@huuriuniy Sunday, May 6, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 17 744 Furniture & | 796 Wanted to Buy Accessories Merchandise FURNISH FOR LESS * NELSON * * FURNITURE * * WAREHOUSE * Recliners from $299 Lift Chairs from $699 New and Used Living Room Dinettes, Bedroom 210 Division St Kingston Call 570-288-3607 Green Sofa and Oversized chair for Sale. Excellent condition. $350 call 570-696-4813 LINEUP ASUCCESSFUL SALE INCLASSIFIED! Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! FW 1004 $888 Mattress Queen Plush-Top Set New in Plastic Must Sell ASAP $150 Call Steve @ 570-280-9628 ROCKER, wood/tapestry, $75. RECLINER, Burgundy velour cloth, $125. SOFA, CHAIR, OTTOMAN, 3 TABLES, great for den. Wood and cloth, all in excellent condi- tion. $450. Call after 6 PM 570-675-5046 on Ef isa 746 Garage Sales/ Estate Sales/ Flea Markets NEW T00i WYOMING 398 Carverton Rd. Saturday, May 12th 8am-ipm Toys, children & adult clothing, antiques, jewelry & much more!!! EW TOD CAROL IS BUYING PAYING TOP YOLLAR for your Jo Lo] lo MCT \VZ=1 Bl oT } Ns, scrap jewel- ry, rings, dia- [g30elale ETN o T=Tod [€ laces,bracelets, [elle BF- Ta} de [TI-W elo I-10 LS [oI T=AT Y= [GVA [eIVET r= 1a) {TT IR Oo) oT oF 11e J foto le [o] HY lar. WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS! 570-855 7197 570-328-3428 AVA 0 & (e]]\' [eo 43 VET GTB y.\ HN = JUNK CARS & TRUCKS Highest Prices =f=1{e |}. FREE PICKUP 288-8995 WE PAY MORE FOR Y! (ee H» BH JEWE (ee ]] 15 JEWELRY, Bring [fe To We [lV 0 Tk (o] oF] great price. PaVe)Yadallgle elles) [sleTele Wotolole idle] Li = Ta TR {eV l= (ol Loyrdo Bic = 4 - Thc Fa b= 570-855-7197 FW TOO BASSET HOUND PUPS AKC & UKC regis- tered. Try-lemon and white. Excellent hunters and great pets. (570) 490-1464 FW TODA GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Pure-Bred. Black & Brown. $500. Call 570-840-4243 820 Equestrian FW To PINE SHAVINGS Great for Bedding Large Steady Supply Available Call for Pricing and Delivery Rates R&K Wettlaufer Logging, Inc. 570-924-3611 752 Landscaping & Gardening MOWER RIDING Murray 38702A 12 HP Briggs & Strat- ton. 38” Good con- dition. Needs elec- trical repair. $375 570-696-2688 754 Machinery & Equipment NEW ToD FARM E QUIPNENT Hay QU cut/ ditoner. ar Wagon. Corn Picker. Dirt bucket. Disk, sprayer. ATV. Call 570-427-4298 758 Miscellaneous 570-301-3602 CALL US! TO JUNK YOUR CAR BEST PRICES IN THE AREA CASH ON THE $POT, Free Anytime Pickup 570-301-3602 786 Toys & Games SWING SET: Rain- bow Play Systems wooden swing set in good to excellent condition. Approx 14’W x 33.5’L. Con- tains 3 swings, 1 tire swing, 1 rope swing, trapeze / rings combo, slide, Jacob’s rope ladder and monkey bars. Also has a club- house with pent- house. Asking $999 or best offer. Call 570-868-5582 between 6pm &8pm ed a Roommate? Place an ad and find one here! 570-829-1130 7 Sell vour own home! i 906 Homes for Sale Having trouble paying your mort- gage? Falling behind on your payments? You may get mail from people who promise to forestall your foreclosure for a fee in advance. Report them to the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s con- sumer protection agency. Call 1-877- FTC-HELP or click on ftc.gov. A mes- sage from The Times Leader and the FTC. Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! BACK MOUNTAIN Centermoriand as 529 SR 292 E For sale by owner Move-in ready. Well maintained. 3 - 4 bedrooms. 1 %4 bath. Appliances includ- ed. 2.87 acres with mountain view. For more info & photos go to: I. Search homes in Tunkhannock. $275,000. Negotiable For appointment, call: 570-310-1552 LINEUP ASUCCESSFULSALE IN CLASSIFIED! Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way fo clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! 906 Homes for Sale FW TO0{ MOUNTAINTOP Move right into this beautiful 4 bedroom home in desirable Rockledge develop- ment. Many upgrades & fea- tures including mod- ern kitchen with granite countertops, 22x20 great room, 2 fireplaces, new paint, carpet, gor- geous 2 tier deck & much more. $245,000. For more information or to schedule a viewing please Call 570-242-5381 WEST PITTSTON 225-227 Boston Ave Double block. Wyoming Area schools. Out of flood zone. 1 side rented to long term tenant at $525 /month. Other side remod- eled - move in or rent at $650/month. 