i L Sunday, February 3, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 2 CROSSWORD CORNER ER Tn Puzzle answers, Page 10 THE FATHER OF sam i by Linda Thistle UPEr LIOSSWOr GO FIGURE! > ACROSS 45 Luggage 90 Dorothy, to DOWN 38 Queen of 87 “Son of —!” : . : : 1 Lets go by, screeners’ Em 1 Readies, rap 89 Clever, The idea of Go Figure is to arrive 5 fae chance 0 ogi N 91 Father s Day 2 Dist 2 ol the womb specious at the figures given at the bot- ike some obbies wi onorees alcon’s a : eyeglass glass 94 Exam room nest 41 SWAK part 91 Crib clothes tom and right-hand columns of : lenses ceilings noises 3 Largest city 42 Slangy 92 Prize getter the diagram by following the 16 Short race ~~ 47 Ease off 96 ... Modern in Yemen approval 93 Division : : . : h d | 20 Emerge 48 Motor noise Genetics 4 Exhausted 43 Aptiva 95 Modern arithmetic signs in the order | again 50 Seriora 100 Tremendous 5 Derby city maker Greek they are given (that is, from left i 21 Medium Peron 103 Actor 6 Leave port 44 Dirty streak 97 Mr. — (old : b U i tempo 53 Golfer's first Mischa 7 Old Egypt- 49 New no whodunit to right and top to bottom). Use [ 22 Not tricked stroke 104 “The Raven” Syr. alliance more game) only the numbers below the } by 56 — -jongg penner 8 Wisdom 51 Vehicles for 98 Caviar base . its blank 23 ... Nuclear 58 ... Modern 105 ... Fitness 9 Cross words large 99 Loggins & — diagram to complete its blan Physics China 107 Libra 10 Suffix with families (“Your Mama squares and use each of the i 25 Needle- 63 S&L options 113 Shaw of jazz brilliant 52 —-Z Don’t : i nosed fishes 64 TV actress clarinet 11 32nd prez (totally) Dance” duo) nine numbers only once. 26 “Grand” Arthur 114 Former 12 Dumb and 54 Kobe sash 101 Aspen instruments 66 Ease off Ford clumsy 55 Seduce sport 27 Speak ill of, 68 “False!” 115 “Either he 13 Bill worth 57 Toast starter 102 Billing DIFFICULTY: * x x in slang 69 Tantrum goes — go” 100 clams 59 Essentials oller a : 28 O.J. 70 ... Country 116 Iroquois 14 Waste may 60 5; be 103 Dora gr * Moderate * * Difficult 2 34.456 7 9 ] Simpson Music tribe 15 Was ahea 0oks ated liner * kk I I trial judge 73 Lady 117 Early 16th- 16 Folded-over 61 Very nature 106 Bikini Island, GO FIGURE! © 2013 King Features Syndicate, Inc. : i 29 Cuban salsa Liberty's century year page corner 62 Hardly the e.g. [ singer land 118 ... the United 17 Investment saintly type 107 Lilt syllable Cruz 74 Win by — States firm worker 65 Secret love 108 Italian for | 30 People who (barely 122 Centuries on 18 Long steps affairs “hundred” . may share triumph) end 19 Biblical cry ~~ 67 More hokey, 109 Neurotic armrests 76 Clay worker 123 Off base of praise as a joke worrying TOSSWOIl i 32 ..the 77 Univ. e-mail with 24 Scale notes 70 “Star Wars” 110 Unleash | Symphony ending permission 29 Single knight upon i 35 McKellen of 78 Garden of — 124 It offers dance 71 “Who's 111 School, in ACROSS “Scandal” 79 ... History goods under move? there?” reply Paris 1 Two-timer 1 36 Like the 81 Nestlés — - a canvas 31 Fraternity 72 Quick trot 112 More ’ | pope: Abbr. Caps shelter T™ 75 Cry out loud rational 4 Arrow i 37 Become 83 Napping 125 Hong Kong's 32 First mo. 78 Activist 115 Fell behind launcher laryngitic audibly Hang — 33 “Then Brockovich financially 7 Goya's i 38 ... Organized 85 Wear for a Index again,” ina 80 Malia or 118 Zeus or i : | Crime messy meal 126 Dawdled chat room Sasha Thor Naked | 44 Wd. with the 86 Small inlet 127 Playful 34 Darling 82 The “O" of 119 Ben- — subject & same 88 Employer of marine 36 Supper NATO: Abbr. 120 Eden exile 11 Scads i meaning many CPAs mammal club 84 Not divided 121 “Te- —!” 13 A h | TEE EER TTF PHO BT 12. 13 1X 75 16 [17 [18 [19 tmosphere ' 14 PC picture | 20 21 22 15 Panorama 16 Beer cousin 23 25 17 Fender : bender i | 18 Artist's 3] : support 1 20 Knitting | L need ] i 22 Lower limb [56 57 i 24 Used a I switchblade [5° 60 i on i 28 Unimport- 57 gjithery 8 Expert princess i ant squeezer 9 “The Daily 30 “Say It | . ” : 32 Spry 58 Skaters’ Show With - 80 i 33 Relaxation venue — Stewart” 31 — Vegas | 34 — dedeux 59 Qut of 10 Pismire 35 The Red or I 36 Lug control 12 Another way the Black 37 Bother 60 Switch to say 7- 38 Thee 39 Washington positions Down, 40 Request J city 61 Two, in 19 Floral neck- 42 Ballroom . 