] | THE DALLAS POST SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2013 © See PUZZLE ANSWERS, “SHARE King Crossword re: Super Crosswor SHARE ACROSS 52 —nova 107 Former 9 Cousinof 55 Uttered 93 Port in ACROSS fF EEF 6 [7 CU ER TE 1 Non-PC (dance) name of crazy eights 56 Some rodent Papua New 1 Study hard computers 53 It recalls “PBS 10 Tailless appendages Guinea 5 Unruly 5 Refuge recent things NewsHour,” meower 57 Ear warmer 94 Verb ending 11 Much more 61 Fast Internet ~~ with “The” ~~ 11 Genus of 58 First-aid pro in the Bible group desirable SVC. 111 Writer Emile meowing 59 Might 95 Sun. church 8 Oscar- 20 Kauai, e.g. 62 Subtle glows 113 — Tse-tung mammals 60 Tailless ape, oration winner 21 “Strut” singer 63 “Harold & — 114 12- to 14- 12 Nibbled on for short 97 Gamboled Kedrova | Easton Go to White year-old Girl 13 VCR brand 61 Cry on “The 98 Arousing 22 Additional Castle” (2004 Scout 14 Panhandle Simpsons” intense 12 Get up unspecified comedy) 115 Webster's 15 Sewing 64 Dash gauge feeling 13 Yoko of | things 64 “— Te lexicon first cases 65 Go for — 99 Actress music | 23 Speller’s Ching” published in 16 12th grader, (drive briefly) Natalie : clarification ~~ 66 Writer Wister 1951 e.g. 67 Lush 100 Lustrous 14 Soon, in 24 Mets’ 70 Strip of wood 122 Hoarfrost 17 Mine 68 In a tie cloths verse division 71 Sprint race 123 French haulage 69 Dweeb’s kin 104 With 39- 15 “Zounds!” 26 Clock’s 74 Cry “Uncle!” novelist tracks 71 Conniption Across, spy ’ ancestor 75 Sentry’s cry Sagan 18 1930s-40s 72 Bit of cheer? 107 Traveler — 16 Obama, 28 41, to Cato 76 With one flat, 124 River in a serial radio 73 “True —V” Polo e.g. 29 “— humble musically Stephen comedy 78 Dreamed up 108 Comedy 18 Elk opinion ...” 77 Racial rights Foster song 19 Trio before U 80 Thu.-Sat. club host, : 30 Choosing org. 125 Skater 25 — Baba linkup e.g. 20 Alternative wisely 78 Hash house Lysacek 27 Purposes 81 Protein- 109 “Am — risk?” to boxers 37 Had been 79 Rearward 126 African 31 “Alley — making stuff 110 Comic 21 Sidewalk | 39 See 104- 81 Immediately living in 32 Juan's “day” 82 “Take Me Martha's } Down 84 Third-largest Kinshasa 33 Act human as —’ family eatery i 40 “The Red Turkish city 127 Dogmas 34 Frozen 83 Weep noisily 112 Yearn 23 Wager 55 56 57 | Shoes” star 87 “— Lisa 128 Forest lairs 35 Resistance 84 Persian Gulf 115 N.Y. Giants’ 24 Turn to Shearer Smile” units borderer ap. 41 Greek letter 89 11th mo. DOWN 36 Itty-bitty bite 85 Scoreless tie 116 Internet rubble 52 Pub orders stage Campbell a an ea ai dagisita Tlic IR 28 Discourteous 53 Wall-climb- 8 More frilly ~~ 36 Least minus- “The illustrations vapors : ; Hangover’ 96 Arm muscle 2 Relieve 42 Pertaining to Shane an engine 2 Anger ing plant 9 As part of an cule co-star 101 Circle bits 3 Sounded like animals 87 Sable 118 Particular mi 54 War god exchange 38 Virgil hero Lo Gaanesy 100 Diovan dumping | AA DIOL on Sarak, I 34 Capek play 55 Fine spray ~~ 10 Bread unit ~~ 40 Crib ushlike riter Joyce glasses edit. nation riefly : : cl : plants Carol — Y 4 Mailing out ~~ 47 Spanish for 88 Yoked pair 119 Have a debt 35 Obi, for 56 Caribbean or 11 Picnic 42 Leading 45 20-hour- 105 Part of 5 Hit — (get “very” 91 Recaller of 120 Bread example Coral invaders man? week worker, Oceania hung up) 48 2.2 inakg faulty meds from a 37 Outward 57 Fat 17 Sphere 43 Sandwich e.g. 106 Eggy 6 Hebrew “Hi!” 50 Actor Alan 92 Player of a tandoor behavior 19 Loft sho | 49 3 R’s gp. yuletide 7 Despite this 53 Kimono tie gameon 121 Meth- or 30 Work on the y . P 51 Soapy water drink 8 Luau favor 54 Oahu dance horseback prop- ending DOWN 22 Cosmetician 44 Elevator 1) T BEF 8 F |B [g [0 11 [12 [13 [14 [15 [16 [17 [18 [19 4 Jounga0s 1 Ship’s staff Lauder name ver- 2 Latvia’s 24 Insult (Sl) 46 Mentor i 20 22 hang capital 25 Historic time 47 Genealogy 53 42 Slowly, in 3 Pronto, ona 26 Partners of chart | music memo messieurs 48 Emcee ge & 45 Duration 4 Physician 27 Everest, e.g. 50 “— been =p - 49 Insanity 5 Adapted 29 Twosome had!” 51 Continental 6 Individual ~~ 30 Blunder coin 7 Flop on 33 Actress #1,532 Average time of solution: 68 minutes. © 2013 King Features Synd!, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. GO FIGURE! by Linda Thistle The idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figures given at the bot- tom and right-hand columns of the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order they are given (that is, from left .. to right and top to bottom). Use | only the numbers below the diagram to complete its blank squares and use each of the nine numbers only once. DIFFICULTY: * * x * Moderate * % Difficult * * * GO FIGURE! 