PAGE 2 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, May 20, 2012 CROSSWORD CORNER Puzzle answers, “'® y i 12.3457 8839 © 2012 King Features Syndicate, Inc. measure 30 Shake spearean King 31 Tree fluid 35 Mandible 38 Vast expanse 40 Plaything 42 Skiers’ hotel 45 Winter forecast 47 Car 48 Break suddenly 49 Campsite shelter 50 Beaver’s construction 51 Anger 52 Dine on 54 Gorilla ONCE IS S C d ENOUGH uper LroSSWOI GO FIGURE! by Linda Thiste | n ACROSS 54 Enormous 101 Stromboli DOWN 37 Singer 89 Chocolate ; : : : 1 Not quite 56 Mideastern spew 1 Jessica of Redding substitute The idea of Go Figure is to arrive c closed Agri) pocke’s 302 gown part ark, 3 Donates v 91 Botha and at the figures given at the bot- “Song 0 ea plea emporary n / : the South” 60 Cultural calm 2 “The Colt Johnny 93 Wicked tom and right-hand columns of title character 107 Girl Grapes of 40 Callas or 94 Use the the diagram by following the 9 Perched on 62 Composer George? Wrath” Caballe VCR Hhmet : In ih d 13 Tom of Bruckner 109 Tuck's mate surname 41 Actor 97 Darkness aritnmetic signs in the oraer ‘Barsita’ 64 boyy 110 Doyarole 3 Snowballs, iz YcGregor 29 Taber or they are given (that is, from left 18 — Linda, ebber soun sometimes ympi : CA musical 111 “— Rita” 4 Wander skater? 100 Ripped to right and top to bottom). Use 19 Snorkel and 67 Leslie 113 {2m 5 AC 43 Act i 103 Spied the only the numbers below the straw harteris onten measure grandma eans : , 21 Capital of creation 114 Eddie 6 Massage 48 Maritime ~~ 105 Progressive diagram to complete its blank American 69 Overflowing Cantor 7 Peters out 50 Mess (up) 106 Meat cut squares and use each of the Samoa? 72 — impasse song? 8 Antique 52 Dick Van 108 Teach on ) b 22 — Lama 73 Toody or ~~ 120 Pay to play 9 Garments Dyke film? the side nine numbers only once. 23 “The Muldoon 121 TV's 10 Homeric 53 Mrs. 113 Sign of Flintstones” 74 Eye “People — character ivago spring kid? problem Funny” 11 Looked like 55 Haul a heap } a Shanered ; DIFFICULTY: 25 Word on a 75 NYC 122 Pair Lothario? 57 Lucknow eighbor o fe door division 123 Harden 12 — bear lutes Oman * Moderate * * Difficult 26 Dumbstruck 77 Robert 125 Brando's 13 Author 59 Sole 116 Bee and Em * * * GO FIGURE! 27 Hacienda Conrad birthplace LeShan mates? 117 Apres-ski material series? 129 “Gladiator” 14 Grey- 61 Petunia quaff 28 New 81 Flat extra hound’s part 118 Entertainer Archangel, hat 132 Southern st. greeting 63 Apprehend Tamblyn now 82 Broccoli — 134 NY 15 Make merry 65 Implied 119 Like a raisin 30 Devour 84 Nutritional correctional 16 South 66 Turkish 121 Spingd ® 32 Summer abbr. facility? American city stee Kin C d shade 85 Tabriz 137 “The Jungle capital 68 Duel tool 124 Word form g JOSSW OY 33 “The — currency Book” 17 Jennifer of 70 Darjeeling for “within” Hurrah” ('58 86 Sordid character “Star Trek: dress 126 About ACROSS film) 88 South 138 Martin Voyager” 71 Wore 127 Salute the 36 Golfing American Balsam 20 Son of Adam 75 Pitt of “The moon? 1 Small legend? capital film? 24 Attain Mexican” 128 Cultural grp. pellets 40 Crestfallen 90 Subway 139 Passover 29 Sergeant ~~ 76 Desert 130 Pub order 4 Ciaar 44 Volleyball feature meal Preston’s refuge 131 Basketball’s g divider 92 22 Across’ 140 Pkg. abbr. dog 78 Trite Holman residue 45 Bar supply home 141 Stephen 31 Buster 79 “Gladiator” 133 “Exodus” 7 Soft-drink 46 — Jima 95 Proclama- Vincent — Brown's extra protagonist flavor 47 Bittern kin tions 142 Cruise dog 80 Boone or 135 Tiffany 49 Limber with 96 “Platoon” 143 Major- — 34 Tread Benatar treasure 11 Secular language setting 144 Kansas 35 Actress 83 Lure Cp 136 Paid 13 Sticky stuff 51 Dislodge 98 — -garde city Hatcher 87 Part 0 player 14 Mountain 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 10 111 112 13 |14 |15 [16 [17 goat 15 Norway’s 18 19 22 capital 53 24 56 16 Erstwhile acorn 27 28 30 31 17 Buster Brown’s ann 34 |35 36 37 38 dog 40 |41 [42 43 44 25 18 Grave robber 46 47 48 49 50 51 20 Red gemstone 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 : : 22 Pinch 50 God, in 6 Nonsense 62 63 64 65 |66 67 68 24 Round peg Grenoble 7 1991 movie In a square 53 “CS|” for which Ry 7 7s re hole evidence Jack Palance 77 78 79 80 81 28 3/4 time 55 Ancient letter earned an Ek dances 56 Bedouin Oscar 82 83 84 85 86 87 5 32 Coast 57 Republicans 8 Japanese 88 89 30 91 92 93 [94 | 33 Bakaly 58 Ollie’s pal sash i oy sp Ses 59 New York 9 Lower limb 97 98 99 [100 101 2 TT Mam ball club. 10 Hatchet -. 