Be ES Sl i Sunday, May 12, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE11 rnd jan ire AA IVR isi Trucksville Early Education TE “here a lifetime of lave fox Ceanning begins” REGISTER NOW Full Day Kindergarten - 9:15 to 2:45: (‘Children must turn 5 by SEPTEMBER 30TH) + Small class size (14 maximum) Starfall Kindergarten Curriculum and Everyday Math « Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop Art, Science, Music and Computers integrated into our curriculum e Specials - Physical Education & Music and Movement, Cooking * Fenced in playground with rubber mulch « Indoor playroom Kindergarten Extension (for Dallas Morning Kindergarten Students): + Children are bused from Dallas to our Center, then are picked up by you at 2:45 * We integrate Math and Language skills your children are learning at Dallas into creative Art, Science and Cooking activities ¢ Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop “Spaces are also available in our Preschool for children ages 2 to 5° CALL US TO SCHEDULE A TOUR! p+ [1] Meeting and exceeding PA Learning Standards, for Young Children 3 Low Teacher/Child Ratios jm zh aia 3 Ov "Shoppe Lawns, ne. Chiidiaod Kindergarten and Kindergarten Extension 40 Knob Hill Road, Trucksville, Pa 18708 » www, TrucksvilleECEC. com 696-3899 nT BE Re SE ty # fines used clothing fbi Huy Thrift Shop 57 E. Tioga Street Tunkhannock, Pa Come visit our Thrift WF lection of new and gent! 570-836-5242 Tuesday- (60+) 50% off tops and pants Wednesday- All adult clothing 50% off Everyday- all children's tops are $1.00 And bottoms are $1.50 County United Way NEW CUSTOMERS 970-287-6113 » +9881 CALL-GRASSHOPPER Expires 06/15/2013 . QRASSHOPPERLAWNS COM S10-2606113 es GRASSHOPPER | Expires 06/15/2013 ETT Chef-Carved NY Strip ©~ 4 Hot Entrees’ Shrimp Cocktail ©- Pasta Station Salad Station ¥~ Soup ®- 4-Onion Pizza 4 Side Dishes «+ Dessert Selections Ti “like” us oni facebook R10 Foucksyvilic Phone: 696-3580 « www.FIREandlC Fon TOBY CO REEK. com JHE Narth of Sheets { 1 ry { a 3 v ueberrv topped Delgi|an Wallies Ri i wi LUEAA A i FP | A 1 iN Yeh Craborkes | Dot Rost } Sle, i Roast Turkey 2 Jo AN OPEN “SAT for LUNCH & DINNER SUNDAY 4 - 8 PM 2 Barr Loaf Al, Ah! Jome Ghocolates Homemade soups, salads, sandwiches, bread and quiches made from the freshest local ingredients. Gift Certificates in all denominations are now available OPEN FOR LUNCH TUESDAY-SATURDAY 11 A.M.-3 P.M. OPEN FOR DINNER THURSDAY-SATURDAY 5 P.M.-9 P.M. 100 E. OVERBROOK ROAD » SHAVERTOWN 674-9787 « BROWNBARNCAFE.COM Please Contact Diane McGee 829-7153 IN ROMAYNES BALLROOM | EE == 0 hake HP aud | Recommended Shrimp Cocktail ¥= Pasta Station 4 Side Dishes © Dessert Selections Phone: 696-3580 1 WWW. FIREand]( p RT 3, Trucksvile- Just North of Sheetz Carved NY Strip Loin #~ 4 Hot Entrees). Salad Station & Soup ¥~ 4-Onion Pizza’ fonTOBYCREEK com § #
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