3 bedrooms each side, gas furnaces, sunrooms, large yard. $149,000. Call 570-357-0042 912 Lots & Acreage DURYEA 196 Foote Avenue Corner lot, border- ing Foote Ave and McAlpine St. Com- mercial zoning. $10,000 or best offer. Please Call 610-675-9132 Apartments/ Unfurnished FW TODA AVOCA Modern & spacious 1st floor, wall to wall carpet. Appliances, washer & dryer hookup. Off street parking. Security, no pets. $450 month. 570-655-1606 EW TODA DUPONT Totally renovated 5 room apartment located on 1st floor. Partially furnished, brand new fridge/ electric range, elec- tric washer & dryer. Brand new custom draperies, Roman shades, carpeting/ flooring & energy efficient windows. 1 bedroom with large closet, living room, laundry room, stor- age room, base- ment & large front porch. Easy access to 1-81, airport & casino. Off street parking. No smok- ing. $600 + utilities & security. Call 570-762-8265 EXETER ist floor. 3 rooms + bath. Appliances included & some utilities. $520 + electric, security & references. No pets, no smoking. 570-574-9561 or 570-696-3523 FW TO0{ FORTY FORT 2nd floor, 4 rooms, wall to wall carpet, heat, public water, sewer & recycling fees included. Tile bathroom with shower. Attic & yard. Stove & fridge furnished. Washer / dryer hookup. Good location, off street parking, No pets. 1 year lease & securi- ty, $650. Call 570-655-0530 HARDING Renovated 1st floor, 2 bedroom apart- ment. New carpet- ing and paint. Fridge & stove. Water Included. $600 + security & utilities. Call 570-240-6620 or 570-388-6503 KINGSTON E. Walnut St. Located in quiet neighborhood. Kit- chen, living room, dining room, sun room, bathroom. 2 large and 1 small bedroom, lots of closets, built in linen, built in hutch, hard- wood floors, fire- place, storage room, yard. New washer/ dryer, stove & fridge. Heat and hot water included. 1 year lease + security. $950 570-406-1411 LUZERNE 1 bedroom. Quiet, nice neighborhood. Off street parking. Heat included. $525 Call 570-441-4101 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished KINGSTON Beautiful, home. Two bed- rooms, one bath, granite kitchen, hardwood floors, dining room, liv- ing room, base- ment storage, beautiful front monthly plus util- ities. No pets. No smoking. Call 570-472-1110 EW TOD KINGSTON Freshly painted, 2 bedrooms, refriger- ator & stove, wash- er/dryer & water provided, off-street parking, no pets, $525/month + heat, electric & security deposit. Call (570)417-2919 FW TOOK KINGSTON Nice area. Modern, clean, 1 bedroom, 2nd floor. Recently painted. Refriger- ator & stove, wash- er/ dryer hook up, off-street parking, no dogs. $550/ month & security, includes heat, water & sewer. 570-545-6057 NANTICOKE 1st floor. 1 bed- room. ALL UTILI- TIES INCLUDED! Off street parking. Fresh paint. NO PETS $525 + security 570-477-6018 leave message —— DL 941 Apartments/ Unfurnished FW TODA KINGSTON ERG oe ole Modern 1 bedroom on the park between Market & Pierce Bridges. $555/mo + electric washer/dryer in apt. Air, Dishwasher, Free Internet, Parking, Storage. Call Jeff at 570-822-8577 EW TODA NANTICOKE Very clean, nice, 2 bedroom. Water, sewer, stove, fridge, Garbage collection fee included. Wash- er/dryer availability. Large rooms. Security, $565/mo. 570-542-5610 Took 30+ *| BEING REMODELED | NORTH WILKES-BARRE FIRST FLOOR Spacious 1 bedroom with aesthetic fire- places, new kitchens, wall- to-wall, built in appliances & MORE. APPLI- 1 CATION/EMPLO § 1 YMENT VERIFI- CATION “being § 1 considered” NO 1 PETS/SMOKING 2 YEARS @ $625+ UTILITIES. MANAGED! | America Realty | 288-1222 WiLkKeEsS-BARRE Mayflower Crossing Apartments 570.822.3968 2,3&4 Bedrooms - All major appliances included - Short term leases available Call TODAY For AVAILABILITY! www. mayflower crossing.com Certain Restrictions Apply* EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY WILKES-BARRE 155 W. River St. 1 bedroom, some appliances included, all utilities ' included except electric, hardwood floors, Pet friendly. $600. 570-969-9268 FW TODA LARKSVILLE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Cute and clean 2 bedroom, off street parking, w/d hookup, eat in kitchen. Immacu- late. $435 + utilities. 