==” | Sunday, December 9, 2012 | THE DALLAS POST | PAGE 15 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 841 Apartments/ Unfurnished with a Lost/Found 570-829-7130 KINGSTON 1st Ave. 1 bedroom, single occupancy, off-street parking, no pets, references. $450 + utilities. Call 570-655-9229 KINGSTON Bright, spacious, 3 bedroom 1st floor duplex in beautiful residential neigh- borhood. Wall to wall, living & dining rooms, kitchen with refrigerator, gas stove, dishwasher, garbage disposal, washer/dryer, air & full basement. Front & rear porches, off- street garage. month + Security & utilities. refer- ences required. No pets or smokers. (5670)905-4342 parking & $925/ MOVE IN FOR XMAS! 1-2-3 Bedroom Rentals in Kingston, Wyoming, Wilkes-Barre, Plains. Call Property Mgr. for info & 570-899-3407 HAPPY OLIDAYS! NEW TOD Large 3 bedroom 1/2 double. Stove & fridge included. Newly remod- eled. $695 plus security, utilities extra. No Pets. 570-814-9299 NANTICOKE Nice 2 bedrooms. Fresh Paint. Lots of kitchen cabinets. $485 includes water, sewer & garbage. 718-744-4748. *x kx kx Xk **NICKLESON** Available soon! 3 bedroom 1 3/4 bath. Lackawanna Trail SD. 1 year lease, $950 per month. Call 1- 877-839-0666 or online at ciplic.ucanrent.it PITTSTON 2nd floor, large and modern. 2 bed- rooms, living room, computer room, laundry room with washer & dryer. Full bath, kitchen with stove, fridge and dish washer. Fresh paint and carpet. Water and trash incl. No smokers, no pets. $5650/mo plus security. 570-881-9789 after 6PM NEW TO0AY PITTSTON AREA 1 bedroom efficien- cy apartment, 2nd floor. Newly remod- eled. $375/mo.+ util- security. ities + Call 570-241-2012 WEST WYOMING Eighth Street Beautiful, 2nd floor, edroom, 1 bath. Il appliances, ludes washer/ er & air condi- tioning. Non smok- er, security & refer- ences, off street parking, no pets. $595 + utilities. 954-2972 EW 00H} _WiLkEsS-BARRE Mayflower Crossing Apartments 570.822.3968 1,2,3 &4 Bedrooms - Light & bright open floor plans - All major appliances included - Pets weicome* - Close to everything - 24 hour emergency maintenance - Short term leases available Call TODAY For AVAILABILITY! www.mayflower crossing.com Certain Restrictions Apply* {WILKES BARRE 1 bedroom | apartment. $400/ ! I month + utilities & | 1 month security. | i 139 Sambourne 1 § St. Section 8 OK. No pets. t I 570-460-6173 | 1 Pr abamaibenalit kta mua yaaa ————— off WILKES-BARRE HISTORIC WHEELMAN 439 S. Franklin St. Fabulous 1 bed- room, hardwood floors. A/C, marble bath. Security sys- tem. Laundry, off street parking. $650 570-821-5599 WILKES-BARRE NORTH Half Double Block, 2 bedroom, refrig- erator and stove included, washer/dryer hook- up, no pets or no smokers. $500 per/ month + utilities. References, securi- ty & lease. 570-825-5138 944 Commercial Properties 953 Houses for Rent CLARKS SUMMIT 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, all appli- ances, washer/ dryer hookup, no pets. $1,400/month + utilities & security. Month to month lease. (610) 256-5352 NEW TODAY DALLAS TOWNSHIP 2 bedroom home, large yard, off street parking. $800/month. 570-675-3904 DUPONT 7 room house with 3 bedrooms, 1 full tile bath. Large kitchen with beau- tiful oak cabinets, new stove, fridge, carpeting, flooring, draperies & windows. Washer/dryer hook up on 1st floor. Single car detached garage. Large yard. Gas heat. Pets OK, no smoking. $900/ month + utilities & security. Close to airport, 1-81 & casino. 570-762-8265 NEW TODA HARVEYS LAKE 2 bedroom, Har- vey’s Lake cottage available for rent. Fireplace, great view and off street parking. Flexible length of lease. $725 + utilities. 1 month security deposit. No dogs. Call 570-606-5282 PLAINS RAISED RANCH Featuring an open living/dining/kitchen floor plan with vault- ed ceilings. Two bedrooms, 1 bath with whirlpool tub & laundry area, four seasons room with beautiful view. Fin- ished lower level. Off street parking with maintenance- free yard. $1,000 month + utilities. Security/references /lease. Sorry no smoking or pets. 570-824-9507 * Xk Kk Xk LOCATION MATTERS PRIME OFFICE SPACE The Mack Building 281 PIERCE ST. Kingston, PA. Refined office suites, or individual flexible office spaces on 2nd floor comprised of approximately 1,300sq. ft. Central A/C, glass door entrance, 6 rooms consisting of waiting room, French doors leading to conference room(s), offices, bathroom, kitchenette, with ample storage/ archive space available, parking lot area professionally maintained. Multiple signage opportunities: Exterior Bronze wall plaque,Entrance glass-doors, Street frontage sign, and billboard *Available February ist. showing by appointment only 570-472-1110 NEW TODA LAUREL RUN ESTATES Mobile for rent. