Sunday, November 4, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 7 ton Mills, work out at the Zumbathon. BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Ross Elementary PTO vice president Ashley Raspen, left, and Emily and Jessica Demko, of Hunting- Zumbathon raises funds for Ross Elem. Zumbathon to raise money for the Ross Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization was held on Oct. 19 at the Ross Elementary School gymnasium. Zumba instructor Amy Dale, of Sweet Valley, led parents and iends in Zumba exercises. Emily and Jessica Demko, of Huntington Mills, register for the Ross Elementary PTO Zumbathon. LEFT PHOTO: Zumba instructor Amy Dale, of Sweet Valley, shows the dancers how it's done at the Ross Elementary School Zum- bathon to benefit the school's parent-teacher organization. AUTHOR VISITS ONCE UPON A TIME DAYCARE Once Upon A Time Daycare was thrilled to have a very special guest visit the children. Angela DeMuro, author and illustrator of several “Land of MU" books, came for a book signing and to read to the children. The Halloween story time featured ‘The Boy Who Loved Halloween! Shown here, front row, is Camryn Ecenrode. Second row, Tanya Macareo holding Jaxon Saitta, Gianna Saitta with author Angela DeMuro, Danielle Cramton, Irelyn Curley and Gavin Bayer. Third row, Claire Zdancewicz, Sabrina Zdancewicz, Tyler Spaciano and Nick Cramton SCHOOL BRIEFS Program speaker will discuss Judge Rosenn The Misericordia University Government, Law and National Security Program will host the presentation, “Walking with Justice” by Mollie Marti, J.D., Ph.D., at 7:30 p.m. on Wednes- day, Nov. 7 in the Huntzinger and Alden Trust Rooms 218- 219 of Sandy and Marlene Insalaco Hall on the upper campus. The lecture is open free to the public. Dr. Marti will talk about her newest book, “Walking with Justice: Uncommon Lessons from One of Life’s Greatest Mentors,” which shares her experience as a law clerk for federal Judge Max Rosenn of Wilkes-Barre, who served 36 years as a jurist on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit from 1970 to 2006 and was one of the foun- ders of the Rosenn, Jenkins & Greenwald law firm. For more information, call ) 674-6400. Seminary plans : Open House Students and their parents interested in learning more about Wyoming Seminary Upper School are invited to attend a fall Upper School Open House from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 10 on Sem’s Kingston campus. The Open House will feature campus tours, opportunities to meet faculty and students and information on admission and affordability. Visitors should convene at the admissions office in the Stettler Learning Resources Center on North Sprague Ave- nue. To register, call the admis- sions office at 270-2160. MU hosts talk about Native Americans The Misericordia University Multicultural Education De- partment (MU/ME) is hosting a talk about the evolution of Native Americans in the Unit- ed States and a film that exam- ines how they are seen through film around the world on Now. 13-14. The events are open free to the public. The lecture, “Truth Talks: Frank LittleBear — Being Na- tive American in America,” will be presented from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13 in Huntz- inger and Alden Trust Rooms 218-219 in Sandy and Marlene Insalaco Hall. Frank LittleBear of the Cree National Heritage will present and discuss the evolution of Native Americans in the United States and look at representation and issues facing them today. MU/ME will present, “Reel Injun,” a Peabody Award-win- ning documentary that offers an entertaining and insightful look at the Hollywood Indian on Wednesday, Nov. 14. For more information, call 674-6214. Friedman Gallery plans bus trip The Pauly Friedman Art Gallery at Misericordia Uni- versity will host a daylong bus trip to tour the Barnes Founda- tion Museum on Philadelphia’s Museum Mile with lunch at the famed French restaurant, Le Bec Fin on Saturday, Nov. 17. Tickets are $150 per person and include a four-course lun- cheon at Le Bec Fin. For reservations, call Anne Postupack, Cameo House Tours, at 655-3420. Judge Gartley, DHS ECONOMICS STUDENTS ATTEND LECTURE The Dallas High School Economic Competition Club, under the direction of Dennis Garvey and Tom Gilroy, attended a lecture given by Dr. Gary Stern, former president of the Minneapolis Feder- al Reserve Bank. The lecture was hosted by the business department of Misericordia University. At the conclusion of the lecture, Dr. Stern spent time with the club in a short question and answer period. From left, first row, are Dennis Garvey, club moderator; Blake Donovan, Ryan Koyloski, Colin Casto. Second row, Gary Stern, Stephen Mingay, Kristi Oschal, Rudy Georgetti, Jenna Mor- gan, Ryan Georgetti and Zach Goodwin. DMS hosts Det. Balogh Dallas Middle School recently held an assembly for all eighth- grade students featuring Luzerne County Judge Tina Gartley and Detective Chas Balogh of the Lu- zerne County District Attorney’s Office. Judge Gartley spoke to students about the legal ramifica- tions of bullying and inappropri- ate internet use. Detective Ba- logh used a multimedia presenta- tion to overview internet safety, cyber bullying and monitoring tools for online behavior. Both speakers fielded students’ ques- tions as a conclusion to the pro- gram. From left, are Detective Chas Balogh, Dr. Thomas Duffy, Middle School principal; Judge Tina Gartley, Michael Shevock, Middle School guidance counsel- or; Norb Swithers, Dallas School District Home and School Vis- itor.
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