SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 11 CHURCH BRIEFS CIVIC BRIEFS ! ; MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE more. HEALTHIER SELVES a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19 in n A special Memorial Day service will be TEEN WORKSHOP DAY SLATED the center’s multi-purpose room. Pre-registra- held at 9:30 a.m. today, May 26 at the Sweet : ” \ As an official host site of the 20th Annual tion is required. Valley Church of Christ, 5439 Main Road, A “Power of Parents workshop will be National Senior Health & Fitness Day, Mason- To register, or for more information, call the Sweet Valley. held at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 31 at the Sweet ic Village at Dallas will hold a free Healthier volunteer department at 675-8600, ext. 195. LCDR Brian Gallagher, USN (retired) Valley Church of Christ, 5439 Main Road, Selves Day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednes- will be the speaker and patriotic music will ~~ Sweet Valley. day, May 29 at the Irem Clubhouse, 64 Ridg- RADIO CLUB be played to honor men and women in the Facilitated through Mothers Against way Drive, Dallas. HOLDS FIELD DAY armed forces. Drunk Driving, the workshop is designed For details and to register, call 675-1866. Endless Mountain Amateur Radio Club will ) | & For more information, call 477-2320. to give parents of teens the tools to have GRANGE MEETING hold its annual field day event from 11 a.m. & MASS/ FLEA MARKET conversations about alcohol. Mountain Grange No. 567 will meet at 7 to 8 p.m. on June 22 and from 7 a.m. to noon St. Frances Cabrini Church, 585 Mt. Olivet Call 477-2320 to register. p.m. on June 4 in the Grange Hall, 1632 W. 8th on June 23 at the emergency services building Road, Carverton, will celebrate a Memorial RUMMAGE SALE St., Kingston Township, Wyoming. 3880 SR 6 East, Tunkhannock. Mass at 10 am. on Monday, May 27. Thewomen-of the Orange United Metis ALZHEIMERS GROUP MEETS Tis and how §Mmass 18 10 10nor and Memory of 4 odist Church, 2293 West Eighth St., Dallas, The Dallas Alzheimers Support Group will : (on. the deceased loved ones laid to rest at the will hold their annual spring rammage sale meet at 10 a.m. on June 6 in the board room For further information, call Al at 836-5030 Mount Olivet Cemetery. Father Vincent : f the Meadows Nursi d Rehabilitati or Joe at 209-0070. : from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, June 7 and of the Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation i Following the mass, the parish Social Food ? d retro hin 1b : {abl YARD SALE The Dallas Rotary Wine and Dine Festival PE Committee will sponsor its annual flea mar- ood-ang rerres ents Wii. be ava able The Hatvevs Lake B hH in will be held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on June i ket and bake sale from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on along with Welsh cookies for sale. A ys orouga Homecoming 29 at the Luzerne County Fairgrounds, Route a the church grounds, rain or shine. For more information, call 333-4626. Committee will sponsor its annual community 118, Dallas Township 4 This year’s flea mathet will include a vari- GET READY FOR VBS ord Soied homes froughy % e borough Tickets are $15 if purchased prior to the ety of household items, pictures, dishware, Orange United Methodist Church invites I ay i An oo ue J ? R i event and $25 at the game. Designated drivers oh knickknacks, toys, DVDs, games and books. a]] children ages 3-12 to get ready to dive inf nt : oa a d is - ine I : t or > © pay $5. The event features Pennsylvania wines, fe Picnic foods for purchase include clam into fun at “Operation Overboard: Dare to Be I tary ee we) 3 2 ¢ ust, CALNE craft vendors, local food vendors and live chowder, haluski, pork barbeque, wimpies, Go Deep with God” Vacation Bible School. i music. : 3 hotdogs with sauerkraut or chilli and bever- Vocation Bible School will be held fron BLOOD DRIVE For more information, contact Melissa ages. The bake sale will feature freshbaked gr 00 cioa-0 10 16 throush Mountain Grange No. 567 will hold ablood Saxon at breads, cakes, pies, cookies and pastries. : p.m, y, . g drive in conjunction with the American Red THEATRE WORKSHOP A special “carly bir ” flea market will held Thursday, June 20 at Orange United Method- Cross from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June . ist Church, 2293 W. 8th St., Dallas. The Music Box Summer Theatre Workshop from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 8 in the lower level of the Kingston Township . 