PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, December 9, 2012 CIVIC BRIEFS Civil War Roundtable meets Dec. 13 The Wyoming Valley Civil War Roundtable will meet at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 13 in the lower level of the Daddow- Isaacs American Legion, 730 Memorial Highway, Dallas. A “Show and Tell” for mem- bers and guests will be held. Participants are asked to bring items or stories of ancestors who were in the Civil War or other things of interest. Everyone is also asked to bring a treat to be shared at the holiday party. This will be the group’s last meeting until March. For more information, call John at 675-8936. Philharmonic plans holiday concert Northeastern Pennsylvania Philharmonic will perform its annual Holiday POPS concerts at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15 at the F.M. Kirby Center for the Performing Arts in Wilkes- Barre. Ticket prices for this family friendly holiday concert range from $29-$60. Student tickets are $15. For additional information and to purchase tickets, please call the Philharmonic Ticket Hotline at 270-4444. Santa Christmas Party slated The Harveys Lake Borough Homecoming Committee and Lakeside Skillet are sponsoring a Santa Christmas Party from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15 at the Lakeside Skillet restaurant, Pole 280. The party is open to children birgt to 12 years of age. Santa will be there and there will be refreshments and prizes. Reservations can be made by Dec. 10 by calling Marsha at 639-5603 or Mayor Clarence Hogan at 793-5187. Players plan holiday show The Music Box Players will perform the holiday classic, “It’s A Wonderful Life the Live Radio Play” Thursdays through Sun- days through Dec. 16 at the Music Box Dinner Playhouse, 196 Hughes St., Swoyersville. For reservations, call 283- 2195. Jackson Twp. children’s party A children’s Christmas party will be held at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 16 at the Jackson Twp. Volunteer Fire Dept, 1160 Chase Road, Jackson Twp. Township children are invited to visit with Santa and enjoy refreshments. Franklin Twp. Fire Co. plans party girls. The fire company will provide light refreshments. There will be face painting and crafts. For more information, call 333-5970. Breakfast buffet set The Noxen Volunteer Fire Co. will hold a breakfast buffet from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 16 at the fire hall, Stull Road. The Franklin Township Volun- haw teer Fire Company will host its Price is $8 for adults and $4 annual children’s Christmas for children under 12 years of party on Sunday, Dec. 16 at the ~~ age. fire hall, 329 Orange Road. Patrons can support the Nox- Santa and Mrs. Claus will en Food Pantry by bring a non- arrive by firetruck at 2 p.m. after perishable food item. Every they tour the neighborhoods donor will receive a raffle ticket looking for good little boys and for a turkey. CHURCH BRIEFS led “3 Guys Write a Christmas “The Gift’ returns Back Mountain Harvest As- sembly presents its annual outdoor Christmas musical, “The Gift,” at 6 and 8 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 14 and Saturday, Dec. 15; and at 6 p.m. on Sun- day, Dec. 16 at the church, 340 Carverton Road, Trucksville. Live animals, such as camels, horses, sheep and goats will all be part of the show which fea- tures new choreography and original music this year. Free play at Sweet Valley church A free Christmas drama entit- Chang Old Fireplace Dra Play” will be held at 7 p.m. on Dec. 14 and 15 at the Sweet Valley Church of Christ, 5439 Main Road. For more information, call 477-2320. Apostolic Faith plans Christmas play Apostolic Faith Tabernacle, 536 Village Road, Orange, will present its annual Christmas play, “Coming Home for Christ- mas” at 6 p.m. on Dec. 15. The drama is about a family caught up in the care of life coming home for Christmas. Admission is free with re- freshments being served in the e Your SCOUTS COMPLETE CYCLING BADGE Back Mountain Boy Scout Troops 155 of Trucksville and 281 of Dallas recently cooperated in the completion of the BSA Cycling Merit Badge. Knowledge of PA bike laws, bicycle mainte- nance and multiple rides of distances of 10, 15, 25 and 50 miles were performed to meet the requirements. The rides included local trips around Harveys Lake and along the Wyoming Valley Levy System, as well as the D & L Trail in Lehigh Gorge State Park and the downtown Philadelphia Bike Club event ride route. From left, are Louise Alabre Trumm, merit badge coun- selor, Troop 281; Kyle Gurzynski and Joseph Fioti, of Troop 155; Michael Santora, Ryan Trumm, Ryan Cohen, Michael Smith, Nick Guzzo, Paul Smith and Danny Burkhart, of Troop 281; and Tony Fioti, merit badge counselor, Troop 155. fellowship hall. be held on Christmas Eve, Dec. For more information, call Church plans 24 at Loyalville United Metho- 333-5172. Hymn Sing dist Church, Loyalville Road, . N Community Bible Church of Lake Township. . : Candlelight Service Sweet Valley is holding a An afternoon service will Christmas Hymn Sing at 1:30 begin at 1 p.m. and an evening - scheduled p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 23 at the service will be offered at 8 p.m. A Christmas Candlelight church, 5390 Main Road, Sweet Traditional hymns and the good Communion Service will be Valley. news of Christ’s birth will be held at 7 p.m. on Dec. 19 at the : shared at both services. Sweet Valley Church of Christ, Loyalville church A meal will be served at the church on Christmas Day, Dec. 25. For information, call the church at 477-3521. 5439 Main Road, Sweet Valley. For more information, call 477-2320. lists services Two services of worship will Hoyo | Held December 21st Age 12 or Younger i Are Eligible To Win i 1 Entry Per Person DALLAS AUTO PARTS 688 Memorial Hwy. » Dallas, PA 18612 §75-2143 (5) AUTO PART. 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