PAGE 10 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, August 26, 2012 sandwiches, bread and quiches made from the LUNCH TUESDAY-SATURDAY 11 A.M.-3 P.M. DINNER THURSDAY-SATURDAY 5 P.M.-9 P.M. Homemade soups, salads, freshest local ingredients. _THIS WEEK'S FEATURE is Pints $2. 00 Plus Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm New ideas on getting the most enjoyment from Your yeekly CSA LE Interested in joining Fertile A doa Check them out at Free glass & MICEITENS] ¢ Spemals s » Food Specials LER ITT) Sn = J. Giveaways | 4 SATURDAY « SEPT. 1% i Anniversary. he ie I : Coors Eight Giveavays, » : 1 1 SUNDAY.» SEPT. 2 = . Viaximum 2 pies i Tih fast § Samim. iP (Maximum 2 piss) Li: ZEPPOLIES with all orders | Dallas Location Only * Take Out Only i THURSDAYS: 6-9PM AuthentickiHomerate a Sia 570-696-3380 www. RT 309, Trucksville just North of | a po" Luck Viointain fr 4 L Lo ht L/ { - ‘ aR dbl Tamil, lt os fh on choo! Ae com JOIN US FOR OUR WEEKLY BAR SPECIALS MONDAY BUD LITE BOTTLES $2 ALL NIGHT with Suzanne TUESDAY COMPLIMENTARY PIZZA WITH YOUR COCKTAIL 5-7 P.M. with Kristen WEDNESDAY CLAM NIGHT with Kristen * THURSDAY CAJUN NIGHT w/Mallory b * Petite Penne Alfredo w/Cajun Chix $9.95 * Cajun Martinis $5.00 FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR 5-7 P.M. SAT & SUN HAPPY HOUR 3-5 P.M. OPEN FOR BREAKFAST Tues.-Fri. 7-11am » Sat. & Sun. 9am-1pm VION AY Complimentary Buffet (Bar Area) We Accept Reservations » Gift Certificates Available 64 E. Center Hill Rd., Dallas » 675-4511 Lake Lehman Early Learning Center (Located in the Lehman-Jackson Elementary School) Open House! Scan me August 27th - 10am - 6:30pm to learn more! rv bod CHG , iy | Back Noite Ue ne Cetel nating Our 2%. AAO 4 i Ase 2 7 f eZ / Year Pe 7 (end say! Thanks to all of our SUSHI for your support! jw © SEPT. 3, op JES NIGHT} STEAK 2 i 7.99 10 oz STEAK DINNER FRIDAY RIVEIVIUSIC ON THE PATIO 6-9 TWO HAPPY HOURS 5-7 & 9-11 SATURDAY $5 MARTINIS ALL DAY LU] 5) .\ 4 NAZZZ{BRUNECH! W/ANGELO MIRAGLIA 11 AM -2 PM 6-9 ON THE PATIO WEDNESDAY NARA INES A788 [0] =8 \V | [2 7.Xe] HV. 9-12 EV] tm). \'¢ $5 BURGER & FRIES HES =RNU] 4 =H =10) ¢ & POOL TABLE DISCOUNTS W/ COLLEGE ID ENROLLING Infants through Before/After School Age |} F andson, fun, aducatio al activities science & social skills . Comprehensive curriculum that covers literacy, eth, * An innovative learning environment that fosters creativity & learning
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