2013, a theat: for childr 6 t Voyages into Bible fun and creative crafts, Refreshments will be provided id y g- SENSATIONAL BUFFET oo : Pp * Box Dinner Playhouse, 196 Hughes St., Swoy- hands-on mission work, water science and . A sensational buffet of meals, hot and cold gic. To be a part of the excitement, call TEEN ORIENTATION ersville 1 : : hi ? An orientation for the summer Teen Pro- Students will perform Disney’s “Winnie the shes, salads, desserts and drinks will be Leslie at 333-4269 eld from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, May : gram at the Meadows Nursing and Rehabilita- Pooh” on Aug. 16, 17 and 18. 31 at the Noxen United Methodist Church, ST. PAUL'S VBS tion Center, Dallas will be held from 10:30 For more information, call 283-2195. Route 29. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Dallas is host- A free will offering will be taken. ing this year’s Vacation Bible School, “King- . at ae dom Rock” from 6 to 8 p.m. July 28 through : Endless Mountains a pu, A ks Presbyterian Aug). $1000 ZERC) ENERCY HOMES $1000 Church in Dallas have set May 31 and June The week: will begin wiih a poi luck dinner 1-800-486-8620 1 for their gigantic rummage sale in the fel- ~~ °" Sunday 5:20 pn. and dinner will be HOW LONG ARE YOU WILLING TO CONTINUE PAYING FOR EXPENSIVE FOSSIL FUELS TO HEAT & COOL YOUR HOME? lowship hall of the church, 105 Irem Road, provided each night thereafter at the same MARKET Price INDEX Dallas, across from the Country Club Shop- time. All children, aged 3-11 are invited to ; ’ ping Center. attend the event which features age ap- YESTERD AY TOD AY FUTURES The sale will be held from 9 am. to 3 p.m. Propriate songs, games, crafts, bible study : : iu a3 ' on Friday, May 31 and from 9 a.m. to noon and a short movie daily. Grown-ups are also Foss I/Domestic (2 Yeas Ago) (Doer pricing) (25 years ant prices) on Saturday, June 1 Saturday will be Bag encouraged to attend Bible study which will Hess evga $1 35/gallon $3.98 /gallon $5+37/gdlon Day - all you can stuff into a large brown take place while the children are participat- Coal/W ood Pellet $100/ton $250/ton $300-s 500/10 bu grocery bag for only $2. ing in their activities. Electricity : $.07/kwh $.14/kWh . Forget about it! § Items available are clothing in good condi- To register, visit, Switch to FREE energy from the Sun, Air & Water. "tion for men, women and children, costume click on “links”, then click on the ‘VBS regis- Receive $1,000. Green Energy Voucher (no purchase necessary) jewelry, household items, knickknacks, tration form.” $ 1000 to replace your OLD expensive Heating System today $ 1000 collectibles, toys, books, holiday items and For more information, call 675-3859. Call 1-800-406-8620 and cut your heating & cooling bills by 75% next winter CARE §8 SKILL, gels Providing C > ksi, g Compassionate Care To A You and Your Family Call Today For A Tour At C Mercy Center 575-2131 = Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy & StateFarm’| Voted BEST INSURANCE AGENCY in the Back Mountain SOE CETL GEA We Appreciate Your Business. D) V0), [i] Standing, Christine Crosbie, Kimberly Rose Sitfing, lisa Zavada-Rizzo, Parker J. “The Magnificent”, Dale Baumes Lisa Zavada-Rizzo Insurance Agency Inc. S570 Sk S09 Hiway. Dollass i 753530 9:3 S74T00 4S tans tame eT OT 2011 JD Power Award Winner: "Highest in Customer Satisfaction with Cabinets” Cabinetry Ss e¢ Refreshments ¢ Free Giveaways Register To Win A 2013 Silver Eagle Coin Visit our Showroom . In-home Consultation . 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