SUNDAY, MAY 12, 2013 THE POST PAGE 16 630 Money To Loan | 776 Sporting Goods | 906 Homes for Sale | 912 Lots & Acreage | 941 Apartments/ | 941 Apartments/ | 941 Apartments/ | 944 Commercial | 953 Houses for Rent | 1162 Lanuseaping/ Unfurnished shed i Properties arden “We can erase BICYCLE SWOYERSVILLE Unfurni Unfurnished EDWARDSVILLE your bad credit - 100 x 150, cleared, I 1 Kingston Vicinity 100% GUARAN- " surveyed level FORTY FORT KINGSTON W-B/ OFFICE SPACE AMERICA BAREFOOT TEED.” Attorneys 20” GIRLS building lot. Utilities | 2nd floor, one bed- E, WALNUT ol, PLAINS AREA 18 PIERCE STREET REALTY G for o the Federal d , are Svaliable. room, living room, AMERICA KINGSTON GROUNDS KEEPIN rade ommission ’ . office. Nice kitchen wa Bright, 3rd Available immedi- - Cutting, say they've never MURRAY DAZILER Call: 570-288-4899 | with refrigerator & floor, 2 hdd REALTY ately. 1 to 4 rooms 570- Hom S422 Sra S fertiizing, seen a legitimate | Powder blue with stove. Large bath, | | elevator, carpeted, Apartment $250 month to mulching, weeding, credit repair opera- | pink trim accents & many closets & entry system. 570-288-1422 $600 month pruning, garden tion. No one can | wheels, white tires. large storage area. | | Garage. Extra stor- APART ENT includes all utilities, tilling. legally remove Front & rear brakes Washer/dryer hook _ age & cable TV MI : parking, trash - Painting, fencing, accurate and timely plus coaster foot LAKEFRONT up. Heat & water | | included. Laundry : removal. : stonewalls, information from brake. Good included. No pets. facilities. Air Con- BEAUTIFUL 570-371-8613 power washing. your credit report. condition $25. 600/month + securi- ditioned. Fine : ; - Tree and snow i's a process that 570-814-9574 COTTAGE ty., 570-574-2829 neighborhood. BUS STOP/ 947 Ga Includes white removal. starts with you and LAKE COMO, : Convenient to bus STORES rages colonial kitchen, Fully insured involves time and a | 796 Wanted to Buy | | WAYNE COUNTY FORTY FORT & stores. No BRICK DUPLEX center island, all Credit cards conscious effort to Merchandise | | QUIET, PEACEFUL Aveileio NOW! pets. References. BRAND NEW - PLAINS appliances, 2 glass accepted pay your debts. LOT ON PRIVATE, vailable ! Security. Lease. CLEAN. 2nd Garage for Rent / windowed Commercial or Learn about manag- NON-MOTOR- Large living room No smokers floor. 1 bedroom 97 Hancock St. enclosed porches, Residential ing credit and debt WANTED BOATING LAKE; 938 Apa riments/ and beqroony, Soo please. $785 + remodeled! Bay and a half, dry, gas fireplace, 1.5 Please contact at ftc. gov/credit. A Junta YEAR ROUND, Furnished on oor. apart- utilities. Call. Maple kitchen, clean. Great for baths & more. 2 Roger: message from The GREAT RETIRE- urni ment. Off-street 570-287-0900 built-ins, porch, auto storage. YEAR SAME RENT 570-760-7249 king for tw A i Times Leader and MENT OR VACA- parking Tor two tiled bath, laun- $95/month $900/month email: the FTC. TION PROPERTY; cars. On site wash- | [iNGSTON dry. Convenient 570-693-1468 hei er and dryer for + utilities. NO PETS/ SEE DETAILS AND yer x Neighborhood. EMPLOYMENT | s— PIOTURES AY: ra EATON TERRACE MART & MORE! || | 950 Half