THE DALLAS POST Sunday, July 14, 2013 Super Crossword WORKING OUT THE BUGS ACROSS 50 Cake-and- 80 Beagle, e.g. 126 July 4 events 37 Newborn girl, 84 Suffix with 1 Sir, in old ice-cream 81 Kind of 127 Compound in in Spain contradict India occasions, camera, plastics 38 Spinning 85 TLC giver 6 Floored by for short briefly 128 New Jersey skating leap 86 Feudal 13 High fliers 51 Soft felt hat 83 Mogadishu county 39 Finished slave 20 “George & 52 Hang around native 41 Punta del — 87 Egg's shape — (former ~~ 53 Lastcheck ~~ 86 Boar's mate DOWN 42 IRS worker ~~ 88 Undulate talk show) box, often 89 Talksto God 1 Impudent 46 Courteney of 90 Sicknesses 21 It may collect 55 Nonclerical 91 Chinese talk “Friends” 91 Fanatical around a 56 Soviet premier — 2 Fido's dishful 47 Tram cargo devotion scratching premier Enlai 3 Actor Corey 48 One sending 94 Torrent post Kosygin 92 Clothing 4 Spiritual cybemotes 96 Big inits. in 22 Builds intoa 57 Mem. of smoother 5 Usethetub 49 Play awards overseas wall Congress 93 Actress Linda 6 Sore muscle 50 Conan O'— broadcasting 23 Bug's favorite 58 See 60- 95 Bug's favorite application ~~ 54 Addstothe 97 Of low birth kissing Down Eddie Rabbitt 7 Apprehend database 99 Imagine game? 59 Peeples of hit? 8 Suit to — 58 Outmoded 103 Rainbowlike 25 Least active “Fame” 98 Shankar with 9 “Since —?I" 60 With 58- 104 Paper 26 One way or 61 Affirmative a sitar 10 Erodes Across, first quantities another gesture 99 Not well 11 Oman export play division 106 “A” in Paris 27 U.S. Navy 62 “7 Faces of 100 Rowing a 12 Not musty 63 iPhone 107 Nevada off. Dr. boat 13 Meal part program border lake 28 Sordid 64 Bug's favorite 101 Equine beast 14 Golfer Mark 64 Part of FYI 108 Hefty slices 30 Corporate interrogation 102 Bug's favorite 15 Flabbergast 65 — friendly 111 Arab chief shuffle, for aid? naval officer? 16 Poet Kipling 66 Largest 112 Matrimony, short 69 Improve by 105 Letter- 17 Before, to a moon of for one 32 Bug's favorite making small shaped poet Uranus 114 They bookworm? changes hardware 18 Lo-— 67 Alternatives intersect rds. 37 Citizen: Suffix 72 Mini, Nano, items monitor towaffles 115 Go 40 “There — and Shuffle 109 Athens site 19 Retired jet 68 Tums in skyward sides to 74 French euro 110 Atop, 24 “Yoo- —’ 70 Cato's 151 116 Tinkertoy or every story” division poetically 29 Putacapon 71 Gives aid Lego 43 Soccer great 75 Bug's favorite 113 Capriciously 31 Concerto — 72 “— solemnly alternative Hamm fall drink? 117 Cola holder ~~ 33 “— my word! swear ..." 117 Mo. #9 44 City near 77 Rocky 120 Bug's favorite (“l do 73 Tent stake ~~ 118 Lab eggs Lake pinnacle Fats Waller declare!”) 76 Pastoral 119 Kalin article 107-Down 78 New Year in song? 34 Traffic (in) 77 Hooky player 121 — “King” 45 Bug's favorite Vietnam 123 Actor Chad 35 Bignamein 81 — -Pei Cole state of 79 Dotinthe 124 Matrimonial New Age 82 “Lush Life” 122 — Luis mind? Rhone 125 Really rotund 36 Upbeat co-star Petty Obispo 1 2 374 nih 6:17 8 19-110 13 (14 [15 |16 [17 (18 (19 © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. All rights reserved. Property Iransfers The following Back Mountain real estate transac- tions have been recorded in the Luzerne County Office of Recorder of Deeds for the week of July 1, 2013: Ruth Pritchard to Aimee Nicole Fritzges, Kingston Township; $105,000 Betty L. Darrow to Edward Furman, Lot 5 and partial lot 4, Kingston Township; $105,500 Patrick J. and Marilyn E. Dellavale to Joel and Winona Salesky, Kingston Township; $272,100 Vincent R. Jr. and Monica V. Weihs to James S. Ready, Jackson Township; $68,000 Shawn and Amy L. Rolph to William and Jean Gelatka, Lot 2, Franklin Township; $450,000 William R. and Karen A. Adrian (per agent). to Cartus Financial Corporation, 6 Orchard Lane, Dallas Township; $515,000 Cartus Financial Corporation to Francis Charron, 6 Orchard Lane, Dallas Township; $515,000 Albert Podgurski and Coverage Area: The Dallas Post covers the Back Mountain community which includes the Dallas and Lake-Lehman School Districts. We try to get to as many events as possible, but staff and space limitations make it impossible to cover everything. If you have news about your family, town or organization please send it to us and we'll try to get it in. Photographs are welcome. Send them two ways, by mail to 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or by e-mail to E-mail is the best and most timely method for submis- sion. E-mailed photos should be in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 200 dpi. The deadline for all copy is Tuesday at noon. prior to publication. Corrections, clarifications? The Dallas Post will correct errors of fact or clarify any misunderstandings, call 675-5211. Have a story idea? Please call, we'd like