PAGE 8 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, July 8, 2012 Camille Fioti, left, and Betty Sorchik, of the Community Services Department at the Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, enjoy the 28th Annual Market on the Pond. Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 115 in Trucksville who assisted at the 28th Annual Market on the Pond are, from left, Tony Fioti, Kyle Kulp, Joseph Fioti, Vincent Vespico and Charlie Castellino. Members of Boy Scout Troop 281, of Dallas, who helped park cars during Market on the Pond are, from left, first row, Adam Barberio, Kyle Zern, Garett Paul, Alex Perry, Elijah Chester and Jeffrey Buscher. Second row, Randy Perry, Ron Dixon, Calvin Crane, Michael Zern, Paula Buscher. Dallas Boro Class of 45 meets The Dallas Borough High School Class of 1945 held a late lunch reunion on June 20 at Grot- to Pizza, Harveys Lake. In attendance was Kenneth Cosgrove and his daughter, Ken- dra; Elizabeth P. Covert, Norma R. Crispell, . Peter, and. Carol Roushey and Ruth Whispell. Ed- na F. Knerr and her daughter, Sar- iann, arrived late but enjoyed lunch and visited with Peter and Carol Roushey. Classmates unable to attend in- A Unique Boutique featuring... Women’s & Men’s Apparel and Accessories cluded Victor McCarthy and his wife, Marie; Wanda Culp Beck, James F. Besecker and his wife, Georgia; and Robert McCarty. The group was able to use Ruth Wasserott’s cell phone to talk with classmate Lucille Bittenbender in Donnelly, Idaho. Ruth Wasserott shared copies of the class’s commencement pro- gram, which some of the class mates had never seen. Kendra Cosgrove took many photo- graphs. 0] 3 BD CR Wed-Fri 10-7 Sat 10-5 NIHR 651 WYOMING AVE « KINGSTON » 287-1115 Fialcyon Fujitsu ductless mini-split Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps offer year-round whole-home comfort in most climates. 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Conser ho) . 99 nate ec Attorney At Law | TY pd LVL CAL % Night os Shits 4 1575 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort 283-1200 Over 25 Yedrs Experience hy 5 Manning the Basket Booth at the 28th Annual Market on the Pond are, from left, seated, Cookie Fetterman and Geri Williams. Second row, Fran Dierolf and Louise Montigney. Another successful Market on the Pond ore than 2,000 people packed the grounds of the Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Dallas on June 16 for the 28th Annual Market on the Pond, which featured 120 vendors, homemade food and crafts made by residents of the centers. Over $16,700 was raised. Funds from Market on the Pond will help purchase special equipment for residents as well as pay for special events and socials that enhance the lives of the residents. Group such as the Harveys Lake Women’s Club, Master Gardeners, Back Mountain Bloomers and Boy Scout Troops 115 of Trucksville and 281 of Dallas assisted with the event. i | ‘| Our Lady of Usetory Our Lady of Victory Harveys Lake continues to host the Annual Six Month Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima [- This month's service will fake place on FRIDAY, JULY 13TH AT 7:00 PM, the Devotions will continue to be held on the 13th of each month through October 13th. he isd The Devotions to Our Lady of Fatima consist of | The Rosary, Beautiful Marian Hymns and Benediction. [~ For Further Information Call 639-1535 Handicap Parking & Access is Available ¢ a — OUR LADY OF VICTORY HARVEYS LAKE ANNUAL MEMORIAL | GOLF TOURNAMENT goed Friday, August 24,2012 At Mill Race Golf Course in Benton. $80.00 per person includes: Green Fee, Golf Cart, Open Bar, Lunch. Hors D'oeuvres, Dinner, Beer and Sod back at the Church Hall. ~~ Grand Cash Prize $5,000, and many other cash prizes and raffles. For further information, please call Mike or Merry Ann at (570) 639-5426, or Helen at (570) 639-1535. : : 5 wish Be oe RATS SALON and DAY SPA | JEWELRY & GIFTS! | 3130 Memorial Hwy. * Dallas (across from Agway) ® 675-7427 HAIR * NAILS * PEDICURES * FACIALS MAKE-UP * WAXING * EAR PIERCING a SERINE af RA A I FE RS OU SE SR ere
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