Doubles | VERIFICATION 1165 Lawn Care LAKEHOUSE.COM cas a owe Rap ° 317 N. Maple Ave. MART & MORE! . AD# 275333 two id Li S per 2 story 2 bed- Managed. $550 OR CALL JIM Thanh Nolo es room, 1.5 bath @ + utilities. No AFFORDABLE 570-785-3888 + * K Kx Svervy ing excent $850. + utilities. Pets. 2 YEAR $269,900 CT AE SAME RENT. LAWN CARE TAXES LESS THAN all (570) 287- Two story 3 bed- APPLICATION, Complete Lawn $2,500. PLYMOUTH room, 2.5 baths @ EMPLOYMENT Care Service APARTMENT FORTY FORT $1,110. + utilities. NANTICOKE FREE ESTIMATES adn | | LINE UP FOR RENT Hoar, not water BIL CL Large 3 bedroom Mike 870: 357-8074) . i ’ : eave Message 708 Antiques & | | wiKFGpARREGOLD | | A GREAT DEAL... | | ARGUTneni> || bedrooms, zna | |washer/dryer “in Al iy ii Collectibles IN CLASSIFIED! PLEASE CALL | | floor. Coin-op wash- | |unit, on site park- Fridge, Washer & GRASS CUTTING | (570)48GOLDS 570-881-0636 er/dryer. $625/ | |Ing. 1 mo. security Dryer. Sewer and Affordable, reliable, | YEARBOOKS. r | month, references, 570-262-6947 arbage also includ- 0 3 i Coughlin (30) ‘28- Ml i i WiLKES-BARRE 9 9 1006 A/C & | meticulous. Rates | hp EA (570)484-0538 § | security deposit & ed. $750. a month. as low as $20. | 2000. lease. No smoking. | | INE UP $40 application fee. Refrigeration n 37-'06, Meyers (15) | | Lb i I No pets. Available Mayflower Pp Cation x geral Emerald Green 53-703, Pittston (6) | | Highest Cash Pay. y : Tal A GREAT DEAL... Crossing Services 67-'75, WVW (12), uts Guarantee Call 570-760-4830 Shopping for a Say it HERE i 1967-2000, Kingston IN CLASSIFIED! Apartments n ; de! | ton, (8) ‘40-'61, a Week i 1 ooking for the rignt éeal | | 570.822.3968 Classified lets Ductless / Central 570-829-7130 Plains, (3) ‘66-'68, 103m-Gom One room effi- 2 bedroom , wall to | on an automobile? ou compare costs - Air Conditioning Hanover ‘81.774. Closed Thursdays ! J | | ciency. Good loc- wall carpet, appli- | Turn to classified. 1, 2,3 & 4 you comp Free Estimates 1213 Paving & Prices vary depend- ation. Security & ances, Lake rights. : A without hassle Licensed & Insured ng ry dep : g It h tl ing on condition. | | 1092 Highway 315Bivd. | | | =, sae By owner | | | references. Non- Off street parking. | LS Showroom in print: Bedrooms or worry! 570-332-0715 Excavating $20-$40 each. Call (Plaza 315) ; 332 W. 8th St. smokers, no pets. No pets. Lease, Classified’s got - Light & bright Get movin ; for further details & 315, 122 mile Out of Flood Area ‘$450/month security and the directions! Li ry additional school before ohegan Ie rooms, 2 baths, | includes heat references. open floor plans with classified! 1054 Concrete & ES ed editions. 570-825- Sun Casino family room with re water, 570-639-5920 - All major PLAINS Masonry 4721 arthurh302@ D gas stone, fire- r r . appliances included es [ETE || Floco endo. SR pom wecome® || Luxury pupLex | NEPA MASONRY, INC PAVING J0ld Price stone floor. Oak, ell Employers This beautiful, com- : Job Seekers are May 8 - $1.468.00 WILKES-BARRE a Classified Ad. - Close to everything ; Stonework - stucco “DRIVEWAYS : ay 51.468. hardwood floors pletely renovated 2 looking here! eg and slate foyer. 