Sunday, September 16, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 19 al Apartments/ Unfurnished 944 Commercial Properties PITTSTON | NEWLY REMODELED § 1 3 bedrooms, 1.5 throughout, washer /dryer hookup, full | basement, off street parking, | gas heat. $650. i month + utilities ; & security. : No Pets. | 570-905-6945 LNELP ASUCCESSFLSALE INCLASSHED! Doyouneedmore space? A yard or garage sale in classified 1s the best way to can out your cosets You're in bussiness __yith classified! 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished NEW TOA TRUCKSVILLE 3 bedrooms, refrigerator & stove, washer/ dryer hookup, laun- dry room, off-street parking, no pets or smoking. $700/ month + electric, gas & hot water, 1 month security, references & back- ground check. 570-592-2902 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! LL. 1 Apartments/ Unfurnished Tm for the nt deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It's a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! "Atl NSA 841 Apartments/ Unfurnished NEW ToD WILKES-BARRE 371 Scott Street ist floor. Newly remodeled 2 bed- room, new bath & kitchen, wall to wall carpet, offstreet parking. $625/month + 1 st & security. 570-793-5501 Looking to buy a home? Place an ad here and let the sellers know! 570-829-7130 91” of Times Leader readers read the Classified section. *2008 Pulse Research What Do You Have To Sell Today? Call 829-7130 to place your ad. ONLY ONE LEA THE TIMES LEADER NEW To0iY ASHLEY/HANOVER TWP 779 Hazle St. 1st floor approxi- mately 1300 sq. ft. with central air & all utilities included. Less than $1.00 per sq. ft. Can divide. Great for business offices, recently updated, painted & new bathrooms. 570-814-1356 i TODA EDWARDSVILLE 6 SPACIOUS ROOMS Freshly painted, newer carpeting, full basement, yard, gas heat, adequate closets. $635 month + security and utilities. No smoking. Some 1S Date 908- od 2494 NEW To0i KINGSTON Sprague Ave. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1st floor duplex, New w/w carpeting & hardwood floors. Convenient to Wyoming Ave. Washer/dryer hook- up, basement storage. Reduced! $520/month + utilities, security, lease. NO PETS. 570-793-6294 KINGSTON Sprague Ave. Charming, spacious 6 room, 2 bedroom duplex, includes 2nd & 3rd floor. Ample closets. Washer /dryer hook-up. $575/ month + utili- ties, security & lease. NO PETS. 570-793-6294 NEW Tool PLAINS Spacious 3 bedroom, 1 bath with Victorian charm with hard- wood floors, neutral decor, stained glass window, large kitchen. Washer /dryer hook-up, off-street parking. $700 month + utilities, security & vlease. NO PETS. 570-793-6294 WILKES-BARRE Academy Street Well maintained in move-in condition. 6 room house with 3 bedrooms &1 1/2 baths. Gas forced air heat. No pets. 1 year lease. Credit check.$625 + utili- ties & security. Call 908-510-3879 WILKES-BARRE REGENT STREET HALF DOUBLE For Rent. Huge Living Room. 2 Large Bedrooms Call: 570-262-1660 $575.00 a Month First and Last Month Rent 953 Houses for Rent NEW TODAY ASHLEY CAREY'S PATCH 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, full modern house, off street park- ing. Pet friendly $1,200 month. Call Will @ 570-417-5186 KINGSTON 3 bedroom single house 1 & 3/4 bath, garage, washer/ dryer, new flooring, porch, $900 + utili- ties. NO PETS. (570)991-5190 KINGSTON 3 bedrooms, baths, all appli- ances, fenced in yard, off street parking, near school, Beautiful home. $950 / month 1st, last, security. (570) 714-3693 or (570) 301-2458 NEW To00 WILKES-BARRE 52 SLYVANUS St. Single family home for rent. 1,450 sq ft. 3 bedrooms with 1.5 closets. First floor tile bath, 1st floor washer/dryer hook- up, new gas water heater, new car- pets, modern Kkit- chen, ceiling fan, new gas stove, dead bolt locks, enclosed front porch, basement, residential street, fenced yard, 1 car private driveway, 1 car garage. 1 year lease. 1 month security. Back- ground checks. $790 plus utilities. call Bill 215-527-8133 1015 Appliance Service ECO-FRIENDLY APPLIANCE TECH. 25 Years Experi- ence fixing major appliances: Washer, Dryer, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Com- pactors. Most brands. Free phone advice & all work guaranteed. No service charge for visit. 570-706-6577 1024 Building & Remodeling fst. Quality Construction Co, Roofing, siding, gutters, insulation, decks, additions, windows, doors, masonry & concrete. Insured & Bonded. Senior Citizens Discount! State Lic. # PAO5T320 570-606-8438 1054 Concrete & Masonry EW TODAY Williams & Franks Inc CHIMNEYS, Masonry, Con- crete, Brick, Stonework, Stucco “Damage repair specialist” 570-466-2916 1057 Construction & Building GARAGE DOOR Sales, service, installation & repair. 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