PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, July 14, 2013 Elizabeth Baumeister/The Dallas Post Tom Quinn, Manager, Ye Olde Clock and Gift Shoppe stands at one of the display counters. Timeless treasures Elizabeth Baumeister From pocket watches to grandfather clocks, Ye Olde Clock and Gift Shoppe in Dallas offers a vast selection of time pieces, both new and antique, as well as collectables and gift items. The business originally opened in Kingston the 1960s, according to manager Tom Quinn, of Forty Fort. It then moved to the Dallas Shopping Center after the flood of 1972. It has since expanded to include additional watches, col- lectibles, artwork and giftware and also offers a full-service repair department. “Each week we see cloks from all over the world that have been in customers’ homes for generations, some dating back to the 1700s,” Quinn said. “We love restoring these clocks and making them function just like they did when new.” Quinn said this passion for clocks runs in the family, as his parents, Tom Quinn Sr. and Melissa Quinn, currently own the shop. “We love clocks,” he said. My grandfather was a clock TWILIGHT DINNER SPECIALS Starting at 59.95 | i Monday ina Sony 4:30-5:30 PM | Phone: 696-3580 www, FIREandICEonTOBYCREEK cc com | RT 309, Trucksville - Just North of Sheetz (Former Yesterday's Location) ' OPEN Daily at 4PM oaday at 10 Beers On Tap + Never a Cover * Drink Specials Daily DINE ON THE PATIO Great Food, Steaks, Lobster, Pastas, Summer Salads, and Burgers g 3rd Degree Trio (83 Mixologist Choice) a . School 100s b 8 ob Hoo collector, which laid the groundwork. Clocks are great gift items because they are timeless. They become the heart beat of many homes.” Quinn described the shop as “a family business that takes the time to get to know each and every customer.” “Many have shopped with us for generations,” he said, adding what makes the business unique is its “diverse prod- ucts and ever-changing inventory.” The best thing about running the business, however, he said is meeting the customers and artisans who make the products. He added, “It’s also wonderful to celebrate special occa- sions with families. Lots of people buy clocks to signify life events. For example, marriage, a new home, birth of a child... then we see them get handed down to the next generation.” He said he loves the shop's location in the “beautiful Back Mountain,” to which many customers travel hours to visit. Ts ON AL CARE Sg SKILLED Y ‘ h Providing Compassionate Care To Slvg You and Your Family Call Today For A Tour At _i Mercy Center 675-2131 a 1 DINNER | SPECIALS] Starting at Moncey ic Sadnt 4:30-5:30 PM Dining Raum | Excluded J | Phone: 696-3580 www. FIREandICEonTOBYCREEK co com| § RT 309, Trucksville - Just North of Sheetz (Former Yesterday's Location) | aha a - Rar Only -- TLIGHT: YE OLD CLOCK AND GIFT Meet the manager: Tom Quinn Residence: Forty Fort What is your favorite clock or watch you own? | have several clocks that have been in my family for generations. If you could travel back to any time in history, when/where would you go? | make it a point to be happy in the here and now. Favorite time of year? | love all the seasons here. Best vacation of all time? Each vacation I've taken leads to great opportunities to see interesting clocks. We make it a point to check out clock stores and local historical clocks, which we share on our Facebook and Pinterest pages.” Who or what inspires you in the business world? We find inspiration from all types of leaders and entrepreneurs. Advice to new businesses: Love what you do! You need to have a passion for your business to make it truly successful. Chang afty Old Fireplace PPE Dr Into An Efficient Heat Source Many styles and sizes to choose from for a custom look. Home e Your Call for an in home evaluation or stop in our showroom to see our burning displays and talk to our knowledgeable staff. Coc 570-881- OTR NTERSTATE 322 Laurel Street * Pittston, PA 18640 800-338-9997 WE WILL HELP YOU CREATE THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS! Visit our Design Center today! Browse more than 30 kitchen and bath displays in our beautiful Wellborn showroom! Interstate’s Kitchen/Bath Showroom Hours: MeTeW*F - 8 am to 4:30 pm Th to 8 pm * Sat - 8 to noon From ©2013 Media Services S-9748 OF27150R-1 Paid Advertisement New ultra air purifier used by hospitals now available to public EPA: Indoor air has 100 times the pollution of outdoor air - causes numerous serious health problems Makes the air in your home pure like a hospital - relieves suffering By: John Whitehead, Media Services Here is breaking news from recent scientific studies. If you are in your home, EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE CAN BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH. The EPA has found that in- door air has 100 times more pollution than outdoor air. The EPA reports that this pollution has now been linked to numer- ous health problems including heart attacks and cancer. Anew ultra air purifier that is used by hospitals removes 99.9% of this