THE DALLAS POST Sunday, September 16, 2012 Green Steve Green performs at SUMC on Sept. 23 The Shavertown United Methodist Fine Arts series will host Steve Green, Christian re- cording artist, at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 23 at the church, 163 N. Pioneer Ave., Shaver- town. Known far and wide for his ministry through his gift of music, Green has four Gram- my nominations, 13 No. 1 songs, seven Dove awards (Christian musics highest award) and 33 recordings. He has sold over three million re- cords worldwide and spent four years with the Gaithers. Tickets, at $20 each, are available by calling the church office at 675-3616 or Deb Kel- leher at 881-9468. Doors open at 6 p.m. CHURCH BRIEFS Bible Study every Sunday Back Mountain Harvest Assembly offers a Spanish Bible Study from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. every Sunday at the church, 340 Carverton Road, Trucksville. For more information, call the church office at 696-1128 or Luis/Stefano Rosario at 706-1005. Homemade soups served Homemade soups, all served with bread and but- ter, beverage and dessert, will be available from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 22 at the Noxen Unit- ed Methodist Church, Route 29, Noxen. A free will offering will be taken. Last yard sale of the year slated The Huntsville United Methodist Church, 2355 Huntsville Road, Shaver- town, will hold its last Com- munity Yard Sale of the year from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept 22. Vendor space is $10 each. Food and a bake sale will also be available. Call 477- 3748 to reserve your space. Roast beef dinner set for Sept. 22 The Lutheran Brother- hood and St. Paul’s Luth- eran Church will hold a family-style roast beef sup- per from 4 to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 22 at the church, Route 118, Dallas. Takeouts will begin at 3:30 p.m. Cost is $8.50 for adult sand $3.50 for children. Reservations are encour- The following transfers of Back Mountain properties have been recorded in the Luzerne County Office of the Recorder of Deeds: Robert J. Sr. and Susan M. Carpinet to Aaron S. Martin, Dallas Township; $210,000 Jessicz Puz, Jessica On- zik, Mitchell David Onzik to Steve J. Weber and Tracy L. Petrilla, Lot 170A, Dallas Township; $159,900 Charles Sr., Charles, Rob- ert Sr. and Robert Wojcik to William and Andrew Balav- age, Lot 5, Mountain Tier, Kingston Township; $267,500 Christopher and Pauline Reedy to Paul Schweizer Jr., Franklin Township; $474,000 David D. and Karen M. Drost to Darrin Woodruff, Kingston Township; $410,000 Douglas and Kimberly J. Barbacci to Joseph P. ITI and Marisa D. Tosh, Franklin Township; $489,000 Dorothy Grey to John and Nancy L. Knorr, Lehman Township; $3,500 William H. Jr. and Sharon Strauser to Ryan T. and Christina Marie Doughton, Lot 19, Par 25, Pear Tree Lane, Dallas township; $59,900 Gary A. Ferentino to Tho- mas and Karen Davis, Har- veys Lake Borough; $14,500 aged. Tickets can be ob- tained at the door or by calling 675-3859. The building is hand- icapped accessible. SUMC Committee plans concert The Fine Arts Committee of Shavertown United Meth- odist Church will begin its 10th season of concerts with Steve Green, Christian re- cording artist, at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 23. Tickets for the concert are $20. Call the SUMC office at 675-3616 or Deb Kelleher at 881-9468. Rummage sale set The annual fall rummage sale at Orange United Meth- odist Church will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28 and 29 in the church hall, rear 2293 West Eighth Street, Dallas (village of Orange). A wide variety of useable items, clothing and some antiques will be available. Welsh cookies and light refreshments will also be on sale. For further information, call 333-4626 or 333-4493. Book study at SV church The Sweet Valley Church of Christ, 5439 Main Road, Sweet Valley invites area lades to a study on the book by Beth Moore, “Jesus, the One and Only” 10 a.m. on Saturdays, starting Oct. 6. To order a book for the study, log onto www.ifeway- .com. Life changes. Your insurance an help you stay in step. SHARLENE BITTNER (570) 283-8300 Luzerne Shopping Center - Luzerne - Insurance is subject to qualifications, conditions and availability. Discount is subject to qualifications and availability and amount may be lower. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company Let me help y you get the protection you need. Whether you've had a baby and bought a new car, or now have a teenager on the road, your insurance should keep up with your life. i Call today for a free review to help you | decide what protection is right for you. Allstate. 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Michael delivered the main address. John Emil Sr. gave a haunting, incisive rendering of Taps that concluded the ceremony. From left, are William Lewis, chaplain; Charles Fleming, Adjutant; George Tucker Jr., vice commander; Art Parks, District 12 Cdr. John M. Emil Sr. and Clarence Michael, past commander. RETURN THE FAVOR AND RAISE YOUR GRANDPARENTS THIS YEAR! SEPTEMBER 9™ 18 NATIONAL GRANDPARENTS DAY! * With Most Major Insurances * Offer Valid Through 9/16/12 www. 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