PAGE 10 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, May 27, 2012 CARTER Top 10 LL DALY Seniors honored by GFWC The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Har- veys Lake hosted Community Night on May 17 at the Lake- Noxen Elementary School, Har- veys Lake. The annual event honors the top 10 seniors at Lake-Lehman High School and community leaders. Students spoke of their high school achievements and future plans for college. The seniors honored were Kristen Boyle, Shavertown, daughter of Chris and Sandy Boyle; Bryan Carter, Sweet Val- ley, son of Kathleen and Donald Carter Jr; Connor Daly, Leh- man Township, son of Kevin and Leah Mann-Daly; Shelby Foster, Dallas, daughter of Joyce and Curtis Foster; Rachel Holena, Shavertown, daughter of William and Sandra Holena; BOYLE SUTLIFF Michelle Lipski, Shavertown, daughter of Pamela and Frank Lipski; Marissa Moosic, Lake MOOSIC HOLENA Township, daughter of Bob and Sandy Moosic; Nathan Rine- house, Shavertown, son of LIPSKI RINEHOUSE FOSTER TALACKA Sutliff; and Taryn Talacka, Leh- man Township, daughter of Ma- ry Ann and Steve Talacka. Jeanne and Steven Rinehouse; Nikki Sutliff, Sweet Valley, daughter of Tim and Donna Locals graduate from Misericordia Misericordia University award- ed 392 undergraduate and gradu- ate degrees at its 86th annual com- mencement ceremony Saturday, May 19. The following Back Mountain students were eligible to partici- pate in the spring commencement ceremony: Krista Artim, West Wyoming, Elementary Education, BS & Spe- cial Education, BS; Katherine Blanchard, Shavertown, Elemen- tary Education, BS & Special Edu- cation, BS; Lisa Bolton, Dallas, Nursing, BS; Abigail Bomboy, Dal- las, Speech Language Pathology, MS; Lauren Brague, West Wyom- ing, Psychology, BS. Also, Casandra Casselbury, Tunkhannock, Nursing, BS; Kim- berly Chopyak, Shavertown, Edu- cation, MS; Meaghan Connolly- Ubaldini, Trucksville , Nursing, BS; Paula Considine-Perugino, Dallas, Nursing, BS; Misty Cook, Dallas, Nursing, BS; April Dulsky, Dallas, English, BA & Communi- cations, BA. Also, Emily Foley, Hunlock Creek, Business Administration, BS; Tedi Greenley, Tunkhannock, Nursing, BS; Natasha Jankowsky, Trucksville, Physical Therapy, MS; Michelle Jeffries, Tunkhan- nock, English, BA; Jennifer Kates, Dallas, Biology, BS; Jeffrey Kelly, Dallas, Professional Studies, BS; Laura Kingston, Tunkhannock, English, BA; Jessica Klimas, Tunkhannock, Physical Therapy, DPT. Also, Alexandria Litchkofski, Hunlock Creek, Occupational Therapy, MS; David Luksh, Dal- las, Business Administration, BS; Brianna Mc Laughlin, Dallas, Speech Language Pathology, MS; Ashley Mihal, Wyoming, Physical Therapy, MS; Denise Nerozzi, Dallas, Elementary Education, BS & Special Education, BS; Jamie Novitski, Shavertown, Nursing, BS; Alisha Nudo, Tunkhannock, Elementary Education, BS & Spe- cial Education, BS. Also, Kelley Parkison, Tunk- hannock, Elementary Education, BS & Special Education, BS; Ma- rissa Patton, Beaumont, Elemen- tary Education, BS; Charlea Pe- dro, Tunkhannock, Nursing, MS; Colleen Ries, Tunkhannock, Nursing, BS; Erik Sandstrom, Harveys Lake, Business Adminis- tration, BS; Mary Scarpa, Tunk- hannock, Communications, BA; Evan Scott, Shavertown, Informa- tion Technology, BS; Rose Scott, Harveys Lake, Accounting, BS; Leslie Serino, Shavertown , Histo- ry, BA; Karen Sickler, Tunkhan- nock , Sport Management, BS; Stacy Siglin, Tunkhannock, Busi- ness Administration, MBA; Su- zanne Sikora, Sweet Valley, Ele- mentary Education, BS & Special Education, BS; Sydney Stamatis, University Tunkhannock, History, BA; Cath- erine Stanski, Dallas, Speech Lan- guage Pathology, MS; Kyle Supon- cic, Shavertown, Sport Manage- ment, BS. Also, Courtney Thomas, Dallas , Elementary Education, BS & Special Education, BS; Michael Truscott, Tunkhannock, Comput- er Science, BS; Stephanie Turner, Dallas, Nursing, BS; Brittany Ve- trini, Hunlock Creek, Business Administration, BS; Phyllis Wal- ter, Dallas, Business Administra- tion, MBA; Patricia Warkevicz, Trucksville, Business Administra- tion, BS; Kelly Wasylkewicz, Hun- lock Creek, Professional Studies, BS; Shana Weinstock, Dallas, Communications, BA; Ramah Williams, Harveys Lake, Medical Imaging, BS; Rebekah Williams, Harveys Lake , Nursing, BS; Char- les Yavorski, Dallas, Professional Studies, BS; Frank Ziegler, Trucks- ville, Accounting, BS. SCHOOL BRIEFS Lake-Lehman High School Mehoopany School Class 0f 1960 is planning a party