harmful pollu- tion and relieves the suffering it causes. It is now available to the public in a home sized model. Indoor air pollution is gen- | erated by many sources includ- ing human infections, pet dan- £ der, dust mites, decomposing insects, bacteria breading dirt in carpets, household cleaners, laundry detergent, synthetic fabrics, personal care toiletries, household appliances, comput- ers, paint, stoves, furnaces, air conditioning, fireplaces, tobac- co, and much more. This pollution causes al- lergies, breathing problems and headaches, as most peo- ple know. However recent re- search has found that it caus- es more serious health prob- lems. Small particle pollu- tants that are not removed by conventional air purifiers such as hepa filters get into the lining of your lungs. They then breed toxins which then travel into your blood stream. They then can cause serious health problems in every part of your body. Ashort while ago, a highly advanced air purification sys- tem was developed that uses 400 degree heat at a central core to destroy virtually all pollution. This advanced pu- rification system has been proven in 20 international, in- dependent scientific studies. Hospitals then used this air purification system in the form of large commercial units. They found it to be lifesaving in that it cut the spread of in- fections, diseases, and re- moved the cause of many oth- er health problems. Ahigh-tech company then developed a small version of these commercial units for home and small institution use. These small units are now available to the public for home use, and they are being used by small hospital facilities, doctor’s offices, schools, and nurseries. This small version of the hospital air purifier is the EdenPURE® Air Purifier by Air Free®. It has no fan so it runs silent. It has no filter or UV light bulbs to replace sav- ing you up to $229 a year over conventional air purifiers. It uses less electricity than a 60 watt light bulb. If you have allergies and breathing problems this new air purifier will relieve those. If you have headaches that are related to pollution, it will also relieve those. If you have other health problems that are relat- ed to harmful pollution, this advanced air purifier will re- lieve those also. The patented technology developed by AirFree® kills up 10 99.99% of all pollution and ALL microorganisms (germs and viruses) passing through the 400 degree ceramic core, yet it cannot burn anyone. It is totally safe. Produces pollution free sani- tized air required by hospitals Also removes the most harmful No fan - runs silent. No filters to replace, pollution other air purifiers do not. No bulbs to replace. Runs on 45 watts. The EdenPURE® by Air How it works: Over 20 independent scientific studies Free® works in 15 minutes around the world proved the effectiveness to kill germs, viruses, mold, | No fan - runs L | b) §Fresh Clean Air Some listed below: mildew, bacteria, pollen, pet | silent 4 J Out + SG Matec Institute - Hamburg, Germany - Testing AirFree® efficiency dander, ozone, odors, dust mite «No filte y in reducing airborne mold and bacteria in office rooms equipped with allergens and much more. . sor Sa id non - Reduction: mold 99%, bacteria To leam more about the n- | DUIDS . o: Anat 0 Sanitizer - credible healthy air offered by | ® No moving Hi Wy near De abe igh-tech amit Ne the EdenPURE® Air Purifiers rts 400 degree + SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute - Boro's, Sweden by AirFree®, here is an exclu- Ceramic Core - Testing efficiency indoor reducing ozone level - Ozone reduction of * Lasts virtually bn sive interview with William T. Betts, Director of Research and Development for EdenPURES. Q. You said this technol ogy is used in hospitals? A. Yes. Hospitals trust the technology found in the Eden- PURE® by AirFree® to stop the spread of infections and rid the air of pollution that causes serious health problems. There are hundreds of dif- ferent kinds of disease-causing germs and viruses in hospitals and the technology found in the EdenPURE® Air Purifier by Air Free® is what hospitals pick to help stop the spread of infections. There is also other pollution that makes people ill, some to the point of being life threatening. EPA studies have found that indoor air pollution is linked to many serious health problems including heart attacks and cancer. Countless lives have been saved thanks in part to the Air- Free® technology found in EdenPURE® by AirFrec? pro- ducing the clean, sterile envi- ronment hospitals need for surgeries and other life and death procedures. The revolutionary, patent- ed AirFree® Sterilization Sys- tem (TSS) kills up to 99.99% of ALL micro organisms pass- ing through the 400 degree ce- ramic core. It also removes the most harmful air pollution oth- er air purifiers do not. You will feel physically and mentally better because you will have less pollutants in the air making you feel run down and sick because of the 99.99% kill rate of micro or- ganisms that cause respiratory problems and illness. And it’s incredibly