36 Capri is one = g0 Female “12 Golfers’ 104 105 |106 107 108 109 ¢ 37 Cafeteria sheep meccas 177 113 113 i " rs Af 61 Choose 19 Taylor or enas o i g 5 Claiborne 117 118 [119 120 ? jeans, mayboe€ poOwWN 21 Huge iP 124 55 TT126 [127 [128 | 5 41.019 Toyota 1. Onine 23 Favorite 2 5 model journal 25 Tuna or carp 133 135 1136 iL 43 Stir-fry pan 2 wild party 26 Not busy 2 44 Cambodia 3 Missile 27 Ball holders 140 x neighbor shelter 28 Skater CT S 46 It makes 4 Past Katarina S doughrise 5 Fly high 29 Land McGovern loses hair for LockIn Lake-Lehman School Dis- trict Superintendent James McGovern lost a bet — and his hair — after a student fun- draiser earned more than $5,000 towards the Last Knight Lock-In. The entire junior/senior high school watched May 9 as stylist Mary Ann Brooks of Brooks & Co. in Lehman Township buzzed McGovern’s hair awareness of the Lock-In. The LockIn is an event held after graduation where students can socialize one last time in a safe environ- ment. away to raise Brooks and McGovern Coverage Area: The Dallas Post covers the Back Mountain community which includes the Dallas and Lake-Lehman School Districts. We try to get to as many events as possible, but staff and space limitations make it impossible to cover everything. If you have news about your family, town or organization please send it to us and we'll try to get it in. Photographs are welcome. Send them two ways, by mail to 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or by e-mail to news E-mail is the best and most timely method for submis- sion. E-mailed photos should be in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 200 dpi. The deadline for all copy is Tuesday at noon. prior to publication. Corrections, clarifications? The Dallas Post will correct errors of fact or clarify any misunderstandings, call 675-5211. Have a story idea? Please call, we'd like to hear about it. Letters: The Dallas Post prints letters of local interest. Send letters to: Editor, The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. All letters must be signed and include a daytime phone number for verification. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc. Church Youth Groups munity. leaders. homes, Valley Rescue mission. The Cross Creek Community went on a local mission, sharing the love of Christ to the homeless, the needy and the poor of the com- The evening included worship music led by the youth praise band and a presentation of the gospel message given by one of the youth A meal of homemade chicken fingers, macaroni and salad was prepared and served by the teens. Cross Creek’s youth group is in- volved in mission work every oth- er month serving in nursing church and Christian campgrounds and the Wyoming Cross Creek Youth Groups comple te mission recently Payne. The Dallas Post an IMPRESSIONS media company 15 NORTH MAIN STREET, WILKES-BARRE, PA 18711 570-675-5211 + FAX 570-675-3650 Display Advertising Deadline: Tuesdays at 12 noon Contact Diane McGee at 970-7153 The Dallas Post has a variety of advertising rates and programs. The Dallas Post satisfies most co-op ad programs and offers creative services at no charge. Combination rates with The Abington Journal, Clarks Summit and the Sunday Dispatch, Pittston are available. From left, first row, are Katie Ocdziejewski, Bethany Taylor, Adora Johnson, Jessica Bowden and Amy Troy. Second row, Nick Ocdziejewski and Michele Gill. Third row, Heather Harvey, Jeremy Taylor and Grant WANT A PHOTO? You can now purchase any photo that appears in The Dallas Post from The Times Leader photo store. Simply log onto www.timesleader. com/photostore and click on the link for The Dallas Post. CIRCULATION Orders for subscriptions received by Friday at noon will begin the follow- ing week. Please inform us of dam- age or delay, call 829-5000. The Dallas Post is published weekly by Impressions Media, $20 per year in Luzerne & Wyoming Counties (PA), $24 in NJ, NY and all other PA counties, $27 all other states. Periodicals postage paid at Wilkes- Barre, PA 18701-9996 POSTMAS- TER: Send address change to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes- Barre, PA 18711 3
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