PAGE 10 The Dallas Post SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 2013 MARKETPLACE Special Notices Money To Lend Logistics / Transportation Houses For Sale Apartments /Townhouses Sales Pressure Washing “We can erase your bad credit - DALLAS WILKES-BARRE TW PJ’s Window Cleaning & 100% GUARANTEED.” Attorneys || CLASS A CDL PRICE CUT PITTSTON TV P. Janitorial Services CARS & TRUCKS! CASH PAID SEALER (1) ERT | P/ ADOPT: Loving couple longs to adopt newborn. Safe, secure forever love. Rachel & Elliot 1-866-936-1105. Expenses Paid ADOPTION Amazing family for your baby! Loving married couple long to adopt 1st child and provide all the love & opportunities that life has to offer. Expenses Paid 1-800-359-6937 Lost & Found ALL JUNK VEHICLES WANTED!! -CALL ANYTIME -HONEST PRICES -FREE REMOVAL [07.5] MF X[D) ON THE SPOT 570.301.3602 for the Federal Trade Commission say they’ve never seen a legitim- ate credit repair operation. No one can legally remove accurate and timely information from your credit report. It’s a process that starts with you and involves time and a con- scious effort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc. gov/credit. A message from The Times Leader and the FTC. OFFICE ASSISTANT We are looking for an Office] ssistant to join our team! If you have experience work- ing in a clerical/general of fice capacity, preferably within an automotive dealer- ship, we want to hear from ou. Responsibilities will in clude assisting in daily of omfortable working in a fast paced office environment, be| computer proficient (espe- cially with Microsoft Office) deadline. A valid PA driver’ license and clear driving re- cord required. Applicant must be willing to submit to a and salary requirements to or BOX 4475 c/o Times Leader 15 N. Main St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Yard Sale Drivers & Delivery WEST WYOMING 6th Street Open year round SPACE AVAILABLE INSIDE & OUT Acres of parking OUTSIDE SPACES $10 Saturday 10am-2pm Sunday 8am-4pm Attorney FREE Bankruptcy Consultation Payment plans. Carol Baltimore 570-283-1626 SCHOOL BUS DRIVER G. Davis Inc. has openings in Dallas, PA. Our professional training staff can assist you with all training certifications clearance necessary to become a valid school bus driver. Email resume to: or call 570-685-2287 Help Wanted General RECEPTIONIST Experienced receptionist needed for busy office. Myst be pleasant, professional, proficiency in Microsoft office. Must be able to multi-task. TRAVEL AGENT Experience required 2 years or more for busy office. Must be pleasant and professional. Send resume to: The Times Leader Box 4470 15 N. Main Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 DRIVERS Local, Regional, & Shuttle Routes Minimum 1 year experience and 23 years of age required. Benefit package including family. Apply in Dorson, call or ail: CDS TRANSPORTATION Ron Woznock Bldg 7, One Passan Drive, W.B. Pa 570-654-6738 rwoznock@ ee — Mechanics WINGFOOT is currently hiring for: SERVICE TECHS Must have clean driver's license. Must be able to work nights and weekends. RETREAD TECHS REFURBISHING TECHS We offer 401K-Blue Cross/Clue Shield, Delta Dent- al, eye care and prescription plan. Paid vacation, paid holidays. Good starting salary. Applicants need to apply at: For Sale By Owner SHAVERTOWN Cozy 3 bedroom, 1 bath home for sale in the Dallas school district. Living room boasts a gas fired cultured Stone fireplace. Formal dining room and eat in kitchen that opens onto very large deck, situated on 3/4 acre with rock walls along side and back yard. Plenty of off street parking. All appliances included. Good neighborhood, convenient to everything. Appraised at $125,000, selling price is negotiable. For more inform- ation call (570)574-0134 baths, rif 2 on 1.09 acre plu additional 1 acre lot. basement with laundry r carpeting. New roof, Guardi- an backup generator, large wrap-around deck. Located on a quiet cul-de-sac with wooded surroundings. Asking $240,000 Call 570.357.8126 9 Westminster Drive 4 bedroom brick ranch. 2,800 sq. ft. Totally renovated. 2 1/2 car garage. Low taxes, corner lot. Walking distance to Dallas school & medical center. $251,000. See ZILLOW for de- tails. Call 570-878-3150 WILKES-BARRE Completely Renovated Quiet area, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large eat in kitchen, dining & living rooms, walk in closet, huge bonus room. Recent roof, new boiler, up- graded plumbing & electric. New carpeting & vinyl, huge backyard, driveway, front & rear porch, patio, new win- Mayflower Crossing Apartments 570.822.3968 1,2,3&4 Bedrooms - Light & bright open floor plans - All major appliances included - Pets welcome* - Close to everything - 24 hour emergency maintenance - Short term leases available Call TODAY For AVAILABILITY! Certain Restrictions Apply* Land (Acreage) LUZERNE 699 Miller St Land for sale 50 x 150. $38,000 Quiet neighborhood, Ready 2 bedroom, clean, needs no work. remodeled throughout. Minutes from I- 81 & PA Turn- pike. $550/month. 