Ra uf # — Sunday, December 9, 2012 Tue DALLAS POST PAGE 9 Sukhmail Mathon, right, drives the baseline as his brother mail defends during Dallas boys basketball practice. [nside game By TOM ROBINSON For the Dallas Post The Lake-Lehman and Dallas High School boys basketball teams will look inside often this season while trying to accom- plish their goals. Lake-Lehman will try to contin- ue an upswing in the program while Dallas hopes to avoid slip- @ from the championship lev- Pete Borum, a 6-foot-6 junior, returns at Lake-Lehman where he will combine with three-year starter Jared James to lead the Black Knights. After losing the entire starting lineup from a championship squad, Dallas will build around 6- foot-6 sophomore forward/cen- ter Allen Fell while hoping for contributions from promising 6- foot-7 freshman Sukhmail Math- on. “We have two really high poten- tial young players,” said Dallas coach Doug Miller. Both teams have moved up a di- vision with realignment of the Wyoming Valley Conference. The climb from Division 3 to Division 2 is long overdue at Lake-Lehman, which posted its ~ owill be the key Both teams have moved up a division with realignment of the Wyoming Valley Conference. first winning recordfin 20 years last season. “We’re happy to be up there,” Lake-Lehman coach Brian Cutter said of the move to a division with Holy Redeemer, GAR, Nanticoke and Wyoming Area. “We’re a Tri- ple-A school when it comes to basketball, so that’s where we be- long. “We belong playing those schools. We've been down in Divi- sion 3 because our program's been down for so long.” The progress has been steady under Cutter. “When I took over three years ago, the cupboard was pretty bare,” he said, “but I knew with the kids coming up that we'd get better. “We won five, then nine, then 12 and we expect to win more.” James, a starter on the wing for each ofthe past two years, and Bo- rum, who moved into the starting lineup part way through his fresh- man season and was an all-star and the team scoring leader as a sophomore, are important to SPOrts tice. Lake-Lehman senior Jared James goes in for a layup during prac- Dallas’ Omar Nijmeh takes a shot in the lane during boys basket- ball practice. a BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Lake-Lehman's Adam Dizbon, second from left, dribbles through defenders Brian Devine, left, Peter Borum and Bill Hillman during basketball practice. those expectations. “We have some quick guards, but we're also pretty big under- neath with Pete inside,” Cutter said. “We can push the ball, but we can also go down low and play a slow-down game and pound the ball inside.” James is likely to be the only se- nior starter. “We're going to start a pretty young lineup,” Cutter said, “but we'll have a lot of experience backing up the kids who are start- ing.” Seniors Bill Hillman, a guard, and forwards Tom Boyle, Josh Da- venport and Cody Spriggs all have some experience. Junior Adam Dizbon, the team’s most effective 3-point shooter, takes over as starting See BOYS, Page 10 HIGH SCHOC wh, Meyers defender. Lake-Lehman's Emily Sutton, right, drives the baseline against a N tice. 3 BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Abbie Bendick joins her Dallas teammates in drills during prac- By TOM ROBINSON For the Dallas Post The Dallas and Lake-Lehman girls basketball teams are mov- ing up for the 2012-13 season. Dallas moves from Division 2 to Division 1 in the realigned Wyoming Valley Conference. Lake-Lehman moves from WVC Division 3 to Division 2 and also bumps up an enrollment classifi- cation to join Dallas in Class AAA for Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association District 2 playoff competition. Both teams will have key re- turning players leading the way as they try to continue success while competing on the higher levels. Lake-Lehman won the Divi- sion 3 first-half title and lost only to all-season champion Nanti- coke in WVC play during a 17-7 its first under coach season, See GIRLS, Page 10 ‘Back Mountain lady cagers moving up this season Dallas moves from Division 2 to Division 1in the realigned Wyoming Valley Conference. Lake-Lehman moves from WVC Division 3 to Division 2 and also bumps up an enroliment classification to join Dallas in Class AAA for Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Associ- ation District 2 playoff compe- tition. Charlie Lavan. “We're in Triple-A, which will be a bit more challenging,” Lavan said. “We have a lot of tough Tri- ple-A games. We'll find out right from the beginning with Scran- ton Prep (Friday) and Pittston Area (Saturday).”
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