1.2:4.5 867 899 © 2013 King Features Syndicate, inc. PROPERTY TRANSFERS The following transfers of Back Mountain properties have been recorded in the Luzerne County Office of the Recorder of Deeds for the week of March 8, 2013: Merl C. and Carole A. Bigelow and Jan. E. and Bruce M. Go- eringer to William J. Buckman, Kingston Township; $150,000 John W. Oleson (executor), Elda J. Olseon (estate) to Mardy H. and Glenda C. Shepherd, Lot 82 and part of Lot 81, Dallas Township; $180,000 Scott C. and Kathleen F. Farrell to David W. and Kimberly T. Ash- ton, Lehman Township; $31,000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (per attorney in facto), Daniel A. McGovern (at- torney in fact) to Michele Marks, 1048 Lower Demunds Road, also known as 15 Reese St., Dallas Town- ship; $30,000 Alan M. Pugh (per attorney in fact) and Brenda Pugh (attorney in fact) to Christopher and Stasia Ruth, 6 parcels, Dallas Township; $10,500 L.R.R.D.J., LLC to Monkey Busi- ness One, LLC, 31 Lakeside Drive, Harveys Lake Borough; $1 Thomas and Christine Polito to Joseph and Marijo A. Blain, Lots 1B, 2B, 155 Northview Plot, Harveys Lake Borough; $80,000 Thomas J. and Lisa M. Allar- dyce to Kenneth H. Taylor Jr., 15 Millington Road, Jackson Township; $140,000 SENIOR CENTER MENU Senior Citizens Centers sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging for Luzerne and Wyoming Counties of- fer hot noon meals Monday through Friday to people 60 years of age or older. Donations from participants are gratefully accepted and needed in order to expand this program. The following is the menu for the week of April 22: MONDAY: Philly steak sandwich, cheese on side, broccoli salad, steak fries, whole wheat hot dog roll, tropical fruit, margarine, milk and coffee. TUESDAY: Volunteer Recognition Luncheon - Stuffed pork loin with cranberry stuffing topped with sauce, scalloped potato, broccoli florets and baby carrot mix, dinner roll, cake, margarine, milk and cof- fee. WEDNESDAY: Baked fish with paprika, potatoes au gratin, snap peas and carrots, whole wheat din- Coverage Area: The Dallas Post covers the Back Mountain community which includes the Dallas and Lake-Lehman School Districts. We try to get to as many events as possible, but staff and space limitations make it impossible to cover everything. If you have news about your family, town or organization please send it to us and we'll try to get it in. Photographs are welcome. Send them two ways, by mail to 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or by e-mail to news@mydallaspost.com. E-mail is the best and most timely method for submis- sion. E-mailed photos should be in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 200 dpi. The deadline for all copy is Tuesday at noon. prior to publication. Corrections, clarifications? The Dallas Post will correct errors of fact or clarify any misunderstandings, call 675-5211. Have a story idea? Please call, we'd like to hear about it. Letters: The Dallas Post prints letters ner roll, orange juice, tartar sauce, ketchup, rice pudding, margarine, milk and coffee. THURSDAY: Italian chicken, mashed potatoes, Italian green beans, rye bread, apple crisp, mar- garine, milk and coffee. FRIDAY: Ground beef and mush- rooms, buttered noodles, Harvard beets, chicken vegetable soup, rye bread, crackers, banana, margarine, milk and coffee. The Dallas Post 570-675-5211 news@mydallaspost.com « FAX 570-675-3650 Display Advertising Deadline: Tuesdays at 12 noon an IMPRESSIONS media company 15 NORTH MAIN STREET, WILKES-BARRE, PA 18711 HUH B MEET TROY weighing 120 pounds, and needs an owner who understands the breed. We do not rec- ommend a home with small children, small dogs or cats. You can visit Troy and his friends at BLUE CHIP FARMS ANIMAL REFUGE 974 Lockville Road Dallas VISITING HOURS Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: Noon to 5 p.m. ment Phone: 333-5265 Email: questions@ bcfanimalrefuge.org WANT A PHOTO? You can now purchase any photo that appears in The Dallas Post from The Times Leader photo sto Simply log onto www.timesleader. com/photostore and click on the link for The Dallas Post. Orders for subscriptions received by Friday at noon will begin the follow- ing week. Please inform us of dam- age or delay, call 829-5000. The Dallas Post is published weekly by Impressions Media, $25 per year in Luzerne, Lackawanna & Wyoming Counties (PA), $29 in NJ, NY and all other PA counties, $32 all other states. Periodicals postage paid Troy is a 6-year-old neu- tered Alaskan Malamute male. He is quite large, is highly intelligent and learns quickly. is strong, independ Other hours by appoint- Contact Diane McGee at 970-7153 The Dallas Post has a variety of advertising rates and programs. The Dallas Post satisfies most co-op ad programs and offers creative services at no charge. Combination rates with The Abington Journal, Clarks Summit and the Sunday Dispatch, Pittston are available. at Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-9996 POSTMASTER: Send address change to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 of local interest. Send letters to: Editor, The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. All letters must be signed and include a daytime phone number for verification.
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