to hear about it. Letters: The Dallas Post prints letters of local interest. Send letters to: Editor, The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. All letters must be signed and include a daytime phone number for verification. Ann M. Mahler to Jeffrey A. and Luann F. Mack, Lot 68, Lehman Township; $144,900 Estate of Joseph A. Kubiski Sr. to David L. Wynn, 3 1/4 acres, Franklin Township; $60,000 Robert E. Sr. and Ruth W. Post Revocable Living Trust to Charles M. and Natalia A. Carpenter, Lot 1, Dallas Borough; $306,000 Kathleen M. Papciak to Janet L. Smith, Lot 94, Kingston Township; $126,000 Edward G. Jr. and Kathleen Dudick to Lesie Crossword g ACROSS " TT 1 Salary 4 Lying face- [12 13 down 9 Wheel 18 15 center 19 20 12 “Born in the —” 24 13 Staffers 55 3 55 14 Yoko of music 31 32 33 34 35 15 Loloraao 36 37 38 39 17 Can metal 42 43 44 18 Definite article 47 19 Sloppy 48 50 home 21 “Little 54 — Annie” 24 Filth 5 59 2 oman 7 Doubt hit verse Love —” 28 Propelled a 54 Meadow 7 Some tides 34 Armed rowboat 55 Walking 8 Inuit citizenry 31 Catch sight — (elated) 9 Long series 37 Insight of 56 Boeri gins 39 lured of : everage ne “Mr.” So ower DAM! 57 Penfluid 11 Scrawny 42 Indiana's Persian 58 Chatty birds 16 Biblical verb state flower 36 Scatter anew 59 Sunbather’s ending 44 Rock band’s 38 Not well-lit goal 20 Ananas hss for islan sho A0 How ol you DOWN 21 Finished 45 West African 41 Witticism 1 Young pooch 22 Get up nation 43 Escaped, as 2 “— was say 23 Weakling 46 Unseal liquid Ing, ..." 27 Bankroll 50 A Bobbsey 45 Frothy 3 Tibetan 29 Rim twin dessert bovine 30 Homeowner’ 51 Dine 47 Doctrine 4 Turkish document 52 — carte 48 Gorilla officials 32 Annie 53 Barbie's 49 1996 No 5 Grew mature Lennox’s companion 6 Praise in “No More | © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. at the figures given tom and right-hand they are given (that only the numbers The idea of Go Figure is to arrive the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order to right and top to bottom). Use diagram to complete its blank squares and use each of the nine numbers only once. DIFFICULTY: x * Moderate * * Difficult * x * GO FIGURE! ‘clo ll a [el VU] =F SRE ARLEER EE at the bot- columns of is, from left below the 112.254 56 7 8 © 2013 King Features Syndicate, Inc. Ray III and Denise Jean Yoder, 239 West Center Hill Road, Dallas Township; $155,000 Amie L. Dorney to John Peter J. and Kathleen Kulick, Ross Township; $197,000 Bruce Fine to Shelly Levulis, Lot 2, Dallas Borough; $250,000 Merle and Mary Ann Taylor to Mark Jr. and April A. Hargraves, Lot 33, Hunlock Township; $120,000 Philip J. and Barbara A. Andrus to Luzerne County, 12 S. Main St., Kingston The Dallas Post A THE TIMES LEADER NEWSPAPER 15 NORTH MAIN STREET, WILKES-BARRE, PA 18711 570-675-5211 news + FAX 570-675-3650 Display Advertising Deadline: Tuesdays at 12 noon Contact Diane McGee at 970-7153 The Dallas Post has a variety of advertising rates and programs. Township; $1 Linda and Alexander Monelli to Richard C. Panagacos, Lot 41, Kingston Township; $100,000 Estate of Anthony Koval Sr. to Back Mountain Regional Fire and EMS, Inc., Lot 2, Dallas Township’; $128,000 Estate of Marlyne A. Lipfert to Andrew D. and Colette J. Check, Dallas Township; $183,000 Ronald A. and Deborah L. Miller to Harry, Beverly and Carol Hiscox, Lot 166, Dallas Township; $340,000 from The Times Leader photo store. com/photostore and click on the link CIRCULATION Orders for subscriptions received by Carol P. and Joseph J. Sitar to Joseph Michael and Corin D. Frey, Lot 1, Dallas Borough; $208.500 Deirdre Elizabeth and James F. Jolley to David James Daley, Lot 16, Dallas Township; $170,000 Paul K. Richard and Bonnie R. McIntyre to Mahlon R. Jr. and Julie Shirk, Harveys Lake Borough; $76,500 William and Diane Watkins to Andrew Woznock, Lots 46, 47 and 49, Harveys Lake Borough; $766 You can now purchase any photo that appears in The Dallas Post Simply log onto www.timesleader. for The Dallas Post. Friday at noon will begin the follow- ing week. Please inform us of dam- age or delay, call 829-5000. The Dallas Post is published weekly by Impressions Media, $25 per year in Luzerne, Lackawanna & Wyoming Counties (PA), $29 in NJ, NY and all other PA counties, $32 all other The Dallas Post satisfies most co-op ad programs and offers creative services at no charge. Combination rates with The Abington Journal, Clarks Summit and the Sunday Dispatch, Pittston are available. states. Periodicals postage paid at Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-9996 POSTMASTER: Send address change to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 WANT A PHOTO? 4 a. Nit tine I b
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