PAGE 12 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, June 17, 2012 | ® a ARvimois Brevie Pinney enc Ruienty BILL TARUTIS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Eighth-grader Karli Coole, 14, of Noxen, did a project on Arctic plants and animals. STUFF Continued from Page 1 can preserve the habitat. “You can help the rainforest by being resourceful in what New books on library shelves The following books have been added to the shelves of the Back Mountain Memorial Library, 96 Huntsville Road, Dallas, for the month of June 2012: EXPRESS “The Last Man” by P.T. Deuter- mann, “Little Night” by Luanne Rice, “The Storm” by Clive Cuss- ler, “Bannon Brothers: Honor” by Janet Dailey FICTION “The Last Man” by P.T. Deuter- mann, “Little Night” by Luanne Rice, “The Storm” by Clive Cuss- ler, “Bannon Brothers: Honor” by Janet Dailey, “Beautiful Sacri- fice” by Elizabeth Lowell, “A Blaze of Glory” by Jeff Shaara, “Summer Breeze” by Nancy Thayer, NONFICTION “American Grown” by Mi- chelle Obama, “175 Best Baby- cakes Cake Pops Recipes” by Kathy Moore and Rozanne Wyss LARGE PRINT FICTION “With Open Arms” by Janice Kay Johnson, “Room at Heron's Inn” by Ginger Chambers, “Mi- riam’s Heart” by Emma Miller, “The Last Summer of Being Sin- gle” by Nina Harrington BOOKS ON CD “Unnatural Acts” by Stuart Woods, “11th Hour” by James Patterson, “The Beginners Goodbye” by Anne Tyler, “Stolen Prey” by John Sandford, “Calico Joe” by John Grisham, “Letter from a Stranger” by Barbara Tay- lor Bradford, “Beastly Things” by Donna Leon, “Dorchester Ter- race” by Anne Perry SPECIAL DONATIONS “Bitterblue” by Kristin Cash- ore, presented to the young adults of the Back Mountain Me- morial Library by the parents of the author, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Cashore, “Stop Snoring , Bar- nard” by Zachariah Ohora, pre- sented by Pennsylvania Depart- ment of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries Library program Linda Pacewicz, a Higher Edu- cation Access’ Partner with PHEAA, will conduct “Plan Your Dreams!” as a special program for Back Mountain teens and tweens in conjunction with the summer reading program, “Dream Big! Read!” at the Back Mountain Me- morial Library. Pacewicz invites all sixth through 12th-grade students to an education planning session at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, June 27 at the library. Teens and tweens may bring their own laptops to the program or they may use the internet com- puters in the library. Each partici- pant will receive education plan- ning information and an Ameri- can Education Services back- pack. Interested teens or tweens may call the library at 675-1182 to reg- ister or for more information. you use,” she said. Thirteen-year-old Maranda Moosic, of Lake Township, chose yet another extreme cli- mate to study — the desert. She was surprised by all the different types of animals that lived in the dry, desolate terrain — she didn’t think there would be many at all. “There’s a bobcat, a kangaroo rat, a big-horned sheep, a thorny devil lizard, the pancake prickly pear cactus,” she said, pointing to all the animals in an aquarium she used to model the desert. “It was surprising to learn that toads are in the desert,” said Moosic. “I know they aren’t in water like frogs, but they are more towards water, and there isn’t much water in the desert.” Moosic said science is inter- esting because it affects every- day life. “I think it’s neat that every- thing is made of atoms,” she said. WATER PROBLEMS WE CAN HELP! Commercial & Industrial Water Treatment REMOVE IRON, RUST, BACTERIA, MANGANESE, SULFUR, LEAD, GIARDIA, TOXIC CONTAMINATION ALL WATER