PAGE 6 EDITORIAL Sunday, November 25, 2012 Joe Butkiewicz EXECUTIVE EDITOR 829-7249 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE TIMES LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521 Diane McGee ADVERTISING 970-7153 Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 ennDOT encourages ~ young student artists Young Pennsylvania stu- dents are invited to learn about aviation and express their creativity through the PennDOT Bureau of Aviation’s annual art contest. This year’s contest theme, “50 Years of American Space Flight,” encourages students to learn more about aviation, from airplane development to flights into space. Entries will be judged in two divisions: first through third grades and fourth and fifth grades. Entries must be postmarked by Nov. 29. There will be 22 statewide winners, with one winner from each division selected from each of PennDOT’s 11 district offices. Winners will receive a certificate signed by Schoch and an enlarged copy of their entry. The students’ schools will also receive an enlarged copy of the artwork for display. Artwork should be submit- ted on 8.5-by-11-inch or 9- by-12-inch paper, unframed, unmatted and unlaminated. All work must be done by hand ‘tion’s (there is an exception for chil- dren with physical challeng- es). Permitted formats are acryl- ic, oil paint, felt-tip pens, in- delible ink, soft ballpoint pens, watercolor or crayons. For- mats that are not permitted in- clude non-permanent media such as pencil or charcoal, computer-generated artwork and collage work using photo- copies. The back of each submission should include the student’s name, teacher’s name, grade level, county and school ad- dress and phone number. En- tries will not be returned. Win- ners’ schools will be notified by telephone. Send entries to Bureau of Aviation, c/o William Sieg, 400 North St., Harrisburg, PA 17120 or P.O. Box 3457, Harris- burg, PA 17120-0064. Last year’s winners are view- able under the Bureau of Avia- “Education & Career Center” section at For more informa- tion, call 717-783-8800. MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel ® On Dec. 1,1830, French novelist Victor Hugo is due to turnin a draft of his book “Notre Dame de Paris” (“The Hunchback of Notre Dame"). Despite his contract, he instead wrote two plays, “Marion de Lorme"” and""Hernani,” and the book is not published until 1831. * On Nov. 26,1862, Oxford mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodg- son sends a handwritten manuscript called “Alice's Adventures Under Ground” to 10-year-old Alice Liddell. Dodgson made up the story one day on a picnic, and Alice insisted he write it down. He published it under his nom de plume, Lewis Carroll, in 1865. * On Nov. 28,1914, the New York Stock Exchange reopens for bond trading after nearly four months, the longest stoppage in the ex- change’s history. The outbreak of World War | in Europe forced the NYSE to shut its doors on July 31,1914. * On Dec. 2, 1942, Enrico Fermi, Italian-born Nobel Prize-winning physicist, directs and controls the first nuclear chain reaction. He created a jury-rigged laboratory under the bleachers in Stagg Field at the University of Chicago. ® On Nov. 30, 1954, the first modern instance of a meteorite strik- ing a human being occurs at Sylacauga, Ala., when an 81/2 pound meteorite crashes through the roof of a house and into the living room, bounces off a radio, and strikes a woman on the hip. The victim suffered a nasty bruise. ® On Nov. 29,1963, one week after President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, President Lyndon Johnson establishes a special commission to investigate the assassi- nation. After 10 months the Warren Commission report was released, concluding that there was no conspiracy. ® On Nov. 27,1978, former Board of Supervisors member Dan White murders Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk at City Hall in San Francisco. When White pleaded a "diminished capacity” defense and claimed that copious amounts of junk food caused him to suffer mental problems, the so-called Twinkie Defense was born. "YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photo- graphs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to, by YOUR SPACE This row of wine battles on a recent wine trip to the Finger Lakes in Seneca Lake, N.Y. caught the eye of Jane Tomkinson, of Dallas. fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submitting person's name, address and telephone num- ber in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned cation. should include a self-addressed/stamped envelope. Items will be published in the or- der in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the right to reject any items submitted for publi- | 20 YEARS AGO -1992 Dallas High School students are preparing for their produc- tion of “Sherlock Holmes’ First Case.” The mystery comedy in- troduces us to a young Sherlock just starting out on his first real case. Se- niors in- volved in the production include stage man- ager, Trina Huynh; ac- tors, Aman- da Mar- shall, Andy Schwartz, Matthew Mahoney, Casey Kernag and Theresa Fagan; and crew chief Bill Camp. YESTERDAY 30 YEARS AGO -1982 Robin Pawling was crowned 1982 Homecoming Queen at Dallas Area during the halftime activities at the Dallas-Meyers grid game last Saturday. Robin was chosen by popular vote from a field of seven candidates. She was escorted by Bob Richard- son. The Dallas Borough Elemen- tary PTO, Huntsville Road, re- cently held a magazine cam- paign. Top salesmen of the school are Melissa Tyira, kinder- garten, Amy Yanalunas, 4th grade; Lauren Schultz, 2nd grade; and Scott Cox, 3rd grade. 