Page 6 EDITORIAL Sunday, May 5, 2013 Joe Butkiewicz EXECUTIVE EDITOR 829-7249 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE Times LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 - 570-675-5211 Diane McGee Advertising 970-7153 dmcgee® Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 Memorial books honor loved ones The following memorial/ honor books have been added to the shelves of the Back Mountain Memorial Library, 96 Huntsville Road, Dallas, for the month of April 2013: In memory of Richard G. Evans Jr., “Here, There, Elsewhere” by William Least Moon, presented by Richard and Linda Adams; “Playing to Win” by A.G. Lafley, presented by Donald and Shirle McFad- den; “Golf: From Tee to Green,” presented by Marietta and Frank Egenski; “The Best Short Game Instruction Book Ever!” by Golf Magazine, presented by Friends from Changes In memory of Ron Hine, “Motorcycle: The Definitive Visual History,” presented by Bill, Cindy, Aaron, Matt and Chris Katyl In memory of Margaret “Peggy” Jones, “Still Points North” by Leigh Newman, presented by The Village at Greenbriar In memory of Kathryn Sut- ton, “Painting Rocks” by Dana Meachen, presented by Anne E. Gill In memory of Walter Mur- phy, “Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book” by Dr. Seuss, presented by Patricia Conrad In memory of June Tannen- baum, “Paris: A Love Story” by Kati Marton, presented by The Village at Greenbriar In memory of Jo Ann Gaughan, “Life After Life” by Kate Atkinson, presented by The Village at Greenbriar In memory of Joseph Pur- cell, “The World According to Mister Rogers” by Fred Rogers, presented by Kathy McManus- Moretti In memory of Margaret Moen, “36 Hours: 125 Week- ends in Europe” by the New York Times, presented by Mr. And Mrs. Thomas Boyle In memory of Treva Shir- ley Traver, “Seven Miracles that Saved America” by Chris and Ted Stewart, presented by General Federation of Women’s Clubs, Harveys Lake In memory of Mrs. Daynelle Brown, “Early Hu- mans,” presented by Dr. John and Barbara Kolchin In memory of Mary Louise Fisher, “Frances and Bernard” by Carlene Bauer, presented by Elaine and Ron Moran ner and are presented by The Three R’s Book Club: “Mrs. Queen Takes the Train” by Wil- liam Kuhn, “Peaches for Father Francis” by Joanne Harris The following books are in memory of John Ennis and are presented by Mary and Rick Hoyes: “The Ghost Runner” by Bill Jones, “New Oxford Rhym- ing Dictionary” The following books are in memory of Nikki Crawford and are presented by Ryan Crawford’s friends at Trinity Learning Center: “Up! Tall! And High!” by Ethan Long, “Back to Front and Upside Down!” by Claire Alexander The following books are in memory of Nikki Crawford and are presented by Johnny Craw- fords friends at Trinity Learning Center: “Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons” by Eric Litwin, “Jonathan and the Big Blue Boat” by Philip C. Stead The following books are in memory of Nikki Crawford and are presented by The Trin- ity Learning Center Staff: “The Moon Jumpers” by Janice May Udry, “Electric Ben: The Amaz- ing Life & Times of Benjamin Franklin” by Robert Byrd The following books are in memory of Doris Marinelli and are presented by Ron and Debbie Miller: “Rose’s Garden” by Peter H. Reynolds, “Alison’s Zinnia” by Anita Lobel The following books are in memory of Hayden Jeter Dorsett and are presented by The Magistro Family: “The En- chanted World of Winnie-the- Pooh” by Anna Bowles, “Peter Rabbit: Munch!”, “Peter Rabbit: What's that Noise?” “Skippyjon Jones” by Judy Schachner, “Little Quack’s Hide and Seek’ by Lauren Thompson The following books are in memory of Amy Webb and are presented by The Dan Powers Family: “The Dark” by Lemony Snicket, “A Child’s Garden of Verses” by Robert Louis Stevenson, “Have You Seen My New Blue Socks?” by Eve Bunting, “The Black Rab- bit” by Philippa Leathers The following books are in memory of Dolores Saba and are presented