570-829-7130 LARKSVILLE - 24 hour - concrete - patios Where's your ad? Ye VICTORIAN CHARM emergency | | bedroom. | Ixury:l pavers « brick - *PARKING LOTS 570-829-7130 and We Pay At Least pir Bi hi dri i Kingston & AVAILABLE maintenance sparment Oia ve block - chimneys ¢ 0 " ours! new hi * ask for an employ- 80% of the London i drapes. All appli- i Pa WW. Ross St Surrounding Areas IVMEDIATELYY - Short term You amenities Sn www.nepa [=10Y:\8)\V/:\ 43 ment specialist Fix Market Price ances, 1st floor Uly surmised, Pacious 2 be leases available | | 1st floor, 1 bed- room, newly reno- clude: hardwood 570-466-2916 *HOT TAR & CHIP E for All Gold Jewelry laundry. Gas heat, i floors orgeous room, all appli vated. W/d hookup. ) gorg 570-954-8308 710 Appliances | | J large cedar clos- | ances and most Plenty of parking. Call TODAY For | | maple kitchen cabi- *SEAL COATING or email us at : et. Very clean : utilities included. Includes. heat, hot AVAILABILITY! | | nets with granite . FREEZER. stand up Mikeshar regold@ i Bg Te CON el Secure, private off water and water. www.mavilower oun erions & Brain: JuS7Constuction & (RTT=at-t=Ye I= 1gTe | Gibson Budget street parking. No pets. $675 + 1 . ess steel appli- ildi Master 70x32 oh Exterior stone Historic building is rah hah ances. Spacious ulilaing Insured. cal ii front and back : 3 y reat room with gas Rieler\ Se gh (e101 4 very good condition LINEUP non smoking/no electric & garbage. g g working. clean $75 and vinyl siding. pets. Base rent 845-386-1011 : oh fireplace. Tile bath, | GARAGE Free Estimate oBo. 570-675-8129 | ASUCCESSFUL SALE | | Concrete drive- $800/mo. Securi- APARTMENTS Certain Restrictions |'| stacked wash- 570-474-6329 : way with multiple ty, references PITTSTON Apply* er/dryer. Large DOOR Lic.# PA0O21520 STOVE Americana IN CLASSIFIED! | parking in back. | required. View at AVAILABLE screened-in porch. Sales, service, black, gas stove, | Siessional land 2nd floor, 4 rooms & Many large, conven- installation & 1231 Pool & Spa excellent condition, Do you need more space? scaping, nice 570-762-1453 bath. Washer/dryer ient closets. Central repair. R ir/Servi $250 570-822-1821. | Avadorgaragesale |] Yard Movein J KINGSTON: hook up. Heat & hot ET A/C. New gas heat- 4 epair. ces ) A Ready! a Must 1 and 2 bedrooms | water furnished. No ing system. Huge FULLY 744 Furniture & in classified i i 155.000 941 Apartments/ smoking, no pets. attic for storage. INSURED RK POOLS & MORE Accessories id vey - _- we - — - Unfurnished 1 rs by is ak I hy Line up aplace tolive er a 2000 HICH 065003 Pool openings, liner in closets! 912 Lots & Acreage D ALLAS 570-654-1193 in classified! security. NO PETS, sre LIOR 1 ine ariges, and Genuine with classified! HI-MEADOWS 4 Bedroom 944 Commercial | 570-793-6294 SS leather, cus- DALLAS APARTMENTS 1/2 Double Properties 570-592-2321 tom made GREENBRIAR RETIRE- 1075 Memorial Hwy. WILKES-BARRE: WILKES-BARRE Taupe color, Only ipl Income Elderly 3 Bedroom hos . . - COMMERCIAL RETAIL i 1093 Excavating 1252 Roofing & like new. $550 Rentals Include: brick home. : ’ a az sech. adr, Custom» | “Electric Range 8 PITTSTON ||| PROPERTY FORRENT: | Stony bedroom. | an 1ypes or Siding 