BE aT. PAGE 6 EDITORIAL Sunday, October 14, 2012 Joe Butkiewicz EXECUTIVE EDITOR 829-7249 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE TIMES LEADER 15 N. Main St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521 Diane McGee ADVERTISING 970-7153 Dotty Martin EDITOR - 970-7440 ew books The following books have been added to the shelves of the Back Mountain Memorial Library, 96 Huntsville Road, Dallas, for the month of October 2012: EXPRESS “Winter of the World” by Ken Follett, “Severe Clear” by Stuart Woods, “Low Pressure” by Sand- ra Brown, “The Light Between Oceans” by M.L. Stedman, “Delu- sion in Death” by J.D. Robb, “Hiss and Hers” by M.C. Beaton FICTION “Winter of the World” by Ken at library Follett, “Severe Clear” by Stuart Woods, “Low Pressure” by Sand- ra Brown, “Delusion in Death” by J.D. Robb, “Just Down the Road” by Jodi Thomas MYSTERY “Hiss and Hers” by M.C. Bea- ton STORY COLLECTION “Black Dahlia and White Rose” by Joyce Carol Oates LARGE PRINT FICTION “Bones are Forever” by Kathy Reichs Service grant As the application deadline approaches to apply for Penn- sylvania’s Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Service Grants, Rep. Karen Boback (R-Lu- zerne/Columbia/ Wyoming) is encouraging volunteer fire companies and ambulance ser- vices throughout Pennsylva- nia that have not already done so to apply for the 2012 Volun- teer Fire Company and Volun- teer Ambulance Service Grant Program. The General Assembly re- cently adopted Act 78 of 2012 to reauthorize the grant pro- gram for an additional four years and increase the total grant funding available from $25 million to $30 million. deadline near Grants to eligible fire com- panies will be contingent up- on their agreeing to participa- te in and report information using the Pennsylvania Fire Information Reporting Sys- tem. The application period closes on Oct. 19. Last year, dozens of area fire and ambulance organizations each received thousands of dollars in funding from the program, which was created by the General Assembly as Act 10 of 2007. The program is funded through state gaming proceeds. For more information, visit Boback’s website at RepBo- and click on “Fire and Ambulance Grants.” MOMENTS IN TIME By Samantha Weaver ¢ |[t was beloved American actress Katharine Hepburn who made the following sage observation: "If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased." * Half of the Earth's surface is covered by the Pacific Ocean. * Need more evidence that portion sizes in America are getting larger? In the 1964 edition of the iconic "Joy of Cooking," a recipe for chocolate chip cookies was said to yield 45 servings. When the cook- book's 1997 edition was published, the same recipe was said to yield 36 servings. * The original name of the city of Melbourne, Australia, was Bat- mania. * In the original calculations made by NASA experts, a landing on the moon was thought to have only a 5 percent chance of success. ® |n rural Wisconsin in 1921, two third-grade students in a one-room schoolhouse became sweethearts. At the end of the school year, Lorraine Beatty and Mac McKitrick lost touch with each other. This story would be unremarkable, except for what happened 87 years later. In 2009, their brothers, who had become friends, brought the couple back together again. Shortly thereafter, the couple married and moved in with each other in a retirement home. * The 12th president of the United States, Zachary Taylor, let his horse graze on the White House lawn. * The oldest government building in the country actually predates the nation: The Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe, N.M., was built in 1610. BRR a YOUR SPACE ie Angeline Jones, of Valley View Trailer Park in Dallas, photographed this beautiful waterfall with colored leaves at Buttermilk Creek in Falls. "YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photo- graphs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to, by fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submitting person's name, address and telephone num- ber in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned cation. should include a self-addressed/stamped envelope. Items will be published in the or- der in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the right to reject any items submitted for publi- 20 YEARS AGO -1992 Competing for the first time, Amy Withers of Dallas took 2nd place in jazz solo at the Funfest held in Hazleton. She did a pan- tomime-jazz routine. Amy is a student of Kris Hanify’s at the Back Mountain Dance Studio. Dallas Se- nior High School cele- brates Homecom- ing October 17 with a pa- rade and game Ss against Crestwood on Saturday afternoon. A pep rally and dance where the Queen will be crowned is set for October 16. The school will select a Queen from the following candidates: Eve Figueroa, Megan Heffron, Sara Cuba, Katie Bennett, Jill Kowalski, Bridget Ziminski and Partrice Shovlin. YESTERDAY 30 YEARS AGO -1982 Members of the Dallas Area Federated Woman's Club are planning their annual Fashion Show to be held on October 28 at the Dallas Junior High School. Planners included Mrs. William Lipo, Mrs. Charles Puckey, Mrs. Frank Rollman, Mrs. Paul McCue and William Roman. Two members of the senior class of Lake-Lehman High School earned standing as com- mended students in the annual National Merit Scholarship com- petition. They are Jennifer Hu- gaski and John Gabriel. Their scores placed them in the top five percent of students tested nationwide. 