PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, May 6, 2012 SENIOR CENTER MENU Senior Citizens Centers sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging for Luzerne and Wyoming Counties offer hot noon meals Monday through Friday to people 60 years of age or older. Donations from participants are gratefully accepted and needed in order to expand this program. The following is the menu for the week of May 7: MONDAY: Broiled fish patty, tomato soup, green and wax beans, whole wheat sandwich roll, crackers, ketchup, tartar sauce, fruit & yogurt parfait, margarine, milk and coffee. TUESDAY: Mother’s Day luncheon - Stuffed chicken breast, glazed baby carrots, broccoli salad, dinner roll, white cake, marga- rine, milk and coffee. WEDNESDAY: Rosemary roast turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, roasted brussells sprouts, biscuit, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, margarine, milk and coffee. THURSDAY: Bag lunch FRIDAY: Chicken almandine, strawberry spinach salad, parsley boiled potatoes, whole wheat dinner roll, raspberry sherbet, mar- garine, milk and coffee. Cookies baked at Meadows will make their way fo Afghanistan @ | ¢ taff members, volun- Seen and residents of the Meadows Nursing & Rehabilitation Center gath- ered recently to bake cookies for Jeremy Brinzo, 23, of Swoyersville, to take with him when he deploys to Kan- dahar Airfield Base in Af- ghanistan. Brinzo, a member of the U.S. Army, is the son- in-law of Meadows employee Linda Haddle. From left, are Jean Reed, Kris Lindbuchler, Brenda Balinski, Virginia Clark, Linda Haddle, Sarah Brinzo, Spc. Jeremy Brinzo, Cristina Tarbox, Meadows ad- ministrator; Sue McHugh and Mike Rutsky. FRED ADAMS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST OBITUARIES BACON - Dolores A. (Wil- liams), 96, of Dallas, died Sat- urday, April 21, 2012, in the Meadows Nursing Home, Dal- las. Surviving is her daughter, Holly Beuret. BARNA - Sophia J., of Dal- las, died on Sunday, April 29, 2012, at the Meadows Nursing Center, Dallas, on her 90th birthday. She was born in Wilkes- Barre on April 29, 1922, and was a graduate of the James M. Coughlin High School. She served in the U.S. Coast Guard as a Seaman First Class during World War II and was honor- ably discharged in 1945. She received a certificate from the Fine Arts School of Sewing in Wilkes-Barre. She also received a diploma from the Wyoming Valley School of Garment Manufacturing Inc. in 1952. She completed 1,260 hours in the course of Power Sewing Machine Operations. She then pursued a career as a seam- stress and also was a nurse’s aide for many years until her retirement. She was a member of The Holy Assumption of Saint Ma- ry Byzantine Catholic Church, North Main Street, Wilkes- Barre. She was involved with St. Nicholas Apostolate Ros- ary and the Ladies First Ca- tholic Slovak Association. She was a member of the Plains American Legion Post 558, the Joseph E. Colon Post. Surviving are her sons, Jo- seph G., Wapwallopen; Robert J., Dallas; James J., Harveys Lake; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. EVANS - James Monroe “Monty” III, died Sunday, April 15, 2012, in Savannah, Georgia, where he resided. He was born June 7, 1943. He worked for E. Leitz Inc. of Wetzlar, Germany promoting and marketing the Leica Cam- era, both in the United States and abroad. He purchased Bante’s Roost in Luzerne, con- verting it into the infamous “Monty’s Toby Creek Inn” in 1980. It was during this time he penned the popular “Monty Says” in The Times Leader personal column. He was an active member of numerous local business orga- nizations, including Rotary In- ternational, and the PA Tavern Association (Past President.) For many years, he was a vol- unteer and auctioneer for the Back Mountain Memorial Li- brary Auction and served as its chairman in 1985 and 1991. He was a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association and at the Back Mountain Memorial Library Mon, Tues, Th 1pm-7pm Wed 10pm-7pm Fri 1pm-5pm ¢ Sat 10am-2pm 675-1182 “The best book bargains in Luzerne County” BACK MOUNTAIN BOWL Sicilian Pizza » Wings Hoagies and More! Eat in and Take Out! ETHIER ADE EER YAR 174 49872 — Le Ducks Unlimited. Surviving is his son, James Monroe Evans, of