570-675-5046 he an YOM ome 1 Refrigerator Appliances,sewer ble, 2 ; Call 570.675.4300 | *Off Street Parking are included. EFFICIENCY 900 Sq. Ft. street parking, and Demolition & Jim Harden ; a =o *Community Room Lease, credit check STORE RETAIL a large fenced In LEonoreie Work. i 570-288-6709 746 Garage Sales/ | J3CR FLITE Goin Operated | Priced gttordable} | [| (00 SPACE "Pets Welcome. | closing & retain. | | Repairs, Shingles aun *Elevator. H . v : , y Estate Sales/ A bs clones @ 899-3407 for 1 bedroom, Will be vacant 570-266-5335 ing walls, etc. Rubber, Slate, Flea Markets | g15 Dogs Applications info/appt. kitchen, living as of Large & Small Jobs Gutters, Chimney A t room. All appli- J 1, 2013 | 953 Houses for Rent | FREE ESTIMATES Repairs. Credit Ooopte: by included Bary (570) 760-1497 Cards Accepted i ances included. : - ATTENTION VENDORS UZERNE COUNTY men KINGSTON $650/month+ || | 290 Spring St. FREE ESTIMATES! Decorative/Sea- b ye 8 am. -4 p.m E. Walnut St. Security deposit |! Wilkes-Barre BACK MOUNTAIN Doyouneedmorespace? | | Licensed-Insured sonal/Accent LAND ESARGAIN TDD Only, 2nd floor. Located in and references |! Great for a Private, 3 Bedroom | A yard or garage sale EMERGENCIES Pieces for sale. BUY NOW PAY NO +800:6584:50a4 | Juiet neighborhood, 814-2752 | Barber Shop! ranch,’ patio,/ porch, in classified Purchase sepa- Voice Only, Kitchen, living room, rh — : appliances, work rately or all. GERMAN SHEPARDS 3 - . dining room, sun- Call Michael at shop. $830 + utili- is the best way 1297 Tree Care CLOSING COSTS 1-800-654-5988 bath. 3 bed LINE UP P Call 675-5046 | AKC registered, 9 Handicap Accessi- | room, bath, 3 bed 570-239-7213 | ties & security. Call | tockanoutyourcosetst | “Apex TREE AND after 6PM weeks old, 2 males | No Time Frame ble ee 0s | ASUCCESSFUL SALE 570-522-0084 You're in bussiness J° == mm mm wm mm wy | and 2 females. Both To Build Equal Housing Sah. aii Sn EXETER with classified! El LWEST WYOMING 1 ee $550. 29 Mile Views, ny closet & hutch. IN CLASSIFIED! OFFICE SPace o | Doyouneedmore space? ; Pruning, Stump . . cres : Hardwood & car- yr i Grinding, H d | Sthstreet | 570-574-4898 7 Acres $89,900 WILKES-BARRE hiner Bl fg Do you need more space? 120 sq. ft. All A yard or garage sale | 1099 Fencing & i ay Estate Sized Prop- PARK AVENUE place. storage | Avyard or garage sale utilities included, in classified Decks | Grading, Drainage, PO NuaN Sitios Fiiced To 2nd floor, 1 bedroom. room. Yard. Washer in classified Sxcant phone. iS the best way Lot Clearing.Insured. ell, choo i . Vv ar . R ble Rat i | AKC registered. District In North- Waiter included Ad I is the best way ob iomdivry to clean out your closets! FREDERICK FENCE C0. iwimsibnin Th lee i on lf 2 3 pou nas "| | eastern Pa. Finance | gecurity & lease. No | water included. 1 fo clean out your closets! Lease. month You're in bussiness Locally Owned Serving Wyoming Valley, : with Only 10% | pets. 570-472-9494 | year lease + securi- | You're in bussiness free! Cul with classified! 