Sunday, December 2, 2012 THE: DALLAS POST PAGE 5 Charles Dickens characters on display at benezer Scrooge, along with Tiny Tim, Bob Cra- chit and other story characters from the Charles Dickens tale, will be on display at the Back Mountain Memorial Library through December. Alice Sallada will display her collection of Byers Christmas Carol Story Set from one of Dickens’ most beloved books. One of her favorite pieces is Marley’s ghost with all his dangling chains and money box. “He’s such a kick,” Sallada said about the piece. Also, in celebration of Charles Dickens’ 200th birthday this year, Sallada is loaning the library Royal Doulton figures she has col- lected over the past 35 years. The set includes 24 porce- lain figurines. One of the figures was bought in a tea room in Canada’s historic Niagara-on-the Lake and the last two purchased to complete the set were bought in London. A former English teacher, Sallada resides in Dallas. library Books remember Imany oved ones The following memorial/ honor books have been added to the shelves of the Back Mountain Memorial Library for the month of November 2012: In memory of Marlene Reed, “How Children Succeed” by Paul Tough, presented by Kelly Bednar In memory of Butch Free- man, “Killing Kennedy” by Bill O'Reilly, presented by Mike and Mary Kay McHugh In memory of Fred Krohle, “The Big Screen” by David Thomson, presented by Mike and Kathy Barlow; “John Brown’s Spy” by Steven Lubert, presented by Leslie Horoshko In memory of Claire Shiner, “Barefoot Contessa Foolproof: Recipes You Can Trust” by Ina Garten, presented by Connie and Gerald John In memory of Cecilia Beseck- er, “Teach Yourself Visually Word 2010” by Elaine Marmel, presented by Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilkie In memory of David Hall, “Knack Bridge for Everyone” by Deborah Crisfield, presented by Beth Rosenthal In memory of Helen Kish- baugh, “Marmee and Louisa” by Eve LaPlante, presented by MaryAnn and Don Hopkins In memory of Nancy C. Ol- iver, “Julie Andrews’ Treasury for All Seasons: Poems and Songs to Celebrate the Year” by Julie Andrews, presented by General Federation of Harveys Lake Women’s Clubs In honor of the marriage of Donna Posatko and William Jenkins, “Two in the Kitchen: A Cookbook for Newlyweds” by Christie Dufault and Jordan Mackay, presented by Bruce and Beth Rosenthal OBITUARIES ARTHUR - Naomi E., 91, of Tunkhannock, formerly of Bond Brook, N.J., where she lived for 40 years, died Monday, Nov. 19, 2012, in the Golden Living Cen- ter in Tunkhannock. She was born in Dalton on March 31, 1921. Surviving are her son, David M. Jr., of Iowa; daughter, Bon- nie, of Tunkhannock; sister, Vina Coolbaugh, of Manchester, N.J.; three grandchildren and six J yreat grandchildren. COLBENSON - Dorothy Gra- ham, 103, of the United Metho- dist Manor, Tunkhannock, for- merly of Maple Avenue, Tunk- hannock, died Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012. She was born in Tunkhannock on Sept. 9, 1909, and was a life- long resident of Tunkhannock, “working for 20 years at Fassetts/ Ben Franklin Department store ‘as a clerk/manager in the toy and dry goods departments. She also volunteered as a math tutor for five years at the ormer St. Michael's School for Joys, Falls. She was a lifetime member of the Wyoming County Ed Society. She served on the Wyoming County election board for many years and was celebrated as the Tunkhannock Business and Pro- fessional Women’s Woman of the Year in 1999. Surviving are daughters, Elsie Puza, Tunkhannock; and Shirley Cokely, Springville; 10 grandchil- dren; 20 great-grandchildren; 24 great-great-grandchildren; and one great-great-great-grandchild. Memorial donations to the Wyoming County Historical So- ciety, Harrison Street, Tunkhan- nock. and the Wyco Supply Company in Tunkhannock. