PAGE 10 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, June 10, 2012 Over 100 Dallas High School students line dance in the school lobby during the seventh annual Mini-THON. Dallas Mini-THON supports research for pediatric cancer ver 100 Dallas High School students took part in the seventh annual Mini-THON on May 11. The six-hour event, sponsored by the Dallas High School Mini-THON Club, raises funds for the Penn State Hershey Medical Center’s Four Diamonds Fund for patients and families facing the battle against pediatric cancer. AT RIGHT: Dallas freshman Julianna Murray shows her hula hoop skills at the Mini-THON. [1 Em (O HIE o Gt IPR thm Em: Am Em R TOURS 659-8458 MAINE >. PORTLAND & BOOTHBAY July 22-25 * $649 Deluxe acc., 5 meals incl. a lobster bake, . Puffin cruise, Portland area tour, LL Bean store CHAMPION POOLS & SPAS 79 East Main St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa 18705 (MINERS MILLS) 823-3095 POOL OPENINGS FREE SHOCK & ALGAECIDE 24 x =] Fre 18’ x 52” 2399%° Package LE] STORE HOURS: M-TH 10-7, FRI. 10-6 15’ x 52” 2199% Package BLE] SAT. & SUN. 10-4 Car Loan Sale Extended! Through July 31 1-800-750-9030 | 570-836-3227 P&G Mehoopany Employees Federal Credit Union Federally Insured by NCUA BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST LL sixth-grade honor roll listed Sixth-grade students in the Lake-Lehman School District have been named to the Hon- or Roll for the fourth marking period. LAKE-NOXEN ELEMENTARY Nancy Edkins, principal, Lake-Noxen Elementary School, announces the follow- ing sixth-grade students have achieved the Honor Roll for the fourth marking period: Evan Butcofski, Lacey Ca- rey, Alexandra Concklin, Jade Fry, Destiny Huston, Mikayla Kidd, Nathan Labar, Michael Nastasiak, Kiana Price, Isabel Radel, David Sorber, Kyrah Yurko LEHMAN-JACKSON ELEMENTARY Marilyn Glogowski, princi- pal, Lehman-Jackson Elemen- tary School, announces the following sixth-grade stu- dents have achieved the Hon- or Roll for the fourth marking period: Kaelyn Adams, Nicole Bar- to, Sarah Berholtz, Connor Beyer, Edward Brighthaupt, Vincent Bulzoni, Grace But- ler, Krystin Chaga, Rachel De- Cesaris, Alicia Galasso, Kath- ryn Galasso, Jace Garnick, Ga- brielle Grzymski. Also, Ryan Jones, Cassan- dra Konopki, Alexa Kovaly, Ethan Krzysik, Madelyn Le- ¢ LE wis, Jason Marcin, Jessica | Martin, David Miller, Raven Moore, Riley Newman, Nath- = | an O’Donnell. Also, Kaitlyn Premus, Jessi- ca Ravert, Faith Reseigh, Courtney Richards, Tyler Sa- vitski, Molly Seashock, Henry Selingo, Carly Souder, Saman- tha Spencer, Jacob Weaver, Dakota Williams Gianna Wil- liams ROSS ELEMENTARY Donald James, principal, Ross Elementary, announces the following sixth-grade stu- dents have achieved the Hon- or Roll for the fourth marking period: Makayla Adam, Amanda Ayer, Antonio Care, Keara Gallagher, Courtney Hennin- ger, Miranda Hutchins, Katie Kostrobala, Angela Lockav- ich, Mackenzie Love, Celeste Spak, Chloe VanGorder, Oli- via Vasey, Nicole Wojciechow- | ski at the Back Mountain Memorial Library Mon, Tues, Th 1pm-7pm Wed 10pm-7pm Fri 1pm-5pm ¢ Sat 10am-2pm 675-1182 “The best book bargains in Luzerne County” 49872 == "ON | and DAY SP J EW ELRY & GIFTS! 3130 Memorial Hwy. * Dallas (across from Agway) * 675 HAIR * NAILS * PEDICURES °* FACIALS MAKE-UP * WAXING °* EAR PIERCING HEX Wednesday, June 13 at the Irem Clubhouse Enjoy hors d oeuvres & refreshments at 5:30 p.m. Followed by a brief presentation & tours at 6 p.m. Enjoy the smooth sounds of musician Mike Hagan on the guitar while you explore this active 60+ community among friends. Touring our model villa will help you discover options to customize your new home, including granite countertops, hardwood flooring, crown molding and much more. Whether you're looking for financial security, peace of mind, options or amenities, Masonic Village at Dallas offers it all to make your maintenance-free retirement as unique as you! Please RSVP: 570-675-1866 Food) Engage Life Your Way ¢~ Sgeloere Open for Everyone. =) YRRAL OBIS COPDATHRITY Gp MosonicVillage BI LT DAVEY DI STZ DEY | ETI iP 8 | Ld
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