4 Back Mountain and 1) i WoskS 2 Males, 2 Down. Call ty. $950 : ol 570-602-1550 Aluminum, Wood. Surrounding areas. i. [ | | Orange Si bguicnr 570-245-6288 570-283-4370 with classified! for details 570-709-3021 570-550-4535 black. $500 with I OPEN YEAR ROUND I | | papers, sao i AVES | Vet checked, first shots, wormed. I insioE a out || 570-864-2643 i Acres of I parking OUTSIDE : Hi TODAY |” | SPACES | APPLIANCES [AIR CONDITION § HEATING | HOME IMPROVEMENTS $10 YORKIE PUPS y ! Bl omerone WASHER/DRYER / RANGE | [TWIN HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING j Saturday yg REFRIGERATOR weeks, blue & gold. 1 10am-2pm 1 Ready 5/17. Bring in old part with model # and serial # Sunday $800-$950 APPLIANCE PARTS & SUPPLY eB ! 8am-4pm i 570-436-5083 936 Vfarice $ireet, Ringauon : n Air Condi £48 “ Insured 4 EPA Certified §39-1796 758 Miscellaneous 570-301-3602 AUTO BODY PHONE: (570) 823-2211 CALL US! FAX: (570) 824-0553 TO JUNK 2 LAAVE YOUR CAR Penden Cewden lacement Windows rollin ANCE Eon tse cousin seas Estimates - License & Insured BEST PRICES IN THE AREA CASH ON THE $POT, Free Anytime Pickup 570-301-3602 EW TODA in advance. Report $79 Lanes ove Tesnghrons MOVNGIALE | For otemenn: || [mmr KINGSTON 72” TV, bedroom, living & dining room | ency. Call 1-877- Competitive Pricing!!! : sets, 3 air condi- | 293Nc¥, Fal "fT Free Estimates Residential ACT & Stove S op tioners, appliances, | gn A mes- PA #041254 Commercial Bobby Haris etc. 570-954-1619 RETIRING, MUST SELL! 1 hydraulic chair, 1 styling station, 1 shampoo chair, 1 shampoo bowl, desk, display cabinet & more! 570-654-0998 SNOWBLOWER Ariens, electric start, 5 HP single stage $175. Adult bath bench $75. Adult porta potty $30. Adult walker with basket $20. Electric garage door opener $50. maple wood kitchen table $40. 570-287-6294 776 Sporting Goods HUNTING CLOTH- ING. Bib overalls, vest, hat, cap, gloves, seat, carry bag. Orange. $50 570-675-8129 906 Homes for Sale Having trouble paying your mort- gage? Falling behind on your payments? You may get mail from people who promise to forestall your foreclosure for a fee the nation’s con- sumer protection sage from The Times Leader and the FTC. KINGSTON For Sale by Owner. 229 Pringle Street Single home, 3 bed- rooms. Remodeled, Kitchen & bath, concrete cellar, huge walk up attic, deck & new roof. 570-287-3927 WILKES-BARRE EAST END SECTION Great starter home, 3 bedrooms, 1 modern bath. Updated kitchen, new roof, windows & furnace. Off street parking, fenced in back yard. New back porch. All appli- ances included. $42,500 570-235-1210 after 5:30 pm. 105 WEST SAYLOR AVE. PLAINS, PA Baepalrs & Maintenance ~ Construction TOLL FREE 888-913-2015 OR 570-820-0233 FREE ESTIMATES » 10% SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNTS ETERNITY FLOORING HARDWOOD & LAMINATE INSTALLATION TILE FLOORS, WALLS. SHOWERS, BACKSPLASHES PA 096716 570-696-2828 ww. Paving & Sealing 20 Years Cusfomer Satisfaction ROOFING SPR, INC SUMMIT PEAK ROOFING, INC. Commercial & Residential Free Estimates ~ Licensed & Insured www.summitpeakroofing com 1-855-768-7325 + Flat Roofs « Shingles» Siding + R | Free ROBERT SMITH WEST PITTSTON HIC# PA-D05521 WOOD-COAL STOVES/ FIREPLACES www. HR 570-675-2266 Dallas, PA Just off Route 309 find us on facebook:
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