Reunion IS J une 2 to celebrate classmates’ “70.” Anyone interested in the All classmates from Lake- Mehoopany School and local Noxen and Lehman, Jackson and Ross are invited to a plan- ning meeting at 6 p.m. on Tues- day, June 5 at Grotto Pizza, Harveys Lake. For more information, call history is invited to the Mehoo- pany School Reunion on Sat- urday, June 2 at the Mehoopany Township Building, 239 Back Mountain residents receive degrees from King’s College at 63rd ceremony Back Mountain residents who received degrees from King’s Col- lege during its 63rd commence- ment exercises on May 20 are: MASTER OF EDUCATION CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Sondra Humenansky, Trucks- ville ; Sarah Lynn White, Sweet Valley READING Jennifer M. Pevear, Trucksville ; Douglas J. Ratchford, Shavertown MASTER OF SCIENCE HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION Lisa Isbitski Golden, Wyoming BACHELOR OF ARTS COMMUNICATIONS Justin William Eimers, Hunlock Creek ; Kelly McCue Gibbons, Dal- las ; Kristy N. Gleco, Sweet Valley ; Alexandra Rose Shinert, Wyoming CRIMINAL JUSTICE Robert M. Greenhalgh, Shaver- town; Bridget Marie Knepp, Dal- las ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Kayla A. Solomon, Wyoming ; Lindsay H. Szalkowski, Dallas ; Christopher Michael Wilson, Dal- i can help you make sure your coverage is up-to-date. (570) 283-8300 Call me today. SHARLENE BITTNER Luzerne Shopping Center LUZERNE Northbrook, Hiinois © 2012 Allstate Insurance insurance subject to availability and qualifications. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company. @ Allstate You're in good hands, DOOR SA gil. Win a——— co. BE — Renown Rn ES Al | 5 wh 77 Foote Ave., Duryea, PA (570) 655-7701 las ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Daniel C. Gilbert, Shavertown ; Nicole Lauren Rave, Dallas PHILOSOPHY Bobbi Ann Maslowski, Hunlock Creek PSYCHOLOGY Kayla A. Cross, Hunlock Creek ; Lauren Taylor Jordan, Dallas ; Cristina R. Mahoney, Lehman; Matthew L. Nice, Shavertown; Mi- chael J. Sipsky III, Hunlock Creek ; Daniel Abraham Taroli, Dallas SOCIOLOGY Maxxe E. Spencer, Dallas BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ACCOUNTING Nicholas N. Diaco, Dallas ; Har- ry J. Giacometti, Dallas ; Chris- topher James Klaiss, Dallas ; Ni- cole Christina Mitkus, Shaver- town ATHLETIC TRAINING Aaron James Cusma, Dallas “HOME OF THE COLOSSAL PIZZA” Order Online: = Sm: £m 1m vein Ar et, [il Kein 0 {Km 0 Seth (PEE Oo {KE en AE BIOLOGY Chloe Valentina Fanelli, Wyom- Jordan M. Jiunta, Dallas ; Harry ing J. Pockevich, Shavertown ; Emily MEDICAL STUDIES Christine Polachek, Dallas; ; Jacob Kristen L. Justice, Dallas ; Amy Schoolhouse Hill Road. Alice at 477-5514 or Gordon at Everyoneisaskedtobringa covered dish for the dinner The party is scheduled for starting at noon. Beveragesand priq,y, Aug. 10 at Grotto Piz table service will be provided. Harveys Lake. A short business meeting will be held at 1 p.m. followed by the celebration of the 100th LL class of 1972 birthday of Hazelle (Allen) . Brooks and some Mehoopany will meet history. : Lake-Lehman High School For more information, call Class of 1972 will hold informal Cliff at 833-4641 or Allen at gatherings at6 p.m. on June 16 836-5030. and June 23 at Grotto Pizza, Harvey’s Lake. These meetings LLHS Class of 1960 wittmarkthe doth graduation "IN? anniversary of the class. plans 70 party For more information, call Helen Earl Sgarlat 332-6457. . Mary Kate Lambert, Wyoming MARKETING C. Shook, Noxen ; Gary Francis Louise Sperling, Dallas Stavish Jr., West Wyoming NEUROSCIENCE HUMAN RESOURCES Renee L. Thomas, Sweet Valley MANAGEMENT PSYCHOLOGY Christopher Mark Skevofilax, Dallas Mon Tues 10-5 Wed-Fri 10-7 Sat 10-5 Sun Noon-4 1 | Bag & Bulk ( Coal | oS SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS BY SWITCHING TO A COAL FIRED HOT WATER BOILER AUTOMATIC OR FURNACE AUTOMATIC COAL FIRED HOT AIR COAL-FIRED BOILER «85,000-528,00 BTU Instant Abundant Hot Water 4» *Optional Duel Fuel “ds Coal & Oil «120,000-450,000 BTU *6 Sizes to Choose From *Up to 90% Efficiency * Residential & Commercial *Wash System Keeps Glass Clean » Standard Thermostat We Carry Low COST * _* EASY TO USE 570-298-2150 HOURS: Tues. 12-5 (heald Soap ‘our Most Complete Fireplace and Chimney Expe aol ‘Midway B Between y Tunkhannock & Dall "=o IR = TR (0 EUTCRCT- fil [05 DELIVERY & INSTALLATION AVAILABLE
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