Ep —.--—_» | @® Sunday, July 8, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 13 906 Homes for Sale PAWS TO CONSIDER... ENHANCE YOUR PET CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE Call 829-7130 Place your pet ad and provide us your email address This will create a seller account online and login information will be emailed to you from gadzoo.com “The World of Pets Unleashed” You can then use your account to enhance your online ad. Post up to 6 captioned photos of your pet Expand your text to include more information, include your contact information such as e-mail, address phone number and or website. aa, 906 Homes for Sale Having trouble paying your mort- gage? Falling behind on your payments? You may get mail from people who promise to forestall your foreclosure for a fee in advance. Report them to the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s con- sumer protection agency. Call 1-877- FTC-HELP or click on ftc.gov. A mes- sage from The Times Leader and the FTC. HOMES FOR SALE 5 Homes left. 3 in Nanticoke, 2 in Edwardsville. Price ranging from $20,000 to $37,000 Call 516-216-3539 Leave Message LR (Ll a lL 906 Homes for Sale BN To0A] SHAVERTOWN 105 Summit Street Fire damaged home. Sold as is. 60’ x 235’ lot. Pub- lic sewer, water & gas. $34,500, negotiable Call 570-675-0446, evenings. Need to rent that Vacation property? Place an ad and get started! 570-829-7130 ——— 906 Homes for Sale RRROVER TWP. | New Construction. Lot #2, Fairway Estates. 2,700 square feet, tile & hardwood on 1st floor. Cherry cabi- nets with center island. $399,500. For more details: patrickdeats.com (570)696-1041 Looking for that special place called home? Classified will address Your needs. Open the door with classified! SHICKSHINNY 119 West Union Street Out of flood zone! Large, 2 story frame with 2, three bedroom apartments. Off street parking, Large, dry base- ment, oil heat, large front porch and yard, also 4 room cottage, with ‘garage in the rear of the same property. $85,000. Great home and/or rental. Please call 570-542-4489 SWOYERSVILLE 689 Main Street 2 bedroom home on large lot with bonus efficiency apart- ment. Large living room, eat in kitchen, screened porch. Freshly painted and new flooring. $69,000. Call 570-696-3368 WILKES BARRE Parsons Section 5 bedroom, 1 bath. Garage. Corner lot. Nice location. Out of flood zone. $30,000 negotiable. Call 570-814-7453 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving with classified! income & Commercial Properties WILKES-BARRE ant 1st block S. Franklin St. Historic District. Beautiful 3 story building. 2,300 square feet on first floor. Commercial & residential use. 8 parking spaces. $395,000. Call 570-824-7173 WYOMING 3 APARTMENTS Unique, charming 1 Story Nantucket Style 2 bedroom owner’s cottage + duplex 1 & 2 bed- room. Extensive renovations made. 2 rents will pay bills, or rent 3 for max income. NOT IN FLOOD ZONE. Asking $135,900. 570-609-5133 912 Lots & Acreage FARMLAND LIQUIDATION! S Acres $19,900 8 Acres $24,900 Gorgeous views, fields, woods! 30 minutes Albany. Just off 1-90. Fully approved for your country home! 888-793-7762 www.NewYorklan- dandLakes.com LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It's a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! HARVEYS LAKE Beach Street. 2 nice building lots. Approx 100 x 150 each. Public sewer avail- able. Paved road. Surveyed. $19,995 each.570-822-7359 JENKINS TOWNSHIP Prestigious Highland Hills Development .88 Acres. $75,000 570-947-3375 DUPONT 302 Main Street, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, 1st floor 3 room apartment. Wash- er/dryer on premises, comes furnished OR unfurnished. A/C, water, sewer, garbage included. , $500/per month, + security and elec- tric, unfurnished is $450 plus electric, no smoking. Call 570-466-2157 or 570-477-2847 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished HANOVER TOWNSHIP Two 1st floor, 1 bed- room apartments. All utilities included. No pets. $450 + 1 month security. (908) 964-1554 HARVEYS LAKE 1 or 2 bedroom, LAKE FRONT apart- ments. Wall to wall, appliances, lake rights, off street parking. No Pets. Lease, security & references. 