40 YEARS AGO -1972 Saturday is Homecoming Day at Dallas High School and the Mountaineers will play host to Scranton Prep football team. Nominees for this year’s Home- coming Queen are Diane Mason- er, Marie Beth Donachie, Kath- leen Jonsson, Pat Brennan, Vale- rie Klemow, Pam Taddei and Nancy Popielarz. Announcement of officers was made by Gate of Heaven Parent Teacher Guild. Officers for the school year are: Philip Cum- mings, president; John Schray, first vice president; William Con- nolly, second vice president; Kay Kale, secretary; and Loretta Bryan, treasurer. 50 YEARS AGO -1962 First prize for a mammoth pumpkin, the largest shown at Bloomsburg Fair, went to Jea- nine Hoover and Carl Detsick, who exhibited an 88 pound job grown by Thomas Detsick, out in his corn field on Ryman Road. Mrs. James F. Besecker Jr., East Dallas, was recently elected recording secretary of the gar- den Club Federation of Pennsyl- vania. Election took place at Erie on Tuesday. There are 1,400 members in the federation. 60 YEARS AGO -1952 Justice of the Peace John Fow- ler and his wife, of Orange, have added twenty-five ribbons to their collection of over two hundred, won during the four years they have been showing game bantams and Old English bantams at State and County Fairs. Mr. Fowler, with a twenty- one bird entry at Bloomsburg Fair, took nine firsts and eight seconds. Mrs. Fowler, with eight entries took both first and sec- ond awards in all four classes for Old English bantams, cocks, cockerels, hens and pullets. 70 YEARS AGO -1942 Shortage of tires and gasoline doesn’t worry Mr. and Mrs. El- ston of Kunkle —- they do their riding in horse and buggy. Tues- day afternoon, Mrs. Elston put on her “old gray bonnet,” Mr. El- ston hitched “Dolly,” their dag ple gray mare, to the buggy they rode merrily through the colorful autumn countryside of Dallas. James Murray, Church Street, has been appointed ticket agent at the Wilkes-Barre station of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Information for “Only Yester- day” is taken from past issues of The Dallas Post which is 122 vears old. The information is printed here exactly as it ap- peared in the newspaper vears ago. MOMENTS The History Channel off the back of a truck." rationing in the United States. little girl became stuck. IN TIME ® On Oct. 19,1931, David Cornwell, later known as spy novelist John le Carre, is born in Poole, England. He published his first spy novel, "Call for the Dead," in 1961. The novel, like his second, "A Murder of Quality" (1962), featured spy George Smiley. ® On Oct. 15,1946, Herman Goering, commander in chief of the Luftwaffe and head of the Gestapo, dies by his own hand. He was found guilty at Nuremberg and committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide tablet he had hidden from his guards. ® On Oct. 20, 1968, 21-year-old Oregonian Dick Fosbury wins gold medal and sets an Olympic record when he high-jumps 7 feet, 41/4 inches at the Mexico City Games. It was the internation- al debut of Fosbury’s unique jumping style, known as the "Fosbury Flop," which, according to one journalist, "looked like a guy falling ® On Oct. 17,1973, the Arab-dominated Organization of Pet- roleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) announces a decision to cut oil exports to the United States. In December, a full oil embargo was imposed, prompting a serious energy crisis and gasoline ® On Oct. 16, 1987, 18-month-old Jessica McClure is rescued after being trapped for 58 hours in an abandoned water well in Midland, Texas. McClure had fallen through the 8-inch-wide open- ing of an abandoned well in the backyard of her aunt's home day-care center. After dropping about 22 feet into the well, the “My father. He died young, but the time | spent with him | learned much.” Joe Kelley Dallas “WHO HAS BEEN THE MOST ""My parents. It's hard to put in words but my father never lost his temper and my moth- er was a nurse." Art Baird Jackson Twp. “A nun. Sister Eliza- beth at Sacred Heart Academy. She was ve- ry well-educated and Irish." Barbara Messmer Dallas INFLUENTIAL PERSON ""My parents. They taught us to be honest and faithful. Hope | was as good a teacher to my son." Millie Wheeler Dallas IN YOUR LIFE?" "The head exercise instructor at Curves in Shavertown, Susan. She's become a dear friend, puts my exer- cise stockings on for me and | lost 25 Ibs." Leona Huntz Dallas "My Mom. She gives me great advice and is my pal." George Versariu Trucksville
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