PAGE 10 THE DALLAS POST Vacation Bible School planned at St. Paul’s Church St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Dallas is hosting this year’s Vacation Bible School,”Kingdom Rock” from Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, Aug. 1 This free program will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. each day with dinner provided at 5:30 p.m. All children, aged 3-11 are invited to attend the event which features age- appropriate songs, games, crafts, Bible study and a short movie daily. Grown-ups are also encouraged to attend Adult Bible Study which will take place while the children are participating in their activities. For more information, email stpaulsvbs@gmail. com or call the church at 675-3859. Members of St. Paul's Senior Youth Group and Sunday School pre- pare for this year’s Vacation Bible School, “Kingdom Rock,” from Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, Aug. 1. SonWest Roundup enjoyed at Fellowship Church Fellowship Church kicked off the summer season with a wild west adventure. The SonWest Roundup, June 24-28, hosted nearly 100 children each day. Children arrived each morning, eager to hear engaging stories of God’s ultimate plan and power, participate in fun and refreshing water games, share wild-west themed snacks, and cre- ate crafts for their par- ents to cherish for years to come. Fellowship Church is 1 ocated at 45 Hildebrandt Road in Dallas. 4 FRESH FRUIT Ceewalonss * Hevle * Badhitng © Cosoditwsition Posts Petting Sell + Fiwoes + Molstcheos’s Caoed Goode i-F 9-5 « Sar 9-4 « Sun 9-2 « 675-2080 ‘Selle Si he allas Rotary Club Wardsg ook scholarships Several area high school students, who will be col- lege bound this fall, were recently presented with checks for $500 each to help offset their expenses for books during their first semester on campus. The Rotary Club of Dallas has awarded more than $75,000 in scholarships since the inception of the program. They received their scholarships at a recent dinner held in their honor and accompanied by their parents and siblings. From left, seated, are Casey McAndrew, Dallas; Kayla Garren, Northwest; Clara Grube, Dallas; Bethany Williams, Lake-Lehman. Standing, Rotarian and Program Chairman John Doerfler, Kenneth Kocher, Lake-Lehman; Matthew Korea, Northwest; Club President Todd Buckley, Rotary District Governor Art Peoples. hig AFLLANCE FETSA
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