570-639-5920 To place your ad call...829-7130 PARSONS Available 8/1/12 Three bedrooms, stove & washer. Nice yard, great 3rd floor playroom/ office. $700/month, + utilities, 1 month rent & security. Call 570-262-4604 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished DUPONT Totally renovated 6 large room apartment. Partially furnished, brand new fridge/electric range, electric washer & dryer on 1st floor. Brand new custom draperies, Roman shades, carpeting/flooring & energy efficient windows. Kitchen with snack bar. Full tiled pink bath on 1st floor. Beautiful original Victorian wainscotting, ceil- ings, woodwork & vintage wall paper. Victorian dining room with wall to wall carpet. Living room with large storage closet, 2 large bedrooms with wall to wall & large closets. Attic partially finished for storage. 2nd floor large front balcony with beautiful view of the Valley. 1st floor back porch with large back yard, off-street parking. Easy access to 1-81, air- port & casino. Tran- quil neighborhood. No smoking. $800 + utilities & security. 570-762-8265 kx Kx Kk * KINGSTON Beautiful, over- sized executive style apartment in large historic home. Two bed- rooms, one bath, granite kitchen, hardwood floors, dining room, liv- ing room, base- ment storage, beautiful front monthly plus util- ities. No smok- ing. Call 570-472-1110 MOUNTAIN TOP WOODBRYN 1 & 2 Bedroom. No pets. Rents based on income start at $405 & $440. Handicap Accessible. Equal Housing Opportunity. 570- 474-5010 TTY711 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. PITTSTON Totally renovated 1 bedroom apart- ment. Off street parking. Corian counters. $525 + utilities. No Pets. 570-654-5387 TOI WEST PITTSTON 1 bedroom, 1st floor Stove & refrigerator included. Newly remodeled. $475 + utilities 570-357-1138 EW TOD WEST PITTSTON 1st floor, 1 bedroom, refrigerator & stove, washer/dryer hookup, off-street parking, water & sewer, no pets. $550/month, + utili- ties & security (570)388-4242 WEST PITTSTON 2 bedroom. 2nd floor. $550 plus utilities 570-299-5471 WEST PITTSTON One room, 1st floor, furnished efficiency. Galley kitchen, granite bath, built-ins, washer/dryer. Security & refer- ences. Non- smokers, no pets. $700 includes heat & water. 570-655-4311 WILKES-BARRE 4 Rooms, 2 Bedrooms, Wall to Wall carpet, stove, fridge, washer & dryer $550 + security. Heat Included. No pets. Call 570-823-2214 after 1 p.m. Apartments/ WILKES-BARRE PARSONS Recently remodeled 2 bedroom, 2nd floor apartment. Stove, fridge, wash- er & dryer included. $485 + utilities & security. Call 570-650-2494 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! NEW To04 WILKES-BARRE SOUTH 2nd floor, 2 bedroom, big living room, off-street parking, washer /dryer hook-up. $500 + utilities & security deposit. 570-690-7721 941 WiLKES-BARRE Mayflower Crossing Apartments 570.822.3968 2,3&4 Bedrooms - Light & bright open floor plans - All major appliances included - Pets welcome* - Close to everything - 24 hour emergency maintenance - Short term leases available Call TODAY For AVAILABILITY! www.mayflower crossing.com Certain Restrictions Apply* OPPORTUNITY WILKES-BARRE Walking distance to Wilkes University, minutes from King’s Newly renovated. Most utilities includ- ed. Professional on site management. Off street parking. Starting at $515. 