Swoyers- ville. GROMNIAK - George S. Jr., 75, of Hunlock Creek, died Wednesday, April 25, 2012, at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, Wilkes-Barre. He was born March 29, 1937, in Nanticoke and served in the U.S. Army from 1954-1974 dur- ing the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam Era. His service included three tours of duty in Germany, Korea Vietnam where he was wounded in bat- tle. Following his 20 plus years of service in the Army, he served as the Chief of Food Production and Services for 12 years at the VA Medical Cen- ter, Wilkes-Barre. He was a life member of Dis- abled American Veterans, the American Legion Post 350 in Nanticoke and the Lions Club in Lake Silkworth. He served as an usher at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Lake Silkworth, and was also in- volved in youth sports throughout his life. . Surviving are his wife of 49 years, the former Dorothy Ro- manowski; children, David J., of Hunlock Creek; Kimberly A. Casey, of Denville, N.J.; Gary G., of Watsontown; Cheryl L., of Hunlock Creek; two grand- children; a brother, a sister, nieces and nephews. Memorial donations to the Janet Weiss Children’s Hospi- tal, Geisinger Medical Center, 100 North Academy Ave., Dan- ville, PA 18722. JONES -Hugh IV, of Harveys Lake, formerly of Edwards- ville, died Wednesday, April 25, 2012, at home. He was born January 2, 1932, was educated in the Ed- wardsville school system and graduated from Wyoming Seminary, class of 1949, where he was captain of the football team. He attended Penn State University, where he was a member of the football and boxing teams and graduated from Eckel’s College of Mortu- ary Science in Philadelphia. He enlisted in the U. S. Ma- rine Corps in 1952, serving during the Korean conflict. He owned and operated the Hugh Dallas, PA T7.,8/ Dallas Register for 2012-2013 Openings still available Full Day Kindergarten AM and PM Preschool classes 2 Day Nursery School 3 or 5 Day Preschool Extended Day PreK Option AM Dallas Kindergarten Extension For more information Call 675-1220 Licensed by PA Dept of Education Jones Funeral Home in Ed- wardsville and later in King- ston as the fourth generation of his family until his retire- ment. He was a life member and trustee of the Franklin Hose Co. 2 in Edwardsville and served as fire chief in Ed- wardsville for 35 years. He was one of the founders of the Ed- wardsville Fire and Ambu- lance Association and first president of the unit, com- mander of the West Side Mu- tual Aid Association for many years, member of the Luzerne County Fire Chiefs Associ- ation and Six County Fire As- sociation. He was a member of Dr. Ed- wards Memorial Congrega- tional Church in Edwardsville and formerly a trustee. He at- tended Evans Falls Methodist Church. He was a member of the Kingston Lodge 395 F. & A.M., American Legion Post 395 of Kingston, Irem Temple, Board of Directors of People’s Na- tional Bank in Edwardsville for 30 years and served as sec- retary of the board. He was for- merly the security chief at the West Side Mall. Surviving are his wife of 58 years, the former Marilyn L. Elewellyn; “daughter, Janet Jones Rosenbaum, of Shaver- town; son, Hugh V, of Harveys Lake; four grandchildren; a sister, Kay Ann Sutcliffe, of Florida. Memorial donations to St. Jude Children’s Research Hos- pital , c/o Attorney John Mos- es, 120 S. Franklin St., Wilkes- Barre, PA 18701 or SPCA of Lu- zerne County, 524 E. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702. LIEB - Ann B., R.N., of Dal- las, died Thursday, April 26, 2012, at home following an ill- ness. She was born in the Hudson section of Plains Township on February 23, 1962. She was a graduate of Scranton Prep, at- tended College Misericordia, Dallas, and completed her education at the University of Texas at Tyler with a degree in Registered Nursing. She was employed as a nurse for several employers and was the Safety Director of the Wilkes-Barre Sanitary Author- ity. She was a member of Gate of Heaven Church, Dallas. Surviving are her mother, Mary A. Kozel Panaway, of Dallas; her husband, Larry Lieb, at home; a son, Andrew Taylor, Honolulu, Hawaii; a sister, Virginia C. Swink, Aus- tin, Texas; an uncle, nieces and nephews. Memorial donations to the