rates with The Abington Journal, Clarks Summit and the Sunday Dispatch, Pittston are available. Long to Janet L. and David H. Ramsey, Ross Township; $7,500 Paul P. and Helen O. Kamont to Steven J. and Leslie A. Plesnar, 73 Ondish Road, Dallas Township; $1 Janice M. and Gary Howard to Bernard R. and Lynn Evans Biga, Ross Township; $50,000 Elaine Hall to John P. and Patricia A. Kensinger, Dallas Township; $138,900 Richard and Joann Emanski to Peter M. 2 3 4 49 67 8 9 © 2013 King Features Syndicate, inc, bread, tropical fruit, oat- meal raisin cookie, mar- garine, milk and coffee. THURSDAY: BBQ chicken, mashed pota- toes, chuckwagon corn, biscuit, ambrosia salad, margarine, milk and cof- fee. : FRIDAY: Beans and franks, potato wedges, whole wheat hot dog roll, ketchup, mustard, water- melon, margarine, milk and coffee. and Lesa I. Butera, & 2, Harveys Lake Borough; $770,000 Edward Zapotoczny (per tax claim) to Leonard Dalmas, Route 11, Hunlock Township; $500 John J. and Susan J. Nutche to Jeffrey Nutche, 107 Pinecrest Ave., Dallas Borough; $137,500 William and Rose Stone to Laurence L. Jr. and Diane M. Cook, Lot 21, Dallas Township; $140,000 WANT A PHOTO? You can now purchase any photo that appears in The Dallas Post from The Times Leader photo store. Simply log onto www.timesleader. com/photostore and click on the lin for The Dallas Post. CIRCULATION Orders for subscriptions received by Friday at noon will begin the follow- ing week. Please inform us of dam- age or delay, call 829-5000. The Dallas Post is published weekly by Impressions Media, $25 per year in Luzerne, Lackawanna & Wyoming Counties (PA), $29 in NJ, NY and all other PA counties, $32 all other states. Periodicals postage paid at Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-9996 POSTMASTER: Send address change to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Se a
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