866-466-0501 or leasing- rl rentberger.com 244 Commercial Properties DALLAS Office/Retail Space (2 spaces) 961 sq. ft each. All utilities included, ample parking. Memorial Highway allas. $1400/month or combined $2600 570-586-6633 TOOR COURTDALE Cooper St. Nice 2 bedroom, 1 bath 1/2 double with living room, dining room, eat in kitchen with dishwasher, basement with wash- er/dryer, fenced yard, parking for 2 cars, & bonus room. Pets ok. $750+ utilities & security. Call Dave 570-675-4881 KINGSTON Penn St. 1/2 Double, 2 bedroom. Newly remodeled. Gas Heat. Washer & dryer hookup, yard, parking. Not Approved for Section 8. No pets. $550 + utilities. 570-714-1530 KINGSTON Sprague Ave. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1st floor duplex, New w/w carpeting & hardwood floors. Convenient to Wyoming Ave. Washer/dryer hook- up, basement storage. Reduced! $540/month + utilities, security, lease. NO PETS. 570-793-6294 It's that time again! Rent out your apartment with the Classifieds 570-829-7130 PITTSTON Elizabeth Street 1 bedroom half double with large rooms. Neutral decor. Ample clos- ets. Screened in porch & private yard. $350 + utilities security & lease. NO PETS. Call 570-793-6294 EH 950 Half Doubles PLAINS Spacious 3 bedroom, 1 bath with Victorian charm with hard- wood floors, neutral decor, stained glass window, large kitchen with washer /dryer hook-up, off-street parking. $700 month + utilities, security & lease. NO PETS. 570-793-6294 953 Houses for Rent NOXEN 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, & big yard. $950/ month + security & 1st month, No pets. Ask for Bob or Jean 570-477-3599 Let the Community Know! Place your Classified Ad TODAY! 570-829-7130 THORNHURST 45 minutes west of the Gap. 4 bed rooms, 3.5 baths, pool community, all appliances, garage, no pets, $900/ month + utilities, 2 months security & references. 718-916-9872 Motorcycle for sale? Let them see it here in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 953 Houses for Rent EW T0014 BACK MOUNTAIN Residential neighborhood, single family Cape Cod with attached 1 car garage. Covered front porch and open rear deck. Living room, kitchen/dinette. 1 large bedroom, bath, and den with washer/dryer on 1st floor. 2nd floor, large bedroom and bath, and small bedroom/office and attic storage. $850/ month includes trash & sewer. Tenant pays utilities. 1st month and security deposit required. Call 570-696-1821 & leave message. Say it HERE in the Classifieds! 570-829-7130 959 Mobile Homes DALLAS TWP, Newly remodeled 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Large kitchen with stove, water, sewer & garbage included. $545 + 1st & last. 570-332-8922 LNEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE INCLASSHED! Doyou need more space? A yard or garage sale In classified is the best way to cean out your cosets! You're in bussiness with classified! STRISH A/C Ductless / Central Air Conditioning Free Estimates Licensed & Insured 570-332-0715 Shopping for a new apartment? Classified lets you compare costs - without hassle or worry! Get moving : A 1015 Appliance Service ECO-FRIENDLY APPLIANCE TECH. 25 Years Experi- ence fixing major appliances: Washer, Dryer, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Com- pactors. Most brands. Free phone advice & all work guaranteed. No service charge for visit. 570-706-6577 To place your ad Call Toll Free 1-800-427-8649 1024 Building & Remodeling fst, Quali i Roofing, siding, gutters, insulation, decks, additions, windows, doors, masonry & concrete. Insured & Bonded. Senior Citizens Discount! State Lic. # PAO57320 570-606-3438 Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It's a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! a Cl ee 1129 Gutter Repair & Cleaning PJ’s Window Cleaning & Janitorial Services Windows, Gutters, Carpets, Power washing and more. INSURED/BONDED. 570-283-9840 Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! 