S.P.C.A. of Luzerne County, 524 E. Main Street, Fox Hill Road, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702. MURRAY - Irene H., 86, of Wyoming, Franklin Township, died Tuesday, April 24, 2012, in Hospice Community Care, Wilkes-Barre. She was born'in Pittston on April 14, 1926, and was a mem- ber of St. Frances Cabrini Church, Carverton. She own- ed and operated a dairy farm in the area for many years and was also formerly employed as a seamstress in the area dress factories. Surviving are a son, Martin, of Carverton; daughter, Irene Wentzel, of Harveys Lake; brother, Edward, of Carverton; sister, Celia Lawrence, of Flor- ida; four grandchildren. NEWCOMB - Vivian Rosser, 78, of Shavertown, died Satur- day, April 28, 2012, in General Hospital, Wilkes-Barre. She was born in Kingston and was a graduate of King- ston High School, class of 1952. She was a foster grandpar- ent for 15 years, working through the Bureau of Aging with the Child Development Council and most recently with the Hildebrandt Learning Center. She was a life member and past president of the Shaver- town Volunteer Fire Depart- ment Ladies Auxiliary and a member of Shavertown United Methodist Church, its Priscil- la Circle and was currently president of the church’s Unit- ed Methodist Women. Surviving are her children, Louise Besancon, Clarence, Sue Holdridge, Donna Wit- kowski, Sandy Michalisin; eight grandchildren; sister, Clarice Kocik; nieces and ne- phews. Memorial donations to the Shavertown United Methodist Church, 163 N. Pioneer Ave., Shavertown, PA 18708 or Sha- vertown Volunteer Fire De- partment, 170 N. Main St. Shavertown, PA 18708. O’NEIL - Tom, of Northmo- reland Township, died on April 23, 2012, at Robert Pack- er Hospital. He was born in McKeesport on April 2, 1943. He was a re- tired teacher who taught at McKeesport High School and later at Notre Dame Prep School in Niles, Ill. He was a two-term McKeesport Coun- cilman. : He was a Custer Scholar, consulting on books, art and television documentaries con- cerning General Custer and the Little Bighorn. He served. for a number of years as editor of the Little Bighorn Associ- ates’ monthly newsletter. He authored, edited and publish-! ed monographs and other works dealing with American Western history. ; He volunteered for years at the East Broadtop Narrow Gauge Railroad. # Surviving is his wife, Alice. Memorial donations to the Bunker Hill Hospital's Spay/ Neuter Fund, Route 107, Fac- toryville, PA 18419. 1 SCHULER - Ryan Paul, 36, of Dallas, died Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at his home. He was born in Wilkes- Barre, was a graduate of Dallas High School and earned an \ sociate’s degree from Luze 4 County Community College. He was a personal trainer with Shapes in the Back Moun- tain. He was an expert marks- man and an avid fisherman. He helped train dogs for the po- lice in numerous communi- ties. He was a vet tech for some time and a member of the Shavertown United Meth- odist Chureh. Surviving “are his parents, Larry and Margaret Blamire Schuler; a sister, Gretchen Pu- gliese, Dallas; three nieces; grandmother, June Schul Reading; aunts and uncies ll) Memorial donations to Chip Rescue Farm, c/o 974 Lockville Road, Dallas, PA 18612 or The Luzerne County SPCA, Foxhill Road, Wilkes- Barre. Fax: 570-474-6952 Careworks After-Hours - Mountain Top 229 South Mountain Blvd. Mountain Top, PA 18707 Phone: 570-474-5847 You stopped to smell the flowers ... now stop and see us. Allergy season is here and the Careworks After-Hours clinics in Mountain Top and Dallas are here to help. Our providers treat injuries or illnesses that require immediate treatment, but may not be serious enough to warrant an emergency room visit. Even better, our centers welcome both Geisinger patients and those who have never visited us before. For care when you need it most, visit Geisinger Careworks After-Hours in Mountain Top or in Dallas. Careworks After-Hours - Dallas | 14 Lt. Cleary Drive Dallas, PA 18612 Phone: 570-255-1178 Fax: 570-255-1174 Visit us online at and Most major insurances accepted, cash and credit welcome. GEISINGER Careworks After-Hours Care Hours Monday — Friday 5 pm — | | pm Saturday — Sunday 9 am — 9 pm J f
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