wn PAGE 8 THE DALLAS POST 7 Sunday, October 14, 2012 Some of the Joan Harris Dancers from various Back Mountain communities who will appear in ‘The Pumpkin Twist’ are, from left, first row, Ashlyn Catina, Dallas; Amanda Sedor, Trucksville. Second row, Marlena Ostrowski, Dallas; Anna Giacometti, Dallas; Anna James, Jackson Township; and Kiera Gross, Shavertown. Harris presents ‘Pumpkin Twist’ The Joan Harris Centre will perform “Pumpkin Twist” at noon and 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20 and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21at the E.L. Meyers High School Auditorium, Wilkes-Barre. Dancers from the Back Moun- tain communities will join hun- dreds of dancers from all across Northeastern Pennsylvania to Has Arrived sal 651 WYOMING AVE « KINGSTON + 287-1115 PWILDFOX® perform a wide variety of ballet, tap, jazz and hip hop dances all set in a musical motif for the holiday. All students of the Centre will perform in this first full-school production of the new season, which marks the end of one eight- week session. In the first six weeks, the Joan Harris Dancers performed at Knoebel's Amuse- 1% 07 4 BO ou OS) Wed-Fri 10-7 Sat 10-5 "LUCAS FARMS | SPANISH ONIONS 3 < CELERY 995... Carrots i 89°¢ cucumsirs 89% peppers © 09% POTATOES $2 25 BEANS 89:5 CUCUMBERS 3/ Q9Y«< APPLES | 89: SPECIALS GOOD THRU 10/13 Shicikeb Jingy 3 & ogatiom Open. 7 ays Por Week: 10am to opm Hanover bw, > kocarion Open ur Week Yan to Opn 610 Nanticoke Street, Hanover Twp Phone 570-825-9720 » Fax 570-825-193 www.lucasfarms.org ays ment Park and staged two musi- cals, “Disney’s Cinderella Kids” and “Fame JR,” at the EM. Kirby Center. Tickets are $10 in advance and children under 5 years of age will be admitted free of charge. For more information on “Halloween Hop” or upcoming events at the centre, call 287-7977. October is Commercial and Large Residential If You Are Looking For Experience, Call Us e Competitive Prices Complete Janitorial Services * Floor Cleaning & Maintenance » Gutter Cleaning * Fully Insured & Bonded ilkes-Barre indow Cleaning, Inc. iting Compassionate Care To You and Your Family Call Today For A Tour At # Mercy Center 675-2131 _ WWW. MCnu. org TAHS Band will present 12-24 o The Tunkhannock Area High School Marching Band will hold its annual Twelve-Twenty Four concert at 7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 14 at the Tunkhannock Area High School Auditorium. Doors will open at 6 p.m. Twelve Twenty Four brings its high energy, full-scale holi- day rock orchestra concert back to the Northeast this year, fea- turing the music of the Trans Siberian Orchestra (TSO), along with selections from its own debut album, “Miracle on Rock Street,” and this year’s newest album, “Light in the Dark,” for a one-of —a —kind holi- day experience, Established in 2002, Twenty- Twenty Four started out as a TSO tribute band for nearly a decade, before evolving into its own original holiday sound, with its first album produced by award-winning engineers who worked with Madonna, Rolling Stones, Peter Gabriel and many more. The second concept album of “Light in the Dark” showcases the diverse styles and talents of each of the performers while taking the listeners on a journey with a unique holiday storyline. They are internationally selling artists who aspire to be the third musical holiday tradition in the country, along with Manheim Steamrollers and TSO. Twelve Twenty-Four’s ensem- ble includes a four-piece string section, six-piece rock band, five lead vocalists and an angel sto- ryteller. Tickets may be purchased at Gay’s True Value, Bridge Street, Tunkhannock or online at www.twelvetwentyfour.net. Cost per person for pre-sale is $15 or $20 at the door. Tickets go on sale Oct. 15. For further information, call Jill at 205-5751. Harris Centre plans free With assistance from a grant from the Luzerne County Fund and the Ben Franklin Fund of the Luzerne Foundation, the Harris Conservatory for the Arts and the Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania will hold a one-day event that will give girls the opportunity to participate in a series of class- es designed to inspire ideas and skills to build a strong, confident future. This one-of-a-kind experi- ence, “Empowering the Future Woman,” is offered at no cost to girls ages 10 and older to spend the afternoon in four classes, including Presenting Yourself With Confidence and | MONTH NEW LOCATION! Grace, Physical Fitness and Nutrition, Babysitting 101 and Women’s Self Defense. The event is planned for 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 4 at the Harris Conservatory for the Arts at 545 Charles St., Lu- workshops zerne. Participation is free but advance registration is re- quired due to limited class siz- es. To register, call the Harris Conservatory for the Arts at 718-0673. Send items for publication in The Dallas Post to news@mydallas- DOS! com DO YOU AG THE OF Don’t hope so. } Know so. SHARLENE BITTNER (570) 283-8300 Luzerne Shopping Center - Luzerne - shittner@allstate.com Insurance is subject to qualifications, conditions and availability. Discount is subject to qualifications and availability and amount may be lower. 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