Sunday, June 17, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 17 841 Apartments/ Unfurnished @: min bedrooms, refrig- erator & stove, washer/dryer hookup, off-street parking, large yard. No pets. $600/ month, plus utilities & security. 570-237-2076 IL BARRE Mayflower Crossing Apartments 570.822.3968 2,3&4 Bedrooms = Light & bright open floor plans - All major appliances included - Short term leases available Call TODAY For AVAILABILITY! www.mayflower Certain Restrictions Apply* | TODA WILKES-BARRE 155-159 South Meade Street, Beautiful 1 large bedroom with addi- tional room for office/computer space. $600 per month, is located on 2nd floor, carpeted, wash- er/dryer hookup, dishwasher, central air & heat, tenant pays gas heat & electric. Off street parking. Safe & secure building. Income verification, plus 1 month security. 570-824-8517 WILKES-BARRE Apartments available. oth located on 2nd floor, spacious, clean, 2 bedroom apart- ments.Screened porch and deck, all appliances included, $600+utilities plus 1 month security, no pets. 2nd apartment $550+utilities and security, not all appliances includ- ed. Both have Garage available, and are in walking distance to Wilkes University. 570-650-3008 or 570-881-8979 TODAY ILKES-BARRE NEAR ASHLEY 1st floor, 2 bed- rooms, living & dining rooms & kitchen. Refrigera- tor & gas stove, washer/dryer hookup, off-street parking, no pets. $475/month + utili- ties, security & references. Call (570)655-4298 TODA WYOMING 2nd floor. Completely remod- eled. Large, 2 bed- room + den/com- puter room/office. Hardwood floors, new carpeting in liv- ing room & dining area. Washer/ dryer hookup, off- street parking, no pets. Great loca- tion! $750/month + utilities, security & references. Call (570) 885-1922 944 Commercial Properties MEDICAL OFFICE Suite for lease in modern building in Avoca. Designed for 2 physicans. 2,800 sq ft, 6 exam rooms, large recep- tion area, break- room/kitchen, file room, 2 restrooms, lab area, 2 private offices. Excellent condition. Close to 1-81. 50+ parking spots available. 570-954-7950 950 Half Doubles DURYEA 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, washer/dryer hook- up, off-street park- ing, no pets, totally remodeled. $500/ month, + utilities & security. Available immediately. Call Brian 570-299-0298 LINEUP ASUCCESSFUL SALE IN CLASSIFIED! Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! NEW Too KINGSTON Newly renovated 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, off street parking, all appliances, internet, satellite included. Large rooms & basement. $700 + utilities + security. 1 year lease. Call 570-417-9540 WILKES-BARRE Parsons Section 3 bedroom half dou- ble. Off street park- ing. Pets welcome. $550/mo. Credit / Criminal check required. Call 570-266-5333 953 Houses for Rent NEW Tony BACK MOUNTAIN Beautiful 2 bed- room house, Back Mountain area, adjacent to Friedman Farms. 1200/month + utilities, call Lois at 570-822-2992 DALLAS FOR SALE OR RENT Single home in gated retirement village. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage. Granite countertops, hard- wood floors, gas fireplace, appli- ances included. Quiet 55 plus com- munity. No Pets. One year lease. $1675/mo + utilities & security. Monthly maintenance fee included. 570-592-3023 WILKES-BARRE 3 bedrooms, close to Kings and down- town. Includes range & fridge. $700/month, first, last & security. Ten- ant pays heat, elec- tric & water. Call 718-791-5252 or 718-877-7436 STRISH A/C Ductless / Central Air Conditioning Free Estimates Licensed & Insured 570-332-0715 1015 Appliance Service ECO-FRIENDLY APPLIANCE TECH, 25 Years Experi- ence fixing major appliances: Washer, Dryer, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Com- pactors. Most brands. Free phone advice & all work guaranteed. No service charge for visit. 570-706-6577 1024 Building & Remodeling 1st, Quali Oy Roofing, siding, gutters, insulation, decks, additions, windows, doors, masonry & concrete. Insured & Bonded. Senior Citizens Discount! State Lic. # PAOST320 370-606-8438 1024 Building & Remodeling HUGHES NEED A NEW KITCHEN OR BATH??? Seasonal Rooms Roofing, Home Renovating. Garages, Kitchens, Baths, Siding and More! Licensed and insured. FREE ESTIMATES! 570-388-0149 PAO40O387 1054 Concrete & Masonry EW ToD Williams & Franks Inc Masonry - Concrete Brick-Stonework. Chimneys-Stucco” “NO JOB TOO SMALL” “Damage repair specialist” 570-466-2916 1132 Handyman Services THE VILLAGE HANDYMAN *Carpentry* *Drywall* *Painting* *Plumbing* *Ceiling Fans* *Electrical* Senior Discount 877-262-8360 Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! 1135 Hauling & Trucking ALWAYS READY HAULING Property & Estate Cleanups, Attics, Cellars, Yards, Garages, Construction Sites, Flood Damage & More. CHEAPER THAN A DUMPSTER! SAME DAY SERVICE Free Estimates 570-301-3754 1183 Masonry CONCRETE & MASONRY Brick, block, walks, drives, stucco, stone, steps, porches, chimneys & repairs. Quality craftsmanship by an affordable professional. 370-283-5254 1204 Painting & Wallpaper A.B.C. Professional LE THT | CISA = = (ol=Tg[=Tglel=} We Specialize In New Construction Residential S{=ToF-110] i (07olaglasWilale [FE dgPo1 PAI BI E10] = Tg ol) Claims Jator-1giagl=Tales] a1 (=Tglol gd => a {=Tglelg ToT gr= \VA ST UES] o Wl = Tol |) "Eel TeT=TeT=Td 2 {Ta ale dV Cabinet Refinishing Drywall/Finishing Power Washing BI=Tol [@STol=ToE-1 [15 [m F=Tale \VAR\Y FT] FREE ESTIMATES Larry Neer 570-606-9638 1213 Paving & Excavating ¥ X71.) | (BISA SAMAN ES) PARKING LOTS ROADWAYS [= [© I VAY 2 JF 0] || = SEALCOATING Licensed and [gE10]g=Te MEN OF-1 | fLele F-\A leg (o10]g Free Estimate 570-474-6329 Lic.# PA021520 1252 Roofing & Siding OFFICE SPACE Located on Main St., Avoca, within pro- fessional building. Small Office. $650, all utilities included. 570-457-2945 PITTSTON Office Space & Liv- ing Quarters $525/month Call (570)883-1062 Half Doubles ASHLEY Carey’s Patch e yard, quiet . 2 bedroom. eted. Washer / er hookups. Gas heat / water. $600 + security & utilities. 570-821-7005 Sell vour own home! Find the erfect friend. The Classified section at Call 829-7130 to place your ad. LY ONE LEADER. ( THE TIMES LEADER EW TOA H 0 § CONSTRUCTION Roofing specialist, call today and save$$$ 570-574-4618 1300 Tutoring/ Teaching TENNIS LESSONS All Summer Long Back Mt. Area Cer- tified Instructor/Coach Group and Private Adults-Children over 10 years No Membership or Club Fees required Email:;joee3028@ or Call 570-947-1981 WQ Pa MOBILE search the app store and install The Times Leader mobile app NOW for when YOu need your news to go. HE TIMES LEADER An IMPRESSIONS media company
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