1162 Landscaping/ Garden LIVING PROOF Landscaping/Lawn Maintenance Free estimates, Reasonable rates, Senior discounts, No job to small, we do it all! 570-831-5579 Play at these courses*: Phone orders call 829-7101 or order online at timesleader.com by clicking on “Contact Us > Subscribe” at the top right of our home page. *Your membership covers the greens fees at most of the participating golf courses. J Yes! | want to join The Times Leader Golf Club. Cards are now available. paid in full at $35 per membership (includes Pa. sales tax). Pickup at The Times Leader. membership(s) paid in full at $35 each (includes Pa. sales tax & shipping). TOTAL ENCLOSED Name Address Phone City L'Ole ZIP Check one: J MasterCard (J Visa (J Discover (J American Express Charge to my credit card # ___ Security Code___ PILAR PLARAIINRRIIORNPLORNAS Exp. date Signature Return form to: The Times Leader Golf Club, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Rounds Arnold’s Golf 4908. West Third St, Nescopeck, PA (570) 752-7022 Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club 260 Country Club Dr., Mountain Top, PA (570) 868-4653 Briarwood “East” & “West” Golf Clubs 4775 West Market Street, York, PA (717) 792-9776 Emanon Country Club Old State Road, RR#1 Box 78, Falls, PA (570) 388-6112 Fernwood Hotel Resort Route 209, Bushkill, PA (888) 337-6966 1050 N. Washington St, Wilkes Barre, PA (570) 821-1169 Lakeland Golf Club Route 107, Fleetville, PA (570) 945-9983 Mill Race Golf 4584 Red Rock Road, Benton, PA (570) 925-2040 Mountain Laurel Golf Course HC1, Box 9A1, White Haven (570) 443-7424 Mountain Valley Golf 1021 Brockton Mountain Dr., Bamesville, PA (570) 467-2242 Sand 1 Sand Springs Drive, Drums, PA (570) 788-5845 Inn and Resort Route 6E, East Tunkhannock, PA (800) 955-0295 Shawnee Inn & Golf Resort 1 River Rd., Shawnee On The Delaware, PA (800) 742-9633 _ THE TIMES LEADE Join The'Most Exclusive Club In Northeastern Pennsylvania, The Times Leader Golf Club! Stone Hedge Golf Course 49 Bridge St, Tunkhannock, PA (570) 836-5108 18 Golf Course Road, Sugarloaf, PA (570) 384-4097 Towanda Box 6180, Towanda, PA (570) 265-6939 Traditions at the Glen 4301 Watson Bivd., Johnson City, NY (607) 797-2381 Twin Oaks Golf Course RR3 Box 283, Dallas, PA (570) 333-4360 Villas i 521 Golf Road, Tamaqua, PA (570) 386-4515 White Birch Golf Course 660 Tuscarora Park Rd., Bamesville, PA (570) 467-2525 White Deer Golf Club 352 Allenwood Camp Ln., Montgomery, PA (570) 547-2186 Woodloch Drive, Hawley, PA (570) 685-8102 Driving Ranges & Instruction Academy of Golf Center 1333 N. River St., Plains, PA (570) 824-5813 International Golf School Multiple course locations. Call (570) 752-7281 for information. muy day! R i An IMPRESSIONS media company Join the Club Today! 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale CYNE SAN 0 500 230 2B) | ef i ) Navigation, Moonroof, All Wheel Drive, 1 Owner, Low Miles, Navigation, Moonroof, Leather, V6, Low Miles, Burgandy 5.4L, 1 Owner, 55,000 Miles, Blue Gateway Ford is a eds of our cust White Platinum : [IKE 110 GIK omers since 1971 ThE bs Moonroof, Leather, Silver 4 Cyl, Auto, Remote Starter, Low Miles, Blue Auto, 4x4, 50,800 Miles, Gray Blue Oval Dealer We would like to invite Scranton Ford's previous customers and other Ford-Mercury Owners to Gateway Ford Inc., where we will be happy to take care of any and all of your auto needs. Take a short ride to the Scenic Endless Mountains, to see why our customers come from all over GATEWAY FORD “Bring your vehicle to Gateway Ford inc. for service and see why so many of our customers are proud members of our Happy Owners Club.” Business Route 6, Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Call Us Now: (570)-836-3 135 See all our Vehicles at www.gatewayfordmercury.com — aa SL
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