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Betty Lou Myers; sons, Mark, of Springville; Danny, of Mountain Top; brothers, George and John, of Tunkhannock; Tho- mas, of Silver Lake; sisters, Ma- ry Kuffa, of Tunkhannock; Helen Sharp, of Florida; two grandchil- dren; two great-grandchildren. LUCIDI - Sophia, 83, of Dallas, died Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012, at Hospice Community Care, Geis- inger South Wilkes-Barre. She was born in Plymouth and was a graduate of Plymouth High School class of 1947. She was a secretary and auditor for Martz Trailways for 35 years un- til her retirement in 1998. She was also a treasurer with White Transit Relief Association of Wilkes-Barre, affiliated with Martz. She was a member of Team- sters Local union 401 as an office manager, a member of Geisinger Wyoming Valley Women’s Auxil- iary and a member of Irem Wom- en’s Transportation Unit. She was also a member of the Nanti- coke Chapter 174 Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving is her son, Tony, Dallas. MOEN - Margaret “Peg” J., 86, of Dallas, died Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012, at Geisinger Wyoming Val- ley Medical Center, Plains Township. She was born in Scranton, was educated in the Scranton area school system and was a gradu- ate of Penn State University, State College. She retired from the Pennsyl- vania Liquor Control Board where she worked as a manager of various liquor stores in the ar- Cd. EDWARDS - John W. “Cracker Jack,” 64, of Hunlock Creek, died Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012. He was born August 9, 1948, in Hazleton and was a graduate of Walt Whitman High School in Huntington Station, New York. A Navy veteran of the Vietnam era, he enlisted in June 1967 and was stationed aboard the USS Saratoga when he was dis- charged in November 1970. He was employed for 20 years by UGI Electric in Hunlock Creek, retiring two years ago. Surviving are his wife of 23 years, the former Katherine Ah- rens; his two dogs and cat; aunts, uncles, nieces and neph- ews. JURISTA - Andrew J., of Tunk- hannock, died Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012, in the Hospice Unit of Geisinger South Wilkes Barre. He was born in Eaton Town- ship on Aug. 8, 1930. At the age of 17, he enlisted with the Army and served during the Korean Conflict. Prior to his retirement, he was employed as a mechanic for the Turrell Motor Company BACK MOUNTAIN BOWL Sicilian Pizza Wings OETA [VC] Eat in and Take Out! Memorial Hwy Dallas * 675-5026 She was a member of the Or- der of the Eastern Star, Dallas, and Huntsville Christian Church, Jackson Township. Surviving are daughters, Sue Gusher, Dallas; Barb Trojan, Dal- las; four grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; sisters, Anne Byer, Clarks Summit; Jane Thomas, State College; nieces and nephews. Memorial donations to the Ju- venile Diabetes Research Foun- dation, Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter, 225 City Line Ave., Ba- la Cynwyd, PA 19004 or to the American Cancer Society, 71 N. Franklin St., Suite 106, Wilkes- Barre, PA 18701. MORGAN - Robert, 87, of Sha- vertown, died Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012, at home. He was born in Plymouth and attended the Plymouth schools. He was a self-employed lino- leum contractor. He was a Navy veteran of World War II and a member of The Trucksville Unit- ed Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Jane Mundy, with whom he celebrated 64 years of marriage; daughter, Gale Bachman, Wyom- ing; two grandchildren; brother, Edward Morgan, Newton, Iowa. Memorial donations to Trucksville United Methodist Church, 40 Knob Hill Road, Trucksville, Pa 18707. NEWELL - Karyn L., 39, of Norristown, formerly of Dallas, died Saturday evening, Nov. 17, at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md. She was born on May 16, 1973 and had lived in Montgomery County for the past 15 years, moving from Dallas. She earned an associates de- gree from Luzerne County Com- munity College and bachelor’s degree from East Stroudsburg University. She was currently employed by Coram Healthcare Company. She was a member of the Evansburg United Methodist Church, the Harmony Chapter of Order