PAGE 2 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, November 25, 2012 Meet New York New York is a sweet, young, The following transfers of Back Mountain properties have been recorded in the Luzerne County Office of Recorder of Deeds for the week of Nov. 12-16. 2012: Mary Ann Bayo to Michael and Rachel G. $58,000 vices, Inc., 3.13 acres, Kingston Township; Adam M. II, Margaret Ann and Adam Coffee III to Leonard T. Charnecki, Lot 2, Jackson Township; $55,000 CROSSWORD CORNER Puzzle answers, Page 10g." HABITAT & S C SWi d EXPANSION | upex 10S Or (¢ @ = ! (¢ U I. 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If youre looking for a special cat, come and see our New York. This little guy is a real charmer with a huge personality. He is a young male who will truly win your heart when you meet him. Won’t you consider taking Coffee, Harveys Lake Borough; $604,000 C&N Dining, LLC to Yalick CCJ, LLC, Yan- lick Farms, Units 108 through 283, Dallas Township; $1 Romanowski Development Company, Inc. to Michael Garside and Shannon Viglone, Lots John and Donna Motel to Corey J. Swicklik, Hunlock Township; $104,500 # Daniel and Gayle Pieretti and Daniel and | Maureen Marascio to Dylan and Laura Eory, Lots 22, 22 and 23, Sunrise Park, Kingston ! hinthome for the holidays? 498 and 499. Section B, Dalles Township; 10 2ship; $151,000 You can visit New York and his $238 448 Joseph R., Neil T. and Michael W. Oliver to friends at ’ " Hi BLUE CHIP FARMS Jeanette M. Roppa to Robert A. and Marina John M. Richards, Lake Township; $121,500 ANIMAL REFUGE P. Thomas, Lot 126, Elmcrest Woods, Dallas David Shales, Ruth Ann Cook, Jean Alanizto 974 Lockville Road, Dallas Township; $210,000 Andrew Shales and Joann L. Seibert, 46 A. Ath- = | VISITING HOURS hd David L. and Carol L. Williams to Lynn and erholt Drive, Kingston Township; $1 | 1 fy nade penne Elisabeth Harris, Lots 7 and 9, Section C, Dal. Adam M. III and Patricia Coffee to Vincent ~~ and Karen Rogliano, Lot 3, Gates Subdivision, Jackson Township. $55,000 WANT A PHOTO? You can now purchase any photo that appears in The Dallas Post from The Times Leader photo store. Simply log onto www.timesleader. com/photostore and click on the link for The Dallas Post. CIRCULATION Orders for subscriptions received by Friday at noon will begin the follow- ing week. Please inform us of dam- age or delay, call 829-5000. The Dallas Post is published weekly by Impressions Media, $20 per year in Luzerne & Wyoming Counties (PA), $24 in NJ, NY and all other PA counties, $27 all other states. Periodicals postage paid at Wilkes- Barre, PA 18701-9996 POSTMAS- TER: Send address change to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes- Barre, PA 18711 las Township; $10,000 Mark and Molly Davies to UGI Energy Ser- The Dallas Post An IMPRESSIONS media company 15 NORTH MAIN STREET, WILKES-BARRE, PA 18711 570-675-5211 + FAX 570-675-3650 Noon to 5 p.m. Phone: 333-5265 Coverage Area: The Dallas Post covers the Back Mountain community which includes the Dallas and Lake-Lehman School Districts. We try to get to as many events as possible, but staff and space limitations make it impossible to cover everything. If you have news about your family, town or organization please send it to us and we'll try to get it in. Photographs are welcome. Send them two ways, by mail to 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or by e-mail to E-mail is the best and most timely method for submis- sion. E-mailed photos should be in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 200 dpi. The deadline for all copy is Tuesday at noon. prior to publication. Corrections, clarifications? The Dallas Post will correct errors of fact or clarify any misunderstandings, call 675-5211. Have a story idea? Please call, we'd like to hear about it. Letters: The Dallas Post prints letters of local interest. Send letters to: Editor, The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. All letters must be signed and include a daytime phone number for verification. Display Advertising Deadline: Tuesdays at 12 noon Contact Diane McGee at 970-7153 The Dallas Post has a variety of advertising rates and programs. The Dallas Post satisfies most co-op ad programs and offers creative services at no charge. Combination rates with The Abington Journal, Clarks Summit and the Sunday Dispatch, Pittston are available.
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