Vol.121 No. 45 THE BACK MOUNTAIN'S NEWSPAPER SINCE 1889 January 13 - 19, 2013 The DALLAS POST. | A— PA. www.mydallaspost.com AN EDITION OF THE TIMES LEADER Tom Hillman helps Scouts with camp experience Dallas man wants to make sure Boy Scouts get chance to make memories like he did when he was younger. By CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK Dallas Post Correspondent Bob McGuire, den master of Cub Scout Pack 241, Lehman, was never more surprised the day he received a phone call “completely out of the blue” from a former den master, m he had never met. @: Hillman, of Dallas, told Guire he had been looking at the newspaper and saw a picture of a Scout troop. The image fondly reminded Hillman of his three years as the Scoutmaster of Pack 241 and of the summer camping trips he and his son Bill (now a senior at Lake-Lehman High School) enjoyed together at Camp Acahela in Blakeslee. Hillman came from a Scouting family - his father and grandfa- ther were both Eagle Scouts. He thinks that everything about the Scouting process prepares and leads the boys to camping. While many of the programs and activities can be done indoors, getting the Scouts outside and sleeping in a tent should be the end result. Just to “go away” and work together as a group are Hillman came from a Scouting family - his father and grandfa- ther were both Eagle Scouts. He thinks that everything about the Scouting process prepares and leads the boys to camping. While many of the programs and activities can be done indoors, getting the Scouts outside and sleeping in a tent should be the end result. other good things about camp- ing, Hillman says. McGuire told Hillman that, sadly, only 11 Scouts from Pack 241 had participated in summer camp the previous year. McGuire and Hillman felt that the $250 camp fee might make the cost of summer camp an ex- pensive option for an average family. Because Hillman does not want any Scout to not be able to go to camp for lack of funds, he was willing to pay 50 percent of the cost of summer See HILLMAN, Page 10 EE Ay STE SALES CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Boy Scouts Damian Napierkowski, left, and his brother, Blaise, of Cub Scout Pack 241, Lehman, raise their hands because they have spent summer camping time at Camp Acahela, thanks to the generosity of Tom Hillman, a former pack leader who has contributed to the summer Scout camping experience. Hillman was presented a plague by the Scout group in recognition of his contribution. Christian athletes connect off field By SARAH HITE Dallas Post Correspondent Student athletes at Lake-Leh- man Junior/Senior High School have a new way to connect off the court — and on a different level. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes group meets twice a month at the high school to dis- cuss Lake-Lehman sports, social- ize with friends and study topics form the Bible that students get to choose. Speakers are also brought into e meetings to discuss relevant é of the students’ choosing, n dating to how to be a better Christian. The group got its start this year by former high school social studies teacher Chip Sorber and current physical education teach- er Mike Leskowsky. “My first experience of Chris- tianity was in college,” said Sor- ber. “I didn’t go to church when I was younger, and I had a curios- ity about it. I got involved in a Fellowship of Christian Athletes group. I didn’t take to Christian- ity right away and I'm still work- ing on it.” Sorber started a smaller, less official group with the same premise when he coached base- ball at Lake-Lehman. “It was a small group, about five to nine kids,” he said. “This year I thought I'd open it up to the whole school. The adminis- tration was really supportive of it? Leskowsky, whose family @® are active in the group, ited to be part of the fellow- ship group to help students deal with a changing society. “I think we’re going to try to reverse the trend, the (negative) direction society is going,” he said. “This gives an opportunity to be more open to faith and it gives me something to talk about with the kids.” Sorber believes the legal re- moval of Christianity within schools had led to negative con- sequences, including the inabili- ty of the U.S. government to pay its debt to other countries. “We were a Christian nation at the start,” he said. “...People BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Lake-Lehman Fellowship of Christian Athletes guest speaker Pastor Dan Miller addresses the group. TD 1 FADMN MODE TO LEARN MUKIL For more information about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes group at Lake-Lehman Junior/ Senior High School, call the school office at 675-7458. For more in- formation about the Pastor's Pantry in Noxen, call the Noxen United Methodist Church at 298- 2503. need to be exposed to (Christian- ity). This gives the kids an oppor- tunity.” The students also chose a ser- vice project for the holiday sea- son. They collected canned goods and nonperishable food for the Pastor’s Pantry in Noxen. The Pastor’s Pantry is only open three hours a week but manages to serve between 25 and 65 families a month. Pantry organizer Pearl Race said the pantry depends on food drives promoted by local service groups. “We think about Christian val- ues and this time of.year you yoant fo help she poor dud she SS Lake-Lehman Fellowship of Christian Athletes founder Chip Sor- ber, right, and financial sponsor Curt Swanson discuss the mis- sion of the group. needy,” said Sorber. “We're also going to do a project around Easter.” Curtis Swanson, who owns Curtis L. Swanson Funeral Home in Hunlock Creek, is a financial supporter of the group and pro- vides pizza and soda for the stu- “I believe in Christian values and I think kids need them,” said Swanson. “I think they are really lacking those values. People don’t go to church to learn the Bi- ble anymore.” Shoshana Mahoney, 16, of Glitches mcrease phone calls to 91 By CAMILLE FIOTI Dallas Post Correspondent Accidental “butt dials” and occasional glitches in the tele- phone system contributed to an increase in 911 calls, said Leh- man Township Police Chief Ho- ward Kocher during the board of supervisors meeting on Jan. 7. Kocher said emergency per- sonnel must respond to each call, even if it is a hang-up, add- ing that last year emergency personnel responded to 108 hang-up calls and 123 burglar alarms, most of which were also false alarms. During the board’s reorgani- zation meeting prior to the reg- KT supers seek new member The Kingston Township Board of Supervisors is seeking letters of interest from residents of the town- ship to fill an unexpired term on the board of super- visors. Regular supervisors meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month with public work session held at 7 p.m. the preced- ing Monday. Residents may send let- ters of interest to Kingston Township Board of Super- visors, ¢/o Township Man- ager, 180 E. Center St., Sha- vertown, PA 18708 Letters of interest will be accepted until noon on Jan. 18. Further information can be obtained by contacting the Kingston Township Ad- ministration Office during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30p.m. Mon- day through Friday or by calling 696.3809 ular meeting, the board ap- proved a resolution that would increase the property tax to 1.45 mills. A mill is a $1 tax on every $1,000 of assessed property val- ue. There are no other tax or ser- vice increases this year. The board voted to appoint Marian DeAngelis as secretary and Right-to-Know Officer at an annual salary of $30,000. The board also voted: - To re-appoint Dave Sutton as chairman, Ray Iwanoski as vice chairman and Alvin Cragle as treasurer. Cragle’s salary was set at $17,000 per year. - To re-appoint Howard Koch- er as chief of police at a salary of $41,700 per year. - To appoint Mark Liparela as temporary, full-time police offi- cer at a salary of $30,000 per year. - To re-appoint Peter Savage as the township’s solicitor as a salary of $600 per month. - To appoint Michael Sholtis as zoning officer at a salary of $8,000 per year. + To appoint Barbara Simms as assistant zoning officer at a salary of $5,900 per year and planning commission adminis- trator, also at $5,900 per year. - To appoint Doug Ide to a 4- year term on the planning com- mission. - To appoint the following to the zoning hearing board: Jo- seph Rutchauskas, 5-year term; John Hanish, 4-year term and Brian Doran as an alternate. The next regular board of su- pervisors meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 18 fol- lowing a public hearing at 6 p.m. regarding abandoned roads near the Lake Silkworth area. on 0981512007989
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