6 41 Half-hour TV Tijuana wear dance ¥ show, often 21 Genetic 45 “Once — a i 43 Blond shade powN letters time ...” i , 44 Hawaiian 1 Bear lair, 23 Space 47 “Amores” i feast often 25 Authoritative poet : l : 46 Eccentric 2 Others (Lat.) command 48 Gambling SL | ' 90 Notefrom 3 Accomp- ~~ 26 Hebrew game | : the boss ~ lishes month 49 Tibetan herd i ; 53 54-Down 4 Sheep’scry 27 Take outof 50 Biz deg. I : stat 5 Unctuous context? 51 Shade tree f o5 Eye layer 6 Cause, as 28 Earl Grey's 52 Cattle call? i 56 United havoc kin 54 Auto fuel : hations ‘7 Darktime 29 Hindu PROPERTY TRANSFERS Kristin J. Bello to Charles W. Household Finance Consumer Me ef Rock Gordon, 201 Gordon Road, Lake Discount Company to Carrie L y y The following Back Mountain Township; $1 Norton, 16 W. Center St., King- i real estate transactions have Charles W. Gordon to Kristin). ston Township; $50,000 i Rocky, our little Chiweenie, is been recorded in the Luzerne Bello, 225 Gordon Road, Lake Patrick James Liberaski a 5-year-old, neutered, male chi- County Office of the Recorder of Township; $1 Timothy F. and Sarah L. MQ | huahua/dachsund. He is a Deeds for the week of Jan. 21, Brian M. Sickler to Michael J. 146 Lincoln St., Lot 4 Ondish 1 sweet little guy who was surren- 2013: Ruger, Lot 1, Montross Subdivi- Hills Subdivision, Dallas Town- 9 dered with his brother. His Luzerne County Tax Claim Bu- sion, Dallas Township; $200,000 ship; $246,000 brother has been adopted but reau, Elizabeth Andrasko (per Citizens Savings Bank to Lisa GMAC Mortgage, LLC to Rob- i Rocky is still waiting for his fu- tax claim) to Swinka Realty In- and Dana Cope, Lot 1, Major sub- in Evans, 240 Maplebrook St., rever home...yours? vestments, 86 N. Lehigh St., division, Lehman Township; Harveys Lake Borough; $20,000 i ; ah, Kingston Township; $3,200 $185,000 | Jonathan W. and Karen L. i Visit Rocky and is friends at I M. and Donna M Dorothy Powell (per agent), Peach to Sirva Relocation Credit, 1 BLUE CHIP FARMS Smith to Holly McBroo Lot Dorothy Pawlowski (per agent), LLC, Dallas Township; $218,000 i ANIMAL REFUGE Hou , Lee Ann Keefer (agent) toSandra ~~ Sirva Relocations Credit LLC | 974 Lockville Road, 12-B, Harris Hill Acres, Kingston 4 Robbing 1.0t 64, Oak Hill Plot, to Matthew and Jennifer Wil- Dallas Township; $218,000 Lehman Township; $110,000 liams, Frank M. Paolucci, Dallas Roger Seasock and Janel Roce Ann Garrahan, Rose Ann Township; $218,000 VISITING HOURS McCormick to Edward and Patri- wyopleski to Cornerstone Prop- Edison H. Lanyon to UGI Ener- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday cia DuBeau, Harveys Lake Bor- erty Resolutions, LLC, Lot 6 Fer- gy ServicesInc., 4.112 acres, Fran- and Sunday: Noon to 5 p.m. ough; $77,000 guson Heights, Kingston Town- klin Township; $275.000 | Other hours by appointment Lewis J. Reese Jr. (estate), ship; $80,000 Angelo J. and Riann D. DeCe- | Call: 333-5265 Margares A. Bowers (executrix) EH Pooled 1011 LP, EH GP, saris to Emily Jane Fritz and Tim- Email: questions@bcfanimal- to Michael L. and Samuel L. LLC (general partner) to Michael othy James Gardzalla, Lots 33 refuge.org Payne, 124 Franklin St., Dallas L. And Samuel . Payne, 52 Hunt and p/o Lot 34, Kingston Town- Coverage Area: The Dallas Post covers the Back Mountain community which includes the Dallas and Lake-Lehman School Districts. We try to get to as many events as possible, but staff and space limitations make it impossible to cover everything. If you have news about your family, town or organization please send it to us and we'll try to get it in. Photographs are welcome. Send them two ways, by mail to 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or by An IMPRESSIONS media company 15 NORTH MAIN STREET, WILKES-BARRE, PA 18711 Borough; $85,000 The Dallas Post St., Dallas Borough; $34,500 ship; $193,000 WANT A PHOTO? Simply log onto www.timesleadé' com/photostore and click on the link for The Dallas Post. CIRCULATION e-mail to news@mydallaspost.com. E-mail is the best and most timely method for submis- sion. E-mailed photos should be in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 200 dpi. The deadline for all copy is Tuesday at noon. prior to publication. Corrections, clarifications? The Dallas Post will correct errors of fact or clarify any misunderstandings, call 675-5211. Have a story idea? 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