Sunday, November 25, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 11 dults at the Music Box Di d. GH A | CIVIC-BRILFS Po 196 oho St = Al proceeds benefit the Nox- KNI TS DON TE 2 hb S ville. -M Sport ’s Club. @::nn auxiliary Nl icles i open. All who For an E erttion call 296. ; TO SEVERAL ORGANIZATIONS dition should brief 2052. holds appare] sale = =uditionshould prepare. bie The Dallas American Legion provided. Post eve Ludiss Ausiliay js Performance dates are Fridays Pet photos with Santa olding a spirit wear sale. Sam- through Sundays, Feb.1-24, 2013. : ples are displayed in the club. ii ean drt in benefit Blue Chip Apparel being offered includes this production. Pet photos with Santa to navy blue hoodies with white benefit the Blue Chip Farms lettering, navy, gray or white . s Animal Refuge will be held form lon sleeve, short of v-neck tec Alzheimer's group noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec in small, medium large, 2X or p 3X. meets on Dec. 6 Sof Dyson ss Pa Brnes To place orders, call 239-4896. The Dallas Alzheimer’s Sup- Donation is $10. port Group will meet at 10:30 on AL Di . 12 Thursday, Dec. 6 in the board PI 1strict room of the Meadows Nursing ayers P dll : and Rehabilitation Center, 4 E. : slates meeting Re holiday show American Legion District 12 The Music Box Players will will hold its monthly meeting at 50 / 50 Bi t perform the holiday classic, “It’s 2 p.m. today, Nov. 25 at Harveys Ingo S€ A Wonderful Life the Live Radio Continuing with tradition, the Dallas Council of the Knights of Columbus made its annual Lake American Legion Post. All A 50/50 Bingo will be held Play” Thursdays through Sun- Thanksgiving donations to Back Mountain organizations by donating $200 each to Gate of units are urged to send arepre- from 6 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, days through Dec. 16 at the Heaven Church, Our Lady of Victory Church and St. Theresa's Church and $500 to the Back | sentative. Dec. 1at the Noxen School, Music Box Dinner Playhouse, Mountain Food Pantry. From left, are Marty Lukas, trustee; Jack Cacozza, Grand Knight; Father District Commander John School Street, Noxen. 196 Hughes St., Swoyersville. James Paisley, pastor; Bob Lukas, trustee; and Myron Mickiewicz, inside guard. j | Emil will preside. Food and beverages will be For reservations, call 283- hi available. Players will pay per 2195. Len meditation program scheduled ] An introduction to Zen med- itation will be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 27 at Mercy Center on the campus of Misericordia University. The program includes an explanation of Zen meditation and the value of the practice, a short practice period and time for questions. 1 Pre-registration is required. A : free-will offering will be taken. By Pre For more information, call KIDS! ENTER TO WIN arpara Craig a . - - , 2 | © wn In Our 7th Annual Holiday Giveaway Roast beef dinner pm, > Ez 5 Drawing lien | planned for Nov. 28 a | au Je BP i A roast beef dinner will be c | —T a wy ll held from 5 to 7 p.m. on od” A hy oo n Are Eligible To Win ednesday, Nov. 28 at the al i. ge : AD (HL i orthmoreland Twp. Fire Hall in Centermoreland. Cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children under 12 years of age. Tickets may be purchased at the | door. Takeouts are available. Contra dance set 1 A New England Contra dance will feature the music of Eileen Nicholson and Jill Smith and calling by Bob Nicholson at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 1 at the | Church of Christ Uniting, 776 | Market St., Kingston. No partner or previous experi- © is necessary. Admission to e dance is $9 for adults with reduced admission for families. For more information, call 333-4007 or log onto folkloreso- Mrs. Claus Gift Shop slated for Dec. 1 Atlas Realty, Inc. Atlas Realty, Inc. 829-6200 » 829-6200 « held from 1to 4 p.m. on Dec.1at CHRISTMAS TREES AVAILABLE A ; Th R 1 the Noxen School, School NOW IN BOTH LOCATIONS! : e ea Street, Noxen. — E M New and like new items and CABBAGE 39¢ : ha state arket gifts for all ages will be avail- : Lam : 3 "ne ble. Shopping assistants willbe | COOKING ONIONS ~~ 69 : : Rh . is BACK!!! rovided for children and there REEN ¢ : ee : . will be free gift wrapping. BELL peppers 89. % | We are selling The event is sponsored by the SOLDEN DELICIOUS 99¢ TN 4 - lots of homes! Noxen Historical Community Association Inc. All proceeds ALL PURPOSE 275 SE IE pmm— go> And we can sell benefit the N.H.C.A. building POTATOES LC yours too!!! project BABY CARROTS 99. ; | ad ymin tog) For more information, call a . P all toaay 1or a 298-2052. ROMATOMATOES 79% 634 AVENUE E., WEST WYOMING be 5 | free CMA GARLIC 89¢ Unique 3 story home with plenty of space to roam around. Four 1 . ree : § <, SuEEVE bedrooms, 3rd floor family room, 2 full baths, 1/2 bath with Charles A. Adonizio, Ill 829.6200 Music Box sets WS ECIALS GOOD THRU 12/1 laundry on 1st floor. Large double lot, patio, central a/c. Broker. GRI. SRES - AML th 9100 DRE, MLS #12-3830 Call Colleen 237-0415. $129,000 y AaR14 auditions for ‘Annie’ 610 Narsicoke Stsect Dharrover Tp) Dir: Wyoming Ave to W. 6th St, left on Avenue E. . The Music Box Players will Mm We Sell Happiness! We Sell Happiness! hold auditions for “Annie” from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 3 for girls ages 6 to 13, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. for adults (ages 13 and over) and from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 4 for 3138 Memorial Hwy., Dallas | 24 Across From Agway elk (570) 675-4400 |i a Why wait... Rates are good, the view is breathtaking !!!!!!! These 1] ) DALLAS BOROUGH : , Season(ings)s Gat Eoewion for Fast severi FOUR Jenkins Township y ss living- Great Condition, : : : Greetings!’ 3 Botoom 2 & 12 Buk. | | l0ts just south of Pittston are the 72 8 I£s Not Top Late Heated Garage, LG Corner nicest you'll find. Buy a lot home iE To Book Your Lot Across from Park, 18 x 3 36 Pool. Asking $209,900 Call Riutody for | | between $325,000 and $350,000. 570-406-2438 Brokers welcome. Spec Home DALLAS - FOX ' available for viewing at River HOLLOW Shores, corner of Susquehanna Family room with Stone © o (a) A o Q ® < ® -— < - o Q 7) © = & g < © _— (a) ® Q HOLIDAY PARTIES! | Let us make your home \ or office holiday event a § & memrabile occasion. fireplace 3 Bedroom 3 and Erie St in West Pittston. | p/ : Bath, Private rear deck. : : | Dente’s Catering Priced for quicksale@ | | Open House on Sunday | i wr 175,000 1 oY va 655-0801 Sirs 570-406-2438 Call Richard between 12 and 3. / fil . i
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