PAGE 14 Tue DALLAS POST SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2012 Youths enjoy the annual boys basketball camp held recently at the Lake-Lehman High School. Camp allows youths to learn the game The Lake-Lehman School Dis- trict held its annual youth boys basketball camp recently. Jared James organized the camp as his senior project with the help of his varsity coach Brian Cutter and members of the varsi- ty basketball team, including Adam Dizbon, Cody Paraschak, Ben Pilch, Tyler Bonner, Bill Hill- man, Mike Simeon and Kyle James. The camp ran from July 16-20 and was attended by 40 youths. This year’s camp saw a wide va- riety of both boys and girls from the Lake-Lehman and Dallas school districts whose ages rang- ed from 8 to 13. They were in- structed on new stretches, drills, movies and fundamentals of the game and were all able to see im- provement in their skills throughout the week. The camp also saw guest ap- pearances from Trevor Woodruff, head basketball coach at Miser- icordia University, and John Sze- la, director of Proshot Basketball Camp, who both worked with the young cagers on shooting and ball handling drills. Each participant received an NBA t-shirt and Lake-Lehman hand towel. Others prizes, such as basketballs, arm sleeves and medals, were distributed to the winners at the end of the camp. The camp concluded with a pizza party in the cafeteria for every- one who attended. All monies raised will help sup- port the Lake-Lehman basketball program. Phillips ombine fi The Dallas Jr. Mounts and the Wyoming/ West Wyoming / Exeter Panthers squared off in the battle of the unbeatens on Sunday with the Jr. Mounts coming away with a 20-12 victo- The Panthers took an early 6- point lead, but Dallas counter- ed with a Todd Phillips to Ste- ven Newell touchdown pass. Sean Cuba, Matt Fararra and Blake Chopyak provided the protection and opened the holes the offense needed. Newell added two second- half touchdown runs. Then Hunter Love, Jack Zeyher and Xander Shaner and the rest of the Dallas defense took over the game. Love made multiple stops in Newel i) a the backfield as the Panthers“ kept trying to get to the outside but he wouldn’ let them. Next up for the Jr. Mounts are the Kingston Huskies. D TEAM The defending 2011 Superb- LR owl champions, the Dallas Jr. ] Mounts D team has' started the _ ; 2012 season off with another solid round of victories. After four games played, the Jr. Mounts have a 3-1 record post- ed for the season sa far, with an upcoming bye today, Sept. 16. After the bye, they will have an _ impressive 41! record on the = season so far. ¥ J] For their season opener on i Aug. 19, the Jr. Mounts scored * on the first offensive play of the game with a 60-yard touchdown Sin LE Sy a $3 t See YOUTH, Page15 | FLAMES WIN STONERSVILLE TOURNAMENT . The Wyoming Valley Flames 10U girls fastpitch softball team won the Stonersville Pig Pit Tour- nament in Reading recently, finishing the weekend with a 5-0 slate. Members of the team are, from left, first row, Emilee Bobos and Gabby Rakowski. Second row, Aleiga Parnell, Elizabeth Mendrzycki, Madison Stashak, Kaehler Kivler, Jenna Simmons, Erin Dunn, Tiffany Eustice, Alessia Mangan, Sarah Tuzinski, Samantha Kern and Lauren Mullery. FLAMES WIN BACK TO SCHOOL BASH rey or Br TAN res The 2012 Wyoming Valley Flames 10u girls fast pitch team finished a very successful 2012 season by winning The Vipers Back To School Bash in Dallas. This was the third tournament the ik Flames won this season. Gabby Rakowski was named tournament MVP for the 10u division. Ee From left, first row, are Alessia Mangan, Aleigha Parnell, Gabby Rakowski, Erin Dunn, Elizabeth M5 Mendrzycki, Madison Stashak. Second row, Sarah Tuzinski, Lauren Mullery, Samantha Kern, ! | Emilee Bobos, Jenna Simmons, Kaehler Kivler, Tiffany Eustice. Third row, Coaches Harry Bobos, Chris Parnell and Bernie Tuzinski. Absent at the time of the photo was Coach Brian Stashak. i Dallas quarterback Ryan Zapoticky runs around the end as Abington defenders pursue in the second quarter of play. Soggy loss for Dallas § The violent wind blew the heavy rain nearly sideways at times at Mountaineer Stadium last Satur- day afternoon while fans held tight- ly to umbrellas, some of which blew inside out when greeted with big- gest gusts. First-year Dallas football coach Bob Zaruta cited reasons other than the weather for this team’s 28-7 loss to Abington Heights — mistakes and missed opportunities. One big mistake came on the en- suing kickoff after Dallas took a 7-0 lead on a 31-yard touchdown pass from Ryan Zapoticky to Darik John- n at 2:56 of the first quarter. Another came late in the third quarter when Abington receiver J.C. Show got past the Dallas sec- ondary, hauling in a 55-yard touch- down pass for a 21-7 lead. The Mountaineers pulled off a successful fake punt after the sec- ond Abington fumble - successful until the Comets recovered a fum- ble at the end of the run. Abington scored its last touch- down with 7:38 left in the fourth quarter when the Comets took ad- vantage of a short punt and Dallas’ inability to sniff out a screen pass. on a fourth-and-7 on the 11-play, 32- yard drive. Dallas football fans weather the storm while watching a game against Abington Heights. ie ASS FA Ld bud A ond mbes. PT am FRED ADAMS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST ma bed 09 p=
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