of Eastern Star and the Rainbow Girls. Surviving are her husband, Troy R. Newell; her father, Eu- gene J. Kieczkajlo, Dallas; a daughter, Renata, home; sister, Carrie Kieczkajlo, Harveys Lake; paternal and maternal grand- mothers, Jean Kieczkajlo, King- ston, and Lorraine Welch, Lu- zerne; aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. Memorial donations to the Re- nata Newell Memorial Fund, c/o Linda Newell, 118 Newell Lane, Stroudsburg, PA 18360. OLESON - Elda J., 90, of Dal- las, died Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012, at Mercy Center, Dallas. She was born in Wilkes-Barre, and was a graduate of Meyers High School and White Plains Hospital School of Nursing. She spent her career as a registered nurse and administrator with White Plains Hospital in White Plains, N.Y. She was a member of the Sha- vertown United Methodist Church and also the Daughters of the American Revolution of Glenwood * SLIM LINE * WHITE TREES RE TIREMENT Cant 2. B\ + TRIV-A-TREE TEMS VRELTTTRERS WREATHS & GARLANDS 24 SALINA ST. * FIBER OPTIC TREES + LIGHTS & ORNAMENTS MOOSIC, PA PATIO FURNITURE + CUSHIONS 457-5469 * UVBRELLAS + PLATES & GLASSES HOURS: MON.-SAT. 11-5 ¢ \= SUN. 1-5 « CLOSED WED. > Tunkhannock. She was a volun- teer for the Back Mountain Me- morial Library, Association of the Blind and Girl Scouts of America. Surviving are her children, Catherine Scarlata, Long Branch, N.J.; Sara Macedo, Bu- cyrus, Kansas; Barbara Zubko, Dallas; John W., Wallkill, New York; five grandchildren. Memorial donations to the SPCA of Luzerne County or Mercy Center, Dallas. OSTROWSKY - Kevin, of York, formerly of Tunkhannock, died Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012, in York Hospital. He was born in Tunkhannock on Sept. 12, 1967, was a graduate of Tunkhannock High School, Class of 1986, and of Wilkes Uni- live holiday tunes: versity. During his high school years, he obtained the rank of Eagle Scout in Troop 518 in Tunkhannock. He was employed as a civil and environmental engineer for EBI Consulting in Baltimore, Md. Surviving are his parents, Ge- orge Ostrowsky, of Lancaster; and Mary Bell Ostrowsky, of Tunkhannock; his wife of 18 years, Tracy Groves-Ostrowsky; son, Noah; daughters, Zoe, Addi- son; brothers, Edward, of Wyom- ing; Matthew, of Lewisburg; sis- ter, Kitt Bowman, of Tunkhan- nock; nieces and nephews. SORBER - Clarence, 77, of Shavertown, died Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012, at Wilkes-Barre Gener- al Hospital. Wednesday, December 5 | Drop in 12 - 3 p.m. Irem Clubhouse | 64 Ridgway Drive, Dallas, Pa. For more information, call 866-851-4243 Add neighborhood flare to the holidays by joining us for the free Arts & Music Celebration. Enjoy artwork by Deutsch Institute Verve Vertu Art Studio, Lake-Lehman High School and Penn State Wilkes-Barre while listening to 12:15 p.m. Meghan Davis, Harpist 1:00 p.m. Lake-Lehman High School Chorus 1:45 p.m. Doug Smith Holiday Jazz Trio 2:30 p.m. Vocal Accord Barbershop Quartet While you're here, tour Masonic Village's apartments and villas. Experience the security, convenience and amenities this 60+ community offers. Open for Everyone. = He was born in Lehman Town- ship, attended Kingston High School and was a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard for 34 years. He was a member of St Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church of Wilkes-Barre. He was formerly employed as a technician for Glen Carbonic. Surviving are his wife of 55 years, Irene “Ethel” Seman Sor- ber; sons, Ronald, Loganville, Ga.; Greg, Harveys Lake; Chris- topher, Staunton, Va.; daughters, Susan Constantin, Ferndale, Wash.; Lori Panzetta, Dallas; sis- ters, Judy Hodakowski, Dallas; Dorothy Rineheimer, Fairless Hills; 17 grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Memorial contributions to St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church. [42 WEROASIERE Enjoy Life Your Way CTI Te [oe VAR DT AZ- SR DI TE To ESN of o B |
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