570-471-7175 or 610-767- 9456 Windows, Gutters, Carpets, Power washing and more. INSURED/BONDED., 570-283-8840 Roofing & Siding Garden & Produce PICK YOUR OWN BLUEBERRIES! 8 am to 8 pm Closed Sundays Sickler Blueberry Farm Vernon 570-333-5286 NO PETS IN THE FIELD!! Autos For Sale CADILLAC '97 SEDAN DEVILLE Nice car in good condition, all power options, 105,000 miles. Call 570-362-0309 for info. runs well. Mercury Grand Marquis GS 2005 Two tone white, leather interi- or,one owner, garage kept, 139K highway miles,CD and security system. New tires and current inspections. $8000 570-239-8110 Jim Harden 570-288-6709 New Roofs & Repairs, Shingles, Rubber, Slate, Gutters, Chimney Repairs. Credit Cards Accepted FREE ESTIMATES! Licensed-Insured EMERGENCIES RT EEE Tree Service APEX TREE AND EARTH Tree Removal, Pruning, Stump Grinding, Hazard Tree Removal, Grading, Drainage, Lot Clearing.Insured. Reasonable Rates Serving Wyoming Valley, Back Mountain & Surrounding Areas. 570-550-4535 ® to build on. Call Appliances dows. Appraised at 570-693-3427. $86,900, for sale at $49,900. 610-389-8226 ee iii HR iE EE Half Doubles Apartments /Townhouses KINGSTON HARVEYS LAKE 1 & 2 bedroom , wall to wall carpet, appliances, Lake rights. Off street parking. No pets. Lease, security and refer- ences. 570-639-5920 PLYMOUTH APARTMENT FOR RENT ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED! : PLEASE CALL 570-881-0636 Newly renovated, Modern Kit- chen, 2 bed, 1 bath, off street parking, all appliances, hard- wood, lots of closet space. $700+security. Tenant pays electric and water. Available Now. 570-417-9540 AR.T. APPLIANCE REPAIR we service ice gi major . 57 ool PLYMOUTH Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 floors, central air, 1 ¥2 baths, new kitchen, dishwasher, stove, refrigerator, washer- dryer, off street parking, No smoking/No pets. $550 month plus utilities. NATIONAL MARKETP LACE 570 814-6620 WILKES-BARRE 72. W. River St. Newly refurbished, large & very charming 3 bedroom dwelling in Historic Mansion in a beautiful neighborhood. Central Air & Heat. Off-street parking, Hardwood floors, new kitchen & appliances. Hot wa- ter included. $1,290 + security. 570-991-1619 WILKES-BARRE VICTORIAN CHARM 34 W. Ross St. Fully furnished, Delightful 2nd floor, excellent condition, brand new queen bed, Secure, private off street park- ing. Historic building is non- smoking/no pets. Base rent $700/month. Security, references required. View at Are You Still Paying Too Much For Your Medications? You can save up to 75% when you fill your prescriptions at our Canadian and International Pharmacy Service. Get An Extra $10 Off & Free Shipping On Your 1st Order! Call the number, below and save an Celecoxib* Generic equiva of Celebrex™. additional $10 plus Get free shipping Generic price for on your first prescription order with 200mg x 100 Canada Drug Center. Expires Sept. rer 30, 2013. Offer is valid for prescription { “compared 10 orders only and can not be used in a gaia a conjunction with any other offers. Celebrex™ $568.87 J 4 Order Now! 1-800-341-2398 Use code 10FREE to receive this special offer. Typical US brand price for 200mg x 100 Please note that we do not carry controlled substances and a valid prescription is required for all prescription medication orders. (@ LI Co 158 {=T=00 s{0 [0 Be 2 Ede oF: Use of these services is subject to the Terms of Use and accompanying policies at Make the Switch to DISH Today and Save _.. Hp To 50% OVER 30 PREMIUM $Y MOVIE CHANNELS HB® m=xd Jhwnme. sherz 12 months i eligible with Hopper Qo She For 3 months.* dish Call Now and Ask How! “m= 1-800-734-5524 All offers require 24-month commitment and credit qualification. Call 7 days a week 8am - 11pm EST Promo Code: MB0513 *Offer subject to change based on premium movie channel availability 570-762-1453 Logistics / Transportation Drivers: Hazleton, PA. Local and Regional Runs Available CDL-A, 1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: 1-866-213-1065 Let The Classifieds Work For You! CLASSIFIEDS | If you're searching for a career with real growth potential, it's time you take a look at Lowe’s. Never stop improving at our state of the art distribution center in Pittston. We are hiring operations Team Members and Yard Drivers in our warehouse. We have full-time openings on: + Night Shift - 4 Days - $12.50 per hour, plus benefits after 90 days + Weekend Shift - 3 Days - $13.33 per hour, plus benefits after 90 days Apply online at To apply in person at one of our application kiosks, stop by Monday - Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. For inquiries, please call 570.603.6100 ext. 235. Lowe’s Distribution Center 200 Centerpoint Blvd. Pittston, PA 18640 og [Te [ler 1 WA Sgn 1 {0 al Y=] [0] 8 (0/)'/A 4 $) 95 * Free = Easy Setup Equipment | nationwide = Free Shipping Service Monitoring 24/7 [Steller] Alor : | HELP AT THE PUS| OF A BUTTON! 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