by Anna Smith and Family: “Nelly May Has Her Say” by Cynthia DeFelice, “Who Says Women Can’t Be Doctors?: The Story of Eliza- The following books are in beth Blackwell” by Tanya Lee memory of Betty Mae Wag- Stone STRANGE BUT TRUE *&2oee * Half of all the world’s By Samantha Weaver lower Sbecies can be found in * . ou erica. It was Founding Father +The Hala Hoop was Thomas Jefferson who made the following sage observation: “The tax which will be paid for education is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people to introduced in the United States in early 1958, and the craze rapidly became one of the big- gest in history up to that time. Shortly thereafter, the British Medical Journal blamed an up- tick in back, neck and abdomi- nal injuries on the fad. and Krista Patla, of Loyalville Outlet Road in Harveys Lake. "YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifi- cally for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photographs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to, YOUR SPACE Six-year-old Nathaniel Patla sits on his dad’s 1979 Mustang, the official pace car of the Indianapolis 500. Nathaniel is the son of by fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submit- ting person's name, address and telephone number in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned should include a self-addressed/ stamped envelope. Items will be published in the order in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the right to reject any items submitted for publication. 1993 - 20 YEARS AGO Mrs. Nulton, teacher of fifth grade English classes at the Dallas Elementary School, has been notified that poems writ- ten by her students and submitted to the Ameri- can Acade- my of Poetry have been selected for publication in “The An- thology of Poetry by Young Americans.” Those whose poems will be published are: Lisa Misson, Matt Hoover, Candice Smith, Heather Vodzak, Ashley Dav- enport and Kerri Stephens. The Back Mountain Jay- cees recently presented their Outstanding Young Persons Awards. These awards signify the outstanding contribution made to our community by these young people for their hard work, noteworthy achieve- ments, and public service. Re- cipients are: John Plucenik, Outstanding Young Citizen, Edward Macosky, Outstanding Young Law Enforcement Of- ficer, Martin Smith, Outstand- ing Young Farmer, William Ulichney, Outstanding Young Firefighter, Anne Holmes, Out- standing Young Fitness Leader and Jack Wolensky, Outstand- ing Young Educator. 1983 - 30 YEARS AGO Trudy Cevasco, Shavertown, was recently honored with the Silver Award, the second- highest given in the Girl Scout structure. Trudy received the award upon completion of a demonstration speech in her English class, on methods of ONLY YESTERDAY pitching a tent. Trudy, a junior at Dallas High School, has been a Girl Scout for 10 years. She is presently a member of Troop 634, led by Marian Lamoreaux. Pack 232 of Gate of Heaven Church, Dallas, was the re- cent setting for the Parvuli Dei Award Ceremony. Nineteen boys met all of the require- ments which included: clean- ing up around the church, visiting St. Peter’s Cathedral in Scranton, and visiting the elderly in a nursing home. Awardees included Thomas Fi- narelli, Joseph Kristan, Jarrett Rittenhouse, Paul Hosey, Eric Williams, Michael Malak, Dan- iel McDonald, I.J. Hosey, Chris- topher Kuhar, John Kristan, Jackie Jones, Anthony Fin- arelli, Michael Farris, Matthew Campbell, Michael Fritzen, Gregory Stahovec, Keith Jones, Shane Williams and Ron Fitch. 