1 mo. security. NO DOGS 845-386-1011 FW TOA LUZERNE 4 room apartment, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, refrigerator and stove provided, washer/dryer hookup, carpeting off-street parking, no pets. $500/ month, plus utilities, 1 month security 570-406-2789 MOUNTAIN TOP WOODBRYN 1 & 2 Bedroom. No pets. Rents based on income start at $405 & $440. Handicap Accessible. Equal Housing Opportuni- ty. 570-474-5010 TTY711 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Immediate Openings! NANTICOKE Honeypot Section 2nd floor, 3 room apartment. Nice neighborhood. $400 + utilities & security. No pets. Call 570-885-6878 FW TODA NANTICOKE Spacious 1 bed- room fist floor. New carpeting, gas range and fridge included. Garage parking, no dogs. References and security required. $450/mo. Water, sewer, garbage fee incl. Tenant pays gas and electric 570-696-3596 EW TOD WILKES-BARRE VICTORIAN CHARM 34 W. Ross St. 1 bedroom, 2nd floor. Most utilities included. Historic building is non smoking/no pets. Base rent $700/mo. Security, references required. View at houpthouse.com. 570-762-1453 944 Commercial Properties DOLPHIN PLAZA Rte. 315 1,000 & 3,800 Sq. Ft. WILL DIVIDE OFFICE / RETAIL call 570-829-1206 WEST PITTSTON OFFICE SPACE Containing Six sepa- rate offices, 1 large meeting room. Seg- regated bathrooms. Kitchenette. Total recent renovation. Great location. Lot parking in rear. $3,500 monthly. Call 570-299-5471 950 Half Doubles EW TOA KINGSTON 3 bedroom, 1 bath, ist floor laundry, new carpeting and paint. $590 + utilities 570-814-3838 950 Half Doubles KINGSTON Penn St. 1/2 Double, 2 bed- room. Newly remodeled. Gas Heat. Washer & dryer hookup, yard, parking. Section 8 Not Approved. No pets. $550 + utili- ties. 570-714-1530 Collect cash, not dust! Clean out your basement, garage or attic and call the Classified depart- ment today at 570- 829-7130! 950 Half Doubles WILKES-BARRE Parsons Section 3 bedroom. Off street parking. Pets welcome. $550/mo. Credit / Criminal check required. Call 570-266-5336 953 Houses for Rent EW TO0{ BACK MOUNTAIN JACKSON TWP. 3 bedroom home on Hillside Road. $650/mo + utilities. Lake Lehman School District. No pets. Call American Asphalt Paving Co., at 570-696-1181, ext. 243 between 7:00AM and 3PM Monday -Friday DALLAS FOR SALE OR RENT Single home in gated retirement village. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage. Granite countertops, hard- wood floors, gas fireplace, appli- ances included. Quiet 55 plus com- munity. No Pets. One year lease. $1675/mo + utilities & security. Monthly maintenance fee included. 570-592-3023 yi iiitrBEiA 953 Houses for Rent FW TODA HARDING Mt. Zion Road 6 rooms and bath, stove provided, washer/dryer hook- up, no pets or smoking. $650/ month, plus utilities, & security deposit. Call 570-388-2675 or 570-388-6860 LINEUP ASUCCESSFUL SALE IN CLASSIFIED! Do you need more space? A yard or garage sale in classified is the best way to clean out your closets! You're in bussiness with classified! NANTICOKE Desirable Lexington Village Nanticoke, PA Many ranch style homes. 2 bedrooms $900 + electric only SQUARE FOOT RE MANAGEMENT 866-873-0478 Building & Remodeling fst. Quali cd Roofing, siding, gutters, insulation, decks, additions, windows, doors, masonry & concrete. Insured & Bonded. Senior Citizens Discount! State Lic. # PAOS7320 370-606-8438 1054 Concrete & Masonry Williams & Franks Inc Masonry - Concrete Brick-Stonework. Chimneys-Stucco” “NO JOB TOO SMALL” “Damage repair specialist” 570-466-2916 ——— a ll atl LL 1057Construction & Building GARAGE DOOR Sales, service, installation & repair. FULLY INSURED HIC# 065008 CALL JOE 570-735-8551 Cell 606-7489 1135 ALWAYS READY HAULING Moving, Deliver- ies, Property & Estate Cleanups, Attics, Cellars, Yards, Garages, Construction Sites, Flood Damage & More. CHEAPER THAN A DUMPSTER! SAME DAY SERVICE Free Estimates 570-301-3754 WILKES-BARRE 1 bedroom. Heat & hot water included. $550 month + security required 973-879-4730 Find homes for your kittens! Place an ad here! 570-829-7130 PITTSTON Remodeled 3 bed- room double block. Fenced yard. Pool. $700. Includes garbage, sewer & heat. First / last month’s rent + security. No pets. References. Avail- able May 7. Call 570-954-0655 Need a Roommate? Place an ad and find ong here! 570-829-7130 1162 Landscaping/ COST U £58 LANDSCAPING Specializing in Grass Cutting, Trimming of Shrubs & Hedges, & Mulching Call for estimates 570-239-4011 LINE UP A GREAT DEAL... IN CLASSIFIED! Looking for the right deal on an automobile? Turn to classified. It's a showroom in print! Classified’s got the directions! 1165 Lawn Care GRASS CUTTING Affordable, reliable, meticulous. Rates as low as $20. Emerald Green 570-825-4963 Over 47,000 people cite the The Times Leader as their primary source for shopping information. *2008 Pulse Research What Do You Have lo Sell Today? Call 829-7130 to place your ad. 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