PROBLEMS SOLVED » Eliminate Green Stains * Eliminate Methane * Bacteria Protection * Eliminate Chlorine * Correct Hard Water * Ultra Violet Disinfection » Eliminate Bad Odors * Filtering * Reverse Osmosis systems [rem Women's Auxiliary planning summer 5 luncheons beginning June Zl at country club The Irem Women’s Auxiliary invites the public to attend sum- mer luncheons the group will host beginning at noon on June 21, July 19, August 16 and Sep- tember 20 at the Irem Country Club, Country Club Road, Dal- las. Prizes will be awarded. Cost to attend is $18 and reservations must be made b y 11:45 a.m. the Monday before the luncheon. To make reservations, call Bernice West at 256-3031 or Sal- ly Wagner at 675-2325. Suanne Moses is president of the women’s auxiliary. General chairpersons for the luncheons are Bina Holdredge, Marge McCarty and Geri Williams. The menu for June is Spinach salad w/mandarin orange dressing, choice of lemon dill | haddock or petite prime rib, baked potato, green beans, rolls, coffee, tea, pineapple up- side cake. PUZZLE ANSWERS — King Crossword — Answers Solution time: 27 mins. ? Toll Free: 888-442-0349 » Local: 570-586-4436 www. Water Medic Inc. 501 Pittston Blvd. Dupont, PA 18641 The Wilkes-Barre Riverfront Parks Committee Presents RiverFest 2012 . Friday, June 22nd - Kick-off the Festival on Friday evening! Register for a short paddle from West Pittston to Wilkes-Barre or Join us at the Millennium Circle Portal, Wilkes-Barre River Common as we “Awaken the Dragon” in preparation for Dragon Boat training and racing throughout the weekend. Free Family Fishing, Children’s Mural, Live Music, and Dragon Boats on Display! RiverFest Concert on the Common - 5:00pm to 9:00pm Live Music 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm Tribes Three Imaginary Boys RiverFest Opening Ceremonies - Awakening of the Dragons George Wesley 7:45pm . Saturday, June 23rd - Join the Festival at Nesbitt Park for an afternoon of Fun and Activities for All Ages! 12:00pm to 5:00pm Live Music performed by Don Shappelle and the Pickups Live Mammals Program (1:30pm) Live Birds of Prey Program (3:30pm) Guided Nature Hikes Environmental Exhibits Children’s Nature Crafts Face Painting Magician Make a Fish Print T-Shirt Kids Tree Climb Children’s Field Games Pony Rides Moon Bounce Kayaking Demos Dunk Tank Dragon Boat Team Training Car Show and Concert on the River Common - Millennium Circle Portal, Wilkes-Barre River Common 6:00pm to 9:00pm Explore the Classic & Antique Car show presented by NEPA Region Antique Automobile Club of America. Enjoy hits of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s performed live by Flash Back. Check out the Chevy Volt, a plug-in electric and gas car presented by Bonner Chevrolet. Puzzles, Page 2 ——— Go Figure! 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WKRZ will be broadcasting live and calling the races on the Common. Root for your favorite team to win! Enjoy a day along the River. Contact One of the Outfitters ENDLESS MTN. OUTFITTERS at 570-746-9140 | SUSQUEHANNA RIVER ADVENTURES ; at 570-328-4001 | SUSQUEHANNA KAYAK & CANOE RENTAL at 570-388-6107 | (eolgl\Vilelg=Migi{elgagt-1dle]al-Tale MB Id Torilola Mle Rip [HW 2-14 & Penn State Cooperative Extension -ydoll-F-1 Th rdeb We lgi-Jo-Llel Tole ATI RAVAN A g\V/=Tg gel gfe l-1g Nel ge] genes | | f ECO 5 % The Bho oi #1 ce oc fs Gu HK GUARD Corporate Sponsor (Lizeine STATION TATESS ID ER AMERICAN WATER GROUP Wilkes-Barre @©d i all General Hospital : Fuse ix goon.” Tr Cozens Wage + you MEY MOHE CAN il FELLERA AAN Asy offerte of Commonwealth Health a perfect fie. 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