1973-40 YEARS AGO Robert Kernag and Kevin Ray have been named cochair- men of this year’s Sweet Valley Memorial Day parade, which will be held during the annual Memorial Day festivities later this month. Two Oak Hill senior high school students are the recipi- ents of $25 awards given by the Oak Hill Civic Association. President Jack Cleary present- ed the second annual awards for highest scholastic achieve- ment to Nancy Rollman and Theresa Derwin. The Dallas Senior High School Mixed Chorus and Dal- Hi Choristers, under the direc- tion of Florence Sherwood, will present their annual Spring concert this weekend in the senior high school auditorium. Pianists for the concert are se- niors — Marilyn Miller and Julia Evans; juniors — Susan Haddle, Patricia McMichael, Julie Swepston and William Cutter; sophomores — Dorothea Antho- ny and Carol Evans. 1963 - 50 YEARS AGO Happy Wanderers Patrol, Girl Scout Troop 201, enjoyed a hike Saturday. They visited the fire tower, which is behind the Irem Temple Country Club, coming back to the picnic grounds for a bag lunch, which included roasting marshmal- lows over the fire. Participat- ing were Jan Bittenbender, Do- reen Daring, Nancy Thomas, Joy Harris, Joan Farley, Elaine Kuehn, Carol Hozempa, Carol Shashkan, Christine Rubino, Debbie Drake, Donna and Roxy Sekara, Jill Carruthers, Nancy Bergman, Debbie Hartman, Wendy Pattison, Nancy Ziegen- fus, Debbie Lamoreaux, Sherry Reese, Diana Reese and Janice Dierolf. WSCS of Shavertown Meth- odist Church will present a nov- el program, “Spring Tune Up” on Friday evening in the social rooms. Mrs. Walter Shaver and Mrs. Carl Hontz, chairman and co-chairman, have announced as the highlight of the affair a humorous reading by Mrs. Wil- liam Shewan. 1953 —- 60 YEARS AGO The Junior Class of Dallas- Franklin High School will spon- sor a one-act play competition tonight in the school auditori- um. The sophomores will pres- ent, “Butch,” a comedy with Di- anne Bowman playing the lead. Others in the cast are: Janice Apaliski, Mary Ann Emmanuel, Marilyn Walsh, Dorothy Stash, Thomas Schmiddle and Del- mar Shupp. Student director is Yvonne Schlittler. Dr. F. Budd Schooley was elected president of Rural Building and Loan Association, succeeding the late Herbert Hill at the meeting of the as- sociation held Tuesday night at First National Bank. Edward Hall was elected vice president to fill the position formerly held by Dr. Schooley. Frances Stefanowicz will be crowned Queen of the May Wednesday morning at exer- cises in which all students of Lake-Noxen School District will participate. She was elect- ed by student body and faculty with Shirley MacMillan the runner-up. 1943 - 70 YEARS AGO Mrs. John Hildebrant is gen- eral chairman of the annual Mother and Daughter Ban- quet which will be held in the East Dallas Methodist Church Thursday evening. Mrs. Paul Carlin will act as toastmis- tress and Mrs. Freda Hughey and Mrs. Ben Brace will be in charge of decorations. Dallas Borough High School Seniors will present “Lind Lou,” a comedy in three actNgy) by Gene Neal, May 7, under the direction of Mary Elizabeth Morgan. Cast: Robert Brown, Marguerite Mackenrow, Robert Moore, Harold Roberts, Paul Kocher, Edward Tutak, Jane Joseph, Carol Shaver, Marjorie Evans, Virginia Ferry and Janet Garinger. The Dallas Post has been in existence for 122 years. Infor- mation for “Only Yesterday” is taken from back issues of the newspaper and reprinted here exactly as it first appeared. “WHAT MOVIE CAN YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER WITHOUT IT EVER GETTING OLD?” “| like the Disney Pixar movies. My favorite is ‘Toy Story III." My favorite character is Woody." Jevin Fluegel Lehman “'Casper the Friendly Ghost.’ He was my friend when | was growing up. Kahli Kotulski Harveys Lake “The Little Mermaid’ because | swim free- style and backstroke and used to think | was mermaid.” Sami Sabol Shavertown “Twilight. It's a movie about vampires star- ring Kristen Stuart.” Samantha Schooley Shavertown “'Overboard’ with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. It's a fuzzy warm love story.” Jan Waligorski Dallas “You've Got Mail’ with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan." Noreen Gladey Shavertown \ | @ & - A ————————
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