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, shed, corner lot. Oil heat. $600/month. Call 570-823-8499 ECO-FRIENDLY APPLIANCE TECH. 25 Years Experi- ence fixing major appliances: Wash- ers, Dryers, Refrig- erators, Dishwash- ers, Compactors. Most brands. Free phone advice & all work guaranteed. No service charge for visit. 706-6577 DOLPHIN PLAZA Rte. 315 2,400 Sq. Ft. professional office space with beautiful view of Valley & Casino. will divide office / retail Call 570-829-1206 EW TODAY }15 PLAZA 1,750 SQ. FT. & 2,400 SQ.FT OFFICE/RETAIL 2,000 FT. Fully Furnished With Cubicles. 570-829-1206 AVOCA 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, refrigerator, washer /dryer hookup, Garage. Pets nego- tiable. $600/month, + utilities, 1 month security & references. 570-852-9204 PLYMOUTH House for Rent. 3 Bedrooms, 1.5 bath. $675 + utilities. Water, sewer & all appliances includ- ed. Fenced back yard. One month security up front, no partial payment. Section 8 OK. Call Steve at 570-592-5764 1024 Building & Remodeling fst, Quality Construction bo. Roofing, siding, gutters, insulation, decks, additions, windows, doors, masonry & concrete. Insured & Bonded. Senior Citizens Discount! State Lic. # PAO5T320 570-606-8438 1135 Hauling & Trucking A.S.A.P Hauling Estate Cleanouts, Attics, Cellars, Garages, we're cheaper than dumpsters!. Free Estimates, Same Day! 570-822-4582 LINEUP ASUCCESSFUL SALE INCLASSIFIED! Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! WE'LL HELP YOU Your Package includes: » Garage Sales Kit » Garage Sale Signs * FREE Unsold Merchandise ad e Your sale location mapped FREE online and on our mobile app e PLUS a FREE BREAKFAST from McDonald's. Sponsored by: | se 1,2, OR 3 DAYS STARTING AT SNOW PLOWING RESIDENTIAL/ COMMERCIAL SIDEWALKS Insured & Bonded Senior Citizens Discount! State Lic. # PAOST320 570-606-8438 TE cs se 1 SE _ THETIMES LEADER | 1057Construction & timesleader.com Building Sur ge gpd GARAGE DOOR Sales, service, installation & repair. FULLY INSURED HIC# 065008 CALL JOE 570-735-8551 Cell 606-7489 800-273-7130 OR VISIT TIMESLEADER.COM 24/7 TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD 405 Carverton Road Trucksville Collect Cash. Not Dust. Sell it in The Times Leader Classified section. NEW EXPANDED MENU KITCHEN IS OPEN LATE! MON., TUES., WED. 3PM - 11PM THURS., FRI. 3PM - 12AM SAT. 12PM - 12AM « STROMBOLI © SUBS 1 ; : SUN. 12PM - 11PM * WRAPS BURGERS BARIS OPEN £ + QUESADILLAS ¢ SALADS > UNTIL 2AM NIGHTLY _ & + OUR FAMOUS FRIED SICILIAN PIZZA, ~~ WINGS AND SO MUCH MORE Call 829-7130 VIEW OUR to place an ad. Eo Y ONE THE TIMES | FADER timesleader.com <0 ETT SEL. Oy y 4 od ME) COVER HOLIDAY DANCE PARTY: by Brittany Boote 119 S. main st Wilkes Barre Don walown Dar & Distro, iF YOURE A GUY, BERING A VOY FOR A LITTLE GUY. iF YOU'RE ALADY, BRING A VOY FOR A LITTLE * tsntid IF YOU'RE RAD, BRING ONE OF EACH? ww APPLIANCES WASHER / DRYER / RANGE REFRIGERATOR Bring in old part with model # and serial # APPLIANCE PARTS & SUPPLY 936 Market Street, Kingston Open 9-4:30-Sat ‘til Noon - 288-5526 AUTO BODY FAX: (570) 824-0553 Beck's Body Shot INSURANCE ESTIMATES COLLISION REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC ® QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP 105 WEST SAYLOR AVE. PLAINS, PA 18702 * Flat Roofs ¢ Shingles ¢ Siding * Replacement Windows Free Estimates - Licensed & Insured CALL RICK OR NICK ROBERT SMITH, WEST PITTSTON HICH PA-005521 WOOD-COAL STOVES/ FIREPLACES ve Monk Repairs # Maintenance # Construction Lawis Telephone 1 _ Truckavili, PA PA 18708 570.696.1307 = a Ket: e.rvet band uf LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL SNOW “Driveways & Sidewalks Back To Basics: A Fireplace & Stove Shoppe Hours: Tues. 9-7 » Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9-5:30 « Sat. 9-4 « Closed Sun. & Mon. TATTATT AG [EI CITT] o ETH (Q OL ER [el 0 111 Retired High School Math Teacher with Master's Degree in Field vailable for Tutoring in all Disciplines 570-674-4105 ATA DETER 0) 675-2266
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