safe around pets and children. The air that goes through the 400 degree Thermodynamic Steril- izing System is cooled off quickly and emits less heat than a person’s body heat, so there is NO chance of being burned. Q. What kinds of pollu- tants does EdenPURE®by Air Free® remove from the air? A. The EdenPURE® by Air Free® works in 15 minutes to kill germs, viruses, mold, mildew, bacteria, pollen, pet (45 watts) (TSS) Substantial Air Flow is generated with- out a fan using temperature differential. dander, ozone, odors, dust mite allergens and thousands of oth- er organic and inorganic pollu- tants. A number of other air puri- fiers produce harmful ozone to clean the air, but ozone has been found to decrease lung function, aggravate asthma, create shortness of breath and even cause cancer. Computers, printers, and other electronics also produce ozone. The EdenPURE® Air Puri- fier by AirFree® does NOT produce any harmful ozone and the Swedish National Test- ing and Research Institute shows that the AirFree® tech- nology in the EdenPURE® by Air Free® destroys 26% of ozone in the air! And the unit emits NO sound at all, so you can have one in your bedroom without disturbing your Se leading to a good night's res Q. Is the RienPURES by AirFree® air purification technology proven to work? A. Yes. Over 20 indepen- dent, scientific tests from around the world prove the AirFree® technology inside the EdenPURE® by AirFree® removes 99.9% of pollutants. Imagine what the Eden- PURES® Air Purifiers by Air- Free? can do for you and your family’s health. You will feel physically and mentally better because you will have no pol- lutants in the air that make you feel run down and sick. Q. Isit true other air pu- rifiers actually cost hundreds of dollars in upkeep every year? A. Yes. HepaFilters can cost up to $289.95 and UV lightbulbs can cost up to $232.88 per bulb. But the EdenPURE?® Air Purifiers by AirFree® have NO filters or UV lightbulbs to replace, saving you up to $289.95 every year! And when a regular air pu- rifier filter isn’t replaced or cleaned properly, it releases all the harmful things it just re- moved back into the air, infect- ing you and your family. Other popular but inferior air purifiers sell for $700.00 to over $1,000.00. You can get this superior air purifier for much less. End of Interview. Readers of this publication are eligible for a $200.00 dis- count including free shipping fungus reduction Reduced fungus 100%, reduced bacteria + Ambiental - of air cold chamber - Mold reduction + Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Madrid, Spain - Influence in cg hon a rg Bacteria reduction 99%, + Campana - eal Ts fc ptr Portugal - Ear To Fs ld 5% coil. SoBe engin Yun fungal contamination i Sos Sounsith Sin in ils “Wen . Bak Qvaty Pt LL.) Dubai, UAE - SAE ic ues ang ik reduction » pric Fonds al Dube, Er - Fut chiller - Wold reduction Vinton, Tite Viability of tization of ar sterilization in swine farm maternity room - Reduction of mortality rate, unspecific SETAE WH lA WO + atts ec lo Valencia, Span - Test in * Insect & D Limited - rosin Testing efficiency in reducing dust mite allergens - Reduction 70% - 96% in dust mites allergens and handling. This special offer expires in 10 days. See the attached Special Reader's Discount Claim Form to take advantage of this savings opportunity. The EdenPURE® Air Puri- fiers by AirFree® comes with a 60-day no questions asked satisfaction guarantee ~ Eden- PURE® will even pay for the return shipping. There is no risk to you. It measures 10.4 inches high and 8.4 inches in diameter. The 3000 Large Area Model weighs only 3.3 Ibs. and the 1000 Area Model weighs only 2.4 Ibs. SPECIAL READER'S DISCOUNT CLAIM FORM Other inferior home air purifiers sell for $700.00 to over $1,000.00. The price of the EdenPURE® by AirFree® 3000 Large Area Model is $597 plus $32.00 shipping and the EdenPURE® by AirFree® 1000 Area Model is $497 plus $22 shipping, but with th, Special Reader’s Discount Coupon, you will receive a $200.00 discount, free shipg and handling and be able to get the EdenPURE® by AirFree® 3000 Large Area for only $397 delivered and the EdenPURE® by AirFree® 1000 Area Model for oi $297 delivered. Limit of 3 total units - no exceptions please. Number of 3000 Large Area Model units you want: ___ Number of 1000 Area Model units you want: __ + To claim your discount and order by phone: call toll-free 1-800-729-7512. Operators are on duty Monday - Friday 6am - 3am, Saturday 7am - 12am and Sunday 7am - 11pm, EST. Give the operator your Offer Code on this coupon. + To claim your discount online: log on to and enter Offer Code K1289 + To claim your discount and order by mail: fill out and mail in this Special Reader's Discount Coupon. NAME “ADDRESS EY STATE ZIP CODE Enclosed is § in: [J Check [J Money Order (Make payable to EdenPURE®) or charge my: [J VISA [J MasterCard [J Am. Exp/Optima [J Discover/Novus Account No. Signature Exp Date, f = MAILTO: EdenPURE® Offer Code K1289 7800 Whipple Ave. N.W. Canton, OH 44767
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