40 YEARS AGO -1972 Young Joseph Minichowski Jr. has loved fire trucks for as long as he and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Minichowski of Dal- las, can remember. It seemed a perfect fourth birthday gift, then, to take the youngster — with his eyes tightly closed to en- hance the surprise — to the fire house in Dallas for a firsthand glimpse of firefighting equip- ment and a turn behind the wheel of Engine No. 1. 50 YEARS AGO -1962 Dallas Borough and Kingston Township were prey to five Me- morial Highway service-station burglaries Sunday and Monday nights, as such thievery contin- ued ‘into its third night in the Back Mountain. More than $100 in small change and merchan- dise was stolen from Gorda’s Ser- vice Station, Trucksville, Sun- day night, the evening after some $4,000 in cash and bonds, and three watches, were cracked out of two safes at Devens Mill, Dallas. Joseph Niezgoda will be presi- dent of Idetown Church Couples Club and Henry Bergstrasser, vice president. Other officers: treasurer, Willis Ide; secretary, Mrs. Joseph Niezgoda. 60 YEARS AGO -1952 Mrs. John Garringer was cho- sen president and Mrs. Leslie Agnew, vice president at the meeting of Idetown Confidence Class held at the home of Mrs. Robert Crosby last Tuesday night. Other officers: secretary, Mrs. Robert Crosby; assistant secretary, Mrs. Claire McKenna; and treasurer, Mrs. Albert Ag- new. Today members of the Altar and Rosary Society of Gate of Heaven Church will go to Tunk- hannock and can 200 plum pud- dings weighing from one and‘a fourth to one and a half pounds each. Orders can be phoned to Mrs. Frank Ferry, Mrs. Frank McGarry, Mrs. George Keller or Mrs. Tillie Loveland. 70 YEARS AGO - 1942 Shades of King Kong and Fran- kenstein, too, settled over Sha- vertown this week as women scurried to their homes before: darkness and little children ho- vered close to their firesides. The gorilla man was abroad again, haunting secluded paths and lonely lanes as he has for 20 years past in Shavertown — on Toby’s Creek. But Kingston P lice said it was all a EY ) “Just a figment of a roving porter’s imagination after he overheard a couple of old crones jabbering away on a Wilkes- Barre bound bus.” Information for “Only Yester- day” is taken from back copies of The Dallas Post which is 121 years ago. The information here is printed exactly as it originally appeared. By Samantha Weaver acquire skills." years. court case. when they wake up. STRANGE BUT TRUE * |t was American bridge expert Phillip Alder who made wy following sage observation: "We are born with talents, but we “® * The inventor of Life Savers was Clarence Crane (incidentally, he was also the father of poet Hart Crane). In 1913, a year after coming up with the recipe for the candy, Crane sold the patent for his sweet treat for $2,900. Seems like a paltry recompense for creating a pop culture icon that is still. going strong after 100 * Do you suffer from arachibutyrophobia? If so, you probably refuse to eat PB&J sandwiches, for fear that the peanut butter will stick to the roof of your mouth. » There are 120 drops of water in a single teaspoon. ® In1976, John Moore, a California man, had his spleen re- moved at the UCLA Medical Center in order to treat his cancer. The operation was successful -- in more ways than anyone antici- pated. It seems that the doctors, upon studying the removed organ, found certain cells that had unique cancer-fighting proper- ties. The discovery led to a new -- and profitable -- treatment. When Moore found out that his spleen had led to this discovery, he sued the Regents of the University of California for a share of the profits. In 1990, 14 years after his cancer was cured, he lost his * Those who study such things say that ants stretch and yawn e |f you're like 43 percent of the American population, you refuse to ever try eating snails, regardless of the fact that they're regarded as a delicacy in other parts of the world. “No, not at $3.55 a gallon; but we did put our daughter on the school bus recently to save s.™e gas mon- ey.” Mike Nastasiak Harveys Lake “No, not really - got to drive to work every day anyway." Joe Probasco Dallas “No, still driving the same. I've got to go to work and that's the biggest part of it.” Joan Rovinsky Dallas “Doesn't make any difference. But maybe if we had a local shut- tle bus, it might help.” Candice Fike Dallas YOU TO USE YOUR CAR LESS?” “| use the Weis bonus points to save money on gas.” Theresa Stec Dallas “I try to drive as little as possible. | drive with friends